Percent of Americans supporting Impeachment growing

Yep, they'll try, anything before Trump took entered politics is none of their fucking business, they aren't law enforcement. They have the authority of government oversight, nothing more.


not if he fucked around with his taxes.... if he committed tax fraud - then donny is in deep doo doo....

Waters wouldn't know one page of a tax return form another, but still, tax enforcement isn't a congressional function either.


that is why they would hire experts, silly kitty. & if there were fraud committed - then the appropriate measure can be taken.

I thought that's what the IRS and DOJ are for. They're the only experts that count.


congress investigates & gets the IRS involved for their expertise if needed.

You still don't get it, it's not congresses job to investigate individuals, they are there to provide oversight of government operations. You little bitches are crying about government over reach, it doesn't get worse than that.

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You don't seem to understand the purpose of an investigation, they're not supposed to be fishing expeditions. There has to be a reason other than just not liking someone. This bullshit of show me the man and I'll find you a crime is what third world dictators do. Congress has no law enforcement power, and have no authority to investigate anything before Trump entered politics.


it isn't required - but highly suspect that trump refused to show his taxes... it could be something as simple as him lying about his income. perhaps the emperor isn't as golden as he says... OR maybe he is, but understated his wealth to avoid them thar taxes... but someone ( cohen ) said under oath that trump did manipulate his finances for both tax & insurance reasons. allen weisellburg - trumps CFO since the days of his daddy has limited immunity & has been cooperating with mueller. anything that cohen testified to, mueller already knows & the house is playing catch up since the took the majority.

Have you ever protested your property tax assessment?


i actually have... but i didn't manipulate my house's worth to get a lower bill.

So you told them it's worth exactly what you'd ask for it if you put it on the market? I king of doubt that.


uh... they go by the evaluation analysis which is done every 5-10 years & whenever a permit is taken out, they inspect it.

If you protested. you didn't agree with their analysis, you claimed the property was less than they said it was. RIGHT? What makes you think Trump didn't do the same?

Obama wasn't required to show his birth certificate yet conservatives spent 8 years demanding it. When Obama did release both long and short form, conservatives said they were forged.

You left out that it was the private citizen Donald Trump who forced former President Barack Hussein Obama to disclose the long form of his birth certificate.

Personally, I'm more curious about how failed former President Barack Hussein Obama made it from an exclusive prep school in Hawaii, where his mentor was an outspoken Communist, to Occidental College in California, then to Columbia and then Harvard. Who paid? What were his grades? Did he make it on the basis of his race, as is the case with Elizabeth Warren? How did he end up at such a radical, racist church?
What about paying far more than the market rate ??
You have evidence that they pay more than the market rate?
NO comment
The attorneys general of Maryland and Washington, D.C., claim that Trump is violating the Constitution's emolument's clauses, which bar the president from receiving "any present, emolument, office or title of any kind whatever from any king, prince, or foreign state" or any state in the U.S. The lawsuit claims that he improperly benefits financially when foreign or state governments patronize the hotel he owns just a few blocks from the White House.

The Trump legal team sought authority from the federal judge in the case, Peter Messitte of Maryland, to appeal the judge's pre-trial decision that the emoluments clauses are intended to protect against any type of potentially improper influence.

EXCLUSIVE: DC AG on court's green light for Trump emoluments lawsuit
JULY 25, 201804:32
Justice Department lawyers argued that the term "emolument" has a very specific meaning — a payment made to a public official in addition to the official salary. Under that reading, financial benefits from an office holder's private business dealings would be exempt.

In his order Friday, Messitte said the government cannot appeal the case piecemeal and must wait for a final ruling after a trial. He also declined to put a hold on the case, which would have blocked the challengers from seeking evidence about his hotel business through the legal process known as discovery.

He ordered lawyers for Maryland and Washington, D.C., to submit a schedule for discovery within 20 days. That order can be appealed.

"This is another major win for us in this historic case," said Karl Racine, Washington's attorney general. "We will soon provide the court a new schedule to begin the process of getting information about how President Trump is profiting from the presidency."

The Justice Department, which is representing Trump, had no comment on Friday's ruling.
You have evidence that they pay more than the market rate?

It doesn't matter, Trump is already on record stating that he will give any profits to the U.S. Treasury. Just as other former presidents did. But the lying lowlife scumbag left persist because they are assholes.
you believe the world class liar ?? Did you when Mexico was paying for the wall did you when he was going to show his taxes ??? Paying for personal items from his charitable foundation?? When the f will you ah's grow a brain and admit this pos is a world class scumbag?

Great deflection! If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. LMAO

Plain to see Texas nobody paid 1000 an hour to help you get into a good school lol

It's plain to see you'll swallow anything put in your mouth. Anything can be alleged, proof is another matter. So far you've proved nothing.

Gates is getting extended time to testify Think Trumps campaign manager isn't giving all the proof to Mueller ,you're talking about?? Or do you think all these people are just whispering sweet nothings into Muellers ear?
not if he fucked around with his taxes.... if he committed tax fraud - then donny is in deep doo doo....

Waters wouldn't know one page of a tax return form another, but still, tax enforcement isn't a congressional function either.


that is why they would hire experts, silly kitty. & if there were fraud committed - then the appropriate measure can be taken.

I thought that's what the IRS and DOJ are for. They're the only experts that count.


congress investigates & gets the IRS involved for their expertise if needed.

You still don't get it, it's not congresses job to investigate individuals, they are there to provide oversight of government operations. You little bitches are crying about government over reach, it doesn't get worse than that.


oh you desperate little feline.... congress' job is oversight of government operations.... & that includes for a sitting president to operate the government legally.... starting with his own background being crime free. to do that properly they get the experts to investigate where they haven't the experience in the area they wanna check & balance.
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You have evidence that they pay more than the market rate?
NO comment
The attorneys general of Maryland and Washington, D.C., claim that Trump is violating the Constitution's emolument's clauses, which bar the president from receiving "any present, emolument, office or title of any kind whatever from any king, prince, or foreign state" or any state in the U.S. The lawsuit claims that he improperly benefits financially when foreign or state governments patronize the hotel he owns just a few blocks from the White House.

The Trump legal team sought authority from the federal judge in the case, Peter Messitte of Maryland, to appeal the judge's pre-trial decision that the emoluments clauses are intended to protect against any type of potentially improper influence.

EXCLUSIVE: DC AG on court's green light for Trump emoluments lawsuit
JULY 25, 201804:32
Justice Department lawyers argued that the term "emolument" has a very specific meaning — a payment made to a public official in addition to the official salary. Under that reading, financial benefits from an office holder's private business dealings would be exempt.

In his order Friday, Messitte said the government cannot appeal the case piecemeal and must wait for a final ruling after a trial. He also declined to put a hold on the case, which would have blocked the challengers from seeking evidence about his hotel business through the legal process known as discovery.

He ordered lawyers for Maryland and Washington, D.C., to submit a schedule for discovery within 20 days. That order can be appealed.

"This is another major win for us in this historic case," said Karl Racine, Washington's attorney general. "We will soon provide the court a new schedule to begin the process of getting information about how President Trump is profiting from the presidency."

The Justice Department, which is representing Trump, had no comment on Friday's ruling.
It doesn't matter, Trump is already on record stating that he will give any profits to the U.S. Treasury. Just as other former presidents did. But the lying lowlife scumbag left persist because they are assholes.
you believe the world class liar ?? Did you when Mexico was paying for the wall did you when he was going to show his taxes ??? Paying for personal items from his charitable foundation?? When the f will you ah's grow a brain and admit this pos is a world class scumbag?

Great deflection! If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. LMAO

Plain to see Texas nobody paid 1000 an hour to help you get into a good school lol

It's plain to see you'll swallow anything put in your mouth. Anything can be alleged, proof is another matter. So far you've proved nothing.

Gates is getting extended time to testify Think Trumps campaign manager isn't giving all the proof to Mueller ,you're talking about?? Or do you think all these people are just whispering sweet nothings into Muellers ear?

Manafort was the campaign manager for a short time, but what would that have to do with emoluments? You seem to have a hard time picking a subject and sticking with it, are you senile or just a bad case of ADD?

it isn't required - but highly suspect that trump refused to show his taxes... it could be something as simple as him lying about his income. perhaps the emperor isn't as golden as he says... OR maybe he is, but understated his wealth to avoid them thar taxes... but someone ( cohen ) said under oath that trump did manipulate his finances for both tax & insurance reasons. allen weisellburg - trumps CFO since the days of his daddy has limited immunity & has been cooperating with mueller. anything that cohen testified to, mueller already knows & the house is playing catch up since the took the majority.

Have you ever protested your property tax assessment?


i actually have... but i didn't manipulate my house's worth to get a lower bill.

So you told them it's worth exactly what you'd ask for it if you put it on the market? I king of doubt that.


uh... they go by the evaluation analysis which is done every 5-10 years & whenever a permit is taken out, they inspect it.

If you protested. you didn't agree with their analysis, you claimed the property was less than they said it was. RIGHT? What makes you think Trump didn't do the same?


i didn't cook books to reflect what i wanted to portray.... i didn't lie what i spent on upgrades or whatever to get a better insurance rate or to use the tax deductions ..
Waters wouldn't know one page of a tax return form another, but still, tax enforcement isn't a congressional function either.


that is why they would hire experts, silly kitty. & if there were fraud committed - then the appropriate measure can be taken.

I thought that's what the IRS and DOJ are for. They're the only experts that count.


congress investigates & gets the IRS involved for their expertise if needed.

You still don't get it, it's not congresses job to investigate individuals, they are there to provide oversight of government operations. You little bitches are crying about government over reach, it doesn't get worse than that.


oh you desperate little feline.... congress' job is oversight of government operations.... & that includes for a sitting president to operate the government legally.... starting with his own background being crime free. to do that properly they get the experts to investigate where they haven't the experience in the area they wanna check & balance.

Wrong, it the voters job to vet a president, congress has no authority over what he did before he entered politics. Their job is to write laws, not enforce them. BTW there is nothing in the Constitution that says a person must be crime free to run for president, so even that wouldn't justify congresses over reach. They are limited to looking only at things AFTER he took office.

it isn't required - but highly suspect that trump refused to show his taxes... it could be something as simple as him lying about his income. perhaps the emperor isn't as golden as he says... OR maybe he is, but understated his wealth to avoid them thar taxes... but someone ( cohen ) said under oath that trump did manipulate his finances for both tax & insurance reasons. allen weisellburg - trumps CFO since the days of his daddy has limited immunity & has been cooperating with mueller. anything that cohen testified to, mueller already knows & the house is playing catch up since the took the majority.

How would releasing his (Donald Trump's) income taxes show anything about his net worth? None of mine ever showed my net worth. Why would his?

How is manipulating his finances for both tax & insurance reasons illegal? I would meet toward the end of the calendar year with my CPA. We would discuss what I needed to do during the last months of the year if I needed to buy something or sell something. We also discussed what I needed to do during the coming year. Was that illegal? I was audited a number of times and the IRS never thought I did anything wrong.

Now many thousand pages do you think would make up the Trump tax returns? The Trump empire controls hundreds of businesses. How many pages per company?

Regardless of what would be in the Trump tax returns, Progressives hair would be on fire about what was on line 57 of page 7,518. LOCK HIM UP, LOCK HIM UP!

that is why they would hire experts, silly kitty. & if there were fraud committed - then the appropriate measure can be taken.

I thought that's what the IRS and DOJ are for. They're the only experts that count.


congress investigates & gets the IRS involved for their expertise if needed.

You still don't get it, it's not congresses job to investigate individuals, they are there to provide oversight of government operations. You little bitches are crying about government over reach, it doesn't get worse than that.


oh you desperate little feline.... congress' job is oversight of government operations.... & that includes for a sitting president to operate the government legally.... starting with his own background being crime free. to do that properly they get the experts to investigate where they haven't the experience in the area they wanna check & balance.

Wrong, it the voters job to vet a president, congress has no authority over what he did before he entered politics. Their job is to write laws, not enforce them. BTW there is nothing in the Constitution that says a person must be crime free to run for president, so even that wouldn't justify congresses over reach. They are limited to looking only at things AFTER he took office.


uh... if he committed a crime, then he can be removed from office. high crimes & misdemeanors include lying about his finances or anything else when he was submitting disclosure forms...
it isn't required - but highly suspect that trump refused to show his taxes... it could be something as simple as him lying about his income. perhaps the emperor isn't as golden as he says... OR maybe he is, but understated his wealth to avoid them thar taxes... but someone ( cohen ) said under oath that trump did manipulate his finances for both tax & insurance reasons. allen weisellburg - trumps CFO since the days of his daddy has limited immunity & has been cooperating with mueller. anything that cohen testified to, mueller already knows & the house is playing catch up since the took the majority.

How would releasing his (Donald Trump's) income taxes show anything about his net worth? None of mine ever showed my net worth. Why would his?

How is manipulating his finances for both tax & insurance reasons illegal? I would meet toward the end of the calendar year with my CPA. We would discuss what I needed to do during the last months of the year if I needed to buy something or sell something. We also discussed what I needed to do during the coming year. Was that illegal? I was audited a number of times and the IRS never thought I did anything wrong.

Now many thousand pages do you think would make up the Trump tax returns? The Trump empire controls hundreds of businesses. How many pages per company?

Regardless of what would be in the Trump tax returns, Progressives hair would be on fire about what was on line 57 of page 7,518. LOCK HIM UP, LOCK HIM UP!


if he reported income that was less than what he made then that is tax fraud. if he lied about property worth in order to get lower insurance rates... then that is insurance fraud.

gimmee a break - he has been sued for fraud. it's what he does - it is who he is.
Have you ever protested your property tax assessment?


i actually have... but i didn't manipulate my house's worth to get a lower bill.

So you told them it's worth exactly what you'd ask for it if you put it on the market? I king of doubt that.


uh... they go by the evaluation analysis which is done every 5-10 years & whenever a permit is taken out, they inspect it.

If you protested. you didn't agree with their analysis, you claimed the property was less than they said it was. RIGHT? What makes you think Trump didn't do the same?


i didn't cook books to reflect what i wanted to portray.... i didn't lie what i spent on upgrades or whatever to get a better insurance rate or to use the tax deductions ..

You can't prove Trump did either? Remember, valuations are opinions.

he's profiting off his presidency. hence the emoluments lawsuit. god you are such a mook.

Please show us specifically where he is profiting.


Mr. Blumenthal said that the president has violated the clause by collecting trademarks from China, rent paid by foreign governments at his real estate properties worldwide and government approvals for his business dealings. He also suggested that Mr. Trump’s businesses may have collected payments and benefits that are unknown to Congress.

If Judge Sullivan finds that Mr. Trump has violated the emoluments clause, congressional Democrats can ask for information in the discovery phase of the lawsuit about any foreign benefit related to his global business dealings, including payments, trademarks, intellectual property and regulatory advantages.

“We can look at his books and tax returns in order to determine what emoluments he’s accepted,” Mr. Nadler said. If evidence of financial fraud is found in the course of discovery, Mr. Nadler said that information would be made public and turned over to law enforcement officials.

“This gives Congress an opportunity to invoke our congressional right to make sure that the president is loyal to the U.S. and not to his own pocketbook,” Mr. Nadler said.

Judge Sullivan also said that the courts had to step in because Mr. Trump would not voluntarily allow Congress to exercise its constitutional right to oversee the payments he takes from foreign governments.

In the other emoluments lawsuit, a federal judge in Maryland has ruled that the attorneys general of Maryland and the District of Columbia can sue the president.

Judge Denies Trump’s Request to Dismiss Emoluments Lawsuit

2. What does that mean?

Merriam-Webster defines emoluments as “returns arising from office or employment usually in the form of compensation or perquisites.” Historians largely agree that the original intent of the constitutional provision was to discourage early American leaders from being influenced by gifts or titles bestowed by European governments or royalty.

3. Why is this an issue for Trump?

Though he stepped away from day-to-day operations of his businesses, Trump retains ownership in companies that do business with foreign diplomats, state-controlled companies and state-owned television channels. The Trump International Hotel in Manhattan, for instance, got a noticeable revenue boost from a five-day stay by associates of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, according to the Washington Post. The Trump International Hotel Washington, D.C. also gets business from foreign governments and their representatives. It’s also housed in a building that Trump’s company leases from the U.S. government, which raises another issue: A second constitutional clause -- in Article II, Section 1 -- says the president receives a salary while in office but “shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them.”
i actually have... but i didn't manipulate my house's worth to get a lower bill.

So you told them it's worth exactly what you'd ask for it if you put it on the market? I king of doubt that.


uh... they go by the evaluation analysis which is done every 5-10 years & whenever a permit is taken out, they inspect it.

If you protested. you didn't agree with their analysis, you claimed the property was less than they said it was. RIGHT? What makes you think Trump didn't do the same?


i didn't cook books to reflect what i wanted to portray.... i didn't lie what i spent on upgrades or whatever to get a better insurance rate or to use the tax deductions ..

You can't prove Trump did either? Remember, valuations are opinions.


i can't.... but the IRS can & so can allen weisellberg, the CFO of trumpco. he's got immunity & has been talking to mueller. he very well could get subpoenaed to go in front of aunty maxine too.
NO comment
The attorneys general of Maryland and Washington, D.C., claim that Trump is violating the Constitution's emolument's clauses, which bar the president from receiving "any present, emolument, office or title of any kind whatever from any king, prince, or foreign state" or any state in the U.S. The lawsuit claims that he improperly benefits financially when foreign or state governments patronize the hotel he owns just a few blocks from the White House.

The Trump legal team sought authority from the federal judge in the case, Peter Messitte of Maryland, to appeal the judge's pre-trial decision that the emoluments clauses are intended to protect against any type of potentially improper influence.

EXCLUSIVE: DC AG on court's green light for Trump emoluments lawsuit
JULY 25, 201804:32
Justice Department lawyers argued that the term "emolument" has a very specific meaning — a payment made to a public official in addition to the official salary. Under that reading, financial benefits from an office holder's private business dealings would be exempt.

In his order Friday, Messitte said the government cannot appeal the case piecemeal and must wait for a final ruling after a trial. He also declined to put a hold on the case, which would have blocked the challengers from seeking evidence about his hotel business through the legal process known as discovery.

He ordered lawyers for Maryland and Washington, D.C., to submit a schedule for discovery within 20 days. That order can be appealed.

"This is another major win for us in this historic case," said Karl Racine, Washington's attorney general. "We will soon provide the court a new schedule to begin the process of getting information about how President Trump is profiting from the presidency."

The Justice Department, which is representing Trump, had no comment on Friday's ruling.
you believe the world class liar ?? Did you when Mexico was paying for the wall did you when he was going to show his taxes ??? Paying for personal items from his charitable foundation?? When the f will you ah's grow a brain and admit this pos is a world class scumbag?

Great deflection! If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. LMAO

Plain to see Texas nobody paid 1000 an hour to help you get into a good school lol

It's plain to see you'll swallow anything put in your mouth. Anything can be alleged, proof is another matter. So far you've proved nothing.

Gates is getting extended time to testify Think Trumps campaign manager isn't giving all the proof to Mueller ,you're talking about?? Or do you think all these people are just whispering sweet nothings into Muellers ear?

Manafort was the campaign manager for a short time, but what would that have to do with emoluments? You seem to have a hard time picking a subject and sticking with it, are you senile or just a bad case of ADD?

Once more Trump has filthy hands , money laundering and dirty money are his majors , he minors in emoluments You think all those testifying before Mueller and his group of experts are whistling Dixie in his ear?
All of congress and deep state who ignored Clintons bleach biting to erase evidence All will be charged with high treason

Comey said that she is not guilty because of being too stupid to know what she does

So. The bleach bit proves otherwise

Bleaching a computer is not done by stupidity

It does something valuable

It hides evidence

Comey wanted people to think that Hillary must have bumped her computer over in a bathtub of bleach That it was her stupidity that caused that

Again that is not stupid it is wise trying to hide something

Comey said no reasonable prosecutor would take the case

Absolutely wrong

With Hilary's pattern of out right lies any prosector would take the case...her out right lying about running under sniper fire and then caught with cbs having a video

This proves the jury would say guilty because this is beyond a reasonable doubt

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