People Who Don't Vote Are The Problem

Ahahaha FAIL when Dem's won the 2006 mid term elections with about the same voter turnout as the recent 2014 mid term elections the libs claimed it was a huge mandate from the people. lol

the point being that both sides do the same thing, both sides claim this right to rule over the people, and bask in their success, and NOTHING CHANGES, it just goes around in circles, and history repeats itself and everyone's still stuck with the same nonsense like the song (Jokers to the left of me, fools to the right).

Vote properly next time, ie, not the two main parties.

After 6 years of being told to sit in the back and shut up I have a message for Dem's now calling for bi-partisan compromise, (censored) (censored) (rude gesture)
Ahahaha FAIL when Dem's won the 2006 mid term elections with about the same voter turnout as the recent 2014 mid term elections the libs claimed it was a huge mandate from the people. lol

the point being that both sides do the same thing, both sides claim this right to rule over the people, and bask in their success, and NOTHING CHANGES, it just goes around in circles, and history repeats itself and everyone's still stuck with the same nonsense like the song (Jokers to the left of me, fools to the right).

Vote properly next time, ie, not the two main parties.

After 6 years of being told to sit in the back and shut up I have a message for Dem's now calling for bi-partisan compromise, (censored) (censored) (rude gesture)

As the now MAJORITY says the same
Go waaa waaa waaa all the way home huffing and puffing you all had a hand in blowing the Democrat HOUSE and SENATE down to rubble. gives yourselves a hand. We in the Republican majority thank you. :thewave:
After 6 years of being told to sit in the back and shut up I have a message for Dem's now calling for bi-partisan compromise, (censored) (censored) (rude gesture)

So you're still playing the game. There isn't going to be much compromise between the two parties because their fight keeps you focused on them, and away from any other party. Why do you care about either of them, get rid of them.
Lets put it very simple so even you dumb ass middle class Republicans can understand. The GOP raised your taxes. We still owe on the debt right? But over the years the rich and corporations have gotten huge tax breaks. So that means more of the debt is owed by you and me. Great example. Snyder in Michigan has been cutting taxes for all his buddies. Now the roads need fixing and he's saying they don't have the money and now he's going to have to raise our taxes somewhere. Sorry. So he/they shifted the tax burden onto us.

First, "kaz" is for my home town, Kalamazoo. And wow. You are going to use Michigan as an example of Democratic party policies working? Do you know anything about how Michigan drove out one of the greatest industries in the world with your endless socialist anti-business policies backed up by your Marxist rhetoric to justify it? Do you know anything about why Detroit is bankrupt? Do you know how to tie your shoes?

I know what the right wing spin is on what happened to Michigan. How could I not know? I would have had to miss all the commercials of Rick Snyder lying, just like Romney lied in 2007 when he said Michigan was in a one state recession.

But they are liars. What really ruined Michigan? It wasn't that union workers made too much. The GOP not only nationally but GLOBALLY destroyed the fucking economy. So when all those manufacturing jobs went overseas, no fucking shit the economy tanked. When they gave all those tax breaks to the rich and got us into two wars, no shit we are broke.

Here is all you need to know, DUMMY. In 1999 Ford had record profits and paid out record profit sharing. They weren't hurting at all, despite the high wages they paid their employees.

In fucking fact stupid, it was also those highly paid union workers who paid all those taxes to the state and federal government that funded the government. They also spun the economy by spending that money. And since those jobs no longer exist, the government isn't getting any of that money anymore. This is why you give the tax breaks to the middle class and poor, not the rich. The rich sit on the money, we spend it.

Stop fucking crying about what' fair you big fucking babies. What works? What worked? Your way doesn't work PERIOD. Ours did/does. Trickle down doesn't work. Middle first does.

99 Profit Sharing at Ford Averages 8 000 - New York Times

You fucking jealous pricks. You cry that we are jealous of the rich but you were jealous of the middle class. They didn't cause Ford to almost collapse. That was the GOP from 2000 and on that did that. And I think you should know that but for some reason your brainwashed ass doesn't.
To be honest, I would love to split up the country and go our separate ways too.
The libs have been working hard to split it up. Rich against poor, black against white, woman against man, religious against atheist, gay against straight, whatever they think will give them more power.

It is the GOP that uses these wedge issues to divide the masses stupid. This is how the rich con poor and middle class people into going along with their financial policies that only benefit the rich. They use god, gays and guns.

Us Liberals would much rather focus on the economy and stop talking about abortion.

So much that your side didn't run on the economy and used abortion all over the place in the most recent election.

Trying to rally people to show up. So what?
I'm done caring about you if you don't even care enough to show up and vote every 2 years. You don't think it makes a difference? It makes all the difference in the world.

Yanno, people who don't vote refuse to blindly endorse one party or another. The country should be lucky that it has those kinds of people. I voted in protest, not because I cared about the Republican message. A vote is a voice, and if you wish not to speak, that is your right.

Stupid fucking Americans.

You are free to leave if you'd like.
To be honest, I would love to split up the country and go our separate ways too.
The libs have been working hard to split it up. Rich against poor, black against white, woman against man, religious against atheist, gay against straight, whatever they think will give them more power.

It is the GOP that uses these wedge issues to divide the masses stupid. This is how the rich con poor and middle class people into going along with their financial policies that only benefit the rich. They use god, gays and guns.

Us Liberals would much rather focus on the economy and stop talking about abortion.

So much that your side didn't run on the economy and used abortion all over the place in the most recent election.

Rick Snyder Governor of Michigan said in an ad, "you may not feel the recovery yet, but you will".

He was talking about his recovery but we all know it is Obama's recovery. Snyder was just in the right place at the right time. And the reason we haven't felt it yet is because he gave all the breaks to the rich and he's expecting that's going to trickle down on the rest of us. We're still waiting Rick!

So it would be hard to explain to the poor and middle class that the economy is booming when they aren't sharing in the boom. The rich know the economy is booming for them, but they aren't going to admit it to the masses and when they do, they're going to try to take credit for it.

Just like they didn't admit the economy sucked until they could officially blame it on Obama. Intellectual dishonesty is what it is. Either that or stupid or liars.
There isn't going to be much compromise between the two parties because their fight keeps you focused on them, and away from any other party. Why do you care about either of them, get rid of them.

Getting rid of them will serve no purpose. You can never stop people from being adversarial. It's in human nature to bicker or debate. Even with no parties at all, people would vie for power and influence among the people. Welcome to feudalism, sir.
I'm done caring about you if you don't even care enough to show up and vote every 2 years. You don't think it makes a difference? It makes all the difference in the world.

Yanno, people who don't vote refuse to blindly endorse one party or another. The country should be lucky that it has those kinds of people. I voted in protest, not because I cared about the Republican message. A vote is a voice, and if you wish not to speak, that is your right.

Stupid fucking Americans.

You are free to leave if you'd like.

Is that what you do? Blindly endorse one party? Then shut the fuck up cracker.
I'm done caring about you if you don't even care enough to show up and vote every 2 years. You don't think it makes a difference? It makes all the difference in the world.

Yanno, people who don't vote refuse to blindly endorse one party or another. The country should be lucky that it has those kinds of people. I voted in protest, not because I cared about the Republican message. A vote is a voice, and if you wish not to speak, that is your right.

Stupid fucking Americans.

You are free to leave if you'd like.

I might if it gets much worse. Is that really your solution? Love it or leave it?

How about love it or if you don't love it, fix what you don't love? Same way you guys cried when we were in charge.

WAIT! That's right. You right wingers did talk about seceding from the union. Fucking losers. Now you want us to leave just because you took over the House?
I'm done caring about you if you don't even care enough to show up and vote every 2 years. You don't think it makes a difference? It makes all the difference in the world.

Yanno, people who don't vote refuse to blindly endorse one party or another. The country should be lucky that it has those kinds of people. I voted in protest, not because I cared about the Republican message. A vote is a voice, and if you wish not to speak, that is your right.

Stupid fucking Americans.

You are free to leave if you'd like.

Is that what you do? Blindly endorse one party? Then shut the fuck up cracker.

Can you not read?

No, I don't. I believe I expressed that point plainly. I became a libertarian to escape the childishness of two party politics. I am this close (barely pinches his thumb and index finger together) to becoming unaffiliated.

Cracker? I prefer Cheez-Its if you please.
I might if it gets much worse. Is that really your solution? Love it or leave it?

If you are miserable being an American, then there is only one solution. Leave.

How about love it or if you don't love it, fix what you don't love? Same way you guys cried when we were in charge.

What I gather is you're the one crying right now. I could not make sense of "How about love it or if you don't love it, fix what you don't love?" What a bunch of gibberish.

WAIT! That's right. You right wingers did talk about seceding from the union. Fucking losers. Now you want us to leave just because you took over the House?

Typical, liberals love pigeonholing people into one group or another. Stereotypes are their forte. You are simply upset that people didn't show up to vote for you. You express discontent with America? There's the door. I love my country regardless of what direction it takes. I love it enough to want it to be successful, not to run it into the ground.

You are like a bunch of teenagers who can't be trusted with the car keys.
There isn't going to be much compromise between the two parties because their fight keeps you focused on them, and away from any other party. Why do you care about either of them, get rid of them.

Getting rid of them will serve no purpose. You can never stop people from being adversarial. It's in human nature to bicker or debate. Even with no parties at all, people would vie for power and influence among the people. Welcome to feudalism, sir.

There's a difference between fighting each other, and what exists in the US. It isn't human nature to automatically have 2 parties who control everything. Other countries have systems which actually give the people a say in matters of government. The US doesn't.

I guess the US is just feudal, nothing more. About time it got into the 21st century before it dwindles away into obscurity.
I've always said that other than the vote, the rich completely own our country and government. The only thing we have is our vote. But only 40% of the voting population voted on Tuesday. You can bet that every rich person in America voted on Tuesday. You can bet that all the Republicans that voted in 2012 and 2008 showed up to vote in the 2010 and 2014 midterms. Clearly. Look at how Republicans win every midterm with low turnout but lose the general elections. You can even count 2000 and 2004 because those years were close enough for Bush to steal. But that's another conversation. Point is, basically the richest Americans are all voting every 2 years and the masses only vote every 4 years in the general elections. The blacks. The under 30's. You only have yourselves to blame. I'm done caring about you if you don't even care enough to show up and vote every 2 years. You don't think it makes a difference? It makes all the difference in the world. Stupid fucking Americans.

The ones who don't pay attention to the issues and don't understand how policies impact them are the ones who tend to vote for you. Of course, that's why you want them to vote. On the other hand, I think that's the best reason they don't.

You stupid poor and middle class republicans think you are so smart but you are so fucking wrong on how you vote. So of course you think the people who don't vote shouldn't, not because you believe it doesn't matter, but because you know that chances are they won't vote for your side. So I will agree with you they are ignorant but so are you guys because even though you vote, you get it wrong. Congrats for being involved and stupid.
hey Bobo.....i think anyone who votes for the incompetents the 2 parties throw out there, voted wrong.....and yes that includes you....
One hardly blame people for not wanting to vote considering parties are absolute jokes. Their apathy is understandable when all you do is chase the devil out with Beelzebub.

It is not understandable.

I can tell this is probably coming from a rich person who likes it that the masses don't vote. That's their narrative. "Oh why bother voting, their all the same" Meanwhile they're voting every 2 years because they know it matters.

How else can I tell you are rich? Who starts a sentence with "One hardly blame people...." You sound like Thurston Howell 3rd. Lovie, one knows not to mix the chardonee with the grey popoun and cavier.

Lets see the next midterm if the Republicans just sit it out because "it doesn't matter who wins". Bullshit! They know better.

You work in IT and you aren't rich?

Maybe you should figure out why.

First of all, I don't work in IT. Secondly, I know lots of IT guys who went from making $90K to now they make $50K. Is that rich?

I apologize for my mistake.

The "lots of IT guys" you know aren't very good then.

Always an excuse why everyone is making less. First it was the Greeks fault. Then it was the City of Detroit employees. Then it was poor people who cased the housing crash. Then it was the union workers.

Everyone but the real criiminals, the rich. The Wallstreet Bankers. The Housing Giants. The healthcare insurance CEO's. The GOP who gave them tax breaks to move their operations overseas. What the fuck was that all about?

Bank of America and Countrywide were found guilty you know. Only you don't know because the corporate media hardly reported on it. Dummy

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