Perfect example of How little Democrats respect the voters intelligence!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
New delay would avoid more cancellations Friday before Election Day...

As early as this week, according to two sources, the White House will announce a new directive allowing insurers to continue offering health plans that do not meet ObamaCare’s minimum coverage requirements.

Prolonging the “keep your plan” fix will avoid another wave of health policy cancellations otherwise expected this fall.
The cancellations would have created a firestorm for Democratic candidates in the last, crucial weeks before Election Day.

The White House is intent on protecting its allies in the Senate, where Democrats face a battle to keep control of the chamber.

New ObamaCare delay to help Democrats in midterm elections | TheHill

So if I were a Democrat voter and possibly may have my health care policy cancelled, I'd ask simple question.
What happens AFTER the elections? Will my policy be cancelled then?

And so how dumb must I as a Democrat voter be to say.." OK I know my policy is going to be cancelled.. BUT for the greater good of the Democrat party
I'll vote for my Senate candidate JUST so GOP won't cancel Obamacare"!
YUP that is what will happen. Most of the toe-the-line Democrat voters will NOT care they have been snookered again.
They just need to protect the Democrat senate majority.
That's what Obama/Democrat leaders are counting on!
That the Democrat voter doesn't think beyond the next election and they are counting on these low intelligent voters to pull the lever for them.

It just seems so demeaning I would think to a Democrat voter to be viewed with such disdain as nothing more a tool to pull a lever.

BUT the political talking heads and consultants seem to be forgetting the Independents.
If the "Independents" are independents these voters are NOT driven by ideology but practicality. They KNOW that if the Democrat senate holds, Obamacare is safe and THEIR policies WILL be cancelled! NO question.

So it will happen.
The Senate will become GOP. Impeachment proceeds will move forward BECAUSE Repeal of Obamacare will pass both Senate/House and Obama will veto.
I hope EVERYONE understands this thread is NOT about healthcare but about how demeaning and disrespectfully Obama and his minions are of their supporters.
They are counting on their supporting Democrat voters to "forget" that they are held in such disdain.
Obama /Democrat leaders are counting on these Democrats that despite KNOWING that the new directive delaying Obamacare implementation will OCCUR after the elections will not care and vote blindly for the Democrat Senator.

This is such a blatant example of what total disregard Obama has of his supporters!

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