Percent of Americans supporting Impeachment growing

not if he fucked around with his taxes.... if he committed tax fraud - then donny is in deep doo doo....

That isn't why Cohen is going to prison, dumbass.

Yes he is dumbass.

Speaking under oath, Cohen also said he worked “at the direction of the candidate” to keep a former Playboy model and a pornographic film actress quiet about alleged affairs they had with Trump, and that those actions were specifically designed to influence the 2016 presidential election. Although that candidate was not named, it was a clear reference to then-candidate Trump, for whom Cohen had worked for over a decade.

Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty to Campaign Finance, Bank Fraud and Tax Evasion
Exactly the opposite is true. Paying someone to keep their mouth shut doesn't influence an election.

Cohen's guilty plea plainly states you are full of shit.

It EXPLICITLY states that the payments were made to help Trump win the election.

Besides, "someone not talking can't influence election"? are dumber than a bag of rocks.
Cohen's guilty plea is meaningless as far as Trump is concerned. It's evidence of nothing.

Yea sure, Cohen will be doing time for campaign finance violations, but you are certain his co-conspirator will beat the rap. Like I said, good luck with that.
Wrong. He won't be doing time for a non-crime. He's doing time for tax evasion and making false statements on bank loans.
Another politically motivated exercise in futility.


kitty be wrong 'bout dat.

It will eventually be dismissed for lack of standing. Only congress can judge a violation of the emoluments clause. Every other case has been dismissed on that basis.

Do you think it possible or even likely that Trump did commit crimes, and that, upon deep dive investigations, evidence of them will come to light?

You don't seem to understand the purpose of an investigation, they're not supposed to be fishing expeditions. There has to be a reason other than just not liking someone. This bullshit of show me the man and I'll find you a crime is what third world dictators do. Congress has no law enforcement power, and have no authority to investigate anything before Trump entered politics.


it isn't required - but highly suspect that trump refused to show his taxes... it could be something as simple as him lying about his income. perhaps the emperor isn't as golden as he says... OR maybe he is, but understated his wealth to avoid them thar taxes... but someone ( cohen ) said under oath that trump did manipulate his finances for both tax & insurance reasons. allen weisellburg - trumps CFO since the days of his daddy has limited immunity & has been cooperating with mueller. anything that cohen testified to, mueller already knows & the house is playing catch up since the took the majority.
It's not suspect in any way, shit for brains. There are 10 million ways the Dims can misconstrue what is on Trump's tax return. And we know they are certain to do it.
It has been successfully argued in court that profits can, in fact, be emoluments.

You forgot to share your reliable source and working link.

Insofar as President Donald Trump has not made, but has instead LOST roughly one billion dollars since announcing his selfless run for President, I'm sure you agree that instead of any penalty, he should be compensated for his loss.

What's good for the goose....
You forgot to share your reliable source and working link.
No, I just didn't care to do so. You can take my word for it, or you can look it up for yourself, or you can sit there and complain. I will sleep fine in any of these cases.
but has instead LOST roughly one billion dollars since announcing his selfless run for President
haha, you guys will believe anything the fat lard says.

I'm so sorry Fort Fun Indiana, I'm not citing President Donald Trump.

How much is Donald Trump worth today?
Mr Trump’s fortune remains flat $3.1billion despite his surge up the rich list.

The figure sits well below his net worth of $4.5billion from 2015 before he was elected US president.

Trump net worth: Trump rises 51 places on Forbes’ billionaires list -how much is he worth?

Does this mean that you'll support reimbursing President Donald Trump for his losses?
Last edited:
You forgot to share your reliable source and working link.
No, I just didn't care to do so. You can take my word for it, or you can look it up for yourself, or you can sit there and complain. I will sleep fine in any of these cases.

So you're proud to say that you have...NOTHING! However, I am not at all surprised! :D
What the fuck was he supposed to do dumbass close down his farm and go broke?
You really can't think of any other option, eh? Well, that sort of makes you simple, doesn't it?

Furthermore, the problematic actions were not just summed up by his ownership of property. So your question is dumb on just about every level.

Jimmy Carter had to sell his family farm when he was president.

Yea, but that amounted to peanuts.

Oh! :abgg2q.jpg:
Another politically motivated exercise in futility.


kitty be wrong 'bout dat.

It will eventually be dismissed for lack of standing. Only congress can judge a violation of the emoluments clause. Every other case has been dismissed on that basis.

Do you think it possible or even likely that Trump did commit crimes, and that, upon deep dive investigations, evidence of them will come to light?

You don't seem to understand the purpose of an investigation, they're not supposed to be fishing expeditions. There has to be a reason other than just not liking someone. This bullshit of show me the man and I'll find you a crime is what third world dictators do. Congress has no law enforcement power, and have no authority to investigate anything before Trump entered politics.


it isn't required - but highly suspect that trump refused to show his taxes... it could be something as simple as him lying about his income. perhaps the emperor isn't as golden as he says... OR maybe he is, but understated his wealth to avoid them thar taxes... but someone ( cohen ) said under oath that trump did manipulate his finances for both tax & insurance reasons. allen weisellburg - trumps CFO since the days of his daddy has limited immunity & has been cooperating with mueller. anything that cohen testified to, mueller already knows & the house is playing catch up since the took the majority.

Obama wasn't required to show his birth certificate yet conservatives spent 8 years demanding it. When Obama did release both long and short form, conservatives said they were forged.

Obama wasn't required to show his school transcripts but conservatives spent 8 years demanding them.

All presidential candidates release their taxes and have done so for over 40 years.

trump is the first to not release his taxes.

So now conservatives care about documents that aren't required to be released. Gee I wonder what's different now?

Conservatives are the biggest hypocrites.

no you idiot... i said he's profiting off the office of the prez with that hotel. you think dignitaries... probably paying way more than they have to - would stay there if they didn't want favors from the POTUS?

go away.

The reason people build hotels is to make a profit off of them, you fucking dumbass. The accusation that Trump is profiting off his hotel couldn't be more retarded. Of course he's profiting off of it. That's why he built it. Hotels that don't make a profit go out of business. Trump doesn't tell "foreign dignitaries" in which hotel they have to stay in. There's no crime here, moron.

Is there something you could point out that is actually corrupt?

He's profiting off his presidency. hence the emoluments lawsuit. god you are such a mook.
A profit from your business is not an "emolument," shit for brains

A federal judge just ruled that an unprecedented Democratic legal challenge against Trump and his business can go forward

Crimes listed:

A. A dossier proved fraud, but he's guilty anyway, because most Americans are dumb and above all foolish.

B. He got horny and banged an adult star. Paid her to keep her mouth closed for anything short a BJ.

C. He owns stuff.

D. He beat Hillary when the polls promised a loss.

E. Progs are pussies.

F. Can't criticize Trump objectively, so things like the OP, and he's racist.

G. Trump's twitter account.

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