Per GOP - COVID19 was made in a lab and covered up by China


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

Shocked to see Yahoo! post this. Granted it is one sided but the CIA/FBI isn't denying it. Their silence is deafening. To me, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a is a duck. Only place in the China that could create such a virus was Wuhan and their lab and to me it is not a coincidence that this was where the virus originated. In January, the Chinese were force locking apartment buildings to people could not get out and spread it. This was on 60 Minutes last night. The Chinese created it, knew how deadly it was and still spread it.

Shocked to see Yahoo! post this. Granted it is one sided but the CIA/FBI isn't denying it. Their silence is deafening. To me, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a is a duck. Only place in the China that could create such a virus was Wuhan and their lab and to me it is not a coincidence that this was where the virus originated. In January, the Chinese were force locking apartment buildings to people could not get out and spread it. This was on 60 Minutes last night. The Chinese created it, knew how deadly it was and still spread it.

We financed it and helped develop it. Nobody really wants to be honest about all of this IMO.

US government lifts ban on risky pathogen research

Fauci says it's 'negligent' not to fund research at Wuhan lab, suggests collaboration with China continue

Shocked to see Yahoo! post this. Granted it is one sided but the CIA/FBI isn't denying it. Their silence is deafening. To me, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a is a duck. Only place in the China that could create such a virus was Wuhan and their lab and to me it is not a coincidence that this was where the virus originated. In January, the Chinese were force locking apartment buildings to people could not get out and spread it. This was on 60 Minutes last night. The Chinese created it, knew how deadly it was and still spread it.
My doctor has no doubt it is manmade.
There is certainly evidence to support the conclusion. I agree with the conclusion of the report, that Congress needs to conduct an investigation, including if we, and how we funded any of it....and potentially reverse course on such funding activities in China, and other parts of the world.

I am curious why Nancy P won't do this.....
I am curious why Nancy P won't do this....
You can put two and two together to figure this one out. Many Democrats in the US are neck-deep in it and she certainly can't let that get out.
Well a preponderance of common sense told a lot of us that over a year ago.
this is true…but the dems, their propaganda agents at CNN, etc, as well as their fascist partners at Tweeter and Facebook would block any mention of this…for two reasons

1) they didn’t want to upset their Chairmen in the CCP
2) and to undermine trump who was correctly calling out China
There is certainly evidence to support the conclusion. I agree with the conclusion of the report, that Congress needs to conduct an investigation, including if we, and how we funded any of it....and potentially reverse course on such funding activities in China, and other parts of the world.

I am curious why Nancy P won't do this.....

We need to stop funding at all. No, the research is not worth the risk.

We stopped it once. Nothing bad happened. The bad happened after we started back up.
this is true…but the dems, their propaganda agents at CNN, etc, as well as their fascist partners at Tweeter and Facebook would block any mention of this…for two reasons

1) they didn’t want to upset their Chairmen in the CCP
2) and to undermine trump who was correctly calling out China

Oddly the Trump supporters are also unwilling to acknowledge that the funding started back up under Trump.

(Here is where you add your excuses)
We need to stop funding at all. No, the research is not worth the risk.

We stopped it once. Nothing bad happened. The bad happened after we started back up.
did we stop? that’s the question. I include giving “grants” as funding
On 14 May, 18 researchers published a letter in Science1 arguing that the idea of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 leaking from a lab in China must be explored more deeply. It points out that the first phase of a COVID-19 origins investigation sponsored by the WHO, which released a report in March, focused more on the virus coming from an animal than on its potential escape from a lab. For example, the report mapped a large market in Wuhan, China, and stated that most samples of SARS-CoV-2 recovered there by investigators were found around stalls that sold animals. Many virologists say that this focus is warranted, because most emerging infectious diseases begin with a spillover from nature, as seen with HIV, Zika and Ebola. Genomic evidence also suggests that a virus similar to SARS-CoV-2 originated in horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus spp.), before spreading to an unknown animal that then passed the pathogen to people.

The investigation concluded that an animal origin was much more likely than a lab leak. But since then, politicians, journalists, talk-show hosts and some scientists have put forward unsubstantiated claims linking the coronavirus to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), in the Chinese city where COVID-19 was first detected. Some members of US Congress and the media have gone further, alleging that the Chinese government is covering up a SARS-CoV-2 leak from the WIV, and even that Anthony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), is involved, because NIAID funded some studies at the WIV. The WIV and Fauci have denied this, saying that they did not encounter SARS-CoV-2 until after the virus was isolated from patients in late December 20192.

Even if the letter in Science was well intentioned, its authors should have thought more about how it would feed into the divisive political environment surrounding this issue, says Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Canada.

The lead author of the letter, David Relman, a microbiologist at Stanford University in California, still feels it’s important to voice his opinion — and says he can’t stop it from being misrepresented. “I am not saying I believe the virus came from a laboratory,” he says. Rather, he says that the authors of the WHO investigation report were too decisive in their conclusions. He suggests that the investigators might have called the natural-origins hypothesis “appealing” instead of “highly likely”, and that they should have written that they didn't have enough information to draw a conclusion about a leak. Investigators toured the WIV and questioned researchers there, but were not given primary data.
I don't think we will ever know, unless someone over there admits it.

I would be on the side of it having been a lab accident, except that I note that China is profiting so much from putting the rest of the world out of business that I am not willing to assume it wasn't on purpose. China can lose hundreds of thousands of people and be BETTER off --- they have an overpopulation problem. Paranoid, I know, but.

And because nearly all serious pandemics have always come from China. The rest come from India. Africa is just barely getting started. Only one came from the Americas (syphillis). Nobody supposes SARS or bubonic plague or all the worst influenzas or any of their other pandemics were lab accidents --- they were just natural epidemics. So it's parsimonious to consider this one also natural --- China is just a very disease-ridden country and has been infecting the world forever and ever, and whoops, they probably did it again.
You lost me at "US Republican report" :lol:
They don't know and neither does anyone else at this point.
They are saying what Dear Leader wants them to say.
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