Pepper-Spray by a Cruel and Cowardly NYC Cop

When you are in a group protesting, that becomes an unruly mob of law breakers, you are going to have to make your own decision and protect yourself.
1. Get out of the situation or get caught up in the situation, and sometimes you pay the consequences.

What was the group protesting and why was it such a small amount of people?
They are against capitalism and wanted to shut down Wall St.
They are for redistribution of wealth.
So they want to bring down wealth, but at the same time they want wealth redistributed.
Then the question is - If there is no longer wealth, then were to you get the money for redistribution?

If you look at the people in this protest you'll see a bunch of naive youngsters that have been brainwashed by their far left college professors into believing that they can seize wealth from those that have it, distribute it to those who don't and that the previously wealthy will continue to work hard to make MORE money that progressives can once again seize for redistribution. You'd have to be a complete moron to buy into that but these kids "believe" with all their hearts that it's so.
You've ignored the part where the marchers deliberately crossed police lines.

What I haven't ignored is the VICTIM'sactions.

She didn't cross a damned thing.

Basically what you're now supporting is the concept of COLLECTIVE GUILT.

STop squirming and distorting the facts to suit you purposes.

Yuu think its okay for cops to attack people whose politics you disapprove of.

The woman who was attacked was doing NOTHING to warrant the attack.

So it's your contention that those women were not part of the protest? That they hadn't arrived at that sidewalk with the express purpose of confronting the police and getting arrested to garner media coverage? If you really believe that then I find you laughably naive, Ed. I don't think you really believe that however...I think you're deliberately ignoring part of what happened that day because you fervently desire for the "police brutality" narrative to be true when it quite obviously ISN'T.
If you look at the people in this protest you'll see a bunch of naive youngsters that have been brainwashed by their far left college professors into believing that they can seize wealth from those that have it, distribute it to those who don't and that the previously wealthy will continue to work hard to make MORE money

'Scuse me, Jack, but this is Wall Street we're talking about. They don't make doodly-squat. They play financial shell games and legal con games. They accumulate money, but they don't make it. It's all paper-shuffling and transfer of wealth from suckers to hucksters, net gain zero.

Odds are every one of those protesters has made more real wealth (much of it purloined by the company they worked for) than all of Wall Street put together; the only way that might not be true is if one or another of the protesters has literally never held even a part-time job in his or her life. And even then, while he or she will not have made more real wealth than all of Wall Street, it ain't less, either.
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You see the only way that your "police brutality" narrative works is if the police had done what they did to protesters that had a permit and were protesting inside of the area provided for them by the police so as not to block traffic. If that were the case then you would be MORE than justified for being outraged by what took place down in the Wall Street area.
If they left the sidewalk AT ANY POINT and we know they did...they broke the law..beyond that if anyone in the protest violated the sidewalk rule then the entire protest became illegal...why? Well they were required to have a permit...that is what was illegal and we know they HAD NO PERMIT

What a load of bullocks.

You are seriously defending this pig of a cop? He attacked a women without provocation.

Shame on you.

Not defending the cop one way or another except to say that those protests became VIOLENT and saying that the protest was not protected under the constitution, 1 because there was no permit for where they were located at, because they already had been designated a different area to protest...2 because screaming offenses at the cops is considered disorderly conduct, you shout obsenities you aren't protected from being sprayed in the face with pepper spray. and 3 when they were told to disperse that is exactly what they should have done.

Maybe in Honduras, Police Brutality is the norm. Still, that doesn't make it right. Mace, in this case was over kill. Because of it the Protest is growing in size. Try cutting up some Jalapeno or Habanero peppers and wiping your eyes when you are done.

You know it is funny that when Soldier's Funerals are Protested, moving the Protests away, out of the disruption range is so unheard of, yet here, being NYC, where Wall Street is involved, here is your little out of the way insignificant Protest Zone. :) There are aspects to the picture you are not seeing.

Maybe they could convert to Islam and Pray, in the Streets blocking Traffic, since that is okay. ;)

Regardless of what side of the issue we are on, Malice, is not justified, that's the point. The Force of Law does not Justify what he did. The Cop, if he had to do something, should have just made an arrest. His Wife should put him out in the garage until the first freeze. If he has Daughters, I feel sorry for them.

I do not condone violence against Police Officers, that includes, spitting, throwing Pee Bottles, anything along that line of reasoning. The Police should not be going out of their way to provoke and Incite, either.
What they need to do is another Kent State. That would put an end to it immediately. How many of the people who work on Wall Street would just like to pick up a barrel stave, crow bar or baseball bat and just wade in as a "counter-protester". They should be encouraged to do so.
pepper spray in the face is not considered police brutality it is making a disorderly citizen behave themselves...actually he was justified...they went there with the intention of civil disobedience and they got the results of that. Since you don't condone violence against police, do you realize that at least one of those protesters was arrested and charged with assaulting a police officer?
If you look at the people in this protest you'll see a bunch of naive youngsters that have been brainwashed by their far left college professors into believing that they can seize wealth from those that have it, distribute it to those who don't and that the previously wealthy will continue to work hard to make MORE money

'Scuse me, Jack, but this is Wall Street we're talking about. They don't make doodly-squat. They play financial shell games and legal con games. They accumulate money, but they don't make it. It's all paper-shuffling and transfer of wealth from suckers to hucksters, net gain zero.

Odds are every one of those protesters has made more real wealth (much of it purloined by the company they worked for) than all of Wall Street put together; the only way that might not be true is if one or another of the protesters has literally never held even a part-time job in his or her life. And even then, while he or she will not have made more real wealth than all of Wall Street, it ain't less, either.

First of all I don't think you understand the necessity of the stock market and what it's function is. Without Wall Street corporations wouldn't have capital to invest and grow.

As for the protesters? After looking at these people on video clip after video clip I'd be willing to wager a nice sum of money that most of them are not working at a normal job making wealth of any kind. They are part of a new "growth industry" here in America...the professional activist.
Tell that to the thousands of average American workers who have gotten their money from their 401(k) accounts at retirement age and put it into their banks. Dragon
What they need to do is another Kent State. That would put an end to it immediately. How many of the people who work on Wall Street would just like to pick up a barrel stave, crow bar or baseball bat and just wade in as a "counter-protester". They should be encouraged to do so.

No, because that's what the protesters are actually seeking. Without some over the top reaction to their protests then the protests themselves will be seen for what they are...a tiny group of people largely being ignored because their "cause" isn't one that resonates with the public.
What they need to do is another Kent State. That would put an end to it immediately. How many of the people who work on Wall Street would just like to pick up a barrel stave, crow bar or baseball bat and just wade in as a "counter-protester". They should be encouraged to do so.

No more Coffee for you dude, no more caffeine, or your Insurance coverage is being dropped.
First of all I don't think you understand the necessity of the stock market and what it's function is. Without Wall Street corporations wouldn't have capital to invest and grow.

An exaggeration, but I grant the function of one tiny segment of Wall Street. However, over the past thirty years it has run out of control until most of what it does is exactly what I described: a shell game designed to part suckers from their money. The stock exchange is only a tiny fraction of what Wall Street does today.

As for the protesters? After looking at these people on video clip after video clip I'd be willing to wager a nice sum of money that most of them are not working at a normal job making wealth of any kind. They are part of a new "growth industry" here in America...the professional activist.

You're mistaken, but you can be forgiven for not understanding this, since most of its development has been invisible to anyone who doesn't frequent left-wing blog sites or discussion forums. What I'm seeing is the eruption into the analog world of something that's been building on the Internet and social media for years. These are mostly young people, and the number of people who are participating off the streets vastly dwarfs the number who are on the streets at any one time. But the movement has matured to the point that we are now seeing this sort of thing. We will see more of it. This is only the beginning.

In fact, this is a left-wing populist movement that is the mirror image of the Tea Party, only much bigger, and much younger, and much better organized. Something like 60 percent of the Millennial generation is at least sympathetic, and the number who are involved at least in organization and planning is enormous. In 2008 this movement helped put Obama in the White House. It's become discouraged with the Democrats, seeing them as corporate sellouts, and so is now turning to on-the-streets activism rather than relying just on electoral politics, and yet this is only toe-in-the-water stuff. It's the barest shadow of what's coming.
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pepper spray in the face is not considered police brutality it is making a disorderly citizen behave themselves...actually he was justified...they went there with the intention of civil disobedience and they got the results of that. Since you don't condone violence against police, do you realize that at least one of those protesters was arrested and charged with assaulting a police officer?

That's why he snuck in and snuck away like a weasel. You should try mace just to see how strong your convictions are. If not on yourself, maybe a little kitten or puppy.... Strike that.

So you advocate the use of mace without threat or provocation? What about Tazers? It would have been just as fun watching the girl convulse as squirm in agony, right? Okay to use that on J-Walkers, or people who get pulled over for traffic violations? Why not, it is not abuse, right? If a baby cries too loud in public, that would be okay too, because it is fun to watch. What I don't understand from you, and I don't totally disagree with your POV, is why justify that kind of pain and suffering knowing it was a cheap shot. It is not the norm. It is not done everyday. To encourage this type of response, is to encourage trouble, the kind, law enforcement will not be able to control. Respect Life, don't wipe your feet on it.
First of all I don't think you understand the necessity of the stock market and what it's function is. Without Wall Street corporations wouldn't have capital to invest and grow.

An exaggeration, but I grant the function of one tiny segment of Wall Street. However, over the past thirty years it has run out of control until most of what it does is exactly what I described: a shell game designed to part suckers from their money. The stock exchange is only a tiny fraction of what Wall Street does today.

As for the protesters? After looking at these people on video clip after video clip I'd be willing to wager a nice sum of money that most of them are not working at a normal job making wealth of any kind. They are part of a new "growth industry" here in America...the professional activist.

You're mistaken, but you can be forgiven for not understanding this, since most of its development has been invisible to anyone who doesn't frequent left-wing blog sites or discussion forums. What I'm seeing is the eruption into the analog world of something that's been building on the Internet and social media for years. These are mostly young people, and the number of people who are participating off the streets vastly dwarfs the number who are on the streets at any one time. But the movement has matured to the point that we are now seeing this sort of thing. We will see more of it. This is only the beginning.

And On Line Trading doesn't contribute to volatility?
Intense, I was in the line of fire of both water cannons here in Honduras, rocks and pepper spray...unintentionally mind you..we were marching in support of the removal of Mel Zelaya and counter protesters came in with rocks and moltov cocktails...the military got involved as well as the police to stop them and the marchers that were being peaceful accidently got hit with the stuff when they went after counter yeah I know what it feels is still used for an out of control person and is legal.
And On Line Trading doesn't contribute to volatility?

Indeed it does. All I was really conceding is that buried somewhere under all the financial chicanery there's a core to the stock exchange that does serve a useful purpose.
Intense, I was in the line of fire of both water cannons here in Honduras, rocks and pepper spray...unintentionally mind you..we were marching in support of the removal of Mel Zelaya and counter protesters came in with rocks and moltov cocktails...the military got involved as well as the police to stop them and the marchers that were being peaceful accidently got hit with the stuff when they went after counter yeah I know what it feels is still used for an out of control person and is legal.

Under such circumstances as you just described yes. Absolutely. On the tape of what happened in Manhattan, Absolutely not. I've been in some big protests, long ago, have I been maced, brutalized, no. Arrested, Isolated, Cuffed, both steel and plastic, Duct taped, gagged. even driven off in the middle of the night and dumped, yes. Shit happens, don't encourage it. Think Thoreau, Gandhi, MLK. Keep the Peace.
Intense, but was the intent in the march to do stuff to get intentionally arrested like these folks were on Wall Street? They advertised that by the way.... if you went for a peaceful march you likely did just that..and your march likely had all permits needed and police protection to boot..they didn't do that..and they went to cause trouble, they found it.

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