People Getting Social Security Benefits Hit Record 61,859,250

"They" need to...
- eliminate the earnings limit on FICA tax,
- privatize disability insurance and SSI,
- means-test Social Security stipends, and cap them at $1,500/month,
- make SS kick in at 65 y/o...period.

Problem solved.
There is not the tax base to support everyone who is and will be getting social security.

It's bullshit.

Social Security Beneficiaries Hit Record 61,859,250

The money paid into the system plus reasonable interest is what was supposed to pay the benefits. Unfortunately government has been steadily stealing it instead. The benefits remain a valid National debt far more important than most others. If the government cannot meet its' debts it'll just have to sell something. I wonder if we could get anything for California.
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There is not the tax base to support everyone who is and will be getting social security.

It's bullshit.

Social Security Beneficiaries Hit Record 61,859,250

The money paid into the system plus reasonable interest is what was supposed to pay the benefits. Unfortunately government has been steadily steal it instead. The benefits remain a valid National debt far more important than most others. If the government cannot meet its' debts it'll just have to sell something. I wonder if we could get anything for California.
Yeah...sell CA back to Mexico. Maybe the drug cartels could afford to buy it.
See what happens when you take an item and put it on budget, when it was created as an off budget item?
So 150,000,000 workers have to pay Social Security for 62,000,000 people.


The Social Security math seems very fuzzy.

WE SPEND $920 BILLION per year on incmoe distribution from Social Security....that roughly 25% of the ENTIRE FEDERAL BUDGET.

Formed August 14, 1935; 82 years ago
Jurisdiction Federal government of the United States
Headquarters Woodlawn, Maryland, U.S.
Employees 65,000
Annual budget $920.2 billion (FY 2015)[1][not in citation given]
Agency executives
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"They" need to...
- eliminate the earnings limit on FICA tax,
- privatize disability insurance and SSI,
- means-test Social Security stipends, and cap them at $1,500/month,
- make SS kick in at 65 y/o...period.

Problem solved.

We need to raise the eligibility age to 70, and index it to 9 percent of the population going forward.

We are living decades longer than our ancestors, we should be working longer.

Common. Fricking. Sense.
Start by paying back the money borrowed from it. Younger people need to realize that the reason they don't have mom, pop, grandma, uncle, living with them or supporting them is because SS allows them to live on there own. that's a good thing for those who can't or don't want to take care of older or disabled relations.
"They" need to...
- eliminate the earnings limit on FICA tax,
- privatize disability insurance and SSI,
- means-test Social Security stipends, and cap them at $1,500/month,
- make SS kick in at 65 y/o...period.

Problem solved.

So, you pay FICA on everything you earn or just salary?

Privatize disability and SSI? I am sure you have that figured out so it won't be another tax.

You are going to limit SS to $1500 a month? I will make almost that much and I have nowhere near the income compared to some.

Means testing just makes it another useless welfare program. If you paid in, you should get the benefit, even if you are Bill Gates.

I have to wait until 67 1/2 now to get mine.
"They" need to...
- eliminate the earnings limit on FICA tax,
- privatize disability insurance and SSI,
- means-test Social Security stipends, and cap them at $1,500/month,
- make SS kick in at 65 y/o...period.

Problem solved.

If you want a welfare program would it not be easier to simply tell everyone that they can collect SSI based on need, and end Social Security. The payroll tax would roll-up to the general fund that would pay the bills anyway. Infinitely cheaper and faster to the achieve the same thing as your proposal.
There is not the tax base to support everyone who is and will be getting social security.

It's bullshit.

Social Security Beneficiaries Hit Record 61,859,250

The money paid into the system plus reasonable interest is what was supposed to pay the benefits. Unfortunately government has been steadily stealing it instead. The benefits remain a valid National debt far more important than most others. If the government cannot meet its' debts it'll just have to sell something. I wonder if we could get anything for California.

You might consider some facts.

The government has been 'stealing' the money. The fact is that 1.9 trillion of the Trust Fund is interest and interest on interest. More than 600 billion is government subsidies. That means that every penny of excess cash ever generated by the system has been spent on one program : Social Security. Benefits are not a debt see Flemming V Nestor. The legislation does not allow benefits to be paid above revenue collected. If the government sells its property in California, the money would be claimed by actual debt holders.

The problem is a lot more serious than you realize.

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