People on Twitter Tell Trump No One Wants To Come To His ‘Shithole Country’

How many of us had ancestors that didn't immigrate from some shithole country?

Not me, mine immegrated from a nice country that was populating it’s self with people from shithole countries like we are doing now.
"It is not a shithole," Democratic Rep. Adriano Espaillat of New York, who recently made a congressional visit to Haiti, reportedly said. "It's a very proud people. People who are trying to make ends meet. People who are trying to reconstruct their nation."

But all the DEPLORABLES that never went to Haiti think they know more than Rep Espaillat who has.
How's all that money dupes gave to the Clinton Foundation to help the Haitians working out?
Some of that money went to rebuild the 'walls' around Hillary Clinton's mansion.
I gotta admit Wolff is a marketing genius on this book, he's going to make billions off the left even while admitting the books just gossip and rumor.


Also, I have no problems admitting that my family immigrated from a shithole country; nazi Germany.

As I read it, the US and world media (MSM, independent, alternative and blog) have derided and are outraged at his "shithole" comment. Outside of his trumpanzees whom are defending him, no rational, sane or educated person sees his remark as other than damaging and racist. A sad day for America.

As I read it, the US and world media (MSM, independent, alternative and blog) have derided and are outraged at his "shithole" comment. Outside of his trumpanzees whom are defending him, no rational, sane or educated person sees his remark as other than damaging and racist. A sad day for America.

And we still have three more years of this

But I don't blame Trump. He has not changed

I blame those who voted for him

As I read it, the US and world media (MSM, independent, alternative and blog) have derided and are outraged at his "shithole" comment. Outside of his trumpanzees whom are defending him, no rational, sane or educated person sees his remark as other than damaging and racist. A sad day for America.

Say, what’s not rational about the remark and why is it so damaging? It is the thought on the minds of most of Americans. It’s why Trump was elected other then keeping another Clinton out of the White House. I notice this morning that the world is still turning and the Day is normal for a Friday. Calm the hell down.
Condemnation of Trump’s racist comments was swift and harsh by both Dems and a few brave republicans.

Damn, I didn't know countries had a race, don't they have governments? I wasn't aware government had DNA.


As I read it, the US and world media (MSM, independent, alternative and blog) have derided and are outraged at his "shithole" comment. Outside of his trumpanzees whom are defending him, no rational, sane or educated person sees his remark as other than damaging and racist. A sad day for America.

And we still have three more years of this

But I don't blame Trump. He has not changed

I blame those who voted for him

Trumps as much you libtards fault as anyone’s.
That’s putting it mildly. This SOB has attacked about 15 countries on twitter.
Hopefully, he will double that number in 2018 ... :thup:
like I said there’s nothing too disgusting this prez will do that you won’t excuse. The US needs ALLIES... and this mentally ill prez is blowing it big time.
If you believe the US needs allies who are totally corrupt and rule the dozens of negro/brown shithole countries around the world you are delusional.
EVERYONE of these rulers send their kids to private schools in WHITE countries. They own penthouses in Manhattan where their families live and SHOP sending the 'welfare money' the US sends them.
ANY of these shithole country's rulers would jump at the chance to become US citizens.
Yeah. The US is desperate to keep the ruler of Darfur as an 'allie'.
Say, what’s not rational about the remark and why is it so damaging? It is the thought on the minds of most of Americans. It’s why Trump was elected other then keeping another Clinton out of the White House. I notice this morning that the world is still turning and the Day is normal for a Friday. Calm the hell down.

Apparently you grossly over-read my opinion. Take a chill. It's just an opinion. Try not to get excited over them.

As I read it, the US and world media (MSM, independent, alternative and blog) have derided and are outraged at his "shithole" comment. Outside of his trumpanzees whom are defending him, no rational, sane or educated person sees his remark as other than damaging and racist. A sad day for America.

And we still have three more years of this

But I don't blame Trump. He has not changed

I blame those who voted for him

Trumps as much you libtards fault as anyone’s.

Don't blame anyone but yourself

Trump knew what buttons to push and you danced to them
Look Conservatives.....We warned you

We told you Trump was ill-suited to be President and you voted for him anyway
Now, we have to live with your mistake
“@realDonaldTrump no one from Norway wants to come to this shithole country. They have healthcare for all, family leave, free education and real gun control.”

Hit him where it hurts... on Twitter..

People On Twitter Tell Trump No One In Norway Wants To Come To His 'Shithole Country' | HuffPost

Yet more than 400 immigrated to the US last year. Sounds to me like someone doesn't know what they're talking about.

I’m just reporting the news and the facts. The whole world is outraged once again at this slimy POS prez. I hope your happy.

That's not news, the real news is this president is putting America first, unlike presidents of the last 50+ years. Also Trump made his remarks in a closed meeting, if you remember Biden told your dear leader this is a big fucking deal on an open mic. Which is more crude?

This racist, mentally ill extremely lazy incompetent buffoon is not anyone I can stomach.
You're going to have 7 more years of Trump.

Enjoy!! ..... :thup: .. :lol:
Lol I see you don’t know what’s coming down the pike with Mueller’s investigation. Good. I want you to be surprised and see your head explode.
As soon as Mueller recommends ANY charge against President Trump by all means let us know.
When Mueller exonerates Trump you'll be on this forum claiming somehow Trump, with the help of the Russians, "bought off" mueller and his crack team of Blue Chip Trump haters. Or all those Trump supporters at FOX somehow "distracted" Mueller's team from doing their job. If they are/were able to do that what would that say about the faunted 'integrity' of Mueller and his team?
After Mueller interviews Trump in a couple of weeks Mueller has nowhere else to go.
Look Conservatives.....We warned you

We told you Trump was ill-suited to be President and you voted for him anyway
Now, we have to live with your mistake
ill suited is putting it mildly This President is a sick man and a scumbag if ever there was one.... Is there ONE country who views us favorably since the POS defiled our WH ? Republicans have reaped the whirlwind

As I read it, the US and world media (MSM, independent, alternative and blog) have derided and are outraged at his "shithole" comment. Outside of his trumpanzees whom are defending him, no rational, sane or educated person sees his remark as other than damaging and racist. A sad day for America.

And we still have three more years of this

But I don't blame Trump. He has not changed

I blame those who voted for him

Trumps as much you libtards fault as anyone’s.

Don't blame anyone but yourself

Trump knew what buttons to push and you danced to them

Lol, and here you still are. Y’all are dancing like Lille ballerinas with their hair on fire over a stupid remark. A remark that really ain’t that bad when held up next to racist comments made by famous democrats.

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