People on Twitter Tell Trump No One Wants To Come To His ‘Shithole Country’

Say, what’s not rational about the remark and why is it so damaging? It is the thought on the minds of most of Americans. It’s why Trump was elected other then keeping another Clinton out of the White House. I notice this morning that the world is still turning and the Day is normal for a Friday. Calm the hell down.

Apparently you grossly over-read my opinion. Take a chill. It's just an opinion. Try not to get excited over them.

Don’t flatter yourself. You ain’t all that.
People on Twitter Tell Trump No One Wants To Come To His ‘Shithole Country’

your fucking nutz if you fell for that one

you leftards are so gullible

no one wants to come to the United States

“@realDonaldTrump no one from Norway wants to come to this shithole country. They have healthcare for all, family leave, free education and real gun control.”

Hit him where it hurts... on Twitter..

People On Twitter Tell Trump No One In Norway Wants To Come To His 'Shithole Country' | HuffPost

Yet more than 400 immigrated to the US last year. Sounds to me like someone doesn't know what they're talking about.

I’m just reporting the news and the facts. The whole world is outraged once again at this slimy POS prez. I hope your happy.
The minute any ruler of any of these shiitholes refuses to take the monthly welfare money the US sends by all means let us know.
So if these “dreamers” AREN’T from sh*tholes, they should be thrilled to be going back from whence they came, no?

•Named Happiest Country
•Named Best Country To Live In by UN
•Named Most Prosperous Country
•Free colleges/universities

Norwegians, reading today's news from the States:
"Why in the world would we want to go to that #shithole country?"

Too bad Norwegians aren't reproducing enough to stick around for the next century or so. They are better than other parts of Europe but still below a 2.0 in Total Fertility rate.
the only country you're allowed to call a shithole and believe its people are inherently bad is Russia

As I read it, the US and world media (MSM, independent, alternative and blog) have derided and are outraged at his "shithole" comment. Outside of his trumpanzees whom are defending him, no rational, sane or educated person sees his remark as other than damaging and racist. A sad day for America.

And we still have three more years of this

But I don't blame Trump. He has not changed

I blame those who voted for him

Trumps as much you libtards fault as anyone’s.

Don't blame anyone but yourself

Trump knew what buttons to push and you danced to them

Lol, and here you still are. Y’all are dancing like Lille ballerinas with their hair on fire over a stupid remark. A remark that really ain’t that bad when held up next to racist comments made by famous democrats.
A REMARK ? This stupid shit you worship has made 100;s if not more AND he's on record for telling over 2000 lies this past year The man is a complete AH
"Donald, your mouth is the foulest shithole in the world. With what authority do you proclaim who’s welcome in America and who’s not. America’s greatness is built on diversity, or have you forgotten your immigrant background, Donald?" - Sneaky Vicente Fox
How dare racist Pres. Trump call Haiti a shithole!!

When it's obviously a liberal's idea of paradise.
...... :cool:



Looks a lot like El Paso.
Is there ONE country who views us favorably since the POS defiled our WH ?
And yet people from all over the world are still flocking to America.

Have you ever heard of anyone immigrating to Haiti? ..... :dunno:
the ones coming here do so IN SPITE of the orange anus but there is an influx of Russian women coming here to have their babies and of course stay at trump properties making him lots of $$$$ and he better not give them a hard time or his buddy Putin will spill the beans
Norway toughens residence rules

NEWS ANALYSIS: The Norwegian government is about to make it much tougher for many foreign nationals to move to Norway and settle down in the country. Newspaper VG reported on Tuesday that a proposal sent out to hearing this week would extend the qualifying period for permanent residence permission to five years, nearly doubling the amount of time that effectively puts a newcomer on probation. At a time when Norway has sought global talent and likes to portray an international image, it’s questionable whether the government realizes what it’s doing.

Norway toughens residence rules
How racist of them.

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