People want answers from Amazon,NBC and CN after writer praises white genocide

People want answers from NBC, Amazon, and Cartoon Network after writer publicly pushes white genocide

Disgusting evil woman. This is why we MUST start telling our kids the TRUTH at a young age because of SCUM like this are writing for cartoon shows THEY WATCH at a young age! Fight for your kids now or lose them forever.
They have been brain washing people for many years. They also found out that visual propaganda is more effective than anything they can write or speak. A good example is the Animals rescued from bad conditions. This is a hard hitting video and stays with you a long time some people have a hard time seeing. The Left is using the same ads to their goal. By the way give to the SPCA they are a good org.
May that writer enjoy their job while they still have it because if one person's days can be numbered, like that Roseanne lady for example, so can another person's days.

God bless you always!!!

You would THINK and HOPE so yes. But in America,White people are the ONLY race you can legally discriminate against and get away with it.
People want answers from NBC, Amazon, and Cartoon Network after writer publicly pushes white genocide

Disgusting evil woman. This is why we MUST start telling our kids the TRUTH at a young age because of SCUM like this are writing for cartoon shows THEY WATCH at a young age! Fight for your kids now or lose them forever.
"The truth"?

What truth is that? That some people are racist scumbags? If they've been around you they should already know that.
Oh look its one of our resident EthnoMasochists! I should have known someone calling for White Genocide would excite you and the likes of you.
Lol, I could be any color for all you know.

You on the other hand are a full blown skin-headded racist.
Not a skinhead and yep I am a Racial Realist,Racial Socialist and White Supremacist and I won't hide it because the facts show I am 100% right. I face the hard truth's and accept them YOU decide you like the nice soft lies because it makes you feel good. YOUR kind have never done much but help destroy countries. My founding fathers were "white supremacists" according to you idiots....They KNEW Whites were superior and remain so.

Oh look, it’s im2’s conjoined twin.
May that writer enjoy their job while they still have it because if one person's days can be numbered, like that Roseanne lady for example, so can another person's days.

God bless you always!!!

You would THINK and HOPE so yes. But in America,White people are the ONLY race you can legally discriminate against and get away with it.
People want answers from NBC, Amazon, and Cartoon Network after writer publicly pushes white genocide

Disgusting evil woman. This is why we MUST start telling our kids the TRUTH at a young age because of SCUM like this are writing for cartoon shows THEY WATCH at a young age! Fight for your kids now or lose them forever.
"The truth"?

What truth is that? That some people are racist scumbags? If they've been around you they should already know that.
Oh look its one of our resident EthnoMasochists! I should have known someone calling for White Genocide would excite you and the likes of you.
Lol, I could be any color for all you know.

You on the other hand are a full blown skin-headded racist.
Not a skinhead and yep I am a Racial Realist,Racial Socialist and White Supremacist and I won't hide it because the facts show I am 100% right. I face the hard truth's and accept them YOU decide you like the nice soft lies because it makes you feel good. YOUR kind have never done much but help destroy countries. My founding fathers were "white supremacists" according to you idiots....They KNEW Whites were superior and remain so.
Asians are also discriminated against in college acceptance.
Very troubling the jewish establishment is silent after all the uncomfortable situations of WWII, oh wait, they are actually orchestrating it...

People want answers from NBC, Amazon, and Cartoon Network after writer publicly pushes white genocide

Disgusting evil woman. This is why we MUST start telling our kids the TRUTH at a young age because of SCUM like this are writing for cartoon shows THEY WATCH at a young age! Fight for your kids now or lose them forever.
"The truth"?

What truth is that? That some people are racist scumbags? If they've been around you they should already know that.
Oh look its one of our resident EthnoMasochists! I should have known someone calling for White Genocide would excite you and the likes of you.
Lol, I could be any color for all you know.

You on the other hand are a full blown skin-headded racist.
The problem is, it isn't YOUR color that matters. It is the Color you hate that does. From what I've seen of your posting, you're about as racist as they come.

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