People of Oregon form militia's

Actually, no. The budget cuts are specifically attributed to the expiration of the lumber subsidies, which were paid directly into county coffers.

Try again.

"The cuts were forced by the expiration of a federal subsidy that paid timber counties millions of dollars to make up for revenues they lost when logging was cut on national forests to protect fish and wildlife."

3 Oregon timber counties seek tax increases |

70 percent of the land in Josephine County is owned by the feds. When they decided to stop logging, which has supported the economy since the area was settled, they recognized that it was going to destroy the economy and the culture, which was entirely built upon logging. The forest must be preserved so that wealthy elitists can vacation there, and enjoy the pristine forests without having to listen to log trucks, or be subject to the smell of paper mills.

In order to offset it, they agreed to pay a subsidy to the county. That subsidy has now expired.

And the few people who live there, struggling to make it while being completely restricted in their capability to develop, contruct, or earn money, are not able to pay more in property taxes.

So the sheriff's office shoulders the cut, and the people who live there will pull together and look out for each other.

Is that simple enough for you?

Is this the first time you have ever heard any of this?

The people who live there and insist that the logging industry support them are welfare recipients: they are demanding a lifestyle subsidized by the US government. Everyone else in the world has to go out and get a real job, a job the economy needs and supports. Other people don't get to demand the government and the tax payers support their chosen profession. At no time ever did I have a job because the government subsidized it: I worked and work in fields that the economy needs and demands, no government subsidies involved. The problem with loggers is their demanding that the jobs be made available to them whether the economy needs them or not. And I can say this as I know from first hand; all of my antecedents on my mother's side were loggers. I even dated loggers when I was young. I know these people and what they are about.
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My father followed logging in Oregon and Washington for nearly his whole life. Forks and Aberdeen, Roseburg, the pine forests around John Day and Baker City. I worked as a millwright in the saw mills in Tacoma and Portland for nearly 20 years before moving on to construction and steel mills. Not only has the timber industry always been extremely cyclic, it has been a shrinking industry ever since the '80's.

The reason for that is simple. A mill that used to employ a 100 people on two shifts can cut the same amount with 50 people on one shift today due to automation. The green chain no longer exists. It has been automated. The best growing rate for trees is 30 years. And in many areas, due to altitude and weather, that rate is 150 years. We logged off the easy stuff early on, and most of the fast growing timber is on private property. The government owned timber in the national forests is most often on ground that is difficult to log, and expensive.

Another point is that the labor job in the sawmills that payed $13 an hour in the '80's still pays about $13 an hour to start today.

Even if we start logging more today, there will less jobs, paying less in real money terms, than in the past. That is the present economy. The rural areas either learn to develop other economic resources, or die.
As of January 1st, Metro in Vegas will no longer be responding to minor non-injury auto accidents. We'll have to form an armed posse for accident report writing.
Actually it was
officials will now only respond to life-threatening situations after losing necessary government grants
Take a warning from what happen in Texas

Biggie rep, are you whining again? You and your kind are the ones demanding the government cut the spending. They did and the police departments are getting less money. Maybe the hated government will cut spending to the point where the police won't answer any calls. That way, you and your posse can form your vigilante group. So....

Quit whining. You got what you wanted. Quit whining.

The police are not legally obligated to come to your aid in the first place. So, these folks should of armed up a long time ago.

Actually it was
Take a warning from what happen in Texas

Biggie rep, are you whining again? You and your kind are the ones demanding the government cut the spending. They did and the police departments are getting less money. Maybe the hated government will cut spending to the point where the police won't answer any calls. That way, you and your posse can form your vigilante group. So....

Quit whining. You got what you wanted. Quit whining.

The police are not legally obligated to come to your aid in the first place. So, these folks should of armed up a long time ago.

A whiner is going to whine, poor zeke.:lol:
Vigilantism is a serious problem. You cannot control such a group. They are the type of people who hanged people in the Old West, w/o trial, who lynched blacks in the south. It's very problematic to put any Tom, Dick and Harry in charge of carrying out justice. Someone is going to end up hurt or dead for no good reason, an innocent person. And please don't tell me I know nothing about this or these people: I am from Oregon, my people were loggers. I know exactly what these people are like. I find it ironic that they are up in arms (pun intended) because their subsidies, what is essentially welfare, from the government have been cut off. They are unwilling to work in other areas outside of the timber industry, so they are broke.

Criminal gang are even worse

There isn't any criminal gang activity in this area. These are little podunk towns/villages in the middle of no fucking where full of rednecks. If there is any criminal activity, it is someone's cousin, brother, or best friend doing it.
It's not in the middle of no where, it's near gang infested California
If you ask Sgt. Todd Moran of the Grants Pass police, the answer is unquestionably yes. Burglaries were up almost 70 percent last year in his city of 35,000 about an hour north of the California border. Theft cases, up almost 80 percent. And at least part of the reason, he said, is an awareness by criminals that their actions are increasingly without consequences in cash-starved Josephine County, where the jail the city depends on is mostly closed for lack of money.
My father followed logging in Oregon and Washington for nearly his whole life. Forks and Aberdeen, Roseburg, the pine forests around John Day and Baker City. I worked as a millwright in the saw mills in Tacoma and Portland for nearly 20 years before moving on to construction and steel mills. Not only has the timber industry always been extremely cyclic, it has been a shrinking industry ever since the '80's.

The reason for that is simple. A mill that used to employ a 100 people on two shifts can cut the same amount with 50 people on one shift today due to automation. The green chain no longer exists. It has been automated. The best growing rate for trees is 30 years. And in many areas, due to altitude and weather, that rate is 150 years. We logged off the easy stuff early on, and most of the fast growing timber is on private property. The government owned timber in the national forests is most often on ground that is difficult to log, and expensive.

Another point is that the labor job in the sawmills that payed $13 an hour in the '80's still pays about $13 an hour to start today.

Even if we start logging more today, there will less jobs, paying less in real money terms, than in the past. That is the present economy. The rural areas either learn to develop other economic resources, or die.
Exactly. That is what everyone else does.
Criminal gang are even worse

There isn't any criminal gang activity in this area. These are little podunk towns/villages in the middle of no fucking where full of rednecks. If there is any criminal activity, it is someone's cousin, brother, or best friend doing it.
It's not in the middle of no where, it's near gang infested California
If you ask Sgt. Todd Moran of the Grants Pass police, the answer is unquestionably yes. Burglaries were up almost 70 percent last year in his city of 35,000 about an hour north of the California border. Theft cases, up almost 80 percent. And at least part of the reason, he said, is an awareness by criminals that their actions are increasingly without consequences in cash-starved Josephine County, where the jail the city depends on is mostly closed for lack of money.

Grants Pass is nowhere near Southern California, which is where the gangs are. It is a 10-11 hour drive from Grants Pass to LA. If there are any 'gangs' in Southern Oregon, they are white guys, red neck idiots, with about 3 or 4 people in them. In that area, anyone who isn't white sticks out like a sore thumb.
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There isn't any criminal gang activity in this area. These are little podunk towns/villages in the middle of no fucking where full of rednecks. If there is any criminal activity, it is someone's cousin, brother, or best friend doing it.
It's not in the middle of no where, it's near gang infested California
If you ask Sgt. Todd Moran of the Grants Pass police, the answer is unquestionably yes. Burglaries were up almost 70 percent last year in his city of 35,000 about an hour north of the California border. Theft cases, up almost 80 percent. And at least part of the reason, he said, is an awareness by criminals that their actions are increasingly without consequences in cash-starved Josephine County, where the jail the city depends on is mostly closed for lack of money.

Grants Pass is nowhere near Southern California, which is where the gangs are. It is a 10-11 hour drive from Grants Pass to LA. If there are any 'gangs' in Southern Oregon, they are white guys, red neck idiots, with about 3 or 4 people in them.

Norteños - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are gangs everywhere, we even have them here in a little place called Charlotte

Hellsangels are a very mobile gang
Global Incident Map Displaying Gang Activity, Gang Arrests, etc

So, is it hard to think gangs will pick easy targets?
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I like how bigrebnc1775 sends me a private message trying to scare me saying he has beaten up someone that looked like AND THEN blocks me so I can't private message him back. Internet warriors, they are so cute. Enjoy another day trying to validate your existence bigrebnc1775 on a forum.
I like how bigrebnc1775 sends me a private message trying to scare me saying he has beaten up someone that looked like AND THEN blocks me so I can't private message him back. Internet warriors, they are so cute. Enjoy another day trying to validate your existence bigrebnc1775 on a forum.
Actually it was a neg because I placed you on ignore. Placing trolls on ignore negates those off the wall post that do not deal with the topic. I said it was in 2005 and he was a skinhead, are you a skinhead? Your avatar looks like one.
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Actually, no. The budget cuts are specifically attributed to the expiration of the lumber subsidies, which were paid directly into county coffers.

Try again.

"The cuts were forced by the expiration of a federal subsidy that paid timber counties millions of dollars to make up for revenues they lost when logging was cut on national forests to protect fish and wildlife."

3 Oregon timber counties seek tax increases |

70 percent of the land in Josephine County is owned by the feds. When they decided to stop logging, which has supported the economy since the area was settled, they recognized that it was going to destroy the economy and the culture, which was entirely built upon logging. The forest must be preserved so that wealthy elitists can vacation there, and enjoy the pristine forests without having to listen to log trucks, or be subject to the smell of paper mills.

In order to offset it, they agreed to pay a subsidy to the county. That subsidy has now expired.

And the few people who live there, struggling to make it while being completely restricted in their capability to develop, contruct, or earn money, are not able to pay more in property taxes.

So the sheriff's office shoulders the cut, and the people who live there will pull together and look out for each other.

Is that simple enough for you?

Is this the first time you have ever heard any of this?

The people who live there and insist that the logging industry support them are welfare recipients: they are demanding a lifestyle subsidized by the US government. Everyone else in the world has to go out and get a real job, a job the economy needs and supports. Other people don't get to demand the government and the tax payers support their chosen profession. At no time ever did I have a job because the government subsidized it: I worked and work in fields that the economy needs and demands, no government subsidies involved. The problem with loggers is their demanding that the jobs be made available to them whether the economy needs them or not. And I can say this as I know from first hand; all of my antecedents on my mother's side were loggers. I even dated loggers when I was young. I know these people and what they are about.

So you are against welfare of all types?
Actually, no. The budget cuts are specifically attributed to the expiration of the lumber subsidies, which were paid directly into county coffers.

Try again.

"The cuts were forced by the expiration of a federal subsidy that paid timber counties millions of dollars to make up for revenues they lost when logging was cut on national forests to protect fish and wildlife."

3 Oregon timber counties seek tax increases |

70 percent of the land in Josephine County is owned by the feds. When they decided to stop logging, which has supported the economy since the area was settled, they recognized that it was going to destroy the economy and the culture, which was entirely built upon logging. The forest must be preserved so that wealthy elitists can vacation there, and enjoy the pristine forests without having to listen to log trucks, or be subject to the smell of paper mills.

In order to offset it, they agreed to pay a subsidy to the county. That subsidy has now expired.

And the few people who live there, struggling to make it while being completely restricted in their capability to develop, contruct, or earn money, are not able to pay more in property taxes.

So the sheriff's office shoulders the cut, and the people who live there will pull together and look out for each other.

Is that simple enough for you?

Is this the first time you have ever heard any of this?

The people who live there and insist that the logging industry support them are welfare recipients: they are demanding a lifestyle subsidized by the US government. Everyone else in the world has to go out and get a real job, a job the economy needs and supports. Other people don't get to demand the government and the tax payers support their chosen profession. At no time ever did I have a job because the government subsidized it: I worked and work in fields that the economy needs and demands, no government subsidies involved. The problem with loggers is their demanding that the jobs be made available to them whether the economy needs them or not. And I can say this as I know from first hand; all of my antecedents on my mother's side were loggers. I even dated loggers when I was young. I know these people and what they are about.

Sure you do.

They don't demand anything. These people have lived here for generations, and the government in the 80s determined to close the forests. All 6 of my uncles logged and worked in mills, my nearest and dearest cousin just retired from falling at the age of 60...his father retired from falling in his 70s, and then went to work as a watchman in the last mill in this area before it closed for good.

The logging families are not welfare recipients. The welfare recipients are the people who have moved into the area in the last 30 years or so, and the people who are involved in the drug culture.

The government stole private land, closed down industry, and determined we could not make use of our own natural resources for the sake of elitists who do not live in the area. The town where I live has grown from 1500 (40 years ago) to 10,000..but the number of students in the schools is the same as it was when I was a girl...because the majority of population here is no longer from here. They are transplants, primarily elderly, who come from liberal shitholes and plant themselves here, where they proceed to do their best to turn this into a shithole as well.

We have a wonderful harbor that our city will not allow us to place an ice machine in, because ice machines draw water traffic and commercial fishermen, and the result is a smelly marina. Just as the mills were smelly and therefore undesirable, and log trucks noisy and therefore undesirable, they are forcing the people who would like to work and be self sufficient to move out of the area to find work, in order that a sedentary, elderly, and wealthy population can move in.
My father followed logging in Oregon and Washington for nearly his whole life. Forks and Aberdeen, Roseburg, the pine forests around John Day and Baker City. I worked as a millwright in the saw mills in Tacoma and Portland for nearly 20 years before moving on to construction and steel mills. Not only has the timber industry always been extremely cyclic, it has been a shrinking industry ever since the '80's.

The reason for that is simple. A mill that used to employ a 100 people on two shifts can cut the same amount with 50 people on one shift today due to automation. The green chain no longer exists. It has been automated. The best growing rate for trees is 30 years. And in many areas, due to altitude and weather, that rate is 150 years. We logged off the easy stuff early on, and most of the fast growing timber is on private property. The government owned timber in the national forests is most often on ground that is difficult to log, and expensive.

Another point is that the labor job in the sawmills that payed $13 an hour in the '80's still pays about $13 an hour to start today.

Even if we start logging more today, there will less jobs, paying less in real money terms, than in the past. That is the present economy. The rural areas either learn to develop other economic resources, or die.

They can go to larger cities and learn to go on public assistance, it's been done now for decades.
Actually, no. The budget cuts are specifically attributed to the expiration of the lumber subsidies, which were paid directly into county coffers.

Try again.

"The cuts were forced by the expiration of a federal subsidy that paid timber counties millions of dollars to make up for revenues they lost when logging was cut on national forests to protect fish and wildlife."

3 Oregon timber counties seek tax increases |

70 percent of the land in Josephine County is owned by the feds. When they decided to stop logging, which has supported the economy since the area was settled, they recognized that it was going to destroy the economy and the culture, which was entirely built upon logging. The forest must be preserved so that wealthy elitists can vacation there, and enjoy the pristine forests without having to listen to log trucks, or be subject to the smell of paper mills.

In order to offset it, they agreed to pay a subsidy to the county. That subsidy has now expired.

And the few people who live there, struggling to make it while being completely restricted in their capability to develop, contruct, or earn money, are not able to pay more in property taxes.

So the sheriff's office shoulders the cut, and the people who live there will pull together and look out for each other.

Is that simple enough for you?

Is this the first time you have ever heard any of this?

The people who live there and insist that the logging industry support them are welfare recipients: they are demanding a lifestyle subsidized by the US government. Everyone else in the world has to go out and get a real job, a job the economy needs and supports. Other people don't get to demand the government and the tax payers support their chosen profession. At no time ever did I have a job because the government subsidized it: I worked and work in fields that the economy needs and demands, no government subsidies involved. The problem with loggers is their demanding that the jobs be made available to them whether the economy needs them or not. And I can say this as I know from first hand; all of my antecedents on my mother's side were loggers. I even dated loggers when I was young. I know these people and what they are about.

Sure you do.

They don't demand anything. These people have lived here for generations, and the government in the 80s determined to close the forests. All 6 of my uncles logged and worked in mills, my nearest and dearest cousin just retired from falling at the age of 60...his father retired from falling in his 70s, and then went to work as a watchman in the last mill in this area before it closed for good.

The logging families are not welfare recipients. The welfare recipients are the people who have moved into the area in the last 30 years or so, and the people who are involved in the drug culture.

The government stole private land, closed down industry, and determined we could not make use of our own natural resources for the sake of elitists who do not live in the area. The town where I live has grown from 1500 (40 years ago) to 10,000..but the number of students in the schools is the same as it was when I was a girl...because the majority of population here is no longer from here. They are transplants, primarily elderly, who come from liberal shitholes and plant themselves here, where they proceed to do their best to turn this into a shithole as well.

We have a wonderful harbor that our city will not allow us to place an ice machine in, because ice machines draw water traffic and commercial fishermen, and the result is a smelly marina that is busy and attracts commerce. It is a nuisance to the old people who like to walk their dogs along the docks, and the wealthy visitors who enjoy a stroll to see the waterfowl that have set up housekeeping on the completely empty docks. Just as the mills were smelly and therefore undesirable, and log trucks noisy and therefore undesirable, they are forcing the people who would like to work and be self sufficient to move out of the area to find work, in order that a sedentary, elderly, and wealthy population can move in.

I work in human services, and I know who are the logging/timber industry families from decades ago..the same families that my mother grew up with in the coastal mountains...they are still here, and they are not welfare recipients. The people I see begging from the government are losers who move here from elsewhere. The families I grew up with are teachers, shop owners...a very few of them still work in the woods. This is the only area I have ever been in where I see people regularly who have never been on government assistance. My cousin didn't even know where the dhs office was, and my aunt thought that dhs and food share were the same thing...she has never used either.

Other cousins went into the military, construction (but not in this area) and other small businesses. These are not people who are dependent upon the government, nor are they accustomed to governmental oversight....

Which is completely supported by Josephine County's self sufficiency in caring for their own. It's the tradition of rural Oregonians to do so. They always have, and they will continue to do so.
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As of January 1st, Metro in Vegas will no longer be responding to minor non-injury auto accidents. We'll have to form an armed posse for accident report writing.

While I think you were being sarcastic, California police have not been responding to minor non-injury auto accidents or non injury auto thefts for well over 30 years. You take yourself down to the police department and fill out a counter report.
He's implying something that isn't actually true.
officials will now only respond to life-threatening situations after losing necessary government grants

Breaking an entering may or may not be life threatening, unless the criminal is still inside the house.

then you can put a round thru his head
My father followed logging in Oregon and Washington for nearly his whole life. Forks and Aberdeen, Roseburg, the pine forests around John Day and Baker City. I worked as a millwright in the saw mills in Tacoma and Portland for nearly 20 years before moving on to construction and steel mills. Not only has the timber industry always been extremely cyclic, it has been a shrinking industry ever since the '80's.

The reason for that is simple. A mill that used to employ a 100 people on two shifts can cut the same amount with 50 people on one shift today due to automation. The green chain no longer exists. It has been automated. The best growing rate for trees is 30 years. And in many areas, due to altitude and weather, that rate is 150 years. We logged off the easy stuff early on, and most of the fast growing timber is on private property. The government owned timber in the national forests is most often on ground that is difficult to log, and expensive.

Another point is that the labor job in the sawmills that payed $13 an hour in the '80's still pays about $13 an hour to start today.

Even if we start logging more today, there will less jobs, paying less in real money terms, than in the past. That is the present economy. The rural areas either learn to develop other economic resources, or die.

They can go to larger cities and learn to go on public assistance, it's been done now for decades.
The timber industry shut down i the 80s because progressive nutbags shut it down. We didn't stop needing lumber, we started to purchase it from Japan and Canada....all through the boom building of the 80s and 90s....we turned our backs on our own resources and our own people in favor of the resources of other countries.
While my town built hundreds of homes for the elderly, and the fragile dune ecosystem was destroyed by their construction...our own mills closed, our own loggers had to move out of the area to look for work and our own forests went untouched.
Actually it was a neg because I placed you on ignore. Placing trolls on ignore negates those off the wall post that do not deal with the topic. I said it was in 2005 and he was a skinhead, are you a skinhead? Your avatar looks like one.

Why can't you just ignore me? Why do you have to threaten me and my well being in a private message and then make it impossible for me to reply and say "Hey, don't threaten my life on the internet". And no, I'm not a skinhead you fucking idiot. Not everyone with a shaved head and tats is a skinhead. Now even though I'm a troll to you and you want to "ignore me" please do respond again. You know you want to you you lonely scumbag.
Vigilantism is a serious problem. You cannot control such a group. They are the type of people who hanged people in the Old West, w/o trial, who lynched blacks in the south. It's very problematic to put any Tom, Dick and Harry in charge of carrying out justice. Someone is going to end up hurt or dead for no good reason, an innocent person. And please don't tell me I know nothing about this or these people: I am from Oregon, my people were loggers. I know exactly what these people are like. I find it ironic that they are up in arms (pun intended) because their subsidies, what is essentially welfare, from the government have been cut off. They are unwilling to work in other areas outside of the timber industry, so they are broke.

Criminal gang are even worse

There isn't any criminal gang activity in this area. These are little podunk towns/villages in the middle of no fucking where full of rednecks. If there is any criminal activity, it is someone's cousin, brother, or best friend doing it.

Ever wonder why urban areas are eat up with gangs and our little Redneck towns aren't? Might be because most Rednecks are armed, or can be at a moment's notice, and we won't put up with their crap, police or no police, while some urban areas seem determined to pamper them.

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Actually it was a neg because I placed you on ignore. Placing trolls on ignore negates those off the wall post that do not deal with the topic. I said it was in 2005 and he was a skinhead, are you a skinhead? Your avatar looks like one.

Why can't you just ignore me? Why do you have to threaten me and my well being in a private message and then make it impossible for me to reply and say "Hey, don't threaten my life on the internet". And no, I'm not a skinhead you fucking idiot. Not everyone with a shaved head and tats is a skinhead. Now even though I'm a troll to you and you want to "ignore me" please do respond again. You know you want to you you lonely scumbag.


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