People Surrounded by Armed Troops with Select Fire Weapons....

....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"
There's no where near a hundred million of you wackos.

Really, the FBI reported that there were 8.4 million new gun owners just last year. The NICS system logged more than 21 million background checks in 2020. The fact is you have no clue how many gun owners are out here.

I wasn't talking about gun owners. I was referring to RWNJ whack-a-doodles.

So what are the objective standards to determine who these "whack-a-doodles" are?

Not surrounding me. I favor background checks in all transfers (sale or gift) accept between direct family members and believe rifles have no place on the streets, yet you should be able to have any weapon you choose on your property to protect yourself and your family also should be able to hunt game with anything acceptable to the regulators in your state. That does not infringe. It is just well regulated.

But you're cool with cops having full auto assault rifles to protect your white elites at the Capitol.
I'm cool with police tac squads having full auto weapons and definitely cool with National Guard troops having their issue weapons. Why? Aren't you? I know a bunch of former military (now civilians) that have or have had full auto weapons. Of course in my circles, those people don't carry them on the streets or use them in crime.

View attachment 471587

I'm not.

If the government says that a firearm or anything is banned from civilian use then that same ban should apply to all law enforcement and other civilian agencies too. If they can have it then I can have it.

If it's only meant for the military then the only ones who should have access to them are the military.



Not like every cop car has a full auto weapon at it's disposal and I just don't come across that many that do. I do believe that in an encounter with an armed criminal suspect ( I think of them as "enemy"), the cops should have access to overwhelming firepower. Same kind of advantage preferred by military, whether you have it or not. I do not have many interactions and never as a criminal suspect, but am equally armed in general. House is different. Better armed unless they go batsh#t crazy and come to wrong address. Glad many cities moving to ban no-knock. Anybody breaking in, in the night is a fair target threat, to be sorted out after that type of encounter. Inside my home, shoot first and ask questions later is valid and justifiable under the laws of my state.

Not true.
All cop cars do have select fire, full auto rifles.
And the advantage we should want cops to have is NOT military at all, but being able to radio in for superior NUMBERS.

We do NOT want police to be able to escalate our cities into war zones.

But I agree we must end "no-knock warrants", except in the case of kidnappings or where there is a likely hostage situation.

Really? I had no idea. You think that is true even here in Tennessee? Have not seen them mounted to the dash like shot guns, but you could be correct. Police having full automatic weapons does not really bother me. They sometimes make multiple bullet holes but mostly by emptying full magazines through their Glock.
Not surrounding me. I favor background checks in all transfers (sale or gift) accept between direct family members and believe rifles have no place on the streets, yet you should be able to have any weapon you choose on your property to protect yourself and your family also should be able to hunt game with anything acceptable to the regulators in your state. That does not infringe. It is just well regulated.
That is defacto registration, fucking fool.
You are just fucking paranoid? I have bought all but one ( that one passed down by dad) through registered fire arms dealers, after filling out the form and it being approved. No problem. I don't buy cheap guns. I register my warranties with the manufacturers also. Get a grip.

Oh, good for you, so what?
Nothing wrong with buying and passing the checks. What's with you? You buy from the black market of stolen guns? If I ever have to shoot somebody, it won't be with a weapon stolen in a Texas home breakin, like my buddy found on the railroad tracks here in Jackson TN. Sheriff's department identified it and were trying to locate the owner, who bought it legally down there over 800 miles away.

There is something wrong with background checks when they don't work, as they didn't work with the Boulder Colorado terrorist. He was known by the FBI but still bought the weapon a few days before the shooting. He legally-purchased the weapon, filled out the BATF Form 4473, and underwent an NICS background check.

Simply adding laws on top of laws is not the way to do things when the existing laws don't even work.

Here We Go - FBI Knew Boulder, Colorado, Suspect Identity Prior to Shooting - The Last Refuge
Nothing works 100%. The dudes on brother says he had mental issues, but said nothing, informed nobody, did not get him help from anybody, so nothing happened to trigger a red flag law and that lack of action by family members and close associates is why red flag laws do not work.

The War on Drugs has made illegal drug sales so lucrative and without police protection, that most urban homes now are armed. And the person supplying the illegal drugs can also supply anyone with an illegal gun.
So red flag laws can't help at all really.

But there was several red flags in this guys record already, from the many fights he got into at school.
Everything I said was correct and I stated why he did not trigger red flag and the reason red flag does not work. Fits of temper that do not end in conviction and jail time, do not come across on background checks and I am not certain they should. Back on the red flag crap, I suspect they are more often related to divorce and possibly pissed off spouses wanting to better their position in settlement or child custody, turning people in, but on that, I could be completely off base on that.

The school fights should have lead to psychological evaluation early one.
Likely it could then have been corrected early on.
So the solution is public health care, not red flag laws that are easily abused.
Not sure any background check takes school, non criminal charge juvenile records into account, except if the dumb ass is bumped up to trial as an adult. I have heard we do not put money into mental health and mental health institutions we used to. I do not know. If we did, maybe some more would get treatment and definitely some more would get flagged. It is all a huge can of worms.
Not surrounding me. I favor background checks in all transfers (sale or gift) accept between direct family members and believe rifles have no place on the streets, yet you should be able to have any weapon you choose on your property to protect yourself and your family also should be able to hunt game with anything acceptable to the regulators in your state. That does not infringe. It is just well regulated.

But you're cool with cops having full auto assault rifles to protect your white elites at the Capitol.
I'm cool with police tac squads having full auto weapons and definitely cool with National Guard troops having their issue weapons. Why? Aren't you? I know a bunch of former military (now civilians) that have or have had full auto weapons. Of course in my circles, those people don't carry them on the streets or use them in crime.

View attachment 471587

I'm not.

If the government says that a firearm or anything is banned from civilian use then that same ban should apply to all law enforcement and other civilian agencies too. If they can have it then I can have it.

If it's only meant for the military then the only ones who should have access to them are the military.



Not like every cop car has a full auto weapon at it's disposal and I just don't come across that many that do. I do believe that in an encounter with an armed criminal suspect ( I think of them as "enemy"), the cops should have access to overwhelming firepower. Same kind of advantage preferred by military, whether you have it or not. I do not have many interactions and never as a criminal suspect, but am equally armed in general. House is different. Better armed unless they go batsh#t crazy and come to wrong address. Glad many cities moving to ban no-knock. Anybody breaking in, in the night is a fair target threat, to be sorted out after that type of encounter. Inside my home, shoot first and ask questions later is valid and justifiable under the laws of my state.

View attachment 471785

If civil law enforcement thinks it needs that kind of overwhelming firepower because of the criminals then its a good bet I might need that kind of firepower to combat the criminals too.



Not really. Like a soldier, we pay them to move to the sound of the guns and respond. I believe in equipping and training them to wield overwhelming firepower if necessary and holding them accountable for it's use. If you want to be a crime fighter, go take the tests and see if they will hire you. If not you probably should stay out of the way and take care of yourself and your family anybody else you can without becoming decisively engaged out in public.
....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"
There's no where near a hundred million of you wackos.

Really, the FBI reported that there were 8.4 million new gun owners just last year. The NICS system logged more than 21 million background checks in 2020. The fact is you have no clue how many gun owners are out here.

I wasn't talking about gun owners. I was referring to RWNJ whack-a-doodles.

So what are the objective standards to determine who these "whack-a-doodles" are?

Threatening to shoot people is a good start.

That disqualifies about half of the local republicans, BTW.
....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"
There's no where near a hundred million of you wackos.

Really, the FBI reported that there were 8.4 million new gun owners just last year. The NICS system logged more than 21 million background checks in 2020. The fact is you have no clue how many gun owners are out here.

I wasn't talking about gun owners. I was referring to RWNJ whack-a-doodles.

So what are the objective standards to determine who these "whack-a-doodles" are?

Threatening to shoot people is a good start.

That disqualifies about half of the local republicans, BTW.

And about 80% of the local commiecrats.

....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"
There's no where near a hundred million of you wackos.

Really, the FBI reported that there were 8.4 million new gun owners just last year. The NICS system logged more than 21 million background checks in 2020. The fact is you have no clue how many gun owners are out here.

I wasn't talking about gun owners. I was referring to RWNJ whack-a-doodles.

So what are the objective standards to determine who these "whack-a-doodles" are?

Threatening to shoot people is a good start.

That disqualifies about half of the local republicans, BTW.

And about 80% of the local commiecrats.

What's a commiecrat?
....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"
There's no where near a hundred million of you wackos.

Really, the FBI reported that there were 8.4 million new gun owners just last year. The NICS system logged more than 21 million background checks in 2020. The fact is you have no clue how many gun owners are out here.

I wasn't talking about gun owners. I was referring to RWNJ whack-a-doodles.

So what are the objective standards to determine who these "whack-a-doodles" are?

Threatening to shoot people is a good start.

That disqualifies about half of the local republicans, BTW.

And about 80% of the local commiecrats.

What's a commiecrat?
They've gotten as bad as 5th graders making up little names for use by the click, thinking themselves to cool kids, instead of the immature little dweebs they are.
....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"
There's no where near a hundred million of you wackos.

Really, the FBI reported that there were 8.4 million new gun owners just last year. The NICS system logged more than 21 million background checks in 2020. The fact is you have no clue how many gun owners are out here.

I wasn't talking about gun owners. I was referring to RWNJ whack-a-doodles.

So what are the objective standards to determine who these "whack-a-doodles" are?

Threatening to shoot people is a good start.

That disqualifies about half of the local republicans, BTW.

And about 80% of the local commiecrats.

What's a commiecrat?
They've gotten as bad as 5th graders making up little names for use by the click, thinking themselves to cool kids, instead of the immature little dweebs they are.
That's why I've been giving them all new nicknames.
....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"
There's no where near a hundred million of you wackos.

Really, the FBI reported that there were 8.4 million new gun owners just last year. The NICS system logged more than 21 million background checks in 2020. The fact is you have no clue how many gun owners are out here.

I wasn't talking about gun owners. I was referring to RWNJ whack-a-doodles.

So what are the objective standards to determine who these "whack-a-doodles" are?

Threatening to shoot people is a good start.

That disqualifies about half of the local republicans, BTW.

And about 80% of the local commiecrats.

What's a commiecrat?

Commies pretending to be democrats. Now the party is full of Alinski and Cloward and Piven acolytes.

....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"
There's no where near a hundred million of you wackos.

Really, the FBI reported that there were 8.4 million new gun owners just last year. The NICS system logged more than 21 million background checks in 2020. The fact is you have no clue how many gun owners are out here.

I wasn't talking about gun owners. I was referring to RWNJ whack-a-doodles.

So what are the objective standards to determine who these "whack-a-doodles" are?

Threatening to shoot people is a good start.

That disqualifies about half of the local republicans, BTW.

And about 80% of the local commiecrats.

What's a commiecrat?

Commies pretending to be democrats. Now the party is full of Alinski and Cloward and Piven acolytes.

The only one of those people I've even heard of is Alinsky, and that only because you and your conservitard buddies talk about him all the time.
....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"
There's no where near a hundred million of you wackos.

Really, the FBI reported that there were 8.4 million new gun owners just last year. The NICS system logged more than 21 million background checks in 2020. The fact is you have no clue how many gun owners are out here.

I wasn't talking about gun owners. I was referring to RWNJ whack-a-doodles.

So what are the objective standards to determine who these "whack-a-doodles" are?

Threatening to shoot people is a good start.

That disqualifies about half of the local republicans, BTW.

And about 80% of the local commiecrats.

What's a commiecrat?

Commies pretending to be democrats. Now the party is full of Alinski and Cloward and Piven acolytes.

The only one of those people I've even heard of is Alinsky, and that only because you and your conservitard buddies talk about him all the time.

Yep, Alinski invented the cancel culture. His philosophy was not to attack institutions, but individuals, by Isolation, Diminishment and Destruction of the individual. Sound familiar?

Cloward and Piven developed a strategy to overload and eventually collapse the welfare system, hoping a guaranteed income would result. You're seeing a variation of it at play on the SW border right now.

....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"
There's no where near a hundred million of you wackos.

Really, the FBI reported that there were 8.4 million new gun owners just last year. The NICS system logged more than 21 million background checks in 2020. The fact is you have no clue how many gun owners are out here.

I wasn't talking about gun owners. I was referring to RWNJ whack-a-doodles.

So what are the objective standards to determine who these "whack-a-doodles" are?

Threatening to shoot people is a good start.

That disqualifies about half of the local republicans, BTW.

And about 80% of the local commiecrats.

What's a commiecrat?

Commies pretending to be democrats. Now the party is full of Alinski and Cloward and Piven acolytes.

The only one of those people I've even heard of is Alinsky, and that only because you and your conservitard buddies talk about him all the time.

Yep, Alinski invented the cancel culture. His philosophy was not to attack institutions, but individuals, by Isolation, Diminishment and Destruction of the individual. Sound familiar?

Cloward and Piven developed a strategy to overload and eventually collapse the welfare system, hoping a guaranteed income would result. You're seeing a variation of it at play on the SW border right now.

Cancel culture is a RWNJ fantasy.

As previously stated, I've never even heard of the other two
....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"
There's no where near a hundred million of you wackos.

Really, the FBI reported that there were 8.4 million new gun owners just last year. The NICS system logged more than 21 million background checks in 2020. The fact is you have no clue how many gun owners are out here.

I wasn't talking about gun owners. I was referring to RWNJ whack-a-doodles.

So what are the objective standards to determine who these "whack-a-doodles" are?

Threatening to shoot people is a good start.

That disqualifies about half of the local republicans, BTW.

And about 80% of the local commiecrats.

What's a commiecrat?

Commies pretending to be democrats. Now the party is full of Alinski and Cloward and Piven acolytes.

The only one of those people I've even heard of is Alinsky, and that only because you and your conservitard buddies talk about him all the time.

Yep, Alinski invented the cancel culture. His philosophy was not to attack institutions, but individuals, by Isolation, Diminishment and Destruction of the individual. Sound familiar?

Cloward and Piven developed a strategy to overload and eventually collapse the welfare system, hoping a guaranteed income would result. You're seeing a variation of it at play on the SW border right now.

Cancel culture is a RWNJ fantasy.

As previously stated, I've never even heard of the other two

Fantasy? Tell that to the former CEO at Mozilla, or the young lady that was pushed out of Teen Vogue before her first day of work. BTW, those two events were years and thousands of canceled people apart.

Is your fucking google broke? Look it up.

Not surrounding me. I favor background checks in all transfers (sale or gift) accept between direct family members and believe rifles have no place on the streets, yet you should be able to have any weapon you choose on your property to protect yourself and your family also should be able to hunt game with anything acceptable to the regulators in your state. That does not infringe. It is just well regulated.

You also favor this groping on live television.
Not surrounding me. I favor background checks in all transfers (sale or gift) accept between direct family members and believe rifles have no place on the streets, yet you should be able to have any weapon you choose on your property to protect yourself and your family also should be able to hunt game with anything acceptable to the regulators in your state. That does not infringe. It is just well regulated.

But you're cool with cops having full auto assault rifles to protect your white elites at the Capitol.
I'm cool with police tac squads having full auto weapons and definitely cool with National Guard troops having their issue weapons. Why? Aren't you? I know a bunch of former military (now civilians) that have or have had full auto weapons. Of course in my circles, those people don't carry them on the streets or use them in crime.

View attachment 471587

I'm not.

If the government says that a firearm or anything is banned from civilian use then that same ban should apply to all law enforcement and other civilian agencies too. If they can have it then I can have it.

If it's only meant for the military then the only ones who should have access to them are the military.



Not like every cop car has a full auto weapon at it's disposal and I just don't come across that many that do. I do believe that in an encounter with an armed criminal suspect ( I think of them as "enemy"), the cops should have access to overwhelming firepower. Same kind of advantage preferred by military, whether you have it or not. I do not have many interactions and never as a criminal suspect, but am equally armed in general. House is different. Better armed unless they go batsh#t crazy and come to wrong address. Glad many cities moving to ban no-knock. Anybody breaking in, in the night is a fair target threat, to be sorted out after that type of encounter. Inside my home, shoot first and ask questions later is valid and justifiable under the laws of my state.

Not true.
All cop cars do have select fire, full auto rifles.
And the advantage we should want cops to have is NOT military at all, but being able to radio in for superior NUMBERS.

We do NOT want police to be able to escalate our cities into war zones.

But I agree we must end "no-knock warrants", except in the case of kidnappings or where there is a likely hostage situation.

Really? I had no idea. You think that is true even here in Tennessee? Have not seen them mounted to the dash like shot guns, but you could be correct. Police having full automatic weapons does not really bother me. They sometimes make multiple bullet holes but mostly by emptying full magazines through their Glock.

Police get the surplus from the military.
First it was Vietnam, then Desert Storm, then Iraq and Afghanistan.
They get them for free.
Along with armored personnel carriers, night vision, etc.
The military is constantly upgrading and producing surplus they don't know what to do with.
Police don't use them very often, so they usually are locked in cases in the trunks.
And since they don't use them very often, they do not bother me that much either.
It is emptying Glock magazines on unarmed people that bother me.

So the problem is we have stopped taking care of ourselves, and want police to take care of us for us.
And since that not only is impossible, but very dangerous, we have produced a deadly police force, that is being trained as killers.
We actually have created the greatest threat we face, ourselves.
It is just a matter of time before the police turn this into the 4th Reich.
And no one will even notice.
It likely already happened.
....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

View attachment 471510
They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"
There's no where near a hundred million of you wackos.

Really, the FBI reported that there were 8.4 million new gun owners just last year. The NICS system logged more than 21 million background checks in 2020. The fact is you have no clue how many gun owners are out here.

I wasn't talking about gun owners. I was referring to RWNJ whack-a-doodles.

So what are the objective standards to determine who these "whack-a-doodles" are?

Threatening to shoot people is a good start.

That disqualifies about half of the local republicans, BTW.

And about 80% of the local commiecrats.

What's a commiecrat?

Commies pretending to be democrats. Now the party is full of Alinski and Cloward and Piven acolytes.

The only one of those people I've even heard of is Alinsky, and that only because you and your conservitard buddies talk about him all the time.

Yep, Alinski invented the cancel culture. His philosophy was not to attack institutions, but individuals, by Isolation, Diminishment and Destruction of the individual. Sound familiar?

Cloward and Piven developed a strategy to overload and eventually collapse the welfare system, hoping a guaranteed income would result. You're seeing a variation of it at play on the SW border right now.

Cancel culture is a RWNJ fantasy.

As previously stated, I've never even heard of the other two

Fantasy? Tell that to the former CEO at Mozilla, or the young lady that was pushed out of Teen Vogue before her first day of work. BTW, those two events were years and thousands of canceled people apart.

Is your fucking google broke? Look it up.


{... Mozilla co-founder Brendan Eich stepped down Thursday as CEO, just days after his appointment. He left the nonprofit maker of the Firefox browser after furious attacks, largely on Twitter, over his $1,000 contribution to support of a now-overturned 2008 gay-marriage ban in California. ...}
Not surrounding me. I favor background checks in all transfers (sale or gift) accept between direct family members and believe rifles have no place on the streets, yet you should be able to have any weapon you choose on your property to protect yourself and your family also should be able to hunt game with anything acceptable to the regulators in your state. That does not infringe. It is just well regulated.

But you're cool with cops having full auto assault rifles to protect your white elites at the Capitol.
I'm cool with police tac squads having full auto weapons and definitely cool with National Guard troops having their issue weapons. Why? Aren't you? I know a bunch of former military (now civilians) that have or have had full auto weapons. Of course in my circles, those people don't carry them on the streets or use them in crime.

View attachment 471587

I'm not.

If the government says that a firearm or anything is banned from civilian use then that same ban should apply to all law enforcement and other civilian agencies too. If they can have it then I can have it.

If it's only meant for the military then the only ones who should have access to them are the military.



Not like every cop car has a full auto weapon at it's disposal and I just don't come across that many that do. I do believe that in an encounter with an armed criminal suspect ( I think of them as "enemy"), the cops should have access to overwhelming firepower. Same kind of advantage preferred by military, whether you have it or not. I do not have many interactions and never as a criminal suspect, but am equally armed in general. House is different. Better armed unless they go batsh#t crazy and come to wrong address. Glad many cities moving to ban no-knock. Anybody breaking in, in the night is a fair target threat, to be sorted out after that type of encounter. Inside my home, shoot first and ask questions later is valid and justifiable under the laws of my state.

View attachment 471785

If civil law enforcement thinks it needs that kind of overwhelming firepower because of the criminals then its a good bet I might need that kind of firepower to combat the criminals too.



Not really. Like a soldier, we pay them to move to the sound of the guns and respond. I believe in equipping and training them to wield overwhelming firepower if necessary and holding them accountable for it's use. If you want to be a crime fighter, go take the tests and see if they will hire you. If not you probably should stay out of the way and take care of yourself and your family anybody else you can without becoming decisively engaged out in public.

The police are never the target.
Ever hear of anyone trying to hold up or rape cops?
We are the target.
So then we do not have the luxury that police have, or falling back and radioing in for back up.
The police NEVER need high firepower, but we always do.
We have to be the crime fighters because we are the intended victim.
The statistics are every person will become a victim of a serious crime about 2.5 times in their lives.
And again, almost no one ever attacks police, since there is no profit in that.
When they claim cops have a dangerous job, the reality is that almost all cop fatalities are from traffic accidents, not gun shots.
Not surrounding me. I favor background checks in all transfers (sale or gift) accept between direct family members and believe rifles have no place on the streets, yet you should be able to have any weapon you choose on your property to protect yourself and your family also should be able to hunt game with anything acceptable to the regulators in your state. That does not infringe. It is just well regulated.

But you're cool with cops having full auto assault rifles to protect your white elites at the Capitol.
I'm cool with police tac squads having full auto weapons and definitely cool with National Guard troops having their issue weapons. Why? Aren't you? I know a bunch of former military (now civilians) that have or have had full auto weapons. Of course in my circles, those people don't carry them on the streets or use them in crime.

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I'm not.

If the government says that a firearm or anything is banned from civilian use then that same ban should apply to all law enforcement and other civilian agencies too. If they can have it then I can have it.

If it's only meant for the military then the only ones who should have access to them are the military.



Not like every cop car has a full auto weapon at it's disposal and I just don't come across that many that do. I do believe that in an encounter with an armed criminal suspect ( I think of them as "enemy"), the cops should have access to overwhelming firepower. Same kind of advantage preferred by military, whether you have it or not. I do not have many interactions and never as a criminal suspect, but am equally armed in general. House is different. Better armed unless they go batsh#t crazy and come to wrong address. Glad many cities moving to ban no-knock. Anybody breaking in, in the night is a fair target threat, to be sorted out after that type of encounter. Inside my home, shoot first and ask questions later is valid and justifiable under the laws of my state.

Not true.
All cop cars do have select fire, full auto rifles.
And the advantage we should want cops to have is NOT military at all, but being able to radio in for superior NUMBERS.

We do NOT want police to be able to escalate our cities into war zones.

But I agree we must end "no-knock warrants", except in the case of kidnappings or where there is a likely hostage situation.

Really? I had no idea. You think that is true even here in Tennessee? Have not seen them mounted to the dash like shot guns, but you could be correct. Police having full automatic weapons does not really bother me. They sometimes make multiple bullet holes but mostly by emptying full magazines through their Glock.

Police get the surplus from the military.
First it was Vietnam, then Desert Storm, then Iraq and Afghanistan.
They get them for free.
Along with armored personnel carriers, night vision, etc.
The military is constantly upgrading and producing surplus they don't know what to do with.
Police don't use them very often, so they usually are locked in cases in the trunks.
And since they don't use them very often, they do not bother me that much either.
It is emptying Glock magazines on unarmed people that bother me.

So the problem is we have stopped taking care of ourselves, and want police to take care of us for us.
And since that not only is impossible, but very dangerous, we have produced a deadly police force, that is being trained as killers.
We actually have created the greatest threat we face, ourselves.
It is just a matter of time before the police turn this into the 4th Reich.
And no one will even notice.
It likely already happened.


I agree. If the situation is that bad the national guard needs to be called in and martial law declared.

The insurrections in Portland and Minneapolis might be a good place to start.


....are haranguing you - innocent law abiding citizens- about how you need to have your 2nd Amendment right eroded and abridged.

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They aren't surrounding me, and I don't think you whack-jobs should be allowed to have slingshots.
Fortunately, what you think is immaterial to my rights ;) Between the plandemic and crazy mass shooters, don't you think you should be under your bed just now? Oh, and there are about 100 million of us "whack-jobs". Now THAT'S an "inconvenient truth"
There's no where near a hundred million of you wackos.

Really, the FBI reported that there were 8.4 million new gun owners just last year. The NICS system logged more than 21 million background checks in 2020. The fact is you have no clue how many gun owners are out here.

I wasn't talking about gun owners. I was referring to RWNJ whack-a-doodles.

So what are the objective standards to determine who these "whack-a-doodles" are?

Threatening to shoot people is a good start.

That disqualifies about half of the local republicans, BTW.

And about 80% of the local commiecrats.

What's a commiecrat?

Commies pretending to be democrats. Now the party is full of Alinski and Cloward and Piven acolytes.

The only one of those people I've even heard of is Alinsky, and that only because you and your conservitard buddies talk about him all the time.

Yep, Alinski invented the cancel culture. His philosophy was not to attack institutions, but individuals, by Isolation, Diminishment and Destruction of the individual. Sound familiar?

Cloward and Piven developed a strategy to overload and eventually collapse the welfare system, hoping a guaranteed income would result. You're seeing a variation of it at play on the SW border right now.

Cancel culture is a RWNJ fantasy.

As previously stated, I've never even heard of the other two

Fantasy? Tell that to the former CEO at Mozilla, or the young lady that was pushed out of Teen Vogue before her first day of work. BTW, those two events were years and thousands of canceled people apart.

Is your fucking google broke? Look it up.


{... Mozilla co-founder Brendan Eich stepped down Thursday as CEO, just days after his appointment. He left the nonprofit maker of the Firefox browser after furious attacks, largely on Twitter, over his $1,000 contribution to support of a now-overturned 2008 gay-marriage ban in California. ...}

Thanks for proving my point.


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