Pepper-Spray by a Cruel and Cowardly NYC Cop

I was sort of scratching my head over that one as well Oldstyle, because society is a collective people as a whole..people have rights as a group and as individuals as clearly society does have rights.
Are you kidding? "You" accuse the police of beating the crap out of people and I ask you to show where that occurred and it's "me" that has a problem with hyperbole?

Where did I say that they did?

So now you're saying the police "didn't" beat the crap out of anyone? Do you even remember what you've posted previously? I was under the impression that your whole beef with the NYPD was that they "brutalized" poor innocent protesters?

I remember exactly what I posted before. Can you show me where I said the police beat the crap out of anyone?

Didn't think so.
"The people who make up society have rights, not society as an aggregate."

That's nonsensical. Because society is made up of people, of course society has rights because people have rights. If people didn't have rights then neither would society.

Are you getting dizzy?
They were probably walking by on their way to Church and were grabbed at random, eh?

No obviously not.

What's your point?

That it was okay for that fat pig of a cop to pepper spray then while in holding because he didn't like their politics?

Grow up, kid.

Spoken like a man who's never had to deal with a real-life situation in his entire life, but likes to play tough guy on the Internet. The rich kid liberal fucks DESPERATELY WANTED TO BE MACED, roughed up or whatever else so they could put it on YouTube and then write about it for their thesis at Brown. And they got it... great. Whatever. They begged for it.

Politics, what-the-fuck-ever. Police on the street have politics, alright: I hope I get through this day without getting shot and killed. That's their politics.

These overprivileged trust-fund babies are out there being shit-asses and if were consistent, they'd maybe give a damn about a low-paid NYC cop.

But nope.

Fuck liberals.

I say pepper-spray them all.
I was sort of scratching my head over that one as well Oldstyle, because society is a collective people as a whole..people have rights as a group and as individuals as clearly society does have rights.

He's totally lost me with where he's going with this thread. Now he seems to have changed his mind about whether or not the NYPD "brutalized" protesters (which was the crux of this whole debate) and now wants play semantic games about society being made up of people with rights but not having any rights as a whole.

After all the incendiary rhetoric designed to make a non-event into something newsworthy...what we've finally arrived at is this:

The protesters had a miniscule turnout.

In order to get any media coverage at all they forced the police to arrest them.

The police did so in a professional and appropriate manner.

The Main Stream media gave the protesters what they were looking for by portraying what happened as "brutal police attacking peaceful demonstrators".
Where did I say that they did?

So now you're saying the police "didn't" beat the crap out of anyone? Do you even remember what you've posted previously? I was under the impression that your whole beef with the NYPD was that they "brutalized" poor innocent protesters?

I remember exactly what I posted before. Can you show me where I said the police beat the crap out of anyone?

Didn't think so.

"That photographer that had his head banged off of a parked car was not using any force at all, and was clearly standing to the side and not participating, yet some jerk with a badge decided to step put of department policy and attack him."

"Just to get on the record here, again, I think the protestors are idiots and that they are protesting something that is mostly a conspiracy theory, and that they are blaming the wrong people. Nonetheless, they have a right to protest if they want, and they certainly have a right not to be used as punching bags and practice targets by a couple of overzealous fascists hiding behind a badge."

I believe those are your quotes?
"The people who make up society have rights, not society as an aggregate."

That's nonsensical. Because society is made up of people, of course society has rights because people have rights. If people didn't have rights then neither would society.

Are you getting dizzy?

I'm fine, Quantum...after all you're the one doing semantic back flips, not I...are you dizzy?
So now you're saying the police "didn't" beat the crap out of anyone? Do you even remember what you've posted previously? I was under the impression that your whole beef with the NYPD was that they "brutalized" poor innocent protesters?

I remember exactly what I posted before. Can you show me where I said the police beat the crap out of anyone?

Didn't think so.

"That photographer that had his head banged off of a parked car was not using any force at all, and was clearly standing to the side and not participating, yet some jerk with a badge decided to step put of department policy and attack him."

"Just to get on the record here, again, I think the protestors are idiots and that they are protesting something that is mostly a conspiracy theory, and that they are blaming the wrong people. Nonetheless, they have a right to protest if they want, and they certainly have a right not to be used as punching bags and practice targets by a couple of overzealous fascists hiding behind a badge."

I believe those are your quotes?

The photographer did have his head bounced off a parked car, even you admitted that. You justified it, but you admitted it.

As for the second, we already established that you think the police do have the power to use people as punching bags, so why repost it? Did you need to say it again because you thought I missed the point? I will, however, point out that the criminal justice system in this country comes down on my side, protestors do have a right not to be punching bags.

I am still waiting for you to point out where I said police beat the crap beat out of them.
"The people who make up society have rights, not society as an aggregate."

That's nonsensical. Because society is made up of people, of course society has rights because people have rights. If people didn't have rights then neither would society.

Are you getting dizzy?

I'm fine, Quantum...after all you're the one doing semantic back flips, not I...are you dizzy?

I just find it amusing that you think that society, which is actually an abstract concept, has rights because it is made up of individuals, yet those same individuals do not have rights. It gets a little confusing if I try to approach it logically, so I heep it with scorn instead.
If they left the sidewalk AT ANY POINT and we know they did...they broke the law..beyond that if anyone in the protest violated the sidewalk rule then the entire protest became illegal...why? Well they were required to have a permit...that is what was illegal and we know they HAD NO PERMIT

What a load of bullocks.

You are seriously defending this pig of a cop? He attacked a women without provocation.

Shame on you.
If they left the sidewalk AT ANY POINT and we know they did...they broke the law..beyond that if anyone in the protest violated the sidewalk rule then the entire protest became illegal...why? Well they were required to have a permit...that is what was illegal and we know they HAD NO PERMIT

What a load of bullocks.

You are seriously defending this pig of a cop? He attacked a women without provocation.

Shame on you.

Not defending the cop one way or another except to say that those protests became VIOLENT and saying that the protest was not protected under the constitution, 1 because there was no permit for where they were located at, because they already had been designated a different area to protest...2 because screaming offenses at the cops is considered disorderly conduct, you shout obsenities you aren't protected from being sprayed in the face with pepper spray. and 3 when they were told to disperse that is exactly what they should have done.
When you are in a group protesting, that becomes an unruly mob of law breakers, you are going to have to make your own decision and protect yourself.
1. Get out of the situation or get caught up in the situation, and sometimes you pay the consequences.

What was the group protesting and why was it such a small amount of people?
They are against capitalism and wanted to shut down Wall St.
They are for redistribution of wealth.
So they want to bring down wealth, but at the same time they want wealth redistributed.
Then the question is - If there is no longer wealth, then were to you get the money for redistribution?
If they left the sidewalk AT ANY POINT and we know they did...they broke the law..beyond that if anyone in the protest violated the sidewalk rule then the entire protest became illegal...why? Well they were required to have a permit...that is what was illegal and we know they HAD NO PERMIT

What a load of bullocks.

You are seriously defending this pig of a cop? He attacked a women without provocation.

Shame on you.

Not defending the cop one way or another except to say that those protests became VIOLENT and saying that the protest was not protected under the constitution, 1 because there was no permit for where they were located at, because they already had been designated a different area to protest...2 because screaming offenses at the cops is considered disorderly conduct, you shout obsenities you aren't protected from being sprayed in the face with pepper spray. and 3 when they were told to disperse that is exactly what they should have done.

You clearly did not see the same video I did.

Nobody said doodle squat to that woman. She was surrounded by cops, she was doing nothing but standing on the SIDEWALK.

That pig of a cop sneaked up, hit the woman in the face with MACE and then sneaked away like a theif in the night.

And you think this is OKAY?

Shame on you.
I remember exactly what I posted before. Can you show me where I said the police beat the crap out of anyone?

Didn't think so.

"That photographer that had his head banged off of a parked car was not using any force at all, and was clearly standing to the side and not participating, yet some jerk with a badge decided to step put of department policy and attack him."

"Just to get on the record here, again, I think the protestors are idiots and that they are protesting something that is mostly a conspiracy theory, and that they are blaming the wrong people. Nonetheless, they have a right to protest if they want, and they certainly have a right not to be used as punching bags and practice targets by a couple of overzealous fascists hiding behind a badge."

I believe those are your quotes?

The photographer did have his head bounced off a parked car, even you admitted that. You justified it, but you admitted it.

As for the second, we already established that you think the police do have the power to use people as punching bags, so why repost it? Did you need to say it again because you thought I missed the point? I will, however, point out that the criminal justice system in this country comes down on my side, protestors do have a right not to be punching bags.

I am still waiting for you to point out where I said police beat the crap beat out of them.

It wasn't me who said the police used people as "punching bags"...that was your comment. You accused the police of something they didn't do just as you accused them of deliberately bouncing someone's head off a parked car...something that also didn't happen. You've tried to make this into a case of police "brutality" all along because you've bought into the narrative that the activists that they were "attacked" by the police. Every time that you've done so...I've pointed out that the police didn't "attack" anyone and that every arrest that you see on the various clips was an arrest that was deliberately provoked by the activists with the sole purpose of garnering media coverage for a march that had such a small turnout it wouldn't have gotten ANY coverage without their confronting the police.
Are you getting dizzy?

I'm fine, Quantum...after all you're the one doing semantic back flips, not I...are you dizzy?

I just find it amusing that you think that society, which is actually an abstract concept, has rights because it is made up of individuals, yet those same individuals do not have rights. It gets a little confusing if I try to approach it logically, so I heep it with scorn instead.

Society is an abstract concept? What ARE you babbling about? When did I ever say individuals don't have rights? What I've said is that your rights as an individual don't allow you to trample on the rights of your fellow society.
If they left the sidewalk AT ANY POINT and we know they did...they broke the law..beyond that if anyone in the protest violated the sidewalk rule then the entire protest became illegal...why? Well they were required to have a permit...that is what was illegal and we know they HAD NO PERMIT

What a load of bullocks.

You are seriously defending this pig of a cop? He attacked a women without provocation.

Shame on you.

Have you completed your official investigation already?
If they left the sidewalk AT ANY POINT and we know they did...they broke the law..beyond that if anyone in the protest violated the sidewalk rule then the entire protest became illegal...why? Well they were required to have a permit...that is what was illegal and we know they HAD NO PERMIT

What a load of bullocks.

You are seriously defending this pig of a cop? He attacked a women without provocation.

Shame on you.

Without provocation? What you've conveniently overlooked is that the marchers arrived at that sidewalk by taking place in march that didn't have a that deliberately broke through established police barricades...and then when they were told by police to leave that sidewalk they chose to remain to scream at police as they arrested activists one at a time for running out into the street. What's a "load of bullocks" is your claim that there wasn't provocation. That was what this entire "event" was about!!! If there wasn't provocation then those 150 people wouldn't have gotten five seconds of media coverage.

Shame on, Xchel? Shame on you for being such a dupe.
What a load of bullocks.

You are seriously defending this pig of a cop? He attacked a women without provocation.

Shame on you.

Not defending the cop one way or another except to say that those protests became VIOLENT and saying that the protest was not protected under the constitution, 1 because there was no permit for where they were located at, because they already had been designated a different area to protest...2 because screaming offenses at the cops is considered disorderly conduct, you shout obsenities you aren't protected from being sprayed in the face with pepper spray. and 3 when they were told to disperse that is exactly what they should have done.

You clearly did not see the same video I did.

Nobody said doodle squat to that woman. She was surrounded by cops, she was doing nothing but standing on the SIDEWALK.

That pig of a cop sneaked up, hit the woman in the face with MACE and then sneaked away like a theif in the night.

And you think this is OKAY?

Shame on you.

It's amazing how someone can view a piece of video tape and only see what they want to see. You've ignored the part where the marchers deliberately crossed police've ignored the part where the police cordon off the side walk and tell people there that they have to've ignored the part where the police are in the process of arresting one of the women and the other three are screaming at them to've ignored all that, choosing instead to concentrate on the supervisor's short burst of pepper spray used to address what he viewed as a trouble spot.

That's akin to watching a high speed chase in which a person breaks multiple traffic laws and saying that the police acted in a "brutal" fashion when they pulled him out of his vehicle and pushed him to the ground to be cuffed.
If they left the sidewalk AT ANY POINT and we know they did...they broke the law..beyond that if anyone in the protest violated the sidewalk rule then the entire protest became illegal...why? Well they were required to have a permit...that is what was illegal and we know they HAD NO PERMIT

What a load of bullocks.

You are seriously defending this pig of a cop? He attacked a women without provocation.

Shame on you.

Without provocation? What you've conveniently overlooked is that the marchers arrived at that sidewalk by taking place in march that didn't have a that deliberately broke through established police barricades...and then when they were told by police to leave that sidewalk they chose to remain to scream at police as they arrested activists one at a time for running out into the street. What's a "load of bullocks" is your claim that there wasn't provocation. That was what this entire "event" was about!!! If there wasn't provocation then those 150 people wouldn't have gotten five seconds of media coverage.

Shame on, Xchel? Shame on you for being such a dupe.

I highlighted exactly what I want to point out to the other poster...something he purposefully seems to miss.
You've ignored the part where the marchers deliberately crossed police lines.

What I haven't ignored is the VICTIM'sactions.

She didn't cross a damned thing.

Basically what you're now supporting is the concept of COLLECTIVE GUILT.

STop squirming and distorting the facts to suit you purposes.

Yuu think its okay for cops to attack people whose politics you disapprove of.

The woman who was attacked was doing NOTHING to warrant the attack.

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