Perfect Questions For Trumpers

Serious question for Trumpers: why would Obama ‘SPY’ on Trump campaign but not do anything with the info?” he asks rhetorically. “Put another way, why would Obama WH go to extreme lengths to break the law but not help Hillary win? That’s the dumbest conspiracy of all time.”
They were over confident

No one in lib la la land gave trump a chance of winning
Raises a really good question why would the Obama administration break laws to spy on someone for political purposes if no one thought he had a chance at winning.

Besides, Hillary was going to bury the wrongdoing.
Why break the law for no reason? Your attempt at ascribing a motive makes zero sense.

Why break the law for no reason?

They broke the law to get dirt on their opponent.
It would have been buried if she won. No risk.

She was the most qualified candidate could she lose?

This theory defies all logic.
One, the dirt was never used. The application wasn’t even approved until two weeks before the election. Carter Page was only tangentially involved in the campaign and had left well before the warrant was issued.

One, the dirt was never used.

Probably because they didn't find anything that would help.
Trump’s campaign was literally meeting with Russians trying to give them dirt on Clinton to help his campaign.

You think that wasn’t potentially harmful information?

it was the other way around

the dems were the ones conspiring with russia

What were the Dems conspiring with Russia to do exactly? Hack their server again?
You can sneer all you want

hillary paid for the Steele dossier which was largely if not entirely supplied by the russians

That’s your conspiracy? Hillary paid a law firm who paid a research firm who paid a former intelligence agent to ask his network of Russian expatriates if Russia has any information on Trump. None of which was used.

Meanwhile Trump’s flesh and blood was in a room asking Russians for official prosecutor documents.

So yeah, I’ll sneer at the absurdity.
That was just the opening moves of the anti trump conspiracy

eventually it involved the FBI CIA, the dc police and bigh ranking members of the previous administration including obama
Conspiratorial nonsense.

We both know Russia was working to elect Trump. Drop the charade. Oh wait, you aren’t a Seth Rich truther, are you?
You are stuck on an outdated lie

hillary and the dnc were the criminals not trump
It’s a “lie” that has been confirmed by every serious investigation into the matter. The only people still expressing disbelief are 4chan internet trolls and the gullible.
I guess we will have to wait and see what develops

you may never see or admit the truth

but I think its clear the Deep State tried to stage a coup

It’s always wait and see with you geniuses. The FBI report confirmed it was Russia so you told us to wait for the House investigation. The house investigation told us it was Russia so you told us to wait for the Mueller report. The Mueller report told us it was Russia so you told us to wait for the Senate report. The Senate report told us it was Russia so now we have to wait for something else, who knows, but you can never be proven wrong because there’s always something else to cling to.

the cia and lib news media has lied to us and to congress since day one
The CIA hasn’t said anything. They’re the CIA. They’re not too chatty.
The conservative media has been living in a parallel universe by ignoring everything that doesn’t fit Trump’s narrative.

clapper is on TV all the time

and what he cant say is leaked to the lib news media who tell us “unnamed sources said...”
Clapper was DNI.

Face it, every serious investigation came up with the same result. The House. The Senate. The intelligence community. The DoJ. Every single investigation. Same result.

You just don’t want to accept it.
The same lie you mean

Your conspiracy is getting bigger and bigger. Now it encapsulates the Congressional Republicans
Paul Ryan maybe

He seems to have bought the lib lie

but dont act so surprised

republican swamp rats in washington are human and fallible too
Yep. Glad you’re smarter and more well informed than every Republican and Democrat in Congress. Smarter and more well informed than US intelligence. Smarter and more well informed than the justice dept.
I am not smarter

just more honest

I have no reason to lie but they do

in ryan’s case he’s part of the good old boy swamp rat club in Washington who were embarrassed and offended that a rank beginner and political outsider could beat the pros at their own game

I think you’re not honest with yourself. You’re coming up with stories to tell yourself so that you don’t have to believe what you don’t want.
Ok, whatever you say

the evidence against the washington swamp rat community is growing whether you choose to accept it or not
What do you care about evidence? You can just swipe away any evidence you don’t want to believe.
I have not seen any evidence against stump

or flynn

So none of the court filings or judgements mean anything to you?
Under corrupt proceedings?

they dont mean a thing

trump did not collude with russia

I haven't seen any evidence the proceedings were corrupt.

Flynn told the FBI he didn't talk sanctions with Kislyak. Flynn did indeed talk sanctions with Kislyak. These are facts that no one really disputes.

Flynn told the FBI he didn't talk sanctions with Kislyak. Flynn did indeed talk sanctions with Kislyak.

If that's the case, how did his false answer impede an investigation?

Don't know if it impeded an investigation. But that's not a requirement of 18 USC 1001
there was no investigation to impede

the fbi know what was said and none of it was criminal
Counter intelligence is within the jurisdiction of the FBI

A high ranking official with access to some of our most closely held secrets is lying to the president and vice president of the United States about what he's saying to Russian government officials and you DON'T think that the FBI should investigate? Give me a break.
Flynn did not divulge any secrets to the russians
Not the point. He’s lying. To his boss. About communications with Russian officials. You going to trust a liar to keep our nation’s closest secrets?
I dont know what flynn told the vp

bit they didnt sic the FBI on him or try to put him in jail

flynn was the target of the Deep State

What? Flynn is the one having conversations with the Russians and then lying about it. That makes him a target for investigation. If this were anyone else, you'd acknowledge that this makes total sense.
flynn did not break any laws with the russians
Some agents recommended dropping the investigation after preliminary searches didn't turn anything up. They didn't know about the call, that came from the higher ups.

For the fifth time, the FBI investigates more than just violations of law. They are the nation's counter intelligence operation.
They were investigating what Flynn was up to with regard to Russian government and why he was lying about it. That's legitimate counter intelligence investigation. His lie was material to that investigation.
Let me point out again the charge that Flynn lied about his talk with Kisyluk is not supported by Flynn's statements on the matter. He says he talked to many people. He really doesn't recall absolutely his call to
the Russians. He may have discussed sanctions. He might not have. He doesn't know for sure.

It would help if you stopped lying about the basic facts. And once more it's not illegal for the incoming head of the NSA to have a discussion with members of the government of other nations. It's what he is supposed to do.
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Don't know if it impeded an investigation. But that's not a requirement of 18 USC 1001

Don't know if it impeded an investigation.

It didn't. Especially because it was being dropped.

But that's not a requirement of 18 USC 1001

View attachment 336055

Material(ly) is the key word.

It's easy to say that lying about the conversation to Russian officials is material to the investigation into whether Flynn has involvement with Russian officials not known to the security apparatus of the United States. Again, these are extremely high level officials. They have access to the top secrets. If they're not being truthful, that's grounds for concern regarding their security clearances.

I think you're thinking of obstruction, which i think requires an investigation to be impeded. That's just not the situation with false statements.

It's easy to say that lying about the conversation to Russian officials is material to the investigation into whether Flynn has involvement with Russian officials

They were investigating his "involvement with Russian officials"?
Is that illegal? Why were they dropping the investigation on January 4th, a week after the call?

Flynn has involvement with Russian officials not known to the security apparatus of the United States.

Which ones? How do you know, if the "security apparatus of the United States" doesn't?

I think you're thinking of obstruction, which i think requires an investigation to be impeded.

Nope. I'm thinking no damage to an investigation based on his lie about the call, no help to an investigation if he was 100% truthful about the call. Because it was not material.

Some agents recommended dropping the investigation after preliminary searches didn't turn anything up. They didn't know about the call, that came from the higher ups.

For the fifth time, the FBI investigates more than just violations of law. They are the nation's counter intelligence operation.
They were investigating what Flynn was up to with regard to Russian government and why he was lying about it. That's legitimate counter intelligence investigation. His lie was material to that investigation.
Unfortunately for you, flynn did not compromise security with the russians

his crime was going to work for trump

Wait, so you think we should entrust our national secrets to someone who lies to the highest levels of our government? That makes no sense.
Did you vote for bill and hillary?

how about obama?

and joe biden lies through his teeth

So ride your high horse somewhere else and stop pooping on my sidewalk

just kidding about that last
Let me point out again the charge that Flynn lied about his talk with Kisyluk is not supported by Flynn's statements on the matter. He says he talked to many people. He really doesn't recall absolutely his call to
the Russian. He may discussed sanctions. He might not have. He doesn't know for sure.

It would help if you stopped lying about the basic facts. And once more it's not illegal for the incoming head of the NSA to have a discussion with members of the government of other nations. It's what he is supposed to do.

The incoming NSA is not supposed to be engaging in foreign policy before taking office. That goes against our fundamental belief in this nation that there is only one president at a time.

That being said, Flynn has made public statements indicating he just can't remember what he said, but that defies the truth. The contemporaneous notes from the FBI indicate he was not so ambiguous about it. It was a definitive no just as it was a definitive no when (supposedly) Pence asked him. Later on, when Flynn knew that the phone call was going to make it into the public sphere, did he start hedging. It's a clear CYA.

These are the basic facts. It would be helpful if you weren't so selective about what you consider important.
Don't know if it impeded an investigation. But that's not a requirement of 18 USC 1001

Don't know if it impeded an investigation.

It didn't. Especially because it was being dropped.

But that's not a requirement of 18 USC 1001

View attachment 336055

Material(ly) is the key word.

It's easy to say that lying about the conversation to Russian officials is material to the investigation into whether Flynn has involvement with Russian officials not known to the security apparatus of the United States. Again, these are extremely high level officials. They have access to the top secrets. If they're not being truthful, that's grounds for concern regarding their security clearances.

I think you're thinking of obstruction, which i think requires an investigation to be impeded. That's just not the situation with false statements.

It's easy to say that lying about the conversation to Russian officials is material to the investigation into whether Flynn has involvement with Russian officials

They were investigating his "involvement with Russian officials"?
Is that illegal? Why were they dropping the investigation on January 4th, a week after the call?

Flynn has involvement with Russian officials not known to the security apparatus of the United States.

Which ones? How do you know, if the "security apparatus of the United States" doesn't?

I think you're thinking of obstruction, which i think requires an investigation to be impeded.

Nope. I'm thinking no damage to an investigation based on his lie about the call, no help to an investigation if he was 100% truthful about the call. Because it was not material.

Some agents recommended dropping the investigation after preliminary searches didn't turn anything up. They didn't know about the call, that came from the higher ups.

For the fifth time, the FBI investigates more than just violations of law. They are the nation's counter intelligence operation.
They were investigating what Flynn was up to with regard to Russian government and why he was lying about it. That's legitimate counter intelligence investigation. His lie was material to that investigation.
Unfortunately for you, flynn did not compromise security with the russians

his crime was going to work for trump

Wait, so you think we should entrust our national secrets to someone who lies to the highest levels of our government? That makes no sense.
Did you vote for bill and hillary?

how about obama?

and joe biden lies through his teeth

So ride your high horse somewhere else and stop pooping on my sidewalk

just kidding about that last


Don't be afraid to admit the truth. You know it's a concern when someone entrusted with such sensitive information isn't being honest with his superiors.
Wrong. Right at the end of October he sent a letter to Congress saying he was reopening the investigation.

When her work emails showed up on Weiner's porn laptop, what was he supposed to do?
Lol. Lame excuse making.

If he was supposed to disclose that, where was the letter about the investigation into tRump and his Russian connections.

Lol. Lame excuse making.

Yeah, Secretary of State documents on a kiddie porn laptop. Lame indeed.

If he was supposed to disclose that......

Only because he promised Congress he would.
And you don't think they needed to know about tRump's Russian connection?

What Russian connection?
Did you sleep though the last 4 years or what?
Let me point out again the charge that Flynn lied about his talk with Kisyluk is not supported by Flynn's statements on the matter. He says he talked to many people. He really doesn't recall absolutely his call to
the Russian. He may discussed sanctions. He might not have. He doesn't know for sure.

It would help if you stopped lying about the basic facts. And once more it's not illegal for the incoming head of the NSA to have a discussion with members of the government of other nations. It's what he is supposed to do.

The incoming NSA is not supposed to be engaging in foreign policy before taking office. That goes against our fundamental belief in this nation that there is only one president at a time.

That being said, Flynn has made public statements indicating he just can't remember what he said, but that defies the truth. The contemporaneous notes from the FBI indicate he was not so ambiguous about it. It was a definitive no just as it was a definitive no when (supposedly) Pence asked him. Later on, when Flynn knew that the phone call was going to make it into the public sphere, did he start hedging. It's a clear CYA.

These are the basic facts. It would be helpful if you weren't so selective about what you consider important.

The incoming NSA is not supposed to be engaging in foreign policy before taking office.

Sounds pretty serious. Is that what they charged him with?
Wrong. Right at the end of October he sent a letter to Congress saying he was reopening the investigation.

When her work emails showed up on Weiner's porn laptop, what was he supposed to do?
Lol. Lame excuse making.

If he was supposed to disclose that, where was the letter about the investigation into tRump and his Russian connections.

Lol. Lame excuse making.

Yeah, Secretary of State documents on a kiddie porn laptop. Lame indeed.

If he was supposed to disclose that......

Only because he promised Congress he would.
And you don't think they needed to know about tRump's Russian connection?

What Russian connection?
Did you sleep though the last 4 years or what?

Wake me up when you come up with your list.
Don't know if it impeded an investigation. But that's not a requirement of 18 USC 1001

Don't know if it impeded an investigation.

It didn't. Especially because it was being dropped.

But that's not a requirement of 18 USC 1001

View attachment 336055

Material(ly) is the key word.

It's easy to say that lying about the conversation to Russian officials is material to the investigation into whether Flynn has involvement with Russian officials not known to the security apparatus of the United States. Again, these are extremely high level officials. They have access to the top secrets. If they're not being truthful, that's grounds for concern regarding their security clearances.

I think you're thinking of obstruction, which i think requires an investigation to be impeded. That's just not the situation with false statements.

It's easy to say that lying about the conversation to Russian officials is material to the investigation into whether Flynn has involvement with Russian officials

They were investigating his "involvement with Russian officials"?
Is that illegal? Why were they dropping the investigation on January 4th, a week after the call?

Flynn has involvement with Russian officials not known to the security apparatus of the United States.

Which ones? How do you know, if the "security apparatus of the United States" doesn't?

I think you're thinking of obstruction, which i think requires an investigation to be impeded.

Nope. I'm thinking no damage to an investigation based on his lie about the call, no help to an investigation if he was 100% truthful about the call. Because it was not material.

Some agents recommended dropping the investigation after preliminary searches didn't turn anything up. They didn't know about the call, that came from the higher ups.

For the fifth time, the FBI investigates more than just violations of law. They are the nation's counter intelligence operation.
They were investigating what Flynn was up to with regard to Russian government and why he was lying about it. That's legitimate counter intelligence investigation. His lie was material to that investigation.
Unfortunately for you, flynn did not compromise security with the russians

his crime was going to work for trump

Wait, so you think we should entrust our national secrets to someone who lies to the highest levels of our government? That makes no sense.
Did you vote for bill and hillary?

how about obama?

and joe biden lies through his teeth

So ride your high horse somewhere else and stop pooping on my sidewalk

just kidding about that last


Don't be afraid to admit the truth. You know it's a concern when someone entrusted with such sensitive information isn't being honest with his superiors.
There is nothing to dodge

If flynn had gone to work for hillary he would be a free man today

and still own his house
The incoming NSA is not supposed to be engaging in foreign policy before taking office. That goes against our fundamental belief in this nation that there is only one president at a time.
I think Barack Obama's behavior has gone against our fundamental belief that we have just one president
at a time. He has been running an alternative parallel government for much of Trump's first term in office.
Where is your outrage over that?

And your presumption is that
Flynn was engaging in foreign policy.
As a key member of the incoming administration Flynn is free to call Ambassador Kisylak and discuss the weather or what he had for breakfast if he wants. Establishing a rapport with a key nation is important whether
you approve or not. And once again I don't think discussing sanctions is against the law in any event.

Have you been so pissy and nosy about John Kerry conducting foreign policy with Iran? If not kindly piss off.

That being said, Flynn has made public statements indicating he just can't remember what he said, but that defies the truth. The contemporaneous notes from the FBI indicate he was not so ambiguous about it. It was a definitive no just as it was a definitive no when (supposedly) Pence asked him. Later on, when Flynn knew that the phone call was going to make it into the public sphere, did he start hedging. It's a clear CYA.

These are the basic facts. It would be helpful if you weren't so selective about what you consider important.
Why don't you try getting him on the Logan Act? If the FBI could have proved Flynn had been lying to them
about Kisylak, they would have.
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I think Barack Obama's behavior has gone against our fundamental belief that we have just one president
at a time. He has been running an alternative parallel government for much of Trump's first term in office.
Where is your outrage over that?
I don't tend to have outrage over things that only exist in your imagination.
Wrong. Right at the end of October he sent a letter to Congress saying he was reopening the investigation.

When her work emails showed up on Weiner's porn laptop, what was he supposed to do?
Lol. Lame excuse making.

If he was supposed to disclose that, where was the letter about the investigation into tRump and his Russian connections.

Lol. Lame excuse making.

Yeah, Secretary of State documents on a kiddie porn laptop. Lame indeed.

If he was supposed to disclose that......

Only because he promised Congress he would.
And you don't think they needed to know about tRump's Russian connection?

What Russian connection?
Did you sleep though the last 4 years or what?

Wake me up when you come up with your list.
Don't know if it impeded an investigation. But that's not a requirement of 18 USC 1001

Don't know if it impeded an investigation.

It didn't. Especially because it was being dropped.

But that's not a requirement of 18 USC 1001

View attachment 336055

Material(ly) is the key word.

It's easy to say that lying about the conversation to Russian officials is material to the investigation into whether Flynn has involvement with Russian officials not known to the security apparatus of the United States. Again, these are extremely high level officials. They have access to the top secrets. If they're not being truthful, that's grounds for concern regarding their security clearances.

I think you're thinking of obstruction, which i think requires an investigation to be impeded. That's just not the situation with false statements.

It's easy to say that lying about the conversation to Russian officials is material to the investigation into whether Flynn has involvement with Russian officials

They were investigating his "involvement with Russian officials"?
Is that illegal? Why were they dropping the investigation on January 4th, a week after the call?

Flynn has involvement with Russian officials not known to the security apparatus of the United States.

Which ones? How do you know, if the "security apparatus of the United States" doesn't?

I think you're thinking of obstruction, which i think requires an investigation to be impeded.

Nope. I'm thinking no damage to an investigation based on his lie about the call, no help to an investigation if he was 100% truthful about the call. Because it was not material.
Well Mr Expert on everything. Those that know said he did he lie & he admitted he lied.

So you are claiming it is OK to lie under oath?

So when will you be protesting the reversal of the Clinton impeachment.
Wrong. Right at the end of October he sent a letter to Congress saying he was reopening the investigation.

When her work emails showed up on Weiner's porn laptop, what was he supposed to do?
Lol. Lame excuse making.

If he was supposed to disclose that, where was the letter about the investigation into tRump and his Russian connections.

Lol. Lame excuse making.

Yeah, Secretary of State documents on a kiddie porn laptop. Lame indeed.

If he was supposed to disclose that......

Only because he promised Congress he would.
And you don't think they needed to know about tRump's Russian connection?

What Russian connection?
Did you sleep though the last 4 years or what?

Wake me up when you come up with your list.

You know it's a concern when someone entrusted with such sensitive information isn't being honest with his superiors.

But enough about Comey.

Go on. What are you referring to with respect to Comey?

It's a concern when someone entrusted with such sensitive information isn't being honest with his superiors.
How was Comey not honest with his superiors?

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