People Who Don't Vote Are The Problem

The point being that the term "patriot" or "patriotic" gets banded around a lot, and is often used for "you don't like what we do or say" but means "you're unAmerican for thinking such things", often it's pressure on people to support the US>

Things like flag waving, national anthem playing and the like are used at a basic level of patriotism to get people to be unified. But on a higher level manipulation through attacks by claiming people aren't this that or the other exists too.

We're not talking about doing what is needed to secure the US's peace. Most of it is about the US attacking and claiming that this needs to be done. Which is rubbish.

My point is why are you concerned about being called unpatriotic by people who support a government whose actions you don't support? Do you think that what they call you means more than the way you feel about what what they are doing?

If you feel the government is not doing what it needs to secure peace ... All I am suggesting is that you need to step up and do what you think is necessary to properly secure the peace you desire. I will be kind enough to clue you in to the fact that talking about it doesn't solve shit ... Because the people you are talking to don't give a damn what you have to say.

I've always said that other than the vote, the rich completely own our country and government. The only thing we have is our vote. But only 40% of the voting population voted on Tuesday. You can bet that every rich person in America voted on Tuesday. You can bet that all the Republicans that voted in 2012 and 2008 showed up to vote in the 2010 and 2014 midterms. Clearly. Look at how Republicans win every midterm with low turnout but lose the general elections. You can even count 2000 and 2004 because those years were close enough for Bush to steal. But that's another conversation. Point is, basically the richest Americans are all voting every 2 years and the masses only vote every 4 years in the general elections. The blacks. The under 30's. You only have yourselves to blame. I'm done caring about you if you don't even care enough to show up and vote every 2 years. You don't think it makes a difference? It makes all the difference in the world. Stupid fucking Americans.

The ones who don't pay attention to the issues and don't understand how policies impact them are the ones who tend to vote for you. Of course, that's why you want them to vote. On the other hand, I think that's the best reason they don't.

You stupid poor and middle class republicans think you are so smart but you are so fucking wrong on how you vote. So of course you think the people who don't vote shouldn't, not because you believe it doesn't matter, but because you know that chances are they won't vote for your side. So I will agree with you they are ignorant but so are you guys because even though you vote, you get it wrong. Congrats for being involved and stupid.

What are you, eight? Seriously. Democrats lead you by a ring nose.
I've always said that other than the vote, the rich completely own our country and government. The only thing we have is our vote. But only 40% of the voting population voted on Tuesday. You can bet that every rich person in America voted on Tuesday. You can bet that all the Republicans that voted in 2012 and 2008 showed up to vote in the 2010 and 2014 midterms. Clearly. Look at how Republicans win every midterm with low turnout but lose the general elections. You can even count 2000 and 2004 because those years were close enough for Bush to steal. But that's another conversation. Point is, basically the richest Americans are all voting every 2 years and the masses only vote every 4 years in the general elections. The blacks. The under 30's. You only have yourselves to blame. I'm done caring about you if you don't even care enough to show up and vote every 2 years. You don't think it makes a difference? It makes all the difference in the world. Stupid fucking Americans.

Ahahaha FAIL when Dem's won the 2006 mid term elections with about the same voter turnout as the recent 2014 mid term elections the libs claimed it was a huge mandate from the people. lol

You need to realize just how bad the GOP was in 2005 if that happened son because USUALLY in midterms the rich and GOP always show up and it is the independents and half interested democratic voters who usually don't show up. Don't forget how bad the Tom Delay and Bush government was for that to have happened.

"At the very least, we in the news media ought to stop focusing on which party is doing better at the box office and acknowledge that an ever-growing percentage of the audience has stopped going to the theater altogether."

Brian Dickerson Not voting is the new normal

So....the Republicans were voted out because they were bad and Bush sucked, but the Democrats were not voted out because Dems are bad and Obama sucks? AHAHAHA trifecta of unhinged, denial, and irony. :laugh:

Two ways to look at it.

1. Sure the Dems didn't get a lot done, but look at the GOP obstruction. Did we all forget as a nation the GOP and the debt ceiling fiasco? Sure we forgot, because we are a stupid lazy take things for granted type of society. The 20 something didn't vote. Do you understand that? They don't think it matters. We grew up learning that the vote is important. What changed and why do you like it? You like it because you think you win when it happens. You don't. Even if your side/party won, when people don't show up, we all lose. They don't deserve to be citizens. But I wouldn't expect you to agree. Even our Founding Fathers argued about this. The greedy ones like you wanted only property owners to be able to vote. And you cons certainly didn't want women to vote. Right? So why have you guys always NOT wanted the masses to vote? Because you believe we are better led by the rich, who are smarter than the rest of us and should be in charge. You my friend would have no problem with a king in America. King George. Nice ring, huh?

2. What did the Democrats do wrong? In 2010 you guys put the BP oil spill on him. Today it's ISIS. These things are not his fault. And the economy is booming. It is only NOT booming for the poor 20 somethings WHO DIDN"T VOTE! Was it by design? Did you guys purposely disinfranchise them? I hoped it would backfire and they'd say fuck you and show up, but they did not, so they get what they deserve. I hope the GOP ends SS and Medicare on that generation.

You know a lot of bad shit happened around the world on Reagan's watch. The Iran Contra. Hell, he created Al Queda. But you kissed his ass. Why not kiss Obama's ass?

Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

Economically Could Obama Be America s Best President - Forbes

I go with point 2. The only problem with the economy is the rich have all the money. If you don't like Obama or the economy, then you aren't rich enough to be GOP. Or you should take their advice and go back to school or start your own business.
Two ways to look at it.

1. Sure the Dems didn't get a lot done, but look at the GOP obstruction. Did we all forget as a nation the GOP and the debt ceiling fiasco? Sure we forgot, because we are a stupid lazy take things for granted type of society. The 20 something didn't vote. Do you understand that? They don't think it matters. We grew up learning that the vote is important. What changed and why do you like it? You like it because you think you win when it happens. You don't. Even if your side/party won, when people don't show up, we all lose. They don't deserve to be citizens. But I wouldn't expect you to agree. Even our Founding Fathers argued about this. The greedy ones like you wanted only property owners to be able to vote. And you cons certainly didn't want women to vote. Right? So why have you guys always NOT wanted the masses to vote? Because you believe we are better led by the rich, who are smarter than the rest of us and should be in charge. You my friend would have no problem with a king in America. King George. Nice ring, huh?

2. What did the Democrats do wrong? In 2010 you guys put the BP oil spill on him. Today it's ISIS. These things are not his fault. And the economy is booming. It is only NOT booming for the poor 20 somethings WHO DIDN"T VOTE! Was it by design? Did you guys purposely disinfranchise them? I hoped it would backfire and they'd say fuck you and show up, but they did not, so they get what they deserve. I hope the GOP ends SS and Medicare on that generation.

You know a lot of bad shit happened around the world on Reagan's watch. The Iran Contra. Hell, he created Al Queda. But you kissed his ass. Why not kiss Obama's ass?

Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

Economically Could Obama Be America s Best President - Forbes

I go with point 2. The only problem with the economy is the rich have all the money. If you don't like Obama or the economy, then you aren't rich enough to be GOP. Or you should take their advice and go back to school or start your own business.

Here is another way to look at it ... The world didn't come to an end because of the Sequester.

Two ways to look at it.

1. Sure the Dems didn't get a lot done, but look at the GOP obstruction. Did we all forget as a nation the GOP and the debt ceiling fiasco? Sure we forgot, because we are a stupid lazy take things for granted type of society. The 20 something didn't vote. Do you understand that? They don't think it matters. We grew up learning that the vote is important. What changed and why do you like it? You like it because you think you win when it happens. You don't. Even if your side/party won, when people don't show up, we all lose. They don't deserve to be citizens. But I wouldn't expect you to agree. Even our Founding Fathers argued about this. The greedy ones like you wanted only property owners to be able to vote. And you cons certainly didn't want women to vote. Right? So why have you guys always NOT wanted the masses to vote? Because you believe we are better led by the rich, who are smarter than the rest of us and should be in charge. You my friend would have no problem with a king in America. King George. Nice ring, huh?

2. What did the Democrats do wrong? In 2010 you guys put the BP oil spill on him. Today it's ISIS. These things are not his fault. And the economy is booming. It is only NOT booming for the poor 20 somethings WHO DIDN"T VOTE! Was it by design? Did you guys purposely disinfranchise them? I hoped it would backfire and they'd say fuck you and show up, but they did not, so they get what they deserve. I hope the GOP ends SS and Medicare on that generation.

You know a lot of bad shit happened around the world on Reagan's watch. The Iran Contra. Hell, he created Al Queda. But you kissed his ass. Why not kiss Obama's ass?

Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

Economically Could Obama Be America s Best President - Forbes

I go with point 2. The only problem with the economy is the rich have all the money. If you don't like Obama or the economy, then you aren't rich enough to be GOP. Or you should take their advice and go back to school or start your own business.

Here is another way to look at it ... The world didn't come to an end because of the Sequester.


Didn't it hurt our credit rating? Do I have to explain why that matters?

Oh, and did Obama's debt spending/stimulus Obama used, just like Reagan and Bush got to use, did it cause all the doom and gloom the GOP said it would? No. And will they spend just as much if not more when they get the chance? Yes. They only became spending hawks when the Democrats got power. They didn't want any new New Deals. I guess we got Obamacare but bfd. That was a gift to the Insurance Giants. A law that says everyone has to buy their products. If you want to repeal that and go with Single Payer I'll back you.

And it depends. Were you one of the people who didn't get paid when the government shut down?

How do you know those cuts to defense didn't cause some harm?

Did you get furloughed?

And didn't it create that "super committee"? LOL

I love it that now the republicans are basically saying, "hey, our decision didn't bring about the end of the world, did it?" Setting the bar real high I see. Same argument you guys have on Global Warming. "Hey, you can still breath, right?"

I know why you guys don't want young people to vote. Not because they are stupid but because they don't agree with you on most issues. Younger voters tend to be more liberal. Not conservative/set in their ways/brainwashed yet.
Two ways to look at it.

1. Sure the Dems didn't get a lot done, but look at the GOP obstruction. Did we all forget as a nation the GOP and the debt ceiling fiasco? Sure we forgot, because we are a stupid lazy take things for granted type of society. The 20 something didn't vote. Do you understand that? They don't think it matters. We grew up learning that the vote is important. What changed and why do you like it? You like it because you think you win when it happens. You don't. Even if your side/party won, when people don't show up, we all lose. They don't deserve to be citizens. But I wouldn't expect you to agree. Even our Founding Fathers argued about this. The greedy ones like you wanted only property owners to be able to vote. And you cons certainly didn't want women to vote. Right? So why have you guys always NOT wanted the masses to vote? Because you believe we are better led by the rich, who are smarter than the rest of us and should be in charge. You my friend would have no problem with a king in America. King George. Nice ring, huh?

2. What did the Democrats do wrong? In 2010 you guys put the BP oil spill on him. Today it's ISIS. These things are not his fault. And the economy is booming. It is only NOT booming for the poor 20 somethings WHO DIDN"T VOTE! Was it by design? Did you guys purposely disinfranchise them? I hoped it would backfire and they'd say fuck you and show up, but they did not, so they get what they deserve. I hope the GOP ends SS and Medicare on that generation.

You know a lot of bad shit happened around the world on Reagan's watch. The Iran Contra. Hell, he created Al Queda. But you kissed his ass. Why not kiss Obama's ass?

Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

Economically Could Obama Be America s Best President - Forbes

I go with point 2. The only problem with the economy is the rich have all the money. If you don't like Obama or the economy, then you aren't rich enough to be GOP. Or you should take their advice and go back to school or start your own business.

Here is another way to look at it ... The world didn't come to an end because of the Sequester.


Didn't it hurt our credit rating? Do I have to explain why that matters?

Oh, and did Obama's debt spending/stimulus Obama used, just like Reagan and Bush got to use, did it cause all the doom and gloom the GOP said it would? No. And will they spend just as much if not more when they get the chance? Yes. They only became spending hawks when the Democrats got power. They didn't want any new New Deals. I guess we got Obamacare but bfd. That was a gift to the Insurance Giants. A law that says everyone has to buy their products. If you want to repeal that and go with Single Payer I'll back you.

And it depends. Were you one of the people who didn't get paid when the government shut down?

How do you know those cuts to defense didn't cause some harm?

Did you get furloughed?

And didn't it create that "super committee"? LOL

I love it that now the republicans are basically saying, "hey, our decision didn't bring about the end of the world, did it?" Setting the bar real high I see. Same argument you guys have on Global Warming. "Hey, you can still breath, right?"

I know why you guys don't want young people to vote. Not because they are stupid but because they don't agree with you on most issues. Younger voters tend to be more liberal. Not conservative/set in their ways/brainwashed yet.

I said "the world didn't come to an end" ... And I know it didn't because we are still here.

Would you like to argue that?

Two ways to look at it.

1. Sure the Dems didn't get a lot done, but look at the GOP obstruction. Did we all forget as a nation the GOP and the debt ceiling fiasco? Sure we forgot, because we are a stupid lazy take things for granted type of society. The 20 something didn't vote. Do you understand that? They don't think it matters. We grew up learning that the vote is important. What changed and why do you like it? You like it because you think you win when it happens. You don't. Even if your side/party won, when people don't show up, we all lose. They don't deserve to be citizens. But I wouldn't expect you to agree. Even our Founding Fathers argued about this. The greedy ones like you wanted only property owners to be able to vote. And you cons certainly didn't want women to vote. Right? So why have you guys always NOT wanted the masses to vote? Because you believe we are better led by the rich, who are smarter than the rest of us and should be in charge. You my friend would have no problem with a king in America. King George. Nice ring, huh?

2. What did the Democrats do wrong? In 2010 you guys put the BP oil spill on him. Today it's ISIS. These things are not his fault. And the economy is booming. It is only NOT booming for the poor 20 somethings WHO DIDN"T VOTE! Was it by design? Did you guys purposely disinfranchise them? I hoped it would backfire and they'd say fuck you and show up, but they did not, so they get what they deserve. I hope the GOP ends SS and Medicare on that generation.

You know a lot of bad shit happened around the world on Reagan's watch. The Iran Contra. Hell, he created Al Queda. But you kissed his ass. Why not kiss Obama's ass?

Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

Economically Could Obama Be America s Best President - Forbes

I go with point 2. The only problem with the economy is the rich have all the money. If you don't like Obama or the economy, then you aren't rich enough to be GOP. Or you should take their advice and go back to school or start your own business.

Here is another way to look at it ... The world didn't come to an end because of the Sequester.


Lets put it very simple so even you dumb ass middle class Republicans can understand. The GOP raised your taxes. We still owe on the debt right? But over the years the rich and corporations have gotten huge tax breaks. So that means more of the debt is owed by you and me. Great example. Snyder in Michigan has been cutting taxes for all his buddies. Now the roads need fixing and he's saying they don't have the money and now he's going to have to raise our taxes somewhere. Sorry. So he/they shifted the tax burden onto us.

Oh and never mind it is trucks that are tearing up our roads. We even allow heavier truck loads than other states do. That's why they want to do business in Michigan. If a corporation leaves Michigan, they'll pay other states more $ for their loads. So they already have a reason to do business here. No need to give them more tax breaks. So they should be paying their fair share for the roads but they aren't and now we have to pay, stupid fucking American citizens. You deserve to be taxed. Go ahead, blame Obama because you can't make ends meet. Then call us liberals whiners.

Did you hear about the divorced wife who's going to get $1 billion in the settlement? Can you believe someone will be on the Forbes billionaire list and their only move was to marry the right guy? Was her vajayjay worth $1 billion? LOL
Two ways to look at it.

1. Sure the Dems didn't get a lot done, but look at the GOP obstruction. Did we all forget as a nation the GOP and the debt ceiling fiasco? Sure we forgot, because we are a stupid lazy take things for granted type of society. The 20 something didn't vote. Do you understand that? They don't think it matters. We grew up learning that the vote is important. What changed and why do you like it? You like it because you think you win when it happens. You don't. Even if your side/party won, when people don't show up, we all lose. They don't deserve to be citizens. But I wouldn't expect you to agree. Even our Founding Fathers argued about this. The greedy ones like you wanted only property owners to be able to vote. And you cons certainly didn't want women to vote. Right? So why have you guys always NOT wanted the masses to vote? Because you believe we are better led by the rich, who are smarter than the rest of us and should be in charge. You my friend would have no problem with a king in America. King George. Nice ring, huh?

2. What did the Democrats do wrong? In 2010 you guys put the BP oil spill on him. Today it's ISIS. These things are not his fault. And the economy is booming. It is only NOT booming for the poor 20 somethings WHO DIDN"T VOTE! Was it by design? Did you guys purposely disinfranchise them? I hoped it would backfire and they'd say fuck you and show up, but they did not, so they get what they deserve. I hope the GOP ends SS and Medicare on that generation.

You know a lot of bad shit happened around the world on Reagan's watch. The Iran Contra. Hell, he created Al Queda. But you kissed his ass. Why not kiss Obama's ass?

Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

Economically Could Obama Be America s Best President - Forbes

I go with point 2. The only problem with the economy is the rich have all the money. If you don't like Obama or the economy, then you aren't rich enough to be GOP. Or you should take their advice and go back to school or start your own business.

Here is another way to look at it ... The world didn't come to an end because of the Sequester.


Lets put it very simple so even you dumb ass middle class Republicans can understand. The GOP raised your taxes. We still owe on the debt right? But over the years the rich and corporations have gotten huge tax breaks. So that means more of the debt is owed by you and me. Great example. Snyder in Michigan has been cutting taxes for all his buddies. Now the roads need fixing and he's saying they don't have the money and now he's going to have to raise our taxes somewhere. Sorry. So he/they shifted the tax burden onto us.

Oh and never mind it is trucks that are tearing up our roads. We even allow heavier truck loads than other states do. That's why they want to do business in Michigan. If a corporation leaves Michigan, they'll pay other states more $ for their loads. So they already have a reason to do business here. No need to give them more tax breaks. So they should be paying their fair share for the roads but they aren't and now we have to pay, stupid fucking American citizens. You deserve to be taxed. Go ahead, blame Obama because you can't make ends meet. Then call us liberals whiners.

Did you hear about the divorced wife who's going to get $1 billion in the settlement? Can you believe someone will be on the Forbes billionaire list and their only move was to marry the right guy? Was her vajayjay worth $1 billion? LOL

Did the world come to an end ... I don't think it did?

Two ways to look at it.

1. Sure the Dems didn't get a lot done, but look at the GOP obstruction. Did we all forget as a nation the GOP and the debt ceiling fiasco? Sure we forgot, because we are a stupid lazy take things for granted type of society. The 20 something didn't vote. Do you understand that? They don't think it matters. We grew up learning that the vote is important. What changed and why do you like it? You like it because you think you win when it happens. You don't. Even if your side/party won, when people don't show up, we all lose. They don't deserve to be citizens. But I wouldn't expect you to agree. Even our Founding Fathers argued about this. The greedy ones like you wanted only property owners to be able to vote. And you cons certainly didn't want women to vote. Right? So why have you guys always NOT wanted the masses to vote? Because you believe we are better led by the rich, who are smarter than the rest of us and should be in charge. You my friend would have no problem with a king in America. King George. Nice ring, huh?

2. What did the Democrats do wrong? In 2010 you guys put the BP oil spill on him. Today it's ISIS. These things are not his fault. And the economy is booming. It is only NOT booming for the poor 20 somethings WHO DIDN"T VOTE! Was it by design? Did you guys purposely disinfranchise them? I hoped it would backfire and they'd say fuck you and show up, but they did not, so they get what they deserve. I hope the GOP ends SS and Medicare on that generation.

You know a lot of bad shit happened around the world on Reagan's watch. The Iran Contra. Hell, he created Al Queda. But you kissed his ass. Why not kiss Obama's ass?

Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

Economically Could Obama Be America s Best President - Forbes

I go with point 2. The only problem with the economy is the rich have all the money. If you don't like Obama or the economy, then you aren't rich enough to be GOP. Or you should take their advice and go back to school or start your own business.

Here is another way to look at it ... The world didn't come to an end because of the Sequester.


Lets put it very simple so even you dumb ass middle class Republicans can understand. The GOP raised your taxes. We still owe on the debt right? But over the years the rich and corporations have gotten huge tax breaks. So that means more of the debt is owed by you and me. Great example. Snyder in Michigan has been cutting taxes for all his buddies. Now the roads need fixing and he's saying they don't have the money and now he's going to have to raise our taxes somewhere. Sorry. So he/they shifted the tax burden onto us.

Oh and never mind it is trucks that are tearing up our roads. We even allow heavier truck loads than other states do. That's why they want to do business in Michigan. If a corporation leaves Michigan, they'll pay other states more $ for their loads. So they already have a reason to do business here. No need to give them more tax breaks. So they should be paying their fair share for the roads but they aren't and now we have to pay, stupid fucking American citizens. You deserve to be taxed. Go ahead, blame Obama because you can't make ends meet. Then call us liberals whiners.

Did you hear about the divorced wife who's going to get $1 billion in the settlement? Can you believe someone will be on the Forbes billionaire list and their only move was to marry the right guy? Was her vajayjay worth $1 billion? LOL

Did the world come to an end ... I don't think it did?


Two ways to look at it.

1. Sure the Dems didn't get a lot done, but look at the GOP obstruction

Another contestant. Democrats are going 0 fer on this. How did Democrats act that was not obstruction which made it the "GOP obstruction?" What did they offer the GOP that demonstrates what you wanted the Republicans to do and they didn't?
Where are the 20 somethings who didn't vote? I bet there are very few people that young on USMB and if they are on USMB they probably care enough to vote. But a couple people did post that they didn't vote. They should be shipped off to Mexico. Then in 2 days they'd be trying to sneak across the border back into America and they would take an illegal immigrant job and get paid under the table tax free money but they would want to get citizenship and work over the table and gladly pay those fucking taxes. People who don't want to pay taxes are unpatriotic. People who don't vote are too.

Why would I want to have a bumper sticker supporting Jeb because the world didn't end? Why do you think the world didn't end because GW was president.? Do you think a Progressive Liberal president will keep the world from ending?

Two ways to look at it.

1. Sure the Dems didn't get a lot done, but look at the GOP obstruction

Another contestant. Democrats are going 0 fer on this. How did Democrats act that was not obstruction which made it the "GOP obstruction?" What did they offer the GOP that demonstrates what you wanted the Republicans to do and they didn't?

You want me to go back and find all the proposals that Obama, Harry Reed & Pelosi gave the GOP that they rejected?

You want me to go find it where Boehner said he would do it and then we drafted the bill and then he renigged and said it was because he could not control the tea baggers?

Dude, I live in a GOP district. They voted in Kerry Bentavolio a tea bagger we are so red. But even they were smart enough to get rid of the tea baggers.

You guys have such short memories. I think its by choice. Selective too.
Lets put it very simple so even you dumb ass middle class Republicans can understand. The GOP raised your taxes. We still owe on the debt right? But over the years the rich and corporations have gotten huge tax breaks. So that means more of the debt is owed by you and me. Great example. Snyder in Michigan has been cutting taxes for all his buddies. Now the roads need fixing and he's saying they don't have the money and now he's going to have to raise our taxes somewhere. Sorry. So he/they shifted the tax burden onto us.

First, "kaz" is for my home town, Kalamazoo. And wow. You are going to use Michigan as an example of Democratic party policies working? Do you know anything about how Michigan drove out one of the greatest industries in the world with your endless socialist anti-business policies backed up by your Marxist rhetoric to justify it? Do you know anything about why Detroit is bankrupt? Do you know how to tie your shoes?
Another contestant. Democrats are going 0 fer on this. How did Democrats act that was not obstruction which made it the "GOP obstruction?" What did they offer the GOP that demonstrates what you wanted the Republicans to do and they didn't?

You want me to go back and find all the proposals that Obama, Harry Reed & Pelosi gave the GOP that they rejected?

I want you to tell me what was in those "proposals" that answers the question.
I've always said that other than the vote, the rich completely own our country and government. The only thing we have is our vote. But only 40% of the voting population voted on Tuesday. You can bet that every rich person in America voted on Tuesday. You can bet that all the Republicans that voted in 2012 and 2008 showed up to vote in the 2010 and 2014 midterms. Clearly. Look at how Republicans win every midterm with low turnout but lose the general elections. You can even count 2000 and 2004 because those years were close enough for Bush to steal. But that's another conversation. Point is, basically the richest Americans are all voting every 2 years and the masses only vote every 4 years in the general elections. The blacks. The under 30's. You only have yourselves to blame. I'm done caring about you if you don't even care enough to show up and vote every 2 years. You don't think it makes a difference? It makes all the difference in the world. Stupid fucking Americans.

The ones who don't pay attention to the issues and don't understand how policies impact them are the ones who tend to vote for you. Of course, that's why you want them to vote. On the other hand, I think that's the best reason they don't.

You stupid poor and middle class republicans think you are so smart but you are so fucking wrong on how you vote. So of course you think the people who don't vote shouldn't, not because you believe it doesn't matter, but because you know that chances are they won't vote for your side. So I will agree with you they are ignorant but so are you guys because even though you vote, you get it wrong. Congrats for being involved and stupid.

What are you, eight? Seriously. Democrats lead you by a ring nose.

they might be in junior high school. and they are totally Brainwashed in the Democrat party and spews it like a tool
One hardly blame people for not wanting to vote considering parties are absolute jokes. Their apathy is understandable when all you do is chase the devil out with Beelzebub.

It is not understandable.

I can tell this is probably coming from a rich person who likes it that the masses don't vote. That's their narrative. "Oh why bother voting, their all the same" Meanwhile they're voting every 2 years because they know it matters.

How else can I tell you are rich? Who starts a sentence with "One hardly blame people...." You sound like Thurston Howell 3rd. Lovie, one knows not to mix the chardonee with the grey popoun and cavier.

Lets see the next midterm if the Republicans just sit it out because "it doesn't matter who wins". Bullshit! They know better.

You work in IT and you aren't rich?

Maybe you should figure out why.

First of all, I don't work in IT. Secondly, I know lots of IT guys who went from making $90K to now they make $50K. Is that rich?

I apologize for my mistake.

The "lots of IT guys" you know aren't very good then.
Isn't it kind of racist to assume that (lazy?) Black people are responsible for the republican victory in the mid-term elections?

The blacks that voted for Obama didn't show up. The under 30 crowd didn't show up either. Stupid fucks.

The two demographics which are the most ignorant about politics and how the world works didn't show up. Boo hoo. How, exactly, are matters improved when the ignorant vote? Right, they vote Democratic and stick us with the Communisty Organizer.

I have been laughing and telling all my friends the last few days how you guys are loving it that less people vote and you honestly think their votes would be ignorant / uninformed votes when clearly that's what every poor and middle class voter voting gop is doing.

OK Einstein, tell us why these intelligent and informed voters didn't vote. You can't have it both ways, or do you really imagine that intelligent and informed voters who care about the issues don't care to express themselves via voting.

Parsimony suggests that those voters who can't be bothered to vote are the uninformed and less intelligent.

They aren't any more or less intelligent than you. You rightys are amazingly arrogant. Suggesting that it's ok they don't vote because they don't know what they are doing anyways. I guess you think that of us lefties too, right? So basically only YOU have it right?

And most of you aren't even rich enough to benefit from being GOP, but you WANT to be one of them. Maybe on some social issues you're one of them and maybe your father has money, but you are a middle class idiot voting against your own financial well being voting GOP. You just don't know it.

So I'm ok with people showing up and going with their gut. Or flipping a coin. Look at you. You get to vote even though you vote wrong. And when I say wrong I mean for you financially. If you were rich that would be different.

And if you are rich, we understand why you don't want the poor voting, or why you think "they get it wrong", because they get it wrong FOR YOU! There are more of them/us than you. When they don't vote, we/I lose and you win. Only realize when I say you I don't mean YOU I mean your side because you are basically a happy house slave.

You keep saying that but the middle class has not done well at all in the last 6 years. So is it just that this President is incompetent?
So I'm ok with people showing up and going with their gut. Or flipping a coin. Look at you. You get to vote even though you vote wrong. And when I say wrong I mean for you financially. If you were rich that would be different.

And if you are rich, we understand why you don't want the poor voting, or why you think "they get it wrong", because they get it wrong FOR YOU! There are more of them/us than you. When they don't vote, we/I lose and you win. Only realize when I say you I don't mean YOU I mean your side because you are basically a happy house slave.
...because voting Dummycrat has worked wonders for the economy? You are clueless on steroids.

No, you have a horrible memory. Just remember what Bush and the Tom Delay Government gave us. The fucking 2007 Great Recession. In fact we were in a recession long before 2007. But you have to go 4 months of losses to be in an official recession so anytime Bush was going to be in that situation, he sent us all $300 and it saved his ass for the time being. But remember that was just a loan from China. He was just giving us a loan, putting it on the debt and shifting the tax burden from the rich and more onto us.

By the way, what has been so bad with the Democrats in power? Have you checked the economy? Obama has COMPLETELY gotten us out of Bush's mess. Thank you Obama.

Why didn't 60% of the poor and middle class voters show up? They aren't feeling the recovery.

If you are complaining maybe you need to go back to school, get a different job or start a company.

Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

Economically Could Obama Be America s Best President - Forbes

Don't expect the "Liberal" media to point this hypocrisy out.

Obama's own economic team predicted that the economy would have recovered to this point two years ago WITHOUT the stimulus.

To be honest, I would love to split up the country and go our separate ways too.
The libs have been working hard to split it up. Rich against poor, black against white, woman against man, religious against atheist, gay against straight, whatever they think will give them more power.

It is the GOP that uses these wedge issues to divide the masses stupid. This is how the rich con poor and middle class people into going along with their financial policies that only benefit the rich. They use god, gays and guns.

Us Liberals would much rather focus on the economy and stop talking about abortion.

So much that your side didn't run on the economy and used abortion all over the place in the most recent election.

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