People on Twitter Tell Trump No One Wants To Come To His ‘Shithole Country’

BREAKING: Donald Trump 'cancels visit to UK next month after fearing he won't be welcome'…

That’s putting it mildly. This SOB has attacked about 15 countries on twitter.
So, many US media companies will not use the word “shithole” in their reports that Trump called Haiti, El Salvador & Africa “shitholes” because the language might offend the public.

Think that over.
"Miserably racist comments from a disastrously ignorant person in support of mindlessly cruel policies," former US ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power tweeted.
Trump tells the truth about Haiti, and lefty liberals go into a crazed frenzy.

Gotta love it...... :thup: ... :lol:
Looks like Norway has similar feelings about immigration like Trump.

Norway: Migrant Quality, Not Quantity

"The country's carefully regulated effort to allow only selected migrants to be admitted"

Norway's migration policy is similar to its attitude towards the European Union (EU). Though it has not joined the EU and remains outside the reach of most EU policy, many of its independent decisions — particularly regarding its relationship to European borders and migration policy management — have a uniquely European character.

The country's carefully regulated effort to allow only selected migrants to be admitted, together with its commitment to ensuring social equality for those who arrive, closely fits the model to which many other European countries (with varying degrees of success) aspire.

Norway: Migrant Quality, Not Quantity
on cue...., people speak out against the deplorable things this president does... you have to criticize them.
Wash, rinse. repeat..

I'm pointing out that if you live in glass houses, you shouldn't be throwing rocks.
"Miserably racist comments from a disastrously ignorant person in support of mindlessly cruel policies," former US ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power tweeted.

You're becoming the funniest of them all,Lol.
Here is your BREEZE.
Looks like Norway has similar feelings about immigration like Trump.

Norway: Migrant Quality, Not Quantity

"The country's carefully regulated effort to allow only selected migrants to be admitted"

Norway's migration policy is similar to its attitude towards the European Union (EU). Though it has not joined the EU and remains outside the reach of most EU policy, many of its independent decisions — particularly regarding its relationship to European borders and migration policy management — have a uniquely European character.

The country's carefully regulated effort to allow only selected migrants to be admitted, together with its commitment to ensuring social equality for those who arrive, closely fits the model to which many other European countries (with varying degrees of success) aspire.

Norway: Migrant Quality, Not Quantity
on cue...., people speak out against the deplorable things this president does... you have to criticize them.
Wash, rinse. repeat..

I'm pointing out that if you live in glass houses, you shouldn't be throwing rocks.
No you’re doing exactly what your masters tell you to do. DONT THINK, just defend the indefensible..
"Miserably racist comments from a disastrously ignorant person in support of mindlessly cruel policies," former US ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power tweeted.
Trump tells the truth, and lefty liberals go into a crazed frenzy.

Gotta love it...... :thup: ... :lol:
Want to take a poll right now in this country whether Americans are appalled at this POS or ones that think he’s just telling the truth?

Guarantee the lowest rated prez in history’s poll numbers will drop in a few days even further into the abyss.
Want to take a poll right now in this country whether Americans are appalled at this POS or ones that think he’s just telling the truth?
Liberals and their beloved polls. .... :cuckoo:

Hillary gonna win in a landslide!!..... :lol: :lol:
View attachment 171185
"Miserably racist comments from a disastrously ignorant person in support of mindlessly cruel policies," former US ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power tweeted.

You're becoming the funniest of them all,Lol.
Here is your BREEZE.

We're here for you snowflake, we'll help you through the next 7 years.
This mentally ill prez might now make it thru 2018. The fat fuck has his physical today and I’m sure with the stress from the world hating him, no exercise and a fast food diet he might not live to see all of 2018.
"Miserably racist comments from a disastrously ignorant person in support of mindlessly cruel policies," former US ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power tweeted.
Trump tells the truth about Haiti, and lefty liberals go into a crazed frenzy.

Gotta love it...... :thup: ... :lol:

Now all the people from Haiti and El Salvador can now go home to their wonderful countries and not have top slum it in the US any more. President Trump; HEART OF GOLD!! What a guy!! Mt Rushmore!!!

Has it actually been confirmed that the President actually said that??

Norway also does not have any people from the shit hole countries Trump was talking about

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