People on Twitter Tell Trump No One Wants To Come To His ‘Shithole Country’

"I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Donald Trump is a racist," Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego of Arizona tweeted. "Bigotry should have no place at the White House."

How is it racist to call a 3rd world country a shithole??? They are, by definition of 3rd world, shitholes, full of crime, poverty, illiteracy, disease, etc! Poor little liberal baby has to have a frantic, many-post tantrum because someone doesn't worship at the altar of political correctness. Why don't you grow some balls?
ALL journalists from now on, when referring to Trump, must use the word “racist” as a factual description of him. “The racist president of the US, Donald Trump, flew today to...” Or, “Trump, a racist, met with leaders of Congress...” Or,“Today, the racist Trump, signed a bill...”
Racist or not......Trump is still your president. ... :thup: ... :cool:
Oh look the "shithole" comment was from "anonymous sources" - was it from that book? The one that's all hearsay?
It was directly from the orange idiot’s mouth.
He said it yesterday at a DACA meeting.

That “ hearsay” book Fire and Fire named names of staffers that said this prez is not fit to serve, an idiot, etc

Ah so it's just anonymous sources then, at least according to the article you linked. Do you have another link that has actual legit sources?
I said JUST THE OPPOSITE. Michael Wolff named some the exact people that had NOTHING positive to say about this POS president
Do your own homework.

You're the one who posted the article and it didn't say "wolffe's sources" or anything like that, it said "ANONYMOUS SOURCES" - I'm pointing it out, deal with it.
You were referring about Wolff’s book right?
Why don’t you read it yourself.
Oh can’t. It’s such a runaway best seller it’s impossible to get. I have mine on order..
ALL journalists from now on, when referring to Trump, must use the word “racist” as a factual description of him. “The racist president of the US, Donald Trump, flew today to...” Or, “Trump, a racist, met with leaders of Congress...” Or,“Today, the racist Trump, signed a bill...”
Racist or not......Trump is still your president. ... :thup: ... :cool:
He’s not my president.
This racist, mentally ill extremely lazy incompetent buffoon is not anyone I can stomach.
Oh look the "shithole" comment was from "anonymous sources" - was it from that book? The one that's all hearsay?
It was directly from the orange idiot’s mouth.
He said it yesterday at a DACA meeting.

That “ hearsay” book Fire and Fire named names of staffers that said this prez is not fit to serve, an idiot, etc

Ah so it's just anonymous sources then, at least according to the article you linked. Do you have another link that has actual legit sources?
I said JUST THE OPPOSITE. Michael Wolff named some the exact people that had NOTHING positive to say about this POS president
Do your own homework.

You're the one who posted the article and it didn't say "wolffe's sources" or anything like that, it said "ANONYMOUS SOURCES" - I'm pointing it out, deal with it.
You were referring about Wolff’s book right?
Why don’t you read it yourself.
Oh can’t. It’s such a runaway best seller it’s impossible to get. I have mine on order..

No, I was referring to exactly what I said in my fucking post you dolt. The whole "shithole" comment - which the article you posted supposedly "proving" it happened notes was reported by "anonymous sources" - AKA it's probably bullshit.

As for the book, I frankly couldn't care less about the gossip rumor mill of a questionable journalist/author ~shrug~
Looks like Norway has similar feelings about immigration like Trump.

Norway: Migrant Quality, Not Quantity

"The country's carefully regulated effort to allow only selected migrants to be admitted"

Norway's migration policy is similar to its attitude towards the European Union (EU). Though it has not joined the EU and remains outside the reach of most EU policy, many of its independent decisions — particularly regarding its relationship to European borders and migration policy management — have a uniquely European character.

The country's carefully regulated effort to allow only selected migrants to be admitted, together with its commitment to ensuring social equality for those who arrive, closely fits the model to which many other European countries (with varying degrees of success) aspire.

Norway: Migrant Quality, Not Quantity
on cue...., people speak out against the deplorable things this president does... you have to criticize them.
Wash, rinse. repeat..

I'm pointing out that if you live in glass houses, you shouldn't be throwing rocks.
No you’re doing exactly what your masters tell you to do. DONT THINK, just defend the indefensible..

It's 'indefensible', to desire to limit immigration from places filled with people who are uneducated and who will likely strain our government resources further ?

I've got news for you sir, YOUR position is the one that is 'indefensible'.
ALL journalists from now on, when referring to Trump, must use the word “racist” as a factual description of him. “The racist president of the US, Donald Trump, flew today to...” Or, “Trump, a racist, met with leaders of Congress...” Or,“Today, the racist Trump, signed a bill...”
Racist or not......Trump is still your president. ... :thup: ... :cool:
He’s not my president.
This racist, mentally ill extremely lazy incompetent buffoon is not anyone I can stomach.

He is your president.
Axios put out his new schedule. The lazy fuck first start his day until 11AM. Has one meeting then “executive time” for an hour which is watching Fox and Twitter time. Then an hour lunch. Then more “ Executive time”
Then MAYBE some work then he ends his day at 4:15.
This lazy fat fuck works so little he can quality for UE benefits.
Politically, Trumps comments were stupid. They are true, and millions of Americans agree, but politically stupid.
Looks like Norway has similar feelings about immigration like Trump.

Norway: Migrant Quality, Not Quantity

"The country's carefully regulated effort to allow only selected migrants to be admitted"

Norway's migration policy is similar to its attitude towards the European Union (EU). Though it has not joined the EU and remains outside the reach of most EU policy, many of its independent decisions — particularly regarding its relationship to European borders and migration policy management — have a uniquely European character.

The country's carefully regulated effort to allow only selected migrants to be admitted, together with its commitment to ensuring social equality for those who arrive, closely fits the model to which many other European countries (with varying degrees of success) aspire.

Norway: Migrant Quality, Not Quantity
on cue...., people speak out against the deplorable things this president does... you have to criticize them.
Wash, rinse. repeat..

I'm pointing out that if you live in glass houses, you shouldn't be throwing rocks.
No you’re doing exactly what your masters tell you to do. DONT THINK, just defend the indefensible..

It's 'indefensible', to desire to limit immigration from places filled with people who are uneducated and who will likely strain our government resources further ?

I've got news for you sir, YOUR position is the one that is 'indefensible'.
I see you haven’t been paying atte
It was directly from the orange idiot’s mouth.
He said it yesterday at a DACA meeting.

That “ hearsay” book Fire and Fire named names of staffers that said this prez is not fit to serve, an idiot, etc

Ah so it's just anonymous sources then, at least according to the article you linked. Do you have another link that has actual legit sources?
I said JUST THE OPPOSITE. Michael Wolff named some the exact people that had NOTHING positive to say about this POS president
Do your own homework.

You're the one who posted the article and it didn't say "wolffe's sources" or anything like that, it said "ANONYMOUS SOURCES" - I'm pointing it out, deal with it.
You were referring about Wolff’s book right?
Why don’t you read it yourself.
Oh can’t. It’s such a runaway best seller it’s impossible to get. I have mine on order..

No, I was referring to exactly what I said in my fucking post you dolt. The whole "shithole" comment - which the article you posted supposedly "proving" it happened notes was reported by "anonymous sources" - AKA it's probably bullshit.

As for the book, I frankly couldn't care less about the gossip rumor mill of a questionable journalist/author ~shrug~
a number of people in the meeting heard him say ityou uninformed DOLT... but only two dem congressmen were honest enough to report it.
Of course the enabler republicans wouldn’t touch it
Trump and the GOP are trying hard to turn America into a sh!t whole.

Hopefully,there is something left after we get them out of office.
Oh look the "shithole" comment was from "anonymous sources" - was it from that book? The one that's all hearsay?
It was directly from the orange idiot’s mouth.
He said it yesterday at a DACA meeting.

That “ hearsay” book Fire and Fire named names of staffers that said this prez is not fit to serve, an idiot, etc

Ah so it's just anonymous sources then, at least according to the article you linked. Do you have another link that has actual legit sources?
I said JUST THE OPPOSITE. Michael Wolff named some the exact people that had NOTHING positive to say about this POS president
Do your own homework.

You're the one who posted the article and it didn't say "wolffe's sources" or anything like that, it said "ANONYMOUS SOURCES" - I'm pointing it out, deal with it.
You were referring about Wolff’s book right?
Why don’t you read it yourself.
Oh can’t. It’s such a runaway best seller it’s impossible to get. I have mine on order..

There are many critics now saying the book is littered with hearsay and inaccuracies. It is however opioid for liberals.
Condemnation of Trump’s racist comments was swift and harsh by both Dems and a few brave republicans.
It was directly from the orange idiot’s mouth.
He said it yesterday at a DACA meeting.

That “ hearsay” book Fire and Fire named names of staffers that said this prez is not fit to serve, an idiot, etc

Ah so it's just anonymous sources then, at least according to the article you linked. Do you have another link that has actual legit sources?
I said JUST THE OPPOSITE. Michael Wolff named some the exact people that had NOTHING positive to say about this POS president
Do your own homework.

You're the one who posted the article and it didn't say "wolffe's sources" or anything like that, it said "ANONYMOUS SOURCES" - I'm pointing it out, deal with it.
You were referring about Wolff’s book right?
Why don’t you read it yourself.
Oh can’t. It’s such a runaway best seller it’s impossible to get. I have mine on order..

There are many critics now saying the book is littered with hearsay and inaccuracies. It is however opioid for liberals.
How would the “ critics “ know? They weren’t in the White House conducting interviews for weeks like Wolff.
Of course the right wing HAS to try to do some kind of damage control.
Looks like Norway has similar feelings about immigration like Trump.

Norway: Migrant Quality, Not Quantity

"The country's carefully regulated effort to allow only selected migrants to be admitted"

Norway: Migrant Quality, Not Quantity
on cue...., people speak out against the deplorable things this president does... you have to criticize them.
Wash, rinse. repeat..

I'm pointing out that if you live in glass houses, you shouldn't be throwing rocks.
No you’re doing exactly what your masters tell you to do. DONT THINK, just defend the indefensible..

It's 'indefensible', to desire to limit immigration from places filled with people who are uneducated and who will likely strain our government resources further ?

I've got news for you sir, YOUR position is the one that is 'indefensible'.
I see you haven’t been paying atte
Ah so it's just anonymous sources then, at least according to the article you linked. Do you have another link that has actual legit sources?
I said JUST THE OPPOSITE. Michael Wolff named some the exact people that had NOTHING positive to say about this POS president
Do your own homework.

You're the one who posted the article and it didn't say "wolffe's sources" or anything like that, it said "ANONYMOUS SOURCES" - I'm pointing it out, deal with it.
You were referring about Wolff’s book right?
Why don’t you read it yourself.
Oh can’t. It’s such a runaway best seller it’s impossible to get. I have mine on order..

No, I was referring to exactly what I said in my fucking post you dolt. The whole "shithole" comment - which the article you posted supposedly "proving" it happened notes was reported by "anonymous sources" - AKA it's probably bullshit.

As for the book, I frankly couldn't care less about the gossip rumor mill of a questionable journalist/author ~shrug~
a number of people in the meeting heard him say ityou uninformed DOLT... but only two dem congressmen were honest enough to report it.
Of course the enabler republicans wouldn’t touch it

You mean two dem congressmen who can't be trusted to attend important negotiations.
Two dem congressmen who couldn't wait to get to the media to earn their un-American, scum cred.
Two dem congressmen who help prove, time after time, that dems cannot be trusted with leadership.
It was directly from the orange idiot’s mouth.
He said it yesterday at a DACA meeting.

That “ hearsay” book Fire and Fire named names of staffers that said this prez is not fit to serve, an idiot, etc

Ah so it's just anonymous sources then, at least according to the article you linked. Do you have another link that has actual legit sources?
I said JUST THE OPPOSITE. Michael Wolff named some the exact people that had NOTHING positive to say about this POS president
Do your own homework.

You're the one who posted the article and it didn't say "wolffe's sources" or anything like that, it said "ANONYMOUS SOURCES" - I'm pointing it out, deal with it.
You were referring about Wolff’s book right?
Why don’t you read it yourself.
Oh can’t. It’s such a runaway best seller it’s impossible to get. I have mine on order..

There are many critics now saying the book is littered with hearsay and inaccuracies. It is however opioid for liberals.
Wolff’s book is being read in about 40 countries. Everyone in the world is going to know what the WH staff thinks of this “
Unfit president.”
Makes me smile.
Dems are up by 17 points already for Nov. after the fallout from the fat dope’s abrasive comments watch that number soar.
Dems have enthusiasm. Republicans don’t..

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