Perfect evidence of just how stupid "intellectuals" aka smart people really can be


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
[SIZE=+1]Ohio State studies symptoms of cat stress, disease[/SIZE]
"This study shows that an enriched environment - one that includes hiding areas, toys, bedding and other physical features, plus an everyday routine including a consistent caregiver, feeding and play times - reduces or altogether prevents some common signs of feline sickness such as decreased appetite, vomiting or eliminating outside of their litter boxes.

Ohio State studies symptoms of cat stress, disease

And they spent how much on this "study" to find out that? I just wonder who funded this study. Was it Meow Mix or the feds?

I mean this has got to be the stupidest thing. I bet thousands of dollars were spent to conclude what anyone over the AGE OF FIVE knows. You need to take good care of your cat, and it will reduce stress. NO DUH! Wow! What a shocker! Who woulda thunk!

What did they think. That the study would conclude ignoring your cat was the answer?

And these intellectuals are here spending our money (I mean it could be tax dollars, I honestly don't know who's funding the study) as IF we couldn't figure this out without them.

As having used to work for OSU AND having witnessed far more worthy studies (in progress) first hand--this has got to be the studidest thing I've seen coming out of OSU.

Way to go Bucks. You've wasted your time just to tell us what ANY cat owner would tell you.

You spent thousands when any cat owner could have given you this answer for the price of a few cat toys, a bag of kitty liter, and some Meow Mix.

Dumb marches on, people!

Utterly laughable! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
It's not OSU, it's Congress that funds these stupid things. Let people start giving the grants through their dollars and not tax dollars and see how far these stupid grants get.

Let the rich give to grants including Pell and get a tax deduction. No more faith based giving, subsidies or grant giving by the government.
This just in!:

Not sleeping causes drowsiness!

Not eating leads to hunger

Not drinking makes you thirsty

Drinking makes you have to pee

touching fire will give you a burn

Putting ice in a drink makes it cold.

We need a study on what causes "pee shivers" in men. It's the leading cause of missing the toilet and peeing everywhere.
[SIZE=+1]Ohio State studies symptoms of cat stress, disease[/SIZE]
"This study shows that an enriched environment - one that includes hiding areas, toys, bedding and other physical features, plus an everyday routine including a consistent caregiver, feeding and play times - reduces or altogether prevents some common signs of feline sickness such as decreased appetite, vomiting or eliminating outside of their litter boxes.

Ohio State studies symptoms of cat stress, disease

And they spent how much on this "study" to find out that? I just wonder who funded this study. Was it Meow Mix or the feds?

I mean this has got to be the stupidest thing. I bet thousands of dollars were spent to conclude what anyone over the AGE OF FIVE knows. You need to take good care of your cat, and it will reduce stress. NO DUH! Wow! What a shocker! Who woulda thunk!
You "bet"??!!!! revealing....... :rolleyes:

"....thousands of dollars..."????????

wow.....that (almost) sounds criminal...... :rolleyes:



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Could it be that this study came out of the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine?

You know, the only stupid question is the one that goes unasked.
[SIZE=+1]Ohio State studies symptoms of cat stress, disease[/SIZE]
"This study shows that an enriched environment - one that includes hiding areas, toys, bedding and other physical features, plus an everyday routine including a consistent caregiver, feeding and play times - reduces or altogether prevents some common signs of feline sickness such as decreased appetite, vomiting or eliminating outside of their litter boxes.

Ohio State studies symptoms of cat stress, disease

And they spent how much on this "study" to find out that? I just wonder who funded this study. Was it Meow Mix or the feds?

I mean this has got to be the stupidest thing. I bet thousands of dollars were spent to conclude what anyone over the AGE OF FIVE knows. You need to take good care of your cat, and it will reduce stress. NO DUH! Wow! What a shocker! Who woulda thunk!
You "bet"??!!!! revealing....... :rolleyes:

"....thousands of dollars..."????????

wow.....that (almost) sounds criminal...... :rolleyes:



Are you now or have you ever been under the direct supervision of a mental health doctor?
It's not OSU, it's Congress that funds these stupid things. Let people start giving the grants through their dollars and not tax dollars and see how far these stupid grants get.

Let the rich give to grants including Pell and get a tax deduction. No more faith based giving, subsidies or grant giving by the government.
I'm more-anxious to find-out how much we're (now) $aving.....cutting the middle-man outta the whole student-loan trip!!!

"The education related initiatives funded by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act are fully paid for by ending the government subsidies currently given to financial institutions that make guaranteed federal student loans. Starting July 1, all new federal student loans will be direct loans, delivered and collected by private companies under performance-based contracts with the Department of Education. According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, ending these wasteful subsidies will free up nearly $68 billion for college affordability and deficit reduction over the next 11 years."

The fact IS......we need to quit looking at education as some kind o' charitable-pursuit!!

What the fuck has happened to this Country? When did Long-Term-Investment become a "dirty-word"??? :eusa_eh:

Ever since the 1980s, everything's been about quick turn-around....short-term-profits....DAY-trading....and, that's exactly the way we've looked at education, recently; where're the short-term-profits in EDUCATION??!!!! :eusa_snooty:

Is it any WONDER younger-people no-longer (seem) to give-a-fuck?? We QUITE-obviously don't give-a-fuck, about THEM(!!!).....and, our economy shows it.​
Could it be that this study came out of the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine?

You know, the only stupid question is the one that goes unasked.
.....The ones they always manage to forget, at FAUX Noise.

Ohio State studies symptoms of cat stress, disease

And they spent how much on this "study" to find out that? I just wonder who funded this study. Was it Meow Mix or the feds?

I mean this has got to be the stupidest thing. I bet thousands of dollars were spent to conclude what anyone over the AGE OF FIVE knows. You need to take good care of your cat, and it will reduce stress. NO DUH! Wow! What a shocker! Who woulda thunk!
You "bet"??!!!! revealing....... :rolleyes:

"....thousands of dollars..."????????

wow.....that (almost) sounds criminal...... :rolleyes:



Are you now or have you ever been under the direct supervision of a mental health doctor?
My mistake.....bringing-up War-spending.....when 'Baggers have no concept of mathematics; beyond the thousands. :rolleyes:

You "bet"??!!!! revealing....... :rolleyes:

"....thousands of dollars..."????????

wow.....that (almost) sounds criminal...... :rolleyes:



Are you now or have you ever been under the direct supervision of a mental health doctor?
My mistake.....bringing-up War-spending.....when 'Baggers have no concept of mathematics; beyond the thousands. :rolleyes:

No problem, thanks for helping me to understand you better.

Instead of staying near the topic, you chose to derail the thread with your buffoonary.

Have a great day.

And you may want to seek some help. Your chaotic mind may be fixable.
It's not OSU, it's Congress that funds these stupid things. Let people start giving the grants through their dollars and not tax dollars and see how far these stupid grants get.

Let the rich give to grants including Pell and get a tax deduction. No more faith based giving, subsidies or grant giving by the government.

I used to work for OSU, I know it's Congress, et al that funds such stupid studies.

But OSU went ahead and bid to do the study.

THIS is an example of what Thomas Sowell has pointed out, and I have noted.

You don't get tenure at public colleges (like OSU) for being a good teacher. You get them for doing STUDIES. That's what brings the bacon home to colleges, and they bid to do such studies.

But the conclusion is so damn obvious, it didn't need a study.

Another example of our money wasted to feed the egos of at the public trough.
[SIZE=+1]Ohio State studies symptoms of cat stress, disease[/SIZE]​

"This study shows that an enriched environment - one that includes hiding areas, toys, bedding and other physical features, plus an everyday routine including a consistent caregiver, feeding and play times - reduces or altogether prevents some common signs of feline sickness such as decreased appetite, vomiting or eliminating outside of their litter boxes.

Ohio State studies symptoms of cat stress, disease

And they spent how much on this "study" to find out that? I just wonder who funded this study. Was it Meow Mix or the feds?

I mean this has got to be the stupidest thing. I bet thousands of dollars were spent to conclude what anyone over the AGE OF FIVE knows. You need to take good care of your cat, and it will reduce stress. NO DUH! Wow! What a shocker! Who woulda thunk!
You "bet"??!!!! revealing....... :rolleyes:

"....thousands of dollars..."????????

wow.....that (almost) sounds criminal...... :rolleyes:




This, children, is what is called a mindless troll.

He has nothing to add to the discussion, so he tries to deflect and troll.

Ignore him and let's move on.

Could it be that this study came out of the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine?

You know, the only stupid question is the one that goes unasked.

Are you telling me the Collge of Veterinary Medicine hasn't figured this out yet?

Do you know how old OSU is?

But ONLY NOW WITH THIS STUDY, do they figure out taking good care of your cat reduces stress????????????

Come on, you can do better than that!

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wow... that study was almost as stupid as the last administration spending a million dollars to find out if prayer works.

Are you now or have you ever been under the direct supervision of a mental health doctor?
My mistake.....bringing-up War-spending.....when 'Baggers have no concept of mathematics; beyond the thousands. :rolleyes:

No problem, thanks for helping me to understand you better.

Instead of staying near the topic, you chose to derail the thread with your buffoonary.

Have a great day.

And you may want to seek some help. Your chaotic mind may be fixable.

Like I said. He's a mindless troll. ;)
It's not OSU, it's Congress that funds these stupid things. Let people start giving the grants through their dollars and not tax dollars and see how far these stupid grants get.

Let the rich give to grants including Pell and get a tax deduction. No more faith based giving, subsidies or grant giving by the government.

Funding comes from a variety of different places. Not necessarily government. Just sayin'.
My mistake.....bringing-up War-spending.....when 'Baggers have no concept of mathematics; beyond the thousands. :rolleyes:

No problem, thanks for helping me to understand you better.

Instead of staying near the topic, you chose to derail the thread with your buffoonary.

Have a great day.

And you may want to seek some help. Your chaotic mind may be fixable.

Like I said. He's a mindless troll. ;)

pot = kettle
Could it be that this study came out of the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine?

You know, the only stupid question is the one that goes unasked.

Are you telling me the Collge of Veterinary Medicine hasn't figured this out yet?

Do you know how old OSU is?

But ONLY NOW WITH THIS STUDY, do they figure out taking good care of your cat reduces stress????????????

Come on, you can do better than that!

You don't believe that cat care was the only insight revealed by this study, do you? Did the Associated Press publish the thesis, the methodology and the entire compendium of findings after the study?

And are you anti-intellectual? The way you titled the thread leads me to this conclusion.
wow... that study was almost as stupid as the last administration spending a million dollars to find out if prayer works.


Are you talking about the study (also done at OSU) in which they prayed for petri dishes?

Actually, that had some interesting results. Although I have no idea how much money it costs to pray for petri dishes. I can't think much.

Okay, here's the deal. They had two sets of petri dishes. One with bacteria cultures that they prayed for, and a set which they did not.

The premise being that bacteria cultures do not know when they are being prayed for, which takes out the argument of psychosomatic healing.

The petri dishes prayed for thrived twice as well as the dishes that were not prayed for.

The results were reported on the radio, unfortunately, I've never seen a print article about the experiment.

OSU does a lot of studies. Ever have your boss hand you a test tube he's handling with forceps, but he wants you to mail it out to another college with your bare hands? :confused:

Yeah, I had a boss that used to do that. Yeesh!
It's not OSU, it's Congress that funds these stupid things. Let people start giving the grants through their dollars and not tax dollars and see how far these stupid grants get.

Let the rich give to grants including Pell and get a tax deduction. No more faith based giving, subsidies or grant giving by the government.

Funding comes from a variety of different places. Not necessarily government. Just sayin'.

True. My department did a big study funded by an insurance company regarding "managed care" which was all the rage at the time. (It was EARLY 90s before Clinton tried his Hillarycare). My boss was the Chair of the Department and he was big time for Clinton and his Clintoncare.

When the insurance company didn't like the results of the "study," they pulled all future support for it.

I had to type it up myself and print it on our damn copy machines. The insurance company wouldn't even pay to have it printed! Too funny! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

And then people say who funds the study doesn't influence how the study comes out? Yeah!

Try giving the body funding the study a result they don't like and see what happens. They pull funding, and any future chance of receiving funding.

My boss found out all right. And don't believe for a second other public colleges don't know this to be true.


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