People who don't believe in climate change, why don't you believe in it?

Donald Polish

VIP Member
Nov 27, 2014
Our President considers the problem as the most urgent one.
This is a curiosity question. I know there are plenty of individuals out there who do not believe in climate change, but I'm curious as to why you don't believe it regardless of all of the data and evidence science has provided.
So is climate change a real threat?

Our President considers the problem as the most urgent one.
This is a curiosity question. I know there are plenty of individuals out there who do not believe in climate change, but I'm curious as to why you don't believe it regardless of all of the data and evidence science has provided.
So is climate change a real threat?


The climate always changes.
Why do liberals think, after we waste trillions on less reliable "green energy", that the climate will be static?

So is climate change a real threat?

It could be. If it is, the threat won't be stopped by "green energy".
Our President considers the problem as the most urgent one.
This is a curiosity question. I know there are plenty of individuals out there who do not believe in climate change, but I'm curious as to why you don't believe it regardless of all of the data and evidence science has provided.
So is climate change a real threat?


Mostly everyone agrees climate changes.

Those who are not scared of CC do not see a problem with a few degree increase. All it would take is one volcanic eruption to change warming to cooling. It has also been warmer in the past and the Earth didn't die.

Now the question is, why do you believe that CC is a problem? I mean what have you read or studied that has brought you to that conclusion.

Myself one thing I do is visit this site and see that since 1998 there has been cooling of about 1/2 degree in the US..
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You must "believe" in "climate change"?

That sounds nothing at all like science to me.

We are skeptical that a wisp of CO2 is melting the ice caps, heating the deep oceans, killing Oregon oysters, making all frogs left-handed, causing floods and droughts and on and on and on
I believe the freaking climate changes all the time. Winters are cold and summers are hot. I recognize that there were times in earth's history when a freaking iceberg was sitting on Manhattan Island. I understand the geological age of the earth and that fluctuations in the Sun's energy dictate climate change on earth. I understand that it is likely that the earth has been emerging from a mini ice age for the last couple of hundred years and an ice age event is more likely and more dangerous in the earth's long history. I understand that volcanoes can spew more noxious gas and matter into the atmosphere in a day than a hundred years of all the SUV's that have ever run on earth. I understand that global warming guru Al Gore doesn't have a background in science and he has made millions off his scare tactics while he enjoys all the comforts that America's energy grid can offer.
Our President considers the problem as the most urgent one.
This is a curiosity question. I know there are plenty of individuals out there who do not believe in climate change, but I'm curious as to why you don't believe it regardless of all of the data and evidence science has provided.
So is climate change a real threat?

evidence? really, what evidence do you have?
Our President considers the problem as the most urgent one.
This is a curiosity question. I know there are plenty of individuals out there who do not believe in climate change, but I'm curious as to why you don't believe it regardless of all of the data and evidence science has provided.
So is climate change a real threat?

Climate has been changing since the last Ice Age ended.

What is in dispute, is that man and his activities are causing 100% of current climate change.

More specifically, what is in dispute is that the Western lifestyle is 100% responsible for climate change.
Our President considers the problem as the most urgent one.
This is a curiosity question. I know there are plenty of individuals out there who do not believe in climate change, but I'm curious as to why you don't believe it regardless of all of the data and evidence science has provided.
So is climate change a real threat?

Climate has been changing since the last Ice Age ended.

What is in dispute, is that man and his activities are causing 100% of current climate change.

More specifically, what is in dispute is that the Western lifestyle is 100% responsible for climate change.
i really don't understand how the earth recovered from the ice age. Man wasn't around to cause temperatures to go up.
Our President considers the problem as the most urgent one.
This is a curiosity question. I know there are plenty of individuals out there who do not believe in climate change, but I'm curious as to why you don't believe it regardless of all of the data and evidence science has provided.
So is climate change a real threat?

Climate has been changing since the last Ice Age ended.

What is in dispute, is that man and his activities are causing 100% of current climate change.

More specifically, what is in dispute is that the Western lifestyle is 100% responsible for climate change.
i really don't understand how the earth recovered from the ice age. Man wasn't around to cause temperatures to go up.
Man was around.

Neanderthals lighting farts melted the ice.
Our President considers the problem as the most urgent one.
This is a curiosity question. I know there are plenty of individuals out there who do not believe in climate change, but I'm curious as to why you don't believe it regardless of all of the data and evidence science has provided.
So is climate change a real threat?

Climate has been changing since the last Ice Age ended.

What is in dispute, is that man and his activities are causing 100% of current climate change.

More specifically, what is in dispute is that the Western lifestyle is 100% responsible for climate change.
i really don't understand how the earth recovered from the ice age. Man wasn't around to cause temperatures to go up.
Man was around.

Neanderthals lighting farts melted the ice.
that was the industrial age
I don't agree with the current AGW theory that states a strong causal link between carbon dioxide and temperature because I don't think we have enough accurate information. The surface temperature record is incomplete in years before 1978. The skill level of programming and data management among the early climate scientists is amateur at best. Since then no actual professionals have been able to review the original data because it's gone.
Our President considers the problem as the most urgent one.
This is a curiosity question. I know there are plenty of individuals out there who do not believe in climate change, but I'm curious as to why you don't believe it regardless of all of the data and evidence science has provided.
So is climate change a real threat?


only suckers think its a "real threat".
Our President considers the problem as the most urgent one.
This is a curiosity question. I know there are plenty of individuals out there who do not believe in climate change, but I'm curious as to why you don't believe it regardless of all of the data and evidence science has provided.
So is climate change a real threat?


I think they do, but are denying it simply along partisan lines. Would have to be the world's biggest fools not to believe your own eyes.
I don't how many times this has been posted on here

but NO ONE I know doesn't believe in climate change.

It's a NATURAL occurrence of the earth and has been for millions of years

It's the Globull warmers who don't believe . They are in this cult that says it all MANS fault for it.

for crying out loud
Stephanie, did you not understand what the man was asking? I think you did. Please answer him truthfully.
Our President considers the problem as the most urgent one.
This is a curiosity question. I know there are plenty of individuals out there who do not believe in climate change, but I'm curious as to why you don't believe it regardless of all of the data and evidence science has provided.
So is climate change a real threat?


I think they do, but are denying it simply along partisan lines. Would have to be the world's biggest fools not to believe your own eyes.
How do you account for the 400 ft rise in sea levels that occurred before man built cities?
Why do you think accepting AGW means one believes that no changes took place in the Earth's climate prior to the Industrial Revolution?

No mainstream scientist ever gave you that idea.

PS: a 400 foot rise would be from melting ice. A larger version of what looks to now be unavoidable within the next century... And much faster and with a hell of a lot more people's homes and infrastructure destroyed than happened in prehistoric times.
Our President considers the problem as the most urgent one.
This is a curiosity question. I know there are plenty of individuals out there who do not believe in climate change, but I'm curious as to why you don't believe it regardless of all of the data and evidence science has provided.
So is climate change a real threat?


I think they do, but are denying it simply along partisan lines. Would have to be the world's biggest fools not to believe your own eyes.
How do you account for the 400 ft rise in sea levels that occurred before man built cities?

Well, God did flood the world right? :)

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