Percentage of Europeans Who Are Willing To Fight A War For Their Country. Germans are not ready fig

Percentage of Europeans Who Are Willing To Fight A War For Their Country. Germans are not ready fight Maskal occupants . but All Maskal neighbors are ready to fight and stop maskal Asiatic hordes , should Germans have to pay for this comfort ?



Percentage of Europeans Who Are Willing To Fight A War For Their...
And, thus dies western Europe, which will eventually become a new Islamic Caliphate.
do you think that these guys

are the bigger challenger than maskal hordes?
Said the man that pretends that my being upset about the mass rape of over a thousand girls, means that I don't care about other children being raped.
You only care because you can weaponise the events against Muslims. You dont give a fuck about any other victims.

1. Incorrect.

2. I do care more because it is a relevant political issue. One that we face on this side of the pond also.

My point stands. You have no credibility. You say the most obviously dishonest shit and mean it.

Thus my previous points stand too.

Here they are again.

1. I do not care about one set more than the others. That is just something you made up, to deflect for the results of your policies.

2. It is not getting better. You are importing a culture that is has vastly less status for women and children, thus worsening the problem, not making it better. Your future culture will be a fusion that is increasingly made up of that culture, not what you grew up in.

3. Massive cultural decay.

Excellent. You have to wonder about posters who support a fucking barbaric culture that abuses women and murders gay men

"abuses women and murders gay men" before 70th, Muslims world was gay heaven , much more sexual "liberal " than most western countries. KSA propaganda and demography has changed it totally


What changed Islam, was its so-called "reformation," which spawned Wahhabism. Of course, Muhammad's latter teachings of hatred and killing non-believers, clearly didn't help.
edition . salafi-Wahhabism
They deserve all the crap they get....don't feel sorry for them

They deserve all the crap they get....don't feel sorry for them

are you a paid putler´s troll ? or have heroin problem ? do you think that this pic represents Germany ? its just crazy , CRAZY

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