People Surrounded by Armed Troops with Select Fire Weapons....

....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"
There's no where near a hundred million of you wackos.

Really, the FBI reported that there were 8.4 million new gun owners just last year. The NICS system logged more than 21 million background checks in 2020. The fact is you have no clue how many gun owners are out here.

I wasn't talking about gun owners. I was referring to RWNJ whack-a-doodles.

So what are the objective standards to determine who these "whack-a-doodles" are?

Threatening to shoot people is a good start.

That disqualifies about half of the local republicans, BTW.

And about 80% of the local commiecrats.

What's a commiecrat?

Commies pretending to be democrats. Now the party is full of Alinski and Cloward and Piven acolytes.

The only one of those people I've even heard of is Alinsky, and that only because you and your conservitard buddies talk about him all the time.

Yep, Alinski invented the cancel culture. His philosophy was not to attack institutions, but individuals, by Isolation, Diminishment and Destruction of the individual. Sound familiar?

Cloward and Piven developed a strategy to overload and eventually collapse the welfare system, hoping a guaranteed income would result. You're seeing a variation of it at play on the SW border right now.

Cancel culture is a RWNJ fantasy.

As previously stated, I've never even heard of the other two

Fantasy? Tell that to the former CEO at Mozilla, or the young lady that was pushed out of Teen Vogue before her first day of work. BTW, those two events were years and thousands of canceled people apart.

Is your fucking google broke? Look it up.

You're talking about "consequence culture". That's entirely different.
....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"
There's no where near a hundred million of you wackos.

Really, the FBI reported that there were 8.4 million new gun owners just last year. The NICS system logged more than 21 million background checks in 2020. The fact is you have no clue how many gun owners are out here.

I wasn't talking about gun owners. I was referring to RWNJ whack-a-doodles.

So what are the objective standards to determine who these "whack-a-doodles" are?

Threatening to shoot people is a good start.

That disqualifies about half of the local republicans, BTW.

And about 80% of the local commiecrats.

What's a commiecrat?

Commies pretending to be democrats. Now the party is full of Alinski and Cloward and Piven acolytes.

The only one of those people I've even heard of is Alinsky, and that only because you and your conservitard buddies talk about him all the time.

Yep, Alinski invented the cancel culture. His philosophy was not to attack institutions, but individuals, by Isolation, Diminishment and Destruction of the individual. Sound familiar?

Cloward and Piven developed a strategy to overload and eventually collapse the welfare system, hoping a guaranteed income would result. You're seeing a variation of it at play on the SW border right now.

Cancel culture is a RWNJ fantasy.

As previously stated, I've never even heard of the other two

Fantasy? Tell that to the former CEO at Mozilla, or the young lady that was pushed out of Teen Vogue before her first day of work. BTW, those two events were years and thousands of canceled people apart.

Is your fucking google broke? Look it up.


{... Mozilla co-founder Brendan Eich stepped down Thursday as CEO, just days after his appointment. He left the nonprofit maker of the Firefox browser after furious attacks, largely on Twitter, over his $1,000 contribution to support of a now-overturned 2008 gay-marriage ban in California. ...}

Thanks for proving my point.

Said/did bad, offensive things and is now paying the consequences.
....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"
There's no where near a hundred million of you wackos.

Really, the FBI reported that there were 8.4 million new gun owners just last year. The NICS system logged more than 21 million background checks in 2020. The fact is you have no clue how many gun owners are out here.

I wasn't talking about gun owners. I was referring to RWNJ whack-a-doodles.

So what are the objective standards to determine who these "whack-a-doodles" are?

Threatening to shoot people is a good start.

That disqualifies about half of the local republicans, BTW.

And about 80% of the local commiecrats.

What's a commiecrat?

Commies pretending to be democrats. Now the party is full of Alinski and Cloward and Piven acolytes.

The only one of those people I've even heard of is Alinsky, and that only because you and your conservitard buddies talk about him all the time.

Yep, Alinski invented the cancel culture. His philosophy was not to attack institutions, but individuals, by Isolation, Diminishment and Destruction of the individual. Sound familiar?

Cloward and Piven developed a strategy to overload and eventually collapse the welfare system, hoping a guaranteed income would result. You're seeing a variation of it at play on the SW border right now.

Cancel culture is a RWNJ fantasy.

As previously stated, I've never even heard of the other two

Fantasy? Tell that to the former CEO at Mozilla, or the young lady that was pushed out of Teen Vogue before her first day of work. BTW, those two events were years and thousands of canceled people apart.

Is your fucking google broke? Look it up.

You're talking about "consequence culture". That's entirely different.

Justice would be people like you fired and blacklisted for your religious/political beliefs, or some dumb ass thing you said as a kid.

....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"
There's no where near a hundred million of you wackos.

Really, the FBI reported that there were 8.4 million new gun owners just last year. The NICS system logged more than 21 million background checks in 2020. The fact is you have no clue how many gun owners are out here.

I wasn't talking about gun owners. I was referring to RWNJ whack-a-doodles.

So what are the objective standards to determine who these "whack-a-doodles" are?

Threatening to shoot people is a good start.

That disqualifies about half of the local republicans, BTW.

And about 80% of the local commiecrats.

What's a commiecrat?

Commies pretending to be democrats. Now the party is full of Alinski and Cloward and Piven acolytes.

The only one of those people I've even heard of is Alinsky, and that only because you and your conservitard buddies talk about him all the time.

Yep, Alinski invented the cancel culture. His philosophy was not to attack institutions, but individuals, by Isolation, Diminishment and Destruction of the individual. Sound familiar?

Cloward and Piven developed a strategy to overload and eventually collapse the welfare system, hoping a guaranteed income would result. You're seeing a variation of it at play on the SW border right now.

Cancel culture is a RWNJ fantasy.

As previously stated, I've never even heard of the other two

Fantasy? Tell that to the former CEO at Mozilla, or the young lady that was pushed out of Teen Vogue before her first day of work. BTW, those two events were years and thousands of canceled people apart.

Is your fucking google broke? Look it up.

You're talking about "consequence culture". That's entirely different.

Justice would be people like you fired and blacklisted for your religious/political beliefs, or some dumb ass thing you said as a kid.

You can't fire me, I own the company.

However, what you're describing has happened many many people. Blacks, hispanics, women, gays, lesbians, atheists, muslims, any one you can think of that isn't white male and christian has been dealing with this for centuries.

You're pissed because some.of those folk who traditionally haven't had a say what's "right" or acceptable suddenly do and now some few folks are suffering consequences for saying offensive things.

Tough shit, kid. Most of the rest of the world has been dealing with that forever.
If our current administration mistrusts those armed troops currently surrounding them in DC that they won't even issue them any ammunition or feed them properly, just imagine how our current administration feels about those of us who actually do have live ammunition.

They are terrified (of us)
Crazy, unintelligent people with guns......not a warm fuzzy feeling.
No one had any guns, moron.
....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"
There's no where near a hundred million of you wackos.

Really, the FBI reported that there were 8.4 million new gun owners just last year. The NICS system logged more than 21 million background checks in 2020. The fact is you have no clue how many gun owners are out here.

I wasn't talking about gun owners. I was referring to RWNJ whack-a-doodles.

So what are the objective standards to determine who these "whack-a-doodles" are?

Threatening to shoot people is a good start.

That disqualifies about half of the local republicans, BTW.

And about 80% of the local commiecrats.

What's a commiecrat?

Commies pretending to be democrats. Now the party is full of Alinski and Cloward and Piven acolytes.

The only one of those people I've even heard of is Alinsky, and that only because you and your conservitard buddies talk about him all the time.

Yep, Alinski invented the cancel culture. His philosophy was not to attack institutions, but individuals, by Isolation, Diminishment and Destruction of the individual. Sound familiar?

Cloward and Piven developed a strategy to overload and eventually collapse the welfare system, hoping a guaranteed income would result. You're seeing a variation of it at play on the SW border right now.

Cancel culture is a RWNJ fantasy.

As previously stated, I've never even heard of the other two

Fantasy? Tell that to the former CEO at Mozilla, or the young lady that was pushed out of Teen Vogue before her first day of work. BTW, those two events were years and thousands of canceled people apart.

Is your fucking google broke? Look it up.

You're talking about "consequence culture". That's entirely different.

Justice would be people like you fired and blacklisted for your religious/political beliefs, or some dumb ass thing you said as a kid.

You can't fire me, I own the company.

However, what you're describing has happened many many people. Blacks, hispanics, women, gays, lesbians, atheists, muslims, any one you can think of that isn't white male and christian has been dealing with this for centuries.

You're pissed because some.of those folk who traditionally haven't had a say what's "right" or acceptable suddenly do and now some few folks are suffering consequences for saying offensive things.

Tough shit, kid. Most of the rest of the world has been dealing with that forever.
Wrong. It happens to anyone who doesn't spout the SJW prattle.
Not surrounding me. I favor background checks in all transfers (sale or gift) accept between direct family members and believe rifles have no place on the streets, yet you should be able to have any weapon you choose on your property to protect yourself and your family also should be able to hunt game with anything acceptable to the regulators in your state. That does not infringe. It is just well regulated.


well regulated.png
....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"
There's no where near a hundred million of you wackos.

Really, the FBI reported that there were 8.4 million new gun owners just last year. The NICS system logged more than 21 million background checks in 2020. The fact is you have no clue how many gun owners are out here.

I wasn't talking about gun owners. I was referring to RWNJ whack-a-doodles.

So what are the objective standards to determine who these "whack-a-doodles" are?

Threatening to shoot people is a good start.

That disqualifies about half of the local republicans, BTW.

And about 80% of the local commiecrats.

What's a commiecrat?

Commies pretending to be democrats. Now the party is full of Alinski and Cloward and Piven acolytes.

The only one of those people I've even heard of is Alinsky, and that only because you and your conservitard buddies talk about him all the time.

Yep, Alinski invented the cancel culture. His philosophy was not to attack institutions, but individuals, by Isolation, Diminishment and Destruction of the individual. Sound familiar?

Cloward and Piven developed a strategy to overload and eventually collapse the welfare system, hoping a guaranteed income would result. You're seeing a variation of it at play on the SW border right now.

Cancel culture is a RWNJ fantasy.

As previously stated, I've never even heard of the other two

Fantasy? Tell that to the former CEO at Mozilla, or the young lady that was pushed out of Teen Vogue before her first day of work. BTW, those two events were years and thousands of canceled people apart.

Is your fucking google broke? Look it up.

You're talking about "consequence culture". That's entirely different.

Justice would be people like you fired and blacklisted for your religious/political beliefs, or some dumb ass thing you said as a kid.

You can't fire me, I own the company.

However, what you're describing has happened many many people. Blacks, hispanics, women, gays, lesbians, atheists, muslims, any one you can think of that isn't white male and christian has been dealing with this for centuries.

You're pissed because some.of those folk who traditionally haven't had a say what's "right" or acceptable suddenly do and now some few folks are suffering consequences for saying offensive things.

Tough shit, kid. Most of the rest of the world has been dealing with that forever.

Oh bullshit, tell that to whites in South Africans, or early Irish immigrants to the US. Everyone has had their time in the barrel at one time or another. The commie lie is that the sins of the father should be the responsibility of the son. And why is it you commies want to legitimize every perversion under the sun? Oh right, your objective is the destroy the moral fabric of the country, well congrats commie, you're getting there. I seriously doubt you're going to like the results.

....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"
There's no where near a hundred million of you wackos.

Really, the FBI reported that there were 8.4 million new gun owners just last year. The NICS system logged more than 21 million background checks in 2020. The fact is you have no clue how many gun owners are out here.

I wasn't talking about gun owners. I was referring to RWNJ whack-a-doodles.

So what are the objective standards to determine who these "whack-a-doodles" are?

Threatening to shoot people is a good start.

That disqualifies about half of the local republicans, BTW.

And about 80% of the local commiecrats.

What's a commiecrat?

Commies pretending to be democrats. Now the party is full of Alinski and Cloward and Piven acolytes.

The only one of those people I've even heard of is Alinsky, and that only because you and your conservitard buddies talk about him all the time.

Yep, Alinski invented the cancel culture. His philosophy was not to attack institutions, but individuals, by Isolation, Diminishment and Destruction of the individual. Sound familiar?

Cloward and Piven developed a strategy to overload and eventually collapse the welfare system, hoping a guaranteed income would result. You're seeing a variation of it at play on the SW border right now.

Cancel culture is a RWNJ fantasy.

As previously stated, I've never even heard of the other two

Fantasy? Tell that to the former CEO at Mozilla, or the young lady that was pushed out of Teen Vogue before her first day of work. BTW, those two events were years and thousands of canceled people apart.

Is your fucking google broke? Look it up.

You're talking about "consequence culture". That's entirely different.

Justice would be people like you fired and blacklisted for your religious/political beliefs, or some dumb ass thing you said as a kid.

You can't fire me, I own the company.

However, what you're describing has happened many many people. Blacks, hispanics, women, gays, lesbians, atheists, muslims, any one you can think of that isn't white male and christian has been dealing with this for centuries.

You're pissed because some.of those folk who traditionally haven't had a say what's "right" or acceptable suddenly do and now some few folks are suffering consequences for saying offensive things.

Tough shit, kid. Most of the rest of the world has been dealing with that forever.

Oh bullshit, tell that to whites in South Africans, or early Irish immigrants to the US. Everyone has had their time in the barrel at one time or another. The commie lie is that the sins of the father should be the responsibility of the son. And why is it you commies want to legitimize every perversion under the sun? Oh right, your objective is the destroy the moral fabric of the country, well congrats commie, you're getting there. I seriously doubt you're going to like the results.

I talk to my friends in South Africa every few weeks, both white and black. The narrative you follow are pushing here is fake.

The irish weren't considered "white" back then.

None of your spittle spraying rant answers my post in any way, you're just trying (and failing) to make excuses.
....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"
There's no where near a hundred million of you wackos.

Really, the FBI reported that there were 8.4 million new gun owners just last year. The NICS system logged more than 21 million background checks in 2020. The fact is you have no clue how many gun owners are out here.

I wasn't talking about gun owners. I was referring to RWNJ whack-a-doodles.

So what are the objective standards to determine who these "whack-a-doodles" are?

Threatening to shoot people is a good start.

That disqualifies about half of the local republicans, BTW.

And about 80% of the local commiecrats.

What's a commiecrat?

Commies pretending to be democrats. Now the party is full of Alinski and Cloward and Piven acolytes.

The only one of those people I've even heard of is Alinsky, and that only because you and your conservitard buddies talk about him all the time.

Yep, Alinski invented the cancel culture. His philosophy was not to attack institutions, but individuals, by Isolation, Diminishment and Destruction of the individual. Sound familiar?

Cloward and Piven developed a strategy to overload and eventually collapse the welfare system, hoping a guaranteed income would result. You're seeing a variation of it at play on the SW border right now.

Cancel culture is a RWNJ fantasy.

As previously stated, I've never even heard of the other two

Fantasy? Tell that to the former CEO at Mozilla, or the young lady that was pushed out of Teen Vogue before her first day of work. BTW, those two events were years and thousands of canceled people apart.

Is your fucking google broke? Look it up.


{... Mozilla co-founder Brendan Eich stepped down Thursday as CEO, just days after his appointment. He left the nonprofit maker of the Firefox browser after furious attacks, largely on Twitter, over his $1,000 contribution to support of a now-overturned 2008 gay-marriage ban in California. ...}

Thanks for proving my point.

Said/did bad, offensive things and is now paying the consequences.
What "bad things?" Donating to your political causes is a crime now?
....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"
There's no where near a hundred million of you wackos.

Really, the FBI reported that there were 8.4 million new gun owners just last year. The NICS system logged more than 21 million background checks in 2020. The fact is you have no clue how many gun owners are out here.

I wasn't talking about gun owners. I was referring to RWNJ whack-a-doodles.

So what are the objective standards to determine who these "whack-a-doodles" are?

Threatening to shoot people is a good start.

That disqualifies about half of the local republicans, BTW.

And about 80% of the local commiecrats.

What's a commiecrat?

Commies pretending to be democrats. Now the party is full of Alinski and Cloward and Piven acolytes.

The only one of those people I've even heard of is Alinsky, and that only because you and your conservitard buddies talk about him all the time.

Yep, Alinski invented the cancel culture. His philosophy was not to attack institutions, but individuals, by Isolation, Diminishment and Destruction of the individual. Sound familiar?

Cloward and Piven developed a strategy to overload and eventually collapse the welfare system, hoping a guaranteed income would result. You're seeing a variation of it at play on the SW border right now.

Cancel culture is a RWNJ fantasy.

As previously stated, I've never even heard of the other two

Fantasy? Tell that to the former CEO at Mozilla, or the young lady that was pushed out of Teen Vogue before her first day of work. BTW, those two events were years and thousands of canceled people apart.

Is your fucking google broke? Look it up.

You're talking about "consequence culture". That's entirely different.

Justice would be people like you fired and blacklisted for your religious/political beliefs, or some dumb ass thing you said as a kid.

You can't fire me, I own the company.

However, what you're describing has happened many many people. Blacks, hispanics, women, gays, lesbians, atheists, muslims, any one you can think of that isn't white male and christian has been dealing with this for centuries.

You're pissed because some.of those folk who traditionally haven't had a say what's "right" or acceptable suddenly do and now some few folks are suffering consequences for saying offensive things.

Tough shit, kid. Most of the rest of the world has been dealing with that forever.

Moron....the atheists are responsible for the murder of close to 100 million people since 1917.....muslims have been murdering and enslaving people since the religion was dipshit....

Muslims are enslaving blacks in Africa to this idiot.......muslims treat women as second class citizens and force them to wear head and body twit.....
....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"

The government has tanks, canons, and nuclear weapons. Ask the well armed a$$hats in WACO how well THEY did stand up for their 2nd Amendment rights. Oh wait. You can't. They're all fucking DEAD, because they were stupid and stood on their 2nd Amendment rights.
....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"

The government has tanks, canons, and nuclear weapons. Ask the well armed a$$hats in WACO how well THEY did stand up for their 2nd Amendment rights. Oh wait. You can't. They're all fucking DEAD, because they were stupid and stood on their 2nd Amendment rights.
Right, and that's why the USSR still occupies Afghanistan.
....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"
There's no where near a hundred million of you wackos.

Really, the FBI reported that there were 8.4 million new gun owners just last year. The NICS system logged more than 21 million background checks in 2020. The fact is you have no clue how many gun owners are out here.

I wasn't talking about gun owners. I was referring to RWNJ whack-a-doodles.

So what are the objective standards to determine who these "whack-a-doodles" are?

Threatening to shoot people is a good start.

That disqualifies about half of the local republicans, BTW.

And about 80% of the local commiecrats.

What's a commiecrat?

Commies pretending to be democrats. Now the party is full of Alinski and Cloward and Piven acolytes.

The only one of those people I've even heard of is Alinsky, and that only because you and your conservitard buddies talk about him all the time.

Yep, Alinski invented the cancel culture. His philosophy was not to attack institutions, but individuals, by Isolation, Diminishment and Destruction of the individual. Sound familiar?

Cloward and Piven developed a strategy to overload and eventually collapse the welfare system, hoping a guaranteed income would result. You're seeing a variation of it at play on the SW border right now.

Cancel culture is a RWNJ fantasy.

As previously stated, I've never even heard of the other two

Fantasy? Tell that to the former CEO at Mozilla, or the young lady that was pushed out of Teen Vogue before her first day of work. BTW, those two events were years and thousands of canceled people apart.

Is your fucking google broke? Look it up.

You're talking about "consequence culture". That's entirely different.

Justice would be people like you fired and blacklisted for your religious/political beliefs, or some dumb ass thing you said as a kid.

You can't fire me, I own the company.

However, what you're describing has happened many many people. Blacks, hispanics, women, gays, lesbians, atheists, muslims, any one you can think of that isn't white male and christian has been dealing with this for centuries.

You're pissed because some.of those folk who traditionally haven't had a say what's "right" or acceptable suddenly do and now some few folks are suffering consequences for saying offensive things.

Tough shit, kid. Most of the rest of the world has been dealing with that forever.
.......muslims treat women as second class citizens and force them to wear head and body twit.....

So do conservative evangelicals. There is literally no difference between how evangicals treat women and muslims treatment of women - long sleeves, skirts to knees, viriginity pledges, subserviance to their husbands.
....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"
There's no where near a hundred million of you wackos.

Really, the FBI reported that there were 8.4 million new gun owners just last year. The NICS system logged more than 21 million background checks in 2020. The fact is you have no clue how many gun owners are out here.

I wasn't talking about gun owners. I was referring to RWNJ whack-a-doodles.

So what are the objective standards to determine who these "whack-a-doodles" are?

Threatening to shoot people is a good start.

That disqualifies about half of the local republicans, BTW.

And about 80% of the local commiecrats.

What's a commiecrat?

Commies pretending to be democrats. Now the party is full of Alinski and Cloward and Piven acolytes.

The only one of those people I've even heard of is Alinsky, and that only because you and your conservitard buddies talk about him all the time.

Yep, Alinski invented the cancel culture. His philosophy was not to attack institutions, but individuals, by Isolation, Diminishment and Destruction of the individual. Sound familiar?

Cloward and Piven developed a strategy to overload and eventually collapse the welfare system, hoping a guaranteed income would result. You're seeing a variation of it at play on the SW border right now.

Cancel culture is a RWNJ fantasy.

As previously stated, I've never even heard of the other two

Fantasy? Tell that to the former CEO at Mozilla, or the young lady that was pushed out of Teen Vogue before her first day of work. BTW, those two events were years and thousands of canceled people apart.

Is your fucking google broke? Look it up.

You're talking about "consequence culture". That's entirely different.

Justice would be people like you fired and blacklisted for your religious/political beliefs, or some dumb ass thing you said as a kid.

You can't fire me, I own the company.

However, what you're describing has happened many many people. Blacks, hispanics, women, gays, lesbians, atheists, muslims, any one you can think of that isn't white male and christian has been dealing with this for centuries.

You're pissed because some.of those folk who traditionally haven't had a say what's "right" or acceptable suddenly do and now some few folks are suffering consequences for saying offensive things.

Tough shit, kid. Most of the rest of the world has been dealing with that forever.
.......muslims treat women as second class citizens and force them to wear head and body twit.....

So do conservative evangelicals. There is literally no difference between how evangicals treat women and muslims treatment of women - long sleeves, skirts to knees, viriginity pledges, subserviance to their husbands.
Evangelicals murder their daughters because they had sex before marriage?
....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"
There's no where near a hundred million of you wackos.

Really, the FBI reported that there were 8.4 million new gun owners just last year. The NICS system logged more than 21 million background checks in 2020. The fact is you have no clue how many gun owners are out here.

I wasn't talking about gun owners. I was referring to RWNJ whack-a-doodles.

So what are the objective standards to determine who these "whack-a-doodles" are?

Threatening to shoot people is a good start.

That disqualifies about half of the local republicans, BTW.

And about 80% of the local commiecrats.

What's a commiecrat?

Commies pretending to be democrats. Now the party is full of Alinski and Cloward and Piven acolytes.

The only one of those people I've even heard of is Alinsky, and that only because you and your conservitard buddies talk about him all the time.

Yep, Alinski invented the cancel culture. His philosophy was not to attack institutions, but individuals, by Isolation, Diminishment and Destruction of the individual. Sound familiar?

Cloward and Piven developed a strategy to overload and eventually collapse the welfare system, hoping a guaranteed income would result. You're seeing a variation of it at play on the SW border right now.

Cancel culture is a RWNJ fantasy.

As previously stated, I've never even heard of the other two

Fantasy? Tell that to the former CEO at Mozilla, or the young lady that was pushed out of Teen Vogue before her first day of work. BTW, those two events were years and thousands of canceled people apart.

Is your fucking google broke? Look it up.

You're talking about "consequence culture". That's entirely different.

Justice would be people like you fired and blacklisted for your religious/political beliefs, or some dumb ass thing you said as a kid.

You can't fire me, I own the company.

However, what you're describing has happened many many people. Blacks, hispanics, women, gays, lesbians, atheists, muslims, any one you can think of that isn't white male and christian has been dealing with this for centuries.

You're pissed because some.of those folk who traditionally haven't had a say what's "right" or acceptable suddenly do and now some few folks are suffering consequences for saying offensive things.

Tough shit, kid. Most of the rest of the world has been dealing with that forever.

Oh bullshit, tell that to whites in South Africans, or early Irish immigrants to the US. Everyone has had their time in the barrel at one time or another. The commie lie is that the sins of the father should be the responsibility of the son. And why is it you commies want to legitimize every perversion under the sun? Oh right, your objective is the destroy the moral fabric of the country, well congrats commie, you're getting there. I seriously doubt you're going to like the results.

I talk to my friends in South Africa every few weeks, both white and black. The narrative you follow are pushing here is fake.

The irish weren't considered "white" back then.

None of your spittle spraying rant answers my post in any way, you're just trying (and failing) to make excuses.

So you're sticking to the commie party line, got it.

If our current administration mistrusts those armed troops currently surrounding them in DC that they won't even issue them any ammunition or feed them properly

You mean the troops in DC don't even have bullets? What is this about feeding them? Please elaborate.

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