Percent of Americans supporting Impeachment growing

Did we ever get that grocery list of specific crimes?


seems like you ride the short bus here every day....

Percent of Americans supporting Impeachment growing

Is that supposed to be a response? What are you hiding?

what am I hiding?

Aren't you going to say I'm racist? At least you'd show something.

are you? i thought the dolt was asking for specific crimes --- again ----that would be articles of impeachment.... which i already answered & thought i was doing ----again.

so.......... i'm game to call you a racist if you indeed are one....

As more and more trump crimes and misdeeds come to light....the percent will rise even more.

As more and more trump crimes and misdeeds come to light....the percent will rise even more.
Republicans always do bad in polls that over sample Democrats.
And yet the Trump approval rating in that poll is higher than the aggregate of all the major polls.

So how do you square this fact with your claim that this particular poll is biased?
Did we ever get that grocery list of specific crimes?


seems like you ride the short bus here every day....

Percent of Americans supporting Impeachment growing

That doesn’t list the actionable crimes.

Even Schiff doesn’t think impeachment is likely.

What are the specific crimes? Fucking list them.

you can start with this, although there are more counts than what is listed per offense:

Impeachable Offenses - Need to Impeach

you're welcome.
Another politically motivated exercise in futility.


kitty be wrong 'bout dat.

It will eventually be dismissed for lack of standing. Only congress can judge a violation of the emoluments clause. Every other case has been dismissed on that basis.


oh no worries - the house is getting all kindsa involved with donny's finances. finally.

Yep, they'll try, anything before Trump took entered politics is none of their fucking business, they aren't law enforcement. They have the authority of government oversight, nothing more.


not if he fucked around with his taxes.... if he committed tax fraud - then donny is in deep doo doo....

Waters wouldn't know one page of a tax return form another, but still, tax enforcement isn't a congressional function either.

Another politically motivated exercise in futility.


kitty be wrong 'bout dat.

It will eventually be dismissed for lack of standing. Only congress can judge a violation of the emoluments clause. Every other case has been dismissed on that basis.

Do you think it possible or even likely that Trump did commit crimes, and that, upon deep dive investigations, evidence of them will come to light?

You don't seem to understand the purpose of an investigation, they're not supposed to be fishing expeditions. There has to be a reason other than just not liking someone. This bullshit of show me the man and I'll find you a crime is what third world dictators do. Congress has no law enforcement power, and have no authority to investigate anything before Trump entered politics.


it isn't required - but highly suspect that trump refused to show his taxes... it could be something as simple as him lying about his income. perhaps the emperor isn't as golden as he says... OR maybe he is, but understated his wealth to avoid them thar taxes... but someone ( cohen ) said under oath that trump did manipulate his finances for both tax & insurance reasons. allen weisellburg - trumps CFO since the days of his daddy has limited immunity & has been cooperating with mueller. anything that cohen testified to, mueller already knows & the house is playing catch up since the took the majority.

Have you ever protested your property tax assessment?

A profit from your business is not an "emolument,"
It has been successfully argued in court that profits can, in fact, be emoluments.

That doesn't make the profit from Trump's hotel an emolument, moron. For instance, when Jim Wright published his phony book and only leftwing special interests like unions bought it, that was obviously an emolument. In fact, it was just an outright bribe. If I recall correctly, many of the pages only had a single word on them. On the other hand, paying the market rate for a legitimate service is obviously not an emolument.
What about paying far more than the market rate ??
You have evidence that they pay more than the market rate?
NO comment
The attorneys general of Maryland and Washington, D.C., claim that Trump is violating the Constitution's emolument's clauses, which bar the president from receiving "any present, emolument, office or title of any kind whatever from any king, prince, or foreign state" or any state in the U.S. The lawsuit claims that he improperly benefits financially when foreign or state governments patronize the hotel he owns just a few blocks from the White House.

The Trump legal team sought authority from the federal judge in the case, Peter Messitte of Maryland, to appeal the judge's pre-trial decision that the emoluments clauses are intended to protect against any type of potentially improper influence.

EXCLUSIVE: DC AG on court's green light for Trump emoluments lawsuit
JULY 25, 201804:32
Justice Department lawyers argued that the term "emolument" has a very specific meaning — a payment made to a public official in addition to the official salary. Under that reading, financial benefits from an office holder's private business dealings would be exempt.

In his order Friday, Messitte said the government cannot appeal the case piecemeal and must wait for a final ruling after a trial. He also declined to put a hold on the case, which would have blocked the challengers from seeking evidence about his hotel business through the legal process known as discovery.

He ordered lawyers for Maryland and Washington, D.C., to submit a schedule for discovery within 20 days. That order can be appealed.

"This is another major win for us in this historic case," said Karl Racine, Washington's attorney general. "We will soon provide the court a new schedule to begin the process of getting information about how President Trump is profiting from the presidency."

The Justice Department, which is representing Trump, had no comment on Friday's ruling.
You have evidence that they pay more than the market rate?

It doesn't matter, Trump is already on record stating that he will give any profits to the U.S. Treasury. Just as other former presidents did. But the lying lowlife scumbag left persist because they are assholes.
you believe the world class liar ?? Did you when Mexico was paying for the wall did you when he was going to show his taxes ??? Paying for personal items from his charitable foundation?? When the f will you ah's grow a brain and admit this pos is a world class scumbag?

Great deflection! If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. LMAO

kitty be wrong 'bout dat.

It will eventually be dismissed for lack of standing. Only congress can judge a violation of the emoluments clause. Every other case has been dismissed on that basis.


oh no worries - the house is getting all kindsa involved with donny's finances. finally.

Yep, they'll try, anything before Trump took entered politics is none of their fucking business, they aren't law enforcement. They have the authority of government oversight, nothing more.


not if he fucked around with his taxes.... if he committed tax fraud - then donny is in deep doo doo....

Waters wouldn't know one page of a tax return form another, but still, tax enforcement isn't a congressional function either.


that is why they would hire experts, silly kitty. & if there were fraud committed - then the appropriate measure can be taken.
kitty be wrong 'bout dat.

It will eventually be dismissed for lack of standing. Only congress can judge a violation of the emoluments clause. Every other case has been dismissed on that basis.

Do you think it possible or even likely that Trump did commit crimes, and that, upon deep dive investigations, evidence of them will come to light?

You don't seem to understand the purpose of an investigation, they're not supposed to be fishing expeditions. There has to be a reason other than just not liking someone. This bullshit of show me the man and I'll find you a crime is what third world dictators do. Congress has no law enforcement power, and have no authority to investigate anything before Trump entered politics.


it isn't required - but highly suspect that trump refused to show his taxes... it could be something as simple as him lying about his income. perhaps the emperor isn't as golden as he says... OR maybe he is, but understated his wealth to avoid them thar taxes... but someone ( cohen ) said under oath that trump did manipulate his finances for both tax & insurance reasons. allen weisellburg - trumps CFO since the days of his daddy has limited immunity & has been cooperating with mueller. anything that cohen testified to, mueller already knows & the house is playing catch up since the took the majority.

Have you ever protested your property tax assessment?


i actually have... but i didn't manipulate my house's worth to get a lower bill.
Zero Evidence.

Zero Crime.

Testimony under oath before Congress just released confirming the DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI new this before opening the investigation.

Testimony and evidence confirms the Obama agency directors engaged in this sedition conspiratorial coup d'état.

....but snowflakes continue to try to convince us 'support for Impeachment is growing'....

Yeah, among SNOWFLAKES & Trump-Haters!

It will eventually be dismissed for lack of standing. Only congress can judge a violation of the emoluments clause. Every other case has been dismissed on that basis.


oh no worries - the house is getting all kindsa involved with donny's finances. finally.

Yep, they'll try, anything before Trump took entered politics is none of their fucking business, they aren't law enforcement. They have the authority of government oversight, nothing more.


not if he fucked around with his taxes.... if he committed tax fraud - then donny is in deep doo doo....

Waters wouldn't know one page of a tax return form another, but still, tax enforcement isn't a congressional function either.


that is why they would hire experts, silly kitty. & if there were fraud committed - then the appropriate measure can be taken.

I thought that's what the IRS and DOJ are for. They're the only experts that count.

It has been successfully argued in court that profits can, in fact, be emoluments.

That doesn't make the profit from Trump's hotel an emolument, moron. For instance, when Jim Wright published his phony book and only leftwing special interests like unions bought it, that was obviously an emolument. In fact, it was just an outright bribe. If I recall correctly, many of the pages only had a single word on them. On the other hand, paying the market rate for a legitimate service is obviously not an emolument.
What about paying far more than the market rate ??
You have evidence that they pay more than the market rate?
NO comment
The attorneys general of Maryland and Washington, D.C., claim that Trump is violating the Constitution's emolument's clauses, which bar the president from receiving "any present, emolument, office or title of any kind whatever from any king, prince, or foreign state" or any state in the U.S. The lawsuit claims that he improperly benefits financially when foreign or state governments patronize the hotel he owns just a few blocks from the White House.

The Trump legal team sought authority from the federal judge in the case, Peter Messitte of Maryland, to appeal the judge's pre-trial decision that the emoluments clauses are intended to protect against any type of potentially improper influence.

EXCLUSIVE: DC AG on court's green light for Trump emoluments lawsuit
JULY 25, 201804:32
Justice Department lawyers argued that the term "emolument" has a very specific meaning — a payment made to a public official in addition to the official salary. Under that reading, financial benefits from an office holder's private business dealings would be exempt.

In his order Friday, Messitte said the government cannot appeal the case piecemeal and must wait for a final ruling after a trial. He also declined to put a hold on the case, which would have blocked the challengers from seeking evidence about his hotel business through the legal process known as discovery.

He ordered lawyers for Maryland and Washington, D.C., to submit a schedule for discovery within 20 days. That order can be appealed.

"This is another major win for us in this historic case," said Karl Racine, Washington's attorney general. "We will soon provide the court a new schedule to begin the process of getting information about how President Trump is profiting from the presidency."

The Justice Department, which is representing Trump, had no comment on Friday's ruling.
You have evidence that they pay more than the market rate?

It doesn't matter, Trump is already on record stating that he will give any profits to the U.S. Treasury. Just as other former presidents did. But the lying lowlife scumbag left persist because they are assholes.
you believe the world class liar ?? Did you when Mexico was paying for the wall did you when he was going to show his taxes ??? Paying for personal items from his charitable foundation?? When the f will you ah's grow a brain and admit this pos is a world class scumbag?

Great deflection! If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. LMAO

Plain to see Texas nobody paid 1000 an hour to help you get into a good school lol
It will eventually be dismissed for lack of standing. Only congress can judge a violation of the emoluments clause. Every other case has been dismissed on that basis.

Do you think it possible or even likely that Trump did commit crimes, and that, upon deep dive investigations, evidence of them will come to light?

You don't seem to understand the purpose of an investigation, they're not supposed to be fishing expeditions. There has to be a reason other than just not liking someone. This bullshit of show me the man and I'll find you a crime is what third world dictators do. Congress has no law enforcement power, and have no authority to investigate anything before Trump entered politics.


it isn't required - but highly suspect that trump refused to show his taxes... it could be something as simple as him lying about his income. perhaps the emperor isn't as golden as he says... OR maybe he is, but understated his wealth to avoid them thar taxes... but someone ( cohen ) said under oath that trump did manipulate his finances for both tax & insurance reasons. allen weisellburg - trumps CFO since the days of his daddy has limited immunity & has been cooperating with mueller. anything that cohen testified to, mueller already knows & the house is playing catch up since the took the majority.

Have you ever protested your property tax assessment?


i actually have... but i didn't manipulate my house's worth to get a lower bill.

So you told them it's worth exactly what you'd ask for it if you put it on the market? I kind of doubt that.

Last edited:
oh no worries - the house is getting all kindsa involved with donny's finances. finally.

Yep, they'll try, anything before Trump took entered politics is none of their fucking business, they aren't law enforcement. They have the authority of government oversight, nothing more.


not if he fucked around with his taxes.... if he committed tax fraud - then donny is in deep doo doo....

Waters wouldn't know one page of a tax return form another, but still, tax enforcement isn't a congressional function either.


that is why they would hire experts, silly kitty. & if there were fraud committed - then the appropriate measure can be taken.

I thought that's what the IRS and DOJ are for. They're the only experts that count.


congress investigates & gets the IRS involved for their expertise if needed.
Do you think it possible or even likely that Trump did commit crimes, and that, upon deep dive investigations, evidence of them will come to light?

You don't seem to understand the purpose of an investigation, they're not supposed to be fishing expeditions. There has to be a reason other than just not liking someone. This bullshit of show me the man and I'll find you a crime is what third world dictators do. Congress has no law enforcement power, and have no authority to investigate anything before Trump entered politics.


it isn't required - but highly suspect that trump refused to show his taxes... it could be something as simple as him lying about his income. perhaps the emperor isn't as golden as he says... OR maybe he is, but understated his wealth to avoid them thar taxes... but someone ( cohen ) said under oath that trump did manipulate his finances for both tax & insurance reasons. allen weisellburg - trumps CFO since the days of his daddy has limited immunity & has been cooperating with mueller. anything that cohen testified to, mueller already knows & the house is playing catch up since the took the majority.

Have you ever protested your property tax assessment?


i actually have... but i didn't manipulate my house's worth to get a lower bill.

So you told them it's worth exactly what you'd ask for it if you put it on the market? I king of doubt that.


uh... they go by the evaluation analysis which is done every 5-10 years & whenever a permit is taken out, they inspect it.
That doesn't make the profit from Trump's hotel an emolument, moron. For instance, when Jim Wright published his phony book and only leftwing special interests like unions bought it, that was obviously an emolument. In fact, it was just an outright bribe. If I recall correctly, many of the pages only had a single word on them. On the other hand, paying the market rate for a legitimate service is obviously not an emolument.
What about paying far more than the market rate ??
You have evidence that they pay more than the market rate?
NO comment
The attorneys general of Maryland and Washington, D.C., claim that Trump is violating the Constitution's emolument's clauses, which bar the president from receiving "any present, emolument, office or title of any kind whatever from any king, prince, or foreign state" or any state in the U.S. The lawsuit claims that he improperly benefits financially when foreign or state governments patronize the hotel he owns just a few blocks from the White House.

The Trump legal team sought authority from the federal judge in the case, Peter Messitte of Maryland, to appeal the judge's pre-trial decision that the emoluments clauses are intended to protect against any type of potentially improper influence.

EXCLUSIVE: DC AG on court's green light for Trump emoluments lawsuit
JULY 25, 201804:32
Justice Department lawyers argued that the term "emolument" has a very specific meaning — a payment made to a public official in addition to the official salary. Under that reading, financial benefits from an office holder's private business dealings would be exempt.

In his order Friday, Messitte said the government cannot appeal the case piecemeal and must wait for a final ruling after a trial. He also declined to put a hold on the case, which would have blocked the challengers from seeking evidence about his hotel business through the legal process known as discovery.

He ordered lawyers for Maryland and Washington, D.C., to submit a schedule for discovery within 20 days. That order can be appealed.

"This is another major win for us in this historic case," said Karl Racine, Washington's attorney general. "We will soon provide the court a new schedule to begin the process of getting information about how President Trump is profiting from the presidency."

The Justice Department, which is representing Trump, had no comment on Friday's ruling.
You have evidence that they pay more than the market rate?

It doesn't matter, Trump is already on record stating that he will give any profits to the U.S. Treasury. Just as other former presidents did. But the lying lowlife scumbag left persist because they are assholes.
you believe the world class liar ?? Did you when Mexico was paying for the wall did you when he was going to show his taxes ??? Paying for personal items from his charitable foundation?? When the f will you ah's grow a brain and admit this pos is a world class scumbag?

Great deflection! If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. LMAO

Plain to see Texas nobody paid 1000 an hour to help you get into a good school lol

It's plain to see you'll swallow anything put in your mouth. Anything can be alleged, proof is another matter. So far you've proved nothing.


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