Per capita, the US has the worst COVID death rate among wealthy nations

nonstop fear porn

make the virus spread faster

implementing useless restrictions

if the virus continues to mutate

Relevant reading...

South Korea to trial AI facial recognition in tracking COVID-19 cases

Certificate Of Vaccine ID Artificial Intelligence = COVID 19 ( A=1st letter of the alphabet and I= 9th letter of the alphabet).

Get it? Got it? Good...



Recall that back in early 2019 Bill Gates had openly stated in one of his Reddit Q & A sessions that this was the eventual plan...

On March 18th, 2020 Bill Gates took part in an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit titled I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19. where he answered questions about the pandemic. In one of his answers, Gates referred to a “digital certificate” to keep track of who got vaccinated.

So, that's what this 'technical manual' does.


A Reddit user named RemoteControlledUser asked this question:
What changes are we going to have to make to how businesses operate to maintain our economy while providing social distancing?

Bill Gates’ answer:
Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it.


And, of course, 80 Republicans just voted with Democrats in favor of the immunization database.

But Republicans are different. Right? Heh heh...

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Relevant reading...

South Korea to trial AI facial recognition in tracking COVID-19 cases

Certificate Of Vaccine ID Artificial Intelligence = COVID 19 ( A=1st letter of the alphabet and I= 9th letter of the alphabet).

Get it? Got it? Good...



Recall that back in early 2019 Bill Gates had openly stated in one of his Reddit Q & A sessions that this was the eventual plan...

On March 18th, 2020 Bill Gates took part in an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit titled I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19. where he answered questions about the pandemic. In one of his answers, Gates referred to a “digital certificate” to keep track of who got vaccinated.

So, that's what this 'technical manual' does.


A Reddit user named RemoteControlledUser asked this question:

Bill Gates’ answer:


And, of course, 80 Republicans just votd with Democrats in favor of the immunization database.

But Republicans are different. Right? Heh heh...

our 'shave yer a** & run backwards' wake up call Natural One.........already assuming some blowback>>>>





When you have morons who refuse to get vaccinated and a congress that won’t support any restrictive measures seen in other countries, of course there won’t be success.

Can you even point to the Biden policy that is making this all worse? No of course you can’t.
Why have so many on the left become totalitarians? They use to stand for civil liberties and protecting the rights of people.

Some lefties even want to exclude the unvaxxed from care, should they get the virus. Let them die in the streets. They essentially want the unvaxxed considered as second class citizens. It’s crazy!
I'm coming around to the idea that people just get what they deserve, Sparky.

Too much of this nonsense going on...

boot painting_0.jpg
Republicans can whine about restrictive measures to curb the spread of the virus all they want. Those measures are still the ONLY way to slow the spread and give hope to returning back to normalcy one day.

“Among the Group of Seven (G7) wealthiest nations, the United States ranks the worst in terms of per capita deaths from COVID-19 between Jan. 1 and Nov. 30, according to the Reuters analysis.

The death rate in the United States was more than three times higher than in neighboring Canada and 11 times more than Japan.”

Oh, dear.
Republicans can whine about restrictive measures to curb the spread of the virus all they want. Those measures are still the ONLY way to slow the spread and give hope to returning back to normalcy one day.
If we had the CLOSED Society that Conservatives truly seek, COVID wouldn’t have been a major issue in the first place.
Hey idiot none of this shit explains why you think the way media treats the pandemic is ensuring the virus stays.
Yes, that would be a stupid thing to say. Since I didn't, maybe you should repeat the second grade, assuming you ever passed it to begin with, and learn to read again.
And the death rate may be low, but that doesn’t mean a whole lot if the spread of the virus only gets worse and worse and there is no end in sight. That also doesn’t mean much if the virus continues to mutate. What’s to stop a new variant from developing that does significantly increase the death rate?
The spread of the virus isn't getting worse and worse. It's been up, down, up, down, up, down. It's going to make its rounds no matter how long that takes until we ultimately reach herd immunity. In fact, I would argue that all of these ridiculous attempts to slow the spread are only postponing herd immunity and dragging this out longer. The vaccines have shown that they do NOT stop the spread, but do limit hospitalization and death, so I do think people should get them as a precaution, but that's ultimately up to the individual to weight their own risk.

As for mutations, so what? The Spanish Influenza has been with us for over 100 years. It's what we now call the seasonal flu and there has never been a deadlier outbreak than when it first appeared in 1918.
Bitch, please.

Trump is no longer the president. What he succeeded or failed at is no longer relevant. Biden assured the American people he would do a better job and he was elected in large part due to that assurance. He has utterly failed and while there are multiple reasons for that, some out of his control, he is largely to blame for it.

"The buck stops here," remember?

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