Perhaps the election is about to come to a head


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
It's one thing to know of indiscretions, it's another to prove the dirty bastards did. One thing you can count on for sure, without mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting Trump wins handily. If the PROGS have their way all voting will be electronic off smart phones under PROG medias, wouldn't that be rich. First they shove misinformation up your ass then click to anyone only motivated enough to hold a dumb phone.

It's one thing to know of indiscretions, it's another to prove the dirty bastards did. One thing you can count on for sure, without mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting Trump wins handily. If the PROGS have their way all voting will be electronic off smart phones under PROG medias, wouldn't that be rich. First they shove misinformation up your ass then click to anyone only motivated enough to hold a dumb phone.

Regardless of who takes power though, every lefty knows good and well that there is no way that Beijing Biden could ever have "won" an election. They are living a wet dream, where they're finally getting a chance to taste the victory that they could never actually win. The best hope they have is that they do not wake up from this wet dream, and that this scam does not fall apart like every other lefty scam does. They are still in a bit of disbelief that this scam has lasted this long, but they know that it will eventually fall apart like lefty scams always do.
Nah, it's the last chance for another Hail Mary play.

These guys had much better odds than old Trumpybear.

It's one thing to know of indiscretions, it's another to prove the dirty bastards did. One thing you can count on for sure, without mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting Trump wins handily. If the PROGS have their way all voting will be electronic off smart phones under PROG medias, wouldn't that be rich. First they shove misinformation up your ass then click to anyone only motivated enough to hold a dumb phone.

Mail in ballots are legal. Donald voted mail-in
So who f-ing cares about what the vote would have been wothout mail-ins?

treasonous trumpkins
It's one thing to know of indiscretions, it's another to prove the dirty bastards did. One thing you can count on for sure, without mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting Trump wins handily. If the PROGS have their way all voting will be electronic off smart phones under PROG medias, wouldn't that be rich. First they shove misinformation up your ass then click to anyone only motivated enough to hold a dumb phone.

Mail in ballots are legal. Donald voted mail-in
So who f-ing cares about what the vote would have been wothout mail-ins?

treasonous trumpkins
better than supporting a pedophile, which most parents warned us about, and a home wrecking whore
It's one thing to know of indiscretions, it's another to prove the dirty bastards did. One thing you can count on for sure, without mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting Trump wins handily. If the PROGS have their way all voting will be electronic off smart phones under PROG medias, wouldn't that be rich. First they shove misinformation up your ass then click to anyone only motivated enough to hold a dumb phone.

Republicans can object all they want during the electoral college count, but unless they can get a majority of the House of Representatives to vote to sustain those objections they will be dismissed.

This is nothing but show boating - GOP congress people get to publically declare their irrational support and adoration for their dear leader.

Once Trump is in prison - where he belongs - they're all gonna run from him like rats from a sinking ship. They'll regret these useless exercise in orange god worship!

Pence is trying to thread the needle here. He's trying to stay on the Trumpsters' good side while still retaining some dignity and credibility with everyone else.

I don't know how the hell he can pull that off.
Pence may still have to give him a pardon on the 19th.
It's one thing to know of indiscretions, it's another to prove the dirty bastards did. One thing you can count on for sure, without mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting Trump wins handily. If the PROGS have their way all voting will be electronic off smart phones under PROG medias, wouldn't that be rich. First they shove misinformation up your ass then click to anyone only motivated enough to hold a dumb phone.

I guess so when you deprive hundreds of thousands and maybe even millions of Americans of their right to vote.
It's one thing to know of indiscretions, it's another to prove the dirty bastards did. One thing you can count on for sure, without mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting Trump wins handily. If the PROGS have their way all voting will be electronic off smart phones under PROG medias, wouldn't that be rich. First they shove misinformation up your ass then click to anyone only motivated enough to hold a dumb phone.

Regardless of who takes power though, every lefty knows good and well that there is no way that Beijing Biden could ever have "won" an election. They are living a wet dream, where they're finally getting a chance to taste the victory that they could never actually win. The best hope they have is that they do not wake up from this wet dream, and that this scam does not fall apart like every other lefty scam does. They are still in a bit of disbelief that this scam has lasted this long, but they know that it will eventually fall apart like lefty scams always do.

The only scam is the one Trump and his supporters are trying to pull. You Nazis will not win.
It's one thing to know of indiscretions, it's another to prove the dirty bastards did. One thing you can count on for sure, without mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting Trump wins handily. If the PROGS have their way all voting will be electronic off smart phones under PROG medias, wouldn't that be rich. First they shove misinformation up your ass then click to anyone only motivated enough to hold a dumb phone.

Republicans can object all they want during the electoral college count, but unless they can get a majority of the House of Representatives to vote to sustain those objections they will be dismissed.

This is nothing but show boating - GOP congress people get to publically declare their irrational support and adoration for their dear leader.

Once Trump is in prison - where he belongs - they're all gonna run from him like rats from a sinking ship. They'll regret these useless exercise in orange god worship!

Don't hold your breath. Doubt he will be in the country. But, at least we will see who the trumpers are that support treachery to the bitter end, so none of them will ever be president.
but unless they can get a majority of the House of Representatives to vote to sustain those objections they will be dismissed.
Dismissed but not forgotten

this issue will be with us for as long as foreign vote tabulation machines and mail in ballots exist

No one will care what idiots like yourself take from this attempt to overthrow democracy.

History will remember you as fools.

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