Percent of Americans supporting Impeachment growing

Another politically motivated exercise in futility.


kitty be wrong 'bout dat.

It will eventually be dismissed for lack of standing. Only congress can judge a violation of the emoluments clause. Every other case has been dismissed on that basis.


oh no worries - the house is getting all kindsa involved with donny's finances. finally.

Yep, they'll try, anything before Trump took entered politics is none of their fucking business, they aren't law enforcement. They have the authority of government oversight, nothing more.


not if he fucked around with his taxes.... if he committed tax fraud - then donny is in deep doo doo....
Right, and if Nadler committed murder he is in deep doo-doo.
More unsubstantiated speculation. Go ahead post the financial reports that show an increase in revenue. Post one shred of evidence any of the bat shit crazy nonsense you liberals vomit daily has any credibility.


Disclosure report shows Trump earned $40M in 2017 from D.C. hotel

Here Are the Ways Trump Cashes In on Being President

Trump Hotel reports $2 million in profits in first four months of 2017
So your theory is that the hotel wouldn't have made a profit if Trump hadn't won the election?

You're a fucking dumbass.

no you idiot... i said he's profiting off the office of the prez with that hotel. you think dignitaries... probably paying way more than they have to - would stay there if they didn't want favors from the POTUS?

go away.

The reason people build hotels is to make a profit off of them, you fucking dumbass. The accusation that Trump is profiting off his hotel couldn't be more retarded. Of course he's profiting off of it. That's why he built it. Hotels that don't make a profit go out of business. Trump doesn't tell "foreign dignitaries" in which hotel they have to stay in. There's no crime here, moron.

Is there something you could point out that is actually corrupt?

He's profiting off his presidency. hence the emoluments lawsuit. god you are such a mook.
A profit from your business is not an "emolument," shit for brains
A profit from your business is not an "emolument,"
It has been successfully argued in court that profits can, in fact, be emoluments.

That doesn't make the profit from Trump's hotel an emolument, moron. For instance, when Jim Wright published his phony book and only leftwing special interests like unions bought it, that was obviously an emolument. In fact, it was just an outright bribe. If I recall correctly, many of the pages only had a single word on them. On the other hand, paying the market rate for a legitimate service is obviously not an emolument.
A profit from your business is not an "emolument,"
It has been successfully argued in court that profits can, in fact, be emoluments.

That doesn't make the profit from Trump's hotel an emolument, moron. For instance, when Jim Wright published his phony book and only leftwing special interests like unions bought it, that was obviously an emolument. In fact, it was just an outright bribe. If I recall correctly, many of the pages only had a single word on them. On the other hand, paying the market rate for a legitimate service is obviously not an emolument.
What about paying far more than the market rate ??
What about paying far more than the market rate ??

For what, a speech? Didn't Bill Clinton charge Russia $500k for one speech.
ONE STEP over the line
Emoluments case alleging Trump violated Constitution can proceed: U.S. judge

Jonathan Stempel

(Reuters) - A federal judge on Wednesday rejected President Donald Trump’s bid to dismiss a lawsuit accusing him of unconstitutionally accepting gifts from foreign and state governments through his Washington hotel while occupying the White House.

U.S. District Judge Peter Messitte’s decision clears the way for the attorneys general of Maryland and the District of Columbia, who brought the case, to pursue interviews with Trump Organization employees and review financial records to learn if the president broke the law.

The lawsuit accused Trump of violating the Constitution’s “emoluments” clauses, which bar federal officials from accepting gifts from foreign governments without congressional approval, and the president from receiving gifts from states. They are designed to thwart corruption and improper influence.


“It’s an historic decision,” Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh said in an interview. “There has never been another president who has tested the emoluments clause. This is the first time we have had a president who has walked up to and, in our view, walked way over the line.”

Messitte had in March narrowed the lawsuit to focus on profits stemming from Trump’s ownership, through the Trump Organization, of the Trump International Hotel, a popular spot for foreign officials near the White House.

But in Wednesday’s 52-page decision, the Greenbelt, Maryland-based judge rejected Trump’s “cramped” view that emoluments were limited essentially to bribes.
A profit from your business is not an "emolument,"
It has been successfully argued in court that profits can, in fact, be emoluments.

That doesn't make the profit from Trump's hotel an emolument, moron. For instance, when Jim Wright published his phony book and only leftwing special interests like unions bought it, that was obviously an emolument. In fact, it was just an outright bribe. If I recall correctly, many of the pages only had a single word on them. On the other hand, paying the market rate for a legitimate service is obviously not an emolument.
What about paying far more than the market rate ??
You have evidence that they pay more than the market rate?
A profit from your business is not an "emolument,"
It has been successfully argued in court that profits can, in fact, be emoluments.

That doesn't make the profit from Trump's hotel an emolument, moron. For instance, when Jim Wright published his phony book and only leftwing special interests like unions bought it, that was obviously an emolument. In fact, it was just an outright bribe. If I recall correctly, many of the pages only had a single word on them. On the other hand, paying the market rate for a legitimate service is obviously not an emolument.
What about paying far more than the market rate ??
You have evidence that they pay more than the market rate?
How come you always answer a statement with a question ?? What if I showed you 10 examples ? Would that change your mind??
Emoluments case alleging Trump violated Constitution can proceed: U.S. judge (Reuters) - A federal judge on Wednesday rejected President Donald Trump’s bid to dismiss a lawsuit accusing him of unconstitutionally accepting gifts from foreign and state governments through his Washington hotel while occupying the White House.

LOL even the liberal SCOTUS justices will laugh this lawsuit out of court. First you have to convince the SCOTUS that former presidents Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, James Madison, James Monroe, and Obama were guilty when they did it. Here I'll just get this over with now :auiqs.jpg:
You have evidence that they pay more than the market rate?

It doesn't matter, Trump is already on record stating that he will give any profits to the U.S. Treasury. Just as other former presidents did. But the lying lowlife scumbag left persist because they are assholes.
A profit from your business is not an "emolument,"
It has been successfully argued in court that profits can, in fact, be emoluments.

That doesn't make the profit from Trump's hotel an emolument, moron. For instance, when Jim Wright published his phony book and only leftwing special interests like unions bought it, that was obviously an emolument. In fact, it was just an outright bribe. If I recall correctly, many of the pages only had a single word on them. On the other hand, paying the market rate for a legitimate service is obviously not an emolument.
What about paying far more than the market rate ??
You have evidence that they pay more than the market rate?
How come you always answer a statement with a question ?? What if I showed you 10 examples ? Would that change your mind??
Show us one.
A profit from your business is not an "emolument,"
It has been successfully argued in court that profits can, in fact, be emoluments.

That doesn't make the profit from Trump's hotel an emolument, moron. For instance, when Jim Wright published his phony book and only leftwing special interests like unions bought it, that was obviously an emolument. In fact, it was just an outright bribe. If I recall correctly, many of the pages only had a single word on them. On the other hand, paying the market rate for a legitimate service is obviously not an emolument.
What about paying far more than the market rate ??
You have evidence that they pay more than the market rate?
NO comment
The attorneys general of Maryland and Washington, D.C., claim that Trump is violating the Constitution's emolument's clauses, which bar the president from receiving "any present, emolument, office or title of any kind whatever from any king, prince, or foreign state" or any state in the U.S. The lawsuit claims that he improperly benefits financially when foreign or state governments patronize the hotel he owns just a few blocks from the White House.

The Trump legal team sought authority from the federal judge in the case, Peter Messitte of Maryland, to appeal the judge's pre-trial decision that the emoluments clauses are intended to protect against any type of potentially improper influence.

EXCLUSIVE: DC AG on court's green light for Trump emoluments lawsuit
JULY 25, 201804:32
Justice Department lawyers argued that the term "emolument" has a very specific meaning — a payment made to a public official in addition to the official salary. Under that reading, financial benefits from an office holder's private business dealings would be exempt.

In his order Friday, Messitte said the government cannot appeal the case piecemeal and must wait for a final ruling after a trial. He also declined to put a hold on the case, which would have blocked the challengers from seeking evidence about his hotel business through the legal process known as discovery.

He ordered lawyers for Maryland and Washington, D.C., to submit a schedule for discovery within 20 days. That order can be appealed.

"This is another major win for us in this historic case," said Karl Racine, Washington's attorney general. "We will soon provide the court a new schedule to begin the process of getting information about how President Trump is profiting from the presidency."

The Justice Department, which is representing Trump, had no comment on Friday's ruling.
You have evidence that they pay more than the market rate?

It doesn't matter, Trump is already on record stating that he will give any profits to the U.S. Treasury. Just as other former presidents did. But the lying lowlife scumbag left persist because they are assholes.
you believe the world class liar ?? Did you when Mexico was paying for the wall did you when he was going to show his taxes ??? Paying for personal items from his charitable foundation?? When the f will you ah's grow a brain and admit this pos is a world class scumbag?
you believe the world class liar ?? Did you when Mexico was paying for the wall did you when he was going to show his taxes ??? Paying for personal items from his charitable foundation?? When the f will you ah's grow a brain and admit this pos is a world class scumbag?

Translation, I stomped your ass and now you are butthurt. Trump turning over any profits to the Treasury, ouch your ancestors felt that one :auiqs.jpg:
A profit from your business is not an "emolument,"
It has been successfully argued in court that profits can, in fact, be emoluments.

That doesn't make the profit from Trump's hotel an emolument, moron. For instance, when Jim Wright published his phony book and only leftwing special interests like unions bought it, that was obviously an emolument. In fact, it was just an outright bribe. If I recall correctly, many of the pages only had a single word on them. On the other hand, paying the market rate for a legitimate service is obviously not an emolument.
What about paying far more than the market rate ??
You have evidence that they pay more than the market rate?
NO comment
The attorneys general of Maryland and Washington, D.C., claim that Trump is violating the Constitution's emolument's clauses, which bar the president from receiving "any present, emolument, office or title of any kind whatever from any king, prince, or foreign state" or any state in the U.S. The lawsuit claims that he improperly benefits financially when foreign or state governments patronize the hotel he owns just a few blocks from the White House.

The Trump legal team sought authority from the federal judge in the case, Peter Messitte of Maryland, to appeal the judge's pre-trial decision that the emoluments clauses are intended to protect against any type of potentially improper influence.

EXCLUSIVE: DC AG on court's green light for Trump emoluments lawsuit
JULY 25, 201804:32
Justice Department lawyers argued that the term "emolument" has a very specific meaning — a payment made to a public official in addition to the official salary. Under that reading, financial benefits from an office holder's private business dealings would be exempt.

In his order Friday, Messitte said the government cannot appeal the case piecemeal and must wait for a final ruling after a trial. He also declined to put a hold on the case, which would have blocked the challengers from seeking evidence about his hotel business through the legal process known as discovery.

He ordered lawyers for Maryland and Washington, D.C., to submit a schedule for discovery within 20 days. That order can be appealed.

"This is another major win for us in this historic case," said Karl Racine, Washington's attorney general. "We will soon provide the court a new schedule to begin the process of getting information about how President Trump is profiting from the presidency."

The Justice Department, which is representing Trump, had no comment on Friday's ruling.
You have evidence that they pay more than the market rate?

It doesn't matter, Trump is already on record stating that he will give any profits to the U.S. Treasury. Just as other former presidents did. But the lying lowlife scumbag left persist because they are assholes.
you believe the world class liar ?? Did you when Mexico was paying for the wall did you when he was going to show his taxes ??? Paying for personal items from his charitable foundation?? When the f will you ah's grow a brain and admit this pos is a world class scumbag?
They're full of shit, of course. They are political hacks abusing their offices to attack the President. Only morons like you are fooled.
That doesn't make the profit from Trump's hotel an emolument,
I didn't say it did. Try to focus. You said: "A profit from your business is not an "emolument,""

That statement was not universally correct. So I corrected you. Geesh man, you're welcome...

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