People of Oregon form militia's

They act as a deterrent.

I don't see that is in conflict with anything bigreb has posted.


Provide protection to NVCW members until law enforcement arrives.
Provide deterrence to crime by being ever vigilant for crime or suspicious activity in our community.
Document accurately observations of crimes.
Communicate rapidly and effectively with Community Watch members and law enforcement.
Assist those in need in reporting crime or suspicious persons or activity to law enforcement authorities.
Provide training and suggestions on ways neighbors and our community can detect, deter and prevent crime.

Our Mission | North Valley Community Watch

So instead of funding our police we should have a bunch of busy-bodies do it for us?

I don't know, are you one of the 15 residences that they have agreed to keep an eye on? If not, then YOU don't need to do anything.

They live there. So by definition, you are the busy body.
Guess you can look when I posted last.
That is if you can understand the time posting mark.

Oh no another high school level insult from a forum warrior. Enjoy yet again another day spent on a forum. Maybe I'll check in again at the end of the day to see another low end insult.
As of January 1st, Metro in Vegas will no longer be responding to minor non-injury auto accidents. We'll have to form an armed posse for accident report writing.
Actually it was
officials will now only respond to life-threatening situations after losing necessary government grants
Take a warning from what happen in Texas

Biggie rep, are you whining again? You and your kind are the ones demanding the government cut the spending. They did and the police departments are getting less money. Maybe the hated government will cut spending to the point where the police won't answer any calls. That way, you and your posse can form your vigilante group. So....

Quit whining. You got what you wanted. Quit whining.

Lol, that is the standard response from the leftwing fascists for decades now. There is so much corruption and wasted spending in these municipal budgets they could easily cut their taxes and not reduced municipal services by a single officer, teacher or fireman.

But, no, they want these cuts to HURT, so they reduce the pay and benefits to firemen, teachers and cops so the public idiots like rightwinger etc can say 'See what happens when you cut taxes!'.

It's just more Diumbocrap manipulation of the public, and the RINOs do it too.
Guess you can look when I posted last.
That is if you can understand the time posting mark.

Oh no another high school level insult from a forum warrior. Enjoy yet again another day spent on a forum. Maybe I'll check in again at the end of the day to see another low end insult.

Oh no, another libtard who edits the history of a post to make his opponent look bad.

Here is the full exchange:

I've been making money and you?

Hahaha spending every minute on an internet forum? Right, sure you are. They pay you per post or something? Anything else? Let me guess you're also very attractive too and the opposite sex loves you.

Guess you can look when I posted last.
That is if you can understand the time posting mark.

Whig_out deleted his own ass-hole statements to make Big Rbs response look childish, lol.

Standard Soros-sock behavior.
Seriously folks, this is just formalization of something that has always gone on in rural areas where drug runners and growers are a problem. You don't like it, don't move there.
Guess you can look when I posted last.
That is if you can understand the time posting mark.

Oh no another high school level insult from a forum warrior. Enjoy yet again another day spent on a forum. Maybe I'll check in again at the end of the day to see another low end insult.

Is that the best you can do? If it is you'll be placed on ignore. Hate the battle of wit when my opponent is shooting blanks.
I've lived in our little town aprox. 25 yrs. and I have never known of anyone who remembers our having a police dept. We get along a lot better than NYC seems to.
Many small towns do not have a police dept. They find it more economical to contract with the county sheriffs dept to provide services. I lived in such a town for some years. The only problem I noticed, is deputies that were assigned to the town were not aware of city ordinances.

However, in this case, it's the sheriff's dept. that's being cut back. State police in Oregon are basically highway cops as in most states and don't have the personnel needed to cover for a sheriff's dept.

Grants Pass, which has it's own police department is the only city of any size in the county. Considering the sparse population, small number roads, and the mountainous area, I would bet that the sheriff's dept provides very little service past the outskirts of Grants Pass.
Last edited:
There are many counties in Oregon like that. This isn't a new situation at all. It's just a formal arrangement that they've worked up with the sheriff...

And it doesn't even qualify as a militia. It's a rural neighborhood watch.
Guess you can look when I posted last.
That is if you can understand the time posting mark.

Oh no another high school level insult from a forum warrior. Enjoy yet again another day spent on a forum. Maybe I'll check in again at the end of the day to see another low end insult.

Is that the best you can do? If it is you'll be placed on ignore. Hate the battle of wit when my opponent is shooting blanks.

Uh-oh, looks like bigLARPer is fixin' ta break out his Civil War reenactment gear! :eek:
Oh no another high school level insult from a forum warrior. Enjoy yet again another day spent on a forum. Maybe I'll check in again at the end of the day to see another low end insult.

Is that the best you can do? If it is you'll be placed on ignore. Hate the battle of wit when my opponent is shooting blanks.

Uh-oh, looks like bigLARPer is fixin' ta break out his Civil War reenactment gear! :eek:

Shut the fuck up bitch or I'll bitch slap you like I always do.
Oh no another high school level insult from a forum warrior. Enjoy yet again another day spent on a forum. Maybe I'll check in again at the end of the day to see another low end insult.

Is that the best you can do? If it is you'll be placed on ignore. Hate the battle of wit when my opponent is shooting blanks.

Uh-oh, looks like bigLARPer is fixin' ta break out his Civil War reenactment gear! :eek:

Lol, dude, why do you keep hating on LARPers and re-enactors?

A lot of people around here do one of those two things.

You sound kind of stuck up when you do that.

Are such people beneath you and so you have contempt for them?
Is that the best you can do? If it is you'll be placed on ignore. Hate the battle of wit when my opponent is shooting blanks.

Hahaha, oh it's a battle? Okay internet warrior in Momma's basement. Please do put me on ignore. Please. I'll bet you'll respond yet again though.
They act as a deterrent.

I don't see that is in conflict with anything bigreb has posted.


Provide protection to NVCW members until law enforcement arrives.
Provide deterrence to crime by being ever vigilant for crime or suspicious activity in our community.
Document accurately observations of crimes.
Communicate rapidly and effectively with Community Watch members and law enforcement.
Assist those in need in reporting crime or suspicious persons or activity to law enforcement authorities.
Provide training and suggestions on ways neighbors and our community can detect, deter and prevent crime.

Our Mission | North Valley Community Watch

So instead of funding our police we should have a bunch of busy-bodies do it for us?

Who decides how funding is spent (hint: it's not the average citizen)?

The causation is the Bush/Republican/wall street economic crash.
No, it's not. The causation is closing the forests in the 70s, followed by a bribe meant to hide the fact that the economy was that bribe is all used up.

And the economy was, indeed, destroyed.
If a town is without protection and it is a dangerous town..I don't see why there can't be a volunteer militia. They have volunteer fire departments, don't they? And neighborhood watch?

I am thinking this is going to be more common in the future, what with all the budget cuts.

I am lucky to live in a slow, mellow town. If we didn't have the sheriff substation here and some locals that are well known in the community and have common sense and are known to be fairminded, then I would see no problem having one if the need arose.

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