People Who Don't Vote Are The Problem

One hardly blame people for not wanting to vote considering parties are absolute jokes. Their apathy is understandable when all you do is chase the devil out with Beelzebub.

It is not understandable.

I can tell this is probably coming from a rich person who likes it that the masses don't vote. That's their narrative. "Oh why bother voting, their all the same" Meanwhile they're voting every 2 years because they know it matters.

How else can I tell you are rich? Who starts a sentence with "One hardly blame people...." You sound like Thurston Howell 3rd. Lovie, one knows not to mix the chardonee with the grey popoun and cavier.

Lets see the next midterm if the Republicans just sit it out because "it doesn't matter who wins". Bullshit! They know better.

That is funny Harry. And to be honest, I think I am only really interested in politics when the dark side is in charge. Then I get to blame them for everything and it's a lot harder for them to deny when they are the ones in charge. Either they give in to Obama and get stuff done or now it is them who will be blamed in 2016. Only you guys probably think it will be Obama and that will cost Hillary the election. I bet, that is what they are betting on. But they gotta make it look like it's Obama's fault. They can't act like the Tea Baggers did. No no no. They learned from that mistake. But even that didn't cost you guys. Not in midterms where you only win because people don't think it matters enough to vote.

Doesn't matter Harry? Look at how many posts have been made now about the fact that people who don't vote are the problem? See I don't think you are part of the problem because you vote wrong and you assholes shouldn't think use liberals are wrong for voting the way we do. If that's what you want, vote for it. I encourage you. Then if your vote is wrong, you'll either see I'm right or be able to prove me wrong.

But for your asshole right wing friends to say we shouldn't vote means they don't care what other people think. They only think people who agree with THEM should vote. So they love it that the young kids who don't agree with them or the poor who don't agree with them stayed home, because they don't think it matters.

Congrats obstructionist GOP. Mission-afucking Complished.
I don't vote. Blame me or don't blame me, I probably wouldn't vote the way you like, after all.

The last several elections I've been out of town away from my polling station, and I don't check my snail mail, so the mail-in ballot doesn't work for me. The mailman hates me. I think I've worn him down though. He no longer litters my property with a weekly Bed Bath and Beyond glossy coupon.

I don't vote. Screw the government.

You are a very ignorant, lazy, piece of shit for a citizens and the reason this country is going to shit. YOU are the reason the top 40% have everything and you have nothing. When you don't vote, you don't matter.

I don't care who you vote for. At least you help decide which way the country keeps going. If you don't like the way the country is going, vote for the other side if that's all you know. Be a fucking observant responsible citizen.
One hardly blame people for not wanting to vote considering parties are absolute jokes. Their apathy is understandable when all you do is chase the devil out with Beelzebub.

It is not understandable.

I can tell this is probably coming from a rich person who likes it that the masses don't vote. That's their narrative. "Oh why bother voting, their all the same" Meanwhile they're voting every 2 years because they know it matters.

How else can I tell you are rich? Who starts a sentence with "One hardly blame people...." You sound like Thurston Howell 3rd. Lovie, one knows not to mix the chardonee with the grey popoun and cavier.

Lets see the next midterm if the Republicans just sit it out because "it doesn't matter who wins". Bullshit! They know better.

That is funny Harry. And to be honest, I think I am only really interested in politics when the dark side is in charge. Then I get to blame them for everything and it's a lot harder for them to deny when they are the ones in charge. Either they give in to Obama and get stuff done or now it is them who will be blamed in 2016. Only you guys probably think it will be Obama and that will cost Hillary the election. I bet, that is what they are betting on. But they gotta make it look like it's Obama's fault. They can't act like the Tea Baggers did. No no no. They learned from that mistake. But even that didn't cost you guys. Not in midterms where you only win because people don't think it matters enough to vote.

Doesn't matter Harry? Look at how many posts have been made now about the fact that people who don't vote are the problem? See I don't think you are part of the problem because you vote wrong and you assholes shouldn't think use liberals are wrong for voting the way we do. If that's what you want, vote for it. I encourage you. Then if your vote is wrong, you'll either see I'm right or be able to prove me wrong.

But for your asshole right wing friends to say we shouldn't vote means they don't care what other people think. They only think people who agree with THEM should vote. So they love it that the young kids who don't agree with them or the poor who don't agree with them stayed home, because they don't think it matters.

Congrats obstructionist GOP. Mission-afucking Complished.

holy crap. How frikken old are you? when the DARK SIDE takes control.
gawd you don't know when to be quiet so you don't look like a fool. typical snobby liberal
My point is we don't have that. Democrats are ignoring their responsibility to the nation in favor of their agenda. Patriotism is something the to be sneered at these days. Looney leftists openly proclaim that our military is something to ridicule. We are considered by Harvard students to be the worst threat to peace on the planet. Something is definitely wrong here. We're breeding traitors.

A military which is doing the bidding of the rich. A military that is going around messing everything up on orders. What's to be proud of?

It IS the biggest threat to peace on the planet. Two invasions in 3 years, and a complete ballsing up of the supposed reconstruction process. Then more wars to try and rectify the previous errors. You can try and spin this which ever way possible, but backing the wrong horse is not patriotism. Being in favor of damaging policies is not patriotism. It's idiotic. The only people who benefit are the rich, they use US soldier's lives for their own gains. Not the gains of the nation, they don't give a damn about the nation. They spend a lot of money making you think they care and this is all about the American people, but it's bull.

See what I mean?
One hardly blame people for not wanting to vote considering parties are absolute jokes. Their apathy is understandable when all you do is chase the devil out with Beelzebub.

It is not understandable.

I can tell this is probably coming from a rich person who likes it that the masses don't vote. That's their narrative. "Oh why bother voting, their all the same" Meanwhile they're voting every 2 years because they know it matters.

How else can I tell you are rich? Who starts a sentence with "One hardly blame people...." You sound like Thurston Howell 3rd. Lovie, one knows not to mix the chardonee with the grey popoun and cavier.

Lets see the next midterm if the Republicans just sit it out because "it doesn't matter who wins". Bullshit! They know better.

That is funny Harry. And to be honest, I think I am only really interested in politics when the dark side is in charge. Then I get to blame them for everything and it's a lot harder for them to deny when they are the ones in charge. Either they give in to Obama and get stuff done or now it is them who will be blamed in 2016. Only you guys probably think it will be Obama and that will cost Hillary the election. I bet, that is what they are betting on. But they gotta make it look like it's Obama's fault. They can't act like the Tea Baggers did. No no no. They learned from that mistake. But even that didn't cost you guys. Not in midterms where you only win because people don't think it matters enough to vote.

Doesn't matter Harry? Look at how many posts have been made now about the fact that people who don't vote are the problem? See I don't think you are part of the problem because you vote wrong and you assholes shouldn't think use liberals are wrong for voting the way we do. If that's what you want, vote for it. I encourage you. Then if your vote is wrong, you'll either see I'm right or be able to prove me wrong.

But for your asshole right wing friends to say we shouldn't vote means they don't care what other people think. They only think people who agree with THEM should vote. So they love it that the young kids who don't agree with them or the poor who don't agree with them stayed home, because they don't think it matters.

Congrats obstructionist GOP. Mission-afucking Complished.

holy crap. How frikken old are you? when the DARK SIDE takes control.
gawd you don't when to be quiet so you don't look like a fool

Wait for the men to reply before you start bitchin. Know your role. You're Bonnie, not the brains. Where's Clyde?
The Second Amendment ... You have to remember personal responsibility, self sufficiency and a bit of patriotic courage where encouraged at the point the Constitution was written.


My point is we don't have that. Democrats are ignoring their responsibility to the nation in favor of their agenda. Patriotism is something the to be sneered at these days. Looney leftists openly proclaim that our military is something to ridicule. We are considered by Harvard students to be the worst threat to peace on the planet. Something is definitely wrong here. We're breeding traitors.

Peace is like freedom and it comes at a cost in either case.

When you pass the mark as to what is acceptable to pay in freedom for the security of peace ... Then you address the balance sheet. I never expect the looney left to understand the cost of peace or freedom ... They just get to enjoy the benefit garnered from the efforts of others.

But that is pretty much standard operating procedure for Liberals in the first place isn't it?

My point is we don't have that. Democrats are ignoring their responsibility to the nation in favor of their agenda. Patriotism is something the to be sneered at these days. Looney leftists openly proclaim that our military is something to ridicule. We are considered by Harvard students to be the worst threat to peace on the planet. Something is definitely wrong here. We're breeding traitors.

A military which is doing the bidding of the rich. A military that is going around messing everything up on orders. What's to be proud of?

It IS the biggest threat to peace on the planet. Two invasions in 3 years, and a complete ballsing up of the supposed reconstruction process. Then more wars to try and rectify the previous errors. You can try and spin this which ever way possible, but backing the wrong horse is not patriotism. Being in favor of damaging policies is not patriotism. It's idiotic. The only people who benefit are the rich, they use US soldier's lives for their own gains. Not the gains of the nation, they don't give a damn about the nation. They spend a lot of money making you think they care and this is all about the American people, but it's bull.

See what I mean?

Didn't Eisenhower warn us about the military industrial complex? Perpetual war, perpetual profits. Haloburton, Bush oil family, Bin Ladin family ties. Its bigger than you think. I love it when we call out your boys for their conspiracies, it's theories, but you guys are the biggest conspiracy theorists. Obama's birth certificate? But you can't believe still Bush lied us into Iraq even though the whole world knows it.

Oh, and I watched a movie on watching terrorists with
Philip Seymour Hoffman. It sucked by the way. Don't bother. But they said in the movie, be careful when you take a guy like Saddam out because you don't know who's going to fill that void. Or UNLESS you know. Bush didn't have a good successor to Saddam. Major fuck up. And it was probably on purpose! They created a Quagmire now the Military Industrial Complex gets what it wants. They were warned! They know not to go into Bagdad! That's why Saddam didn't think Bush would really do it. Major fuck up! Biggest blunder in world military blunders from the beginning of man going to war. Was it on purpose? For sure. No one is that stupid, except the American people who still don't get it. And they got rich!

The kids didn't vote because they don't think it matters. We need to educate our kids. Those are your children people! Your stupid fucking kids age 18-29 who didn't vote. Pathetic what you raised.
One hardly blame people for not wanting to vote considering parties are absolute jokes. Their apathy is understandable when all you do is chase the devil out with Beelzebub.

It is not understandable.

I can tell this is probably coming from a rich person who likes it that the masses don't vote. That's their narrative. "Oh why bother voting, their all the same" Meanwhile they're voting every 2 years because they know it matters.

How else can I tell you are rich? Who starts a sentence with "One hardly blame people...." You sound like Thurston Howell 3rd. Lovie, one knows not to mix the chardonee with the grey popoun and cavier.

Lets see the next midterm if the Republicans just sit it out because "it doesn't matter who wins". Bullshit! They know better.

That is funny Harry. And to be honest, I think I am only really interested in politics when the dark side is in charge. Then I get to blame them for everything and it's a lot harder for them to deny when they are the ones in charge. Either they give in to Obama and get stuff done or now it is them who will be blamed in 2016. Only you guys probably think it will be Obama and that will cost Hillary the election. I bet, that is what they are betting on. But they gotta make it look like it's Obama's fault. They can't act like the Tea Baggers did. No no no. They learned from that mistake. But even that didn't cost you guys. Not in midterms where you only win because people don't think it matters enough to vote.

Doesn't matter Harry? Look at how many posts have been made now about the fact that people who don't vote are the problem? See I don't think you are part of the problem because you vote wrong and you assholes shouldn't think use liberals are wrong for voting the way we do. If that's what you want, vote for it. I encourage you. Then if your vote is wrong, you'll either see I'm right or be able to prove me wrong.

But for your asshole right wing friends to say we shouldn't vote means they don't care what other people think. They only think people who agree with THEM should vote. So they love it that the young kids who don't agree with them or the poor who don't agree with them stayed home, because they don't think it matters.

Congrats obstructionist GOP. Mission-afucking Complished.

holy crap. How frikken old are you? when the DARK SIDE takes control.
gawd you don't when to be quiet so you don't look like a fool

Wait for the men to reply before you start bitchin. Know your role. You're Bonnie, not the brains. Where's Clyde?

You're so Brainwashed you're beyond hopeless. all you spew is DNC talking points except in long winded way. man oh man boring
My point is we don't have that. Democrats are ignoring their responsibility to the nation in favor of their agenda. Patriotism is something the to be sneered at these days. Looney leftists openly proclaim that our military is something to ridicule. We are considered by Harvard students to be the worst threat to peace on the planet. Something is definitely wrong here. We're breeding traitors.

A military which is doing the bidding of the rich. A military that is going around messing everything up on orders. What's to be proud of?

It IS the biggest threat to peace on the planet. Two invasions in 3 years, and a complete ballsing up of the supposed reconstruction process. Then more wars to try and rectify the previous errors. You can try and spin this which ever way possible, but backing the wrong horse is not patriotism. Being in favor of damaging policies is not patriotism. It's idiotic. The only people who benefit are the rich, they use US soldier's lives for their own gains. Not the gains of the nation, they don't give a damn about the nation. They spend a lot of money making you think they care and this is all about the American people, but it's bull.

See what I mean?

Didn't Eisenhower warn us about the military industrial complex? Perpetual war, perpetual profits. Haloburton, Bush oil family, Bin Ladin family ties. Its bigger than you think. I love it when we call out your boys for their conspiracies, it's theories, but you guys are the biggest conspiracy theorists. Obama's birth certificate? But you can't believe still Bush lied us into Iraq even though the whole world knows it.

Oh, and I watched a movie on watching terrorists with
Philip Seymour Hoffman. It sucked by the way. Don't bother. But they said in the movie, be careful when you take a guy like Saddam out because you don't know who's going to fill that void. Or UNLESS you know. Bush didn't have a good successor to Saddam. Major fuck up. And it was probably on purpose! They created a Quagmire now the Military Industrial Complex gets what it wants. They were warned! They know not to go into Bagdad! That's why Saddam didn't think Bush would really do it. Major fuck up! Biggest blunder in world military blunders from the beginning of man going to war. Was it on purpose? For sure. No one is that stupid, except the American people who still don't get it. And they got rich!

The kids didn't vote because they don't think it matters. We need to educate our kids. Those are your children people! Your stupid fucking kids age 18-29 who didn't vote. Pathetic what you raised.

It's a good thing they didn't vote.

Personally I think you should be able to pass a quiz on civics before you can vote.
My point is we don't have that. Democrats are ignoring their responsibility to the nation in favor of their agenda. Patriotism is something the to be sneered at these days. Looney leftists openly proclaim that our military is something to ridicule. We are considered by Harvard students to be the worst threat to peace on the planet. Something is definitely wrong here. We're breeding traitors.

A military which is doing the bidding of the rich. A military that is going around messing everything up on orders. What's to be proud of?

It IS the biggest threat to peace on the planet. Two invasions in 3 years, and a complete ballsing up of the supposed reconstruction process. Then more wars to try and rectify the previous errors. You can try and spin this which ever way possible, but backing the wrong horse is not patriotism. Being in favor of damaging policies is not patriotism. It's idiotic. The only people who benefit are the rich, they use US soldier's lives for their own gains. Not the gains of the nation, they don't give a damn about the nation. They spend a lot of money making you think they care and this is all about the American people, but it's bull.

See what I mean?

Didn't Eisenhower warn us about the military industrial complex? Perpetual war, perpetual profits. Haloburton, Bush oil family, Bin Ladin family ties. Its bigger than you think. I love it when we call out your boys for their conspiracies, it's theories, but you guys are the biggest conspiracy theorists. Obama's birth certificate? But you can't believe still Bush lied us into Iraq even though the whole world knows it.

Oh, and I watched a movie on watching terrorists with
Philip Seymour Hoffman. It sucked by the way. Don't bother. But they said in the movie, be careful when you take a guy like Saddam out because you don't know who's going to fill that void. Or UNLESS you know. Bush didn't have a good successor to Saddam. Major fuck up. And it was probably on purpose! They created a Quagmire now the Military Industrial Complex gets what it wants. They were warned! They know not to go into Bagdad! That's why Saddam didn't think Bush would really do it. Major fuck up! Biggest blunder in world military blunders from the beginning of man going to war. Was it on purpose? For sure. No one is that stupid, except the American people who still don't get it. And they got rich!

The kids didn't vote because they don't think it matters. We need to educate our kids. Those are your children people! Your stupid fucking kids age 18-29 who didn't vote. Pathetic what you raised.

It's a good thing they didn't vote.

Personally I think you should be able to pass a quiz on civics before you can vote.

Then no one would be able to vote GOP. A very small percentage of the rich would pass it and the masses or hicks in the bible belt or old farts in the north who vote in midterms wouldn't be able to vote.

Of course as a conservative you only want people who think like you to vote. I guess if they're ok with the direction you're taking the country, that's fine with me. But I suspect they don't like you and if they would have showed up to vote. If they would have BOTHERED, they would have voted for us not you. But you were successful convincing them it doesn't matter, even though we know it matters to you.

Unfortunately they don't realize you are now going to shift the tax burden more from the rich to them. You already have and they don't even realize it. The young are dumb I agree, but they should vote. They aren't a lost cause. They are just a pathetic generation now. This is what Bushanomics produces! Or Reaganomics. Or NAFTA. This is the result! Divide and concur.
When the masses show up, Democrats always win. Republicans want the young to think it doesn't matter.
One hardly blame people for not wanting to vote considering parties are absolute jokes. Their apathy is understandable when all you do is chase the devil out with Beelzebub.

It is not understandable.

I can tell this is probably coming from a rich person who likes it that the masses don't vote. That's their narrative. "Oh why bother voting, their all the same" Meanwhile they're voting every 2 years because they know it matters.

How else can I tell you are rich? Who starts a sentence with "One hardly blame people...." You sound like Thurston Howell 3rd. Lovie, one knows not to mix the chardonee with the grey popoun and cavier.

Lets see the next midterm if the Republicans just sit it out because "it doesn't matter who wins". Bullshit! They know better.

That is funny Harry. And to be honest, I think I am only really interested in politics when the dark side is in charge. Then I get to blame them for everything and it's a lot harder for them to deny when they are the ones in charge. Either they give in to Obama and get stuff done or now it is them who will be blamed in 2016. Only you guys probably think it will be Obama and that will cost Hillary the election. I bet, that is what they are betting on. But they gotta make it look like it's Obama's fault. They can't act like the Tea Baggers did. No no no. They learned from that mistake. But even that didn't cost you guys. Not in midterms where you only win because people don't think it matters enough to vote.

Doesn't matter Harry? Look at how many posts have been made now about the fact that people who don't vote are the problem? See I don't think you are part of the problem because you vote wrong and you assholes shouldn't think use liberals are wrong for voting the way we do. If that's what you want, vote for it. I encourage you. Then if your vote is wrong, you'll either see I'm right or be able to prove me wrong.

But for your asshole right wing friends to say we shouldn't vote means they don't care what other people think. They only think people who agree with THEM should vote. So they love it that the young kids who don't agree with them or the poor who don't agree with them stayed home, because they don't think it matters.

Congrats obstructionist GOP. Mission-afucking Complished.

Thank you.
Unfortunately they don't realize you are now going to shift the tax burden more from the rich to them.

Most wealthy individuals have some business or economic sense about them ... Which means this part of your ideology is the most vacant of all your distorted understandings. Any rich person can tell you that the fucking Liberals are spending far too much money for the middle class or poor to ever be able to handle the bill.

That is what happens when you put the unsuccessful or irresponsible in charge of your bank account.

when you MASSES show up the Democrats so cute. You aren't people you be MASSES

GOOD GRIEF, they win a Presidency twice after a Republican held for eight years and ALL OF SUDDEN everyone want them Democrats to Rein over the MASSES
When the masses show up, Democrats always win. Republicans want the young to think it doesn't matter.

Actually Obama's obvious ineptitude made it seem that way.

If he could give them reasons to vote other than the other guys suck more than he does, they might feel compelled to vote

He gave them two reasons ... Hope and Change.

The only thing that changed is the fact the prospects for young people are becoming more hopeless.

The President focuses on measures like reducing the student loan debt for young people ... So they can graduate from college, move back in with their parents and get a part-time minimum wage job at best.

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One hardly blame people for not wanting to vote considering parties are absolute jokes. Their apathy is understandable when all you do is chase the devil out with Beelzebub.

It is not understandable.

I can tell this is probably coming from a rich person who likes it that the masses don't vote. That's their narrative. "Oh why bother voting, their all the same" Meanwhile they're voting every 2 years because they know it matters.

How else can I tell you are rich? Who starts a sentence with "One hardly blame people...." You sound like Thurston Howell 3rd. Lovie, one knows not to mix the chardonee with the grey popoun and cavier.

Lets see the next midterm if the Republicans just sit it out because "it doesn't matter who wins". Bullshit! They know better.

That is funny Harry. And to be honest, I think I am only really interested in politics when the dark side is in charge. Then I get to blame them for everything and it's a lot harder for them to deny when they are the ones in charge. Either they give in to Obama and get stuff done or now it is them who will be blamed in 2016. Only you guys probably think it will be Obama and that will cost Hillary the election. I bet, that is what they are betting on. But they gotta make it look like it's Obama's fault. They can't act like the Tea Baggers did. No no no. They learned from that mistake. But even that didn't cost you guys. Not in midterms where you only win because people don't think it matters enough to vote.

Doesn't matter Harry? Look at how many posts have been made now about the fact that people who don't vote are the problem? See I don't think you are part of the problem because you vote wrong and you assholes shouldn't think use liberals are wrong for voting the way we do. If that's what you want, vote for it. I encourage you. Then if your vote is wrong, you'll either see I'm right or be able to prove me wrong.

But for your asshole right wing friends to say we shouldn't vote means they don't care what other people think. They only think people who agree with THEM should vote. So they love it that the young kids who don't agree with them or the poor who don't agree with them stayed home, because they don't think it matters.

Congrats obstructionist GOP. Mission-afucking Complished.
When the masses show up, Democrats always win. Republicans want the young to think it doesn't matter.
Let's say your hypothesis IS true. So what? So what if it IS true?

What has changed? What, in the grand scheme of things, do you seriously think has changed b/c the democrats were in charge rather than the Republicans? Go on genius, name for me something substantial that you think has been accomplished.

Oh, the nation refers to the ACA as "ObamaCare rather than RomneyCare?" Whoopee dee fuckin' do.
When the masses show up, Democrats always win. Republicans want the young to think it doesn't matter.
Let's say your hypothesis IS true. So what? So what if it IS true?

What has changed? What, in the grand scheme of things, do you seriously think has changed b/c the democrats were in charge rather than the Republicans? Go on genius, name for me something substantial that you think has been accomplished.

Oh, the nation refers to the ACA as "ObamaCare rather than RomneyCare?" Whoopee dee fuckin' do.

Are you kidding me? When Bush was in the White House, we were falling into a global recession and the GOP said the economy was fine. Bush's tax cuts wouldn't have ever expired, we'd still be "staying the course" in Iraq, we'd have invaded Iran if McCain would have won.

If anything, just having a Democrat in the White House who can't get anything done is better than having a retarded Bush in the Oval office.

And McCain would not have fixed the economy. He would have said things were just fine and if we didn't like the economy it's because we are takers and whiners. The only reason you righties admitted the eocnomy was bad was so you could blame Obama for it. And now after Obama has fixed the economy, you're trying to give credit to the GOP governors in states like Michigan, NJ, Fl, Wisconsin.

So on one side of your mouth you're saying Obama sucks but then on the other side of your mouth you're giving the credit for Obama's recovery to Republicans.

What would be different? The spin you have on every issue.

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