People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit by a 2-to-1 Margin

It appears that Republicans have walked away from a historic opportunity to reduce the deficit because of their obsessive insistance that not one penny come from higher revenues. Recent polls, however, suggest that the American people are not so obstinate and are more than willing to accept some increase in taxes to reduce the deficit. There is a high degree of consistency in every poll I could find on this topic. ...
To see the polls, click the link.

People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit by a 2-to-1 Margin | Capital Gains and Games

And from Quinnipiac

Voters will blame Republicans over Obama 48 - 34 percent if the debt limit is not raised;
National (US) Poll * July 14, 2011 * President Is Best Of The Worst - Quinnipiac University – Hamden, Connecticut

When did you start posting blatantly partisan links?

Those polls show that people are willing to accept higher taxes as a part of reducing the deficit. They also show that people want that deficit reduction to be mostly about cutting spending, and that only 20% or so actually support using only taxes to reduce the deficit. Why does your site fail to mention any of that?

Wait a sec. Did I miss something? Have I been following this wrongly? Have the MSM totally screwed the pooch? Have the House Republicans saying that they would be willing to increase taxes all along?

Because the answer to your question is this isn't about "mostly." It's about "all." The House Republicans want it all to be about spending cuts. Not "mostly."

So, yeah, there's a partisan problem alright, just not at that the site, given that the post was written by a Republican economist who served in the Reagan administration.
It appears that Republicans have walked away from a historic opportunity to reduce the deficit because of their obsessive insistance that not one penny come from higher revenues. Recent polls, however, suggest that the American people are not so obstinate and are more than willing to accept some increase in taxes to reduce the deficit. There is a high degree of consistency in every poll I could find on this topic. ...

To see the polls, click the link.

People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit by a 2-to-1 Margin | Capital Gains and Games

And from Quinnipiac

Voters will blame Republicans over Obama 48 - 34 percent if the debt limit is not raised;

National (US) Poll * July 14, 2011 * President Is Best Of The Worst - Quinnipiac University – Hamden, Connecticut

Total push poll.
Try the question: Would you support a rise in your taxes to pay for government spending
and see how that turns out.

No, the GOP is right on this one. If they cave on taxes they are toast in 2012.

32. Do you think any agreement to raise the national debt ceiling should include only spending cuts or should it also include an increase in taxes for the wealthy and corporations?

Only spend cuts 25%
Taxes: wlthy/corps 67

There is a huge disconnect between the public and the Republican base.
Last edited:

Total push poll.
Try the question: Would you support a rise in your taxes to pay for government spending
and see how that turns out.

No, the GOP is right on this one. If they cave on taxes they are toast in 2012.

32. Do you think any agreement to raise the national debt ceiling should include only spending cuts or should it also include an increase in taxes for the wealthy and corporations?

Only spend cuts 25%
Taxes: wlthy/corps 67

Try teh question: DO you support raising taxes on fat old rich guys with private airplanes so Medicare can pay for Grandma's life saving surgery.
I'll bet the results will be even higher.
Try teh question: DO you support raising taxes on fat old rich guys with private airplanes so Medicare can pay for Grandma's life saving surgery.
I'll bet the results will be even higher.

The Republican base is engaging in confirmation bias.

Confirmation bias (also called confirmatory bias or myside bias) is a tendency for people to favor information that confirms their preconceptions or hypotheses regardless of whether the information is true.[Note 1][1] As a result, people gather evidence and recall information from memory selectively, and interpret it in a biased way. The biases appear in particular for emotionally significant issues and for established beliefs. For example, in reading about gun control, people usually prefer sources that affirm their existing attitudes. They also tend to interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing position.

Confirmation bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Total push poll.
Try the question: Would you support a rise in your taxes to pay for government spending
and see how that turns out.

No, the GOP is right on this one. If they cave on taxes they are toast in 2012.

32. Do you think any agreement to raise the national debt ceiling should include only spending cuts or should it also include an increase in taxes for the wealthy and corporations?

Only spend cuts 25%
Taxes: wlthy/corps 67

Try teh question: DO you support raising taxes on fat old rich guys with private airplanes so Medicare can pay for Grandma's life saving surgery.
I'll bet the results will be even higher.

well they can start with members in Congress, six of the top ten are DEMOCRATS..
Try teh question: DO you support raising taxes on fat old rich guys with private airplanes so Medicare can pay for Grandma's life saving surgery.
I'll bet the results will be even higher.

The Republican base is engaging in confirmation bias.

Confirmation bias (also called confirmatory bias or myside bias) is a tendency for people to favor information that confirms their preconceptions or hypotheses regardless of whether the information is true.[Note 1][1] As a result, people gather evidence and recall information from memory selectively, and interpret it in a biased way. The biases appear in particular for emotionally significant issues and for established beliefs. For example, in reading about gun control, people usually prefer sources that affirm their existing attitudes. They also tend to interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing position.

Confirmation bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Republican base is solidly against tax increases. The only poll that counts happened in Nov 2010 and the results were overwhelming.
I'd take the results of a national election over a push poll any day.
Try teh question: DO you support raising taxes on fat old rich guys with private airplanes so Medicare can pay for Grandma's life saving surgery.
I'll bet the results will be even higher.

The Republican base is engaging in confirmation bias.

Confirmation bias (also called confirmatory bias or myside bias) is a tendency for people to favor information that confirms their preconceptions or hypotheses regardless of whether the information is true.[Note 1][1] As a result, people gather evidence and recall information from memory selectively, and interpret it in a biased way. The biases appear in particular for emotionally significant issues and for established beliefs. For example, in reading about gun control, people usually prefer sources that affirm their existing attitudes. They also tend to interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing position.

Confirmation bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well, coming from the group that thinks taxing 1% of the population (never mind that taxing 100% of their asset will net less tan $1 trillion) will solve all our problems... yeah, ok.
Stephanie is getting more partisan as time goes by. She even changed her AV. I might change mine to a Cantor AV :D
Stephanie is getting more partisan as time goes by. She even changed her AV. I might change mine to a Cantor AV :D

so what, that is now chapping your ass.
and you talking about others being partisan is a real hoot. have you looked in a mirror lately?
now say goodnight little one.
Except the deficit will not be reduced by higher taxes. Government will simply expand to use the new dollars. This is why reducing programs first is so important.

Thank you!

This is the issue with raising taxes. I could care less about how much the higher earners pay. But there's no point in raising taxes if the government is just going to spend that new revenue instead of paying down the debt with it. This is why I support cutting spending first, so my government proves to me that they're responsible enough to use new revenues wisely. After we cut all we can, then we can start taxing more to raise revenue.
Maybe instead of raising taxes, we should start collecting taxes from the nearly 50% of people who pay no taxes at all. That would be a good start on the problem.

I sure do get tired of reading this phony figure. It's just BS. It is impossible to live in this country and not pay taxes. Have a phone? you pay a tax. Have a car? You pay a ton of taxes. We pay taxes on just about everything. So I say bull on that figure of 50% don't pay taxes.

Now, if you are actually saying that 50% don't pay income tax, that might be a little bit truer.

But are you aware that of that 50% over half don't earn enough to pay taxes. You really want to go after the family that is trying to live on $20,000 a year while standing firm on no taxes for people earning over $250,000? That sure sounds crazy to me. Plus a ton of people who get SS no longer pay income taxes. Shall we go after them too?

Atlanta Opinion  |
Cutting spending will also slow the economy. But that's all beside the point.

This shows that the Republicans are on the wrong side of this issue with the American people because their Tea Party base is fanatical and religious about the tax issue. So the GOP is in a box.

But if you read through those polls, they generally say that people want more spending cuts than tax increases to address the deficit. They just don't think that it should come entirely from spending cuts.

I'll wager that those in favor of tax increases are in favor of tax increases on people other than themselves....

Not me. I have no problem giving back. I was born in the US, and thanks to incredible luck and hard work I have never wanted for anything. I'm perfectly happy giving up discretionary spending and I think everyone else should be too in these tough times.

Give up your Starbucks/Dunkin' Donuts.

It really isn't that hard.

Nor I. Get rid of the Bush Tax cuts. For everyone.

They were galactically stupid to begin with.
It appears that Republicans have walked away from a historic opportunity to reduce the deficit because of their obsessive insistance that not one penny come from higher revenues. Recent polls, however, suggest that the American people are not so obstinate and are more than willing to accept some increase in taxes to reduce the deficit. There is a high degree of consistency in every poll I could find on this topic. ...

To see the polls, click the link.

People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit by a 2-to-1 Margin | Capital Gains and Games

And from Quinnipiac

Voters will blame Republicans over Obama 48 - 34 percent if the debt limit is not raised;

National (US) Poll * July 14, 2011 * President Is Best Of The Worst - Quinnipiac University – Hamden, Connecticut

How convenient they left out the most accurate pollster 55% Oppose Tax Hike In Debt Ceiling Deal - Rasmussen Reports™ , funny this one says 55% oppose it....
Cutting spending will also slow the economy. But that's all beside the point.

This shows that the Republicans are on the wrong side of this issue with the American people because their Tea Party base is fanatical and religious about the tax issue. So the GOP is in a box.

But if you read through those polls, they generally say that people want more spending cuts than tax increases to address the deficit. They just don't think that it should come entirely from spending cuts.

I'll wager that those in favor of tax increases are in favor of tax increases on people other than themselves....

Not me. I have no problem giving back. I was born in the US, and thanks to incredible luck and hard work I have never wanted for anything. I'm perfectly happy giving up discretionary spending and I think everyone else should be too in these tough times.

Give up your Starbucks/Dunkin' Donuts.

It really isn't that hard.

Do you send in an extra check to the government each year or just write in zero on the line where it says how much the government owes you?

Or do you take no deductions, even though you can?

Just curious how you give back....
Now, if you are actually saying that 50% don't pay income tax, that might be a little bit truer.

Yes, that's what they are referring to.

But are you aware that of that 50% over half don't earn enough to pay taxes. You really want to go after the family that is trying to live on $20,000 a year while standing firm on no taxes for people earning over $250,000?

Who has called for no taxes on people earning over $250k?
Except the deficit will not be reduced by higher taxes. Government will simply expand to use the new dollars. This is why reducing programs first is so important.

Thank you!

This is the issue with raising taxes. I could care less about how much the higher earners pay. But there's no point in raising taxes if the government is just going to spend that new revenue instead of paying down the debt with it. This is why I support cutting spending first, so my government proves to me that they're responsible enough to use new revenues wisely. After we cut all we can, then we can start taxing more to raise revenue.

Here's the deal though. Just what would you cut? Are you ready to do without the EPA? How about the CDC? Or FEMA? The federal government has been helping out state and local governments, that would have to end and we would all have to cough up more to support where we live.

And something I haven't seen much of is...if that happens and they start closing agencies, what are we supposed to do with all the unemployed people? Thousands and thousands more people will be out of work. And it looks like there aren't any private jobs on the horizon. You really think that all those people and their families can make it without a job, or unemployment benefits? What do we do about them?
Anyone who supports higher taxes on anyone right now is an idiot.....And you can tell them I said so.
I'm here 24/7 if anyone has a problem with that.
I must be an idiot, because I think those of us that earn income can give some of it back.

What percent above what you owe do you give back?

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