People get ready!!!

That video was seriously edited down by a videographer with an agenda. It appears as though the 'victim' didn't follow Chris Rock's advice and instead resisted arrest and had some sort of breathing issue not related to the subduing.

Breathing issue? Yeah, it's called a chokehold, numb nuts.
I saw a guy that did not deserve to get choked out man... Seriously? You cannot tell me that guy deserved that kind of treatment. There were like 8 cops standing there...not 1 cop getting bum rushed.

Mouth off to the police and see what it gets you.

When a police officer shoots a dog conservatives rant about the police state and big government, but when a man is choked to death for "mouthing off", he deserved it. :doubt:
That video was seriously edited down by a videographer with an agenda. It appears as though the 'victim' didn't follow Chris Rock's advice and instead resisted arrest and had some sort of breathing issue not related to the subduing.

Breathing issue? Yeah, it's called a chokehold, numb nuts.
Can't tell that by the video. If he was choked he couldn't say that he couldn't breathe. His vocal chords would be constricted as well. A lung issue would be different.
That video was seriously edited down by a videographer with an agenda. It appears as though the 'victim' didn't follow Chris Rock's advice and instead resisted arrest and had some sort of breathing issue not related to the subduing.

Breathing issue? Yeah, it's called a chokehold, numb nuts.
Can't tell that by the video. If he was choked he couldn't say that he couldn't breathe. His vocal chords would be constricted as well. A lung issue would be different.

The medical examiner said that the chokehold killed him, and the police said that the chokehold that killed him violated policy.
Garner was very fat and had asthma, as a lot of very fat people do. So, he did have breathing issues. However, the chokehold has been banned for years. It was banned here in CA after a few fat people died after being in a chokehold.

There were five African Americans on that Grand Jury who didn't see a crime. What did they base their findings on?
Another HUGE, black THUG bites the dirt.... He'll now be up for sainthood with Saint Travyon, and Saint Brownie!..... Perhaps whites can go back and riot over OJ!

Which New York City borough will burn tonight? We can only hope that NY will be more civilized than Ferguson.

Ha!!! The murder of Eric Garner happened on Staten Island. It's a world onto its own. Garner's rap sheet was selling cigarettes on the street.
AH, depriving the poor of NYC of their rightful taxes.

He should have been in prison for that.

Care to post that rap sheet?

Google it yourself, lazy ass. Oh here, I know you like to get your info second or third hand:

"""On July 17, 2014, in Staten Island, New York, United States, Eric Garner died of neck compression, combined with asphyxia proximate to chest restriction, as a result of a chokehold applied while police officers were arresting him for the suspected sale of untaxedcigarettes.[3][4] Garner previously had been arrested for selling untaxed cigarettes. ""
If he had been in prison for depriving the poor of their sustenance through tax evasion and for selling them poison without a permit, he would be alive today.

That would be Monsanto and they have a lot more money than Eric Garner had.
If there is one case of cops going to far.....this was it.
Hmmm, I saw a fat, serial repeater with a long rap sheet, resist arrest and have a heart attack.

What did you see?
Except it wasn't a heart attack death, it was a chokehold homicide. That said, I don't go around second guessing Grand Juries to the point it angers me and I think protestors in such cases are morons.

I did think it would go the other way though.
I could not get poster's link to open to read if the autopsy was there.

I am telling you how I saw it from watching the video.

The choke hold did not last long if in fact it was a true choke hold.

Another cop got in the way.

The police said that he was put into a chokehold that violated policy, and the medical examiner said the chokehold killed him. Tell me more about how it wasn't a "real choke hold".
Which New York City borough will burn tonight? We can only hope that NY will be more civilized than Ferguson.

Ha!!! The murder of Eric Garner happened on Staten Island. It's a world onto its own. Garner's rap sheet was selling cigarettes on the street.
AH, depriving the poor of NYC of their rightful taxes.

He should have been in prison for that.

Care to post that rap sheet?

Google it yourself, lazy ass. Oh here, I know you like to get your info second or third hand:

"""On July 17, 2014, in Staten Island, New York, United States, Eric Garner died of neck compression, combined with asphyxia proximate to chest restriction, as a result of a chokehold applied while police officers were arresting him for the suspected sale of untaxedcigarettes.[3][4] Garner previously had been arrested for selling untaxed cigarettes. ""
Go back to your invite only bored, please.

Oooops....another stupid white person who can't handle facts.
The police acted foolishly in this instance and it cost a man his life. A choke hold should have never been used in the first place.
He should not have been on the streets illegally selling poison while evading taxes that go to helping the poor and the sick.

Evading taxes is justification for a choke hold? Not hardly.

It's a shame he didn't have armed supporters pointing rifles at LEOs and a Gadsden Flag. He could have been a Fox News Folk Hero and have the praises of Hannity like Cliven Bundy.
Yet again, cops get away with murder, break the no choke hold rule on the force, and walk away clean...Ready to protect and serve once again...
If there is one case of cops going to far.....this was it.
Hmmm, I saw a fat, serial repeater with a long rap sheet, resist arrest and have a heart attack.

What did you see?

Exactly what the NYC coroner called it: a homicide, fuckhead.

Medical Examiner Rules Eric Garner's Death a Homicide, Says He Was Killed By Chokehold
Medical Examiner Rules Eric Garner s Death a Homicide Says He Was Killed By Chokehold NBC New York
Homicide does not mean murder, simply one man killing another as with Brown and Martin. I wouldathunk we would have learned that by now.
With all them cops there that could have been handled this in another way. Come on, yes he was big, but with all those cops.

If the video was edited, I don't know. If it was one cop vs that guy... Different story. It wasn't though.
Which New York City borough will burn tonight? We can only hope that NY will be more civilized than Ferguson.

Ha!!! The murder of Eric Garner happened on Staten Island. It's a world onto its own. Garner's rap sheet was selling cigarettes on the street.
AH, depriving the poor of NYC of their rightful taxes.

He should have been in prison for that.

Care to post that rap sheet?

Google it yourself, lazy ass. Oh here, I know you like to get your info second or third hand:

"""On July 17, 2014, in Staten Island, New York, United States, Eric Garner died of neck compression, combined with asphyxia proximate to chest restriction, as a result of a chokehold applied while police officers were arresting him for the suspected sale of untaxedcigarettes.[3][4] Garner previously had been arrested for selling untaxed cigarettes. ""
If he had been in prison for depriving the poor of their sustenance through tax evasion and for selling them poison without a permit, he would be alive today.

I bet you think you are a small government conservative, who preaches that the government taxes us too much, and tells us what to do with our bodies. :lol:
That video was seriously edited down by a videographer with an agenda. It appears as though the 'victim' didn't follow Chris Rock's advice and instead resisted arrest and had some sort of breathing issue not related to the subduing.

Breathing issue? Yeah, it's called a chokehold, numb nuts.
Can't tell that by the video. If he was choked he couldn't say that he couldn't breathe. His vocal chords would be constricted as well. A lung issue would be different.

The medical examiner said that the chokehold killed him, and the police said that the chokehold that killed him violated policy.
Has GJ testimony been released already?
Big Al already has the parents at his National Action Network headquarters..NYC mayor cancels his showing to light the Christmas tree, Off duty police being called into work, Expecting large VICIOUS response to indictment.... Popcorn, anyone?
Another HUGE, black THUG bites the dirt.... He'll now be up for sainthood with Saint Travyon, and Saint Brownie!..... Perhaps whites can go back and riot over OJ!


Oh shut up. This guy was hardly a thug. Selling individual cigarettes is hardly some major crime worthy of a forbidden choke hold.

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