"People died, who cares, people die!"

Cuomo declared, "The elderly are the most vulnerable and likely to die from COVID-19."

Cuomo them packed virus-infected elderly patients into nursing homes, knowingly, intentionally sentencing over 15,000 elderly Americans to die.

While thousands dies because of him, Cuomo yanked it up with his brother, bullied reporters, lied to family members of those whose death he is responsible, and illegally, criminally falsified official govt documents, and broke law by also hiding the official umber of deaths.

His aide declared they deliberately lied, did not report the true numbers.
Cuomo declared, "The elderly are the most vulnerable and likely to die from COVID-19."

Cuomo them packed virus-infected elderly patients into nursing homes,

Again no one "packed" anything. People remained at their normal residence.

Why do you rw idiots need to constantly lie to make your arguments?
Cuomo declared, "The elderly are the most vulnerable and likely to die from COVID-19."

Cuomo them packed virus-infected elderly patients into nursing homes,

Again no one "packed" anything. People remained at their normal residence.

Why do you rw idiots need to constantly lie to make your arguments?
Cuomo declared, "The elderly are the most vulnerable and likely to die from COVID-19."

Cuomo them packed virus-infected elderly patients into nursing homes,

Again no one "packed" anything. People remained at their normal residence.

Why do you rw idiots need to constantly lie to make your arguments?

There is not a single claim of any "packing" in your link.

Did you even read it?
Cuomo declared, "The elderly are the most vulnerable and likely to die from COVID-19."

Cuomo them packed virus-infected elderly patients into nursing homes, knowingly, intentionally sentencing over 15,000 elderly Americans to die.

While thousands dies because of him, Cuomo yanked it up with his brother, bullied reporters, lied to family members of those whose death he is responsible, and illegally, criminally falsified official govt documents, and broke law by also hiding the official umber of deaths.

His aide declared they deliberately lied, did not report the true numbers.

If what you posted is all true, why does New York State have one of the lowest death rates in LTC facilities in the United States? The death rate in LTC facilities is 39% in New York, 36% nationwide, and yet New York was one of the first states hit.

If Governor Cuomo's policies were catastrophic for patients in LTC facilities and his 39% LTC death rate is so heinous, why does Florida have a 36% death rate in LTC facilities, which is only 3% higher than New York, which got hit BEFORE there were any proven treatments for covid?

Why do YOU continue to promote lies about Governor Cuomo and LTC patients. 12 states had LTC death rates in excess of 50% of their deaths, and you're not attacking them for the loss of life. Pennsylvannia, with only 12 million of population, lost over 11,000 LTC patients, 52% of their total deaths. New York, with a population of 19.5 million lost 14,000, and you keep labelling Cuomo as a killer.

Why are you smearing Cuomo, easy????
Start with this, governor: Apologize.

Say sorry to the thousands of New York families that lost a loved one in a nursing home in the wake of your deadly March 25 order that forced homes to accept contagious COVID patients.

Say sorry to the 20 million people of New York state, whom you’ve been deceiving for nearly a year about the nursing-home horrors.

Say sorry to all those you’ve blamed to distract from your own guilt, from the staffers at the homes to all the federal officials you’ve claimed are actually responsible for that order and/or your coverup.

Apologize, and quit trying to duck responsibility by promoting a pack of lies.

That’s what the governor was doing again Monday, in his first press conference since The Post broke the news that his top aide, Melissa DeRosa, admitted to Democratic legislators that the gov and his people intentionally covered up the truth for months.

What an unfeeling, careless, narcissistic piece of shit this guy is...Remember way back a few months ago when he was the darling of the liberal progressives? This more than anything should show America what damage liberal progressives can, and will do given the chance...

People die. Isn't that what you whiny, bitchy Trump sycophants preached and prattled on these boards for most of last year? Multiple posters here said "It's a pandemic", "it's going to spread", "People are going to get sick", "People are going to die". Your lord and savior, the man who was going to make America white again for you, completely fucks up the response to the virus and you people do your level best to find whatever Democrat scapegoat you can to deflect attention from your boy's abject incompetence. While Cuomo could have helped himself greatly by just being honest up front about the dilemma and turning the issue back on the WH, I ask you, what was he supposed to do? Given next to no guidance coming out of the WH, given the federal and state laws governing nursing homes, and the "learning on the job" about how the virus spreads, would you have preferred he turn them out into the streets? I love the fact that you righties get all just and righteous talking about blue states but completely give red state governors like Abbot, DeSantis, and Noem a pass. Last I looked, Florida and Texas were #2 and #3 as far as deaths. And there's no way for one second that I'll believe that governors like DeSantis and Kemp aren't fudging their numbers, especially when it comes to nursing home and elderly deaths.

Look dumbass, there temp facilities that had been set up including a Hospital Ship he didn't. Cuomom is a lying, mudering sack of crap.
Start with this, governor: Apologize.

Say sorry to the thousands of New York families that lost a loved one in a nursing home in the wake of your deadly March 25 order that forced homes to accept contagious COVID patients.

Say sorry to the 20 million people of New York state, whom you’ve been deceiving for nearly a year about the nursing-home horrors.

Say sorry to all those you’ve blamed to distract from your own guilt, from the staffers at the homes to all the federal officials you’ve claimed are actually responsible for that order and/or your coverup.

Apologize, and quit trying to duck responsibility by promoting a pack of lies.

That’s what the governor was doing again Monday, in his first press conference since The Post broke the news that his top aide, Melissa DeRosa, admitted to Democratic legislators that the gov and his people intentionally covered up the truth for months.

What an unfeeling, careless, narcissistic piece of shit this guy is...Remember way back a few months ago when he was the darling of the liberal progressives? This more than anything should show America what damage liberal progressives can, and will do given the chance...

People die. Isn't that what you whiny, bitchy Trump sycophants preached and prattled on these boards for most of last year? ...

... Your lord and savior, the man who was going to make America white again for you, completely fucks up the response to the virus and you people do your level best to find whatever Democrat scapegoat you can to deflect attention from your boy's abject incompetence. ... Given next to no guidance coming out of the WH, .... And there's no way for one second that I'll believe that governors like DeSantis and Kemp aren't fudging their numbers, especially when it comes to nursing home and elderly deaths.

That is the biggest pile of excuse-making, deflecting, rotten red herring seen here in a while.
Cuomo declared, "The elderly are the most vulnerable and likely to die from COVID-19."

Cuomo them packed virus-infected elderly patients into nursing homes,

Again no one "packed" anything. People remained at their normal residence.

Why do you rw idiots need to constantly lie to make your arguments?

There is not a single claim of any "packing" in your link.

Did you even read it?
Perhaps this will bring you clarity. AP: Cuomo Sent 9,000+ Virus Patients into NY Nursing Homes Instead of USS Comfort and Other Options | CBN News
"People are going to die". Your lord and savior, the man who was going to make America white again for you, completely

You are a race baiting whore.
Jack, the trump Nazis suffer from the same selective memory loss as the did when they were only RWNJs. After sampling their wannabe führer's slowly increasing fascism for the past four years, the truth you wrote about their callous attitude towards the Americans dying from trump's COVID plague, hits them too close to home. Their well-honed, trump Nazi, selective memory loss can only block out a limited amount of truth associated with their many character flaws.

.... His supporters found in him a kindred spirit that dislikes not only people of color, but anyone who looks "different" .....

Failed attempt at use of the race card to deflect from murderously corrupt democrat governor's actions.
Start with this, governor: Apologize.

Say sorry to the thousands of New York families that lost a loved one in a nursing home in the wake of your deadly March 25 order that forced homes to accept contagious COVID patients.

Say sorry to the 20 million people of New York state, whom you’ve been deceiving for nearly a year about the nursing-home horrors.

Say sorry to all those you’ve blamed to distract from your own guilt, from the staffers at the homes to all the federal officials you’ve claimed are actually responsible for that order and/or your coverup.

Apologize, and quit trying to duck responsibility by promoting a pack of lies.

That’s what the governor was doing again Monday, in his first press conference since The Post broke the news that his top aide, Melissa DeRosa, admitted to Democratic legislators that the gov and his people intentionally covered up the truth for months.

What an unfeeling, careless, narcissistic piece of shit this guy is...Remember way back a few months ago when he was the darling of the liberal progressives? This more than anything should show America what damage liberal progressives can, and will do given the chance...
Jay Inslee did exactly the same thing in WA.
Cuomo declared, "The elderly are the most vulnerable and likely to die from COVID-19."

Cuomo them packed virus-infected elderly patients into nursing homes,

Again no one "packed" anything. People remained at their normal residence.

Why do you rw idiots need to constantly lie to make your arguments?

There is not a single claim of any "packing" in your link.

Did you even read it?
Perhaps this will bring you clarity. AP: Cuomo Sent 9,000+ Virus Patients into NY Nursing Homes Instead of USS Comfort and Other Options | CBN News
Too bad you had to go to Canadian news to find a factual story.
Start with this, governor: Apologize.

Say sorry to the thousands of New York families that lost a loved one in a nursing home in the wake of your deadly March 25 order that forced homes to accept contagious COVID patients.

Say sorry to the 20 million people of New York state, whom you’ve been deceiving for nearly a year about the nursing-home horrors.

Say sorry to all those you’ve blamed to distract from your own guilt, from the staffers at the homes to all the federal officials you’ve claimed are actually responsible for that order and/or your coverup.

Apologize, and quit trying to duck responsibility by promoting a pack of lies.

That’s what the governor was doing again Monday, in his first press conference since The Post broke the news that his top aide, Melissa DeRosa, admitted to Democratic legislators that the gov and his people intentionally covered up the truth for months.

What an unfeeling, careless, narcissistic piece of shit this guy is...Remember way back a few months ago when he was the darling of the liberal progressives? This more than anything should show America what damage liberal progressives can, and will do given the chance...
Must take exception. That would be 44 didn't and six did. Jay Inslee put the infected into LTC facilities as well. He even sent four covid positive patients to Spokane--250 miles away during the early stages so that he could test an untested epidemiology unit in one of Spokane's hospitals. That's how democrats "quarantine."
"People are going to die". Your lord and savior, the man who was going to make America white again for you, completely

You are a race baiting whore.
Jack, the trump Nazis suffer from the same selective memory loss as the did when they were only RWNJs. After sampling their wannabe führer's slowly increasing fascism for the past four years, the truth you wrote about their callous attitude towards the Americans dying from trump's COVID plague, hits them too close to home. Their well-honed, trump Nazi, selective memory loss can only block out a limited amount of truth associated with their many character flaws.


Now you are a godwining race baiting whore.

Trump's platform was standard mainstream American politics. ONly a completely dishonest person, or a madman would look at him and cry "nazis".
Cuomo declared, "The elderly are the most vulnerable and likely to die from COVID-19."

Cuomo them packed virus-infected elderly patients into nursing homes,

Again no one "packed" anything. People remained at their normal residence.

Why do you rw idiots need to constantly lie to make your arguments?

There is not a single claim of any "packing" in your link.

Did you even read it?
Lie much
"People are going to die". Your lord and savior, the man who was going to make America white again for you, completely

You are a race baiting whore.
Jack, the trump Nazis suffer from the same selective memory loss as the did when they were only RWNJs. After sampling their wannabe führer's slowly increasing fascism for the past four years, the truth you wrote about their callous attitude towards the Americans dying from trump's COVID plague, hits them too close to home. Their well-honed, trump Nazi, selective memory loss can only block out a limited amount of truth associated with their many character flaws.


Now you are a godwining race baiting whore.

Trump's platform was standard mainstream American politics. ONly a completely dishonest person, or a madman would look at him and cry "nazis".
Sticks and stones, but the truth about you and the other 73,999,999 trump Nazis will always be the truth.


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