"People died, who cares, people die!"

Start with this, governor: Apologize.

Say sorry to the thousands of New York families that lost a loved one in a nursing home in the wake of your deadly March 25 order that forced homes to accept contagious COVID patients.

Say sorry to the 20 million people of New York state, whom you’ve been deceiving for nearly a year about the nursing-home horrors.

Say sorry to all those you’ve blamed to distract from your own guilt, from the staffers at the homes to all the federal officials you’ve claimed are actually responsible for that order and/or your coverup.

Apologize, and quit trying to duck responsibility by promoting a pack of lies.

That’s what the governor was doing again Monday, in his first press conference since The Post broke the news that his top aide, Melissa DeRosa, admitted to Democratic legislators that the gov and his people intentionally covered up the truth for months.

What an unfeeling, careless, narcissistic piece of shit this guy is...Remember way back a few months ago when he was the darling of the liberal progressives? This more than anything should show America what damage liberal progressives can, and will do given the chance...

People die. Isn't that what you whiny, bitchy Trump sycophants preached and prattled on these boards for most of last year? Multiple posters here said "It's a pandemic", "it's going to spread", "People are going to get sick", "People are going to die". Your lord and savior, the man who was going to make America white again for you, completely fucks up the response to the virus and you people do your level best to find whatever Democrat scapegoat you can to deflect attention from your boy's abject incompetence. While Cuomo could have helped himself greatly by just being honest up front about the dilemma and turning the issue back on the WH, I ask you, what was he supposed to do? Given next to no guidance coming out of the WH, given the federal and state laws governing nursing homes, and the "learning on the job" about how the virus spreads, would you have preferred he turn them out into the streets? I love the fact that you righties get all just and righteous talking about blue states but completely give red state governors like Abbot, DeSantis, and Noem a pass. Last I looked, Florida and Texas were #2 and #3 as far as deaths. And there's no way for one second that I'll believe that governors like DeSantis and Kemp aren't fudging their numbers, especially when it comes to nursing home and elderly deaths.
People did not say that. They were defending from your accusations. Endless and brutal. So the governors of states were brought up. You obviously believe in a strong central government. With a Progressive Socialist President dictatorial if he/she is for your agendas. Groups get blamed for revolutions or agendas. Deplorables get it everyday. I replaced Deplorables in posts with other groups and it gets/got people defensive and in attack mode. So would all the Prog advances be here without blaming half the population? A big group I might say. And the people doing it with no fear of demeaning, slandering and destroying others for the most minor utterances while the ones in control have endless carte blanche to say what they want. To do violence. To burn down whole blocks of cities and more. To hurt innocent people. To even kill innocent people. Watching the FBI and Homeland Security work on the Jan. 6 event as they did nothing for all the rioting and worse for the years and years before it proved they are deep state and not to be trusted. If you are a citizen, the Prog controlled state will turn on you. It is just as predictable as blaming a group or groups by the corrupted. One day maybe we all will learn not to be influenced by others who have the ability to spout their ways on us.

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