PERPETUAL WAR WATCH: Interventionistas Outraged Over Trump's Syria Withdrawal...

Good on Trump. We don't belong in Syria. While it's not quite a full withdrawal, it's a start. Time to get back to a humble Non-Interventionist foreign policy.

Regime change advocates, Neocon beltway hawks, and all the usual armchair warrior zero-skin-in-the-game think tank interventionistas are in continued meltdown mode after Trump confirmed plans to withdraw American forces - some 2000+ troops and personnel - from Syria. On Friday the president told senior White House aides that US forces will be exiting Syria after public comments made earlier.

In statements carried by Reuters, Trump said, “Let the other people take care of it now. Very soon, very soon, we’re coming out. We’re going to get back to our country, where we belong, where we want to be.” As we noted last week, the timing of Trump's dramatic Syria turn corresponded with news of an American soldier killed in Manbij in northern Syria (killed likely by an IED alongside a British coalition soldier overnight last Thursday).

Perhaps to be expected, the weekend editorials and cable news pundit shows reacted in disbelief and horror - with charges of "chaos" at the Trump White House over Syria policy, and claims that "ISIS will come back" if America leaves. Nevermind the fact that Trump himself while on the campaign trail in 2016 stated in public speeches and in a tweet (and linking to a declassified intelligence memo) that US support to jihadists in Syria under President Obama is precisely what fueled the rise of ISIS in the first place...

Interventionistas Outraged Over Trump's Syria Withdrawal: 'We Took The Oil. We’ve Got To Keep The Oil'

Yesterday, a news story on how the military is preparing to send more troops to Syria.

And you Dumbasses post this?

US military discussing more troops in Syria as Trump calls for withdrawal - CNNPolitics

The article mentions that the Pentagon made their decision before Trump announced Thursday to pull out of Syria. So at this point it seems like a wait and see.

I am all for pulling out of the Middle East altogether.
Good on Trump. We don't belong in Syria. While it's not quite a full withdrawal, it's a start. Time to get back to a humble Non-Interventionist foreign policy.

Regime change advocates, Neocon beltway hawks, and all the usual armchair warrior zero-skin-in-the-game think tank interventionistas are in continued meltdown mode after Trump confirmed plans to withdraw American forces - some 2000+ troops and personnel - from Syria. On Friday the president told senior White House aides that US forces will be exiting Syria after public comments made earlier.

In statements carried by Reuters, Trump said, “Let the other people take care of it now. Very soon, very soon, we’re coming out. We’re going to get back to our country, where we belong, where we want to be.” As we noted last week, the timing of Trump's dramatic Syria turn corresponded with news of an American soldier killed in Manbij in northern Syria (killed likely by an IED alongside a British coalition soldier overnight last Thursday).

Perhaps to be expected, the weekend editorials and cable news pundit shows reacted in disbelief and horror - with charges of "chaos" at the Trump White House over Syria policy, and claims that "ISIS will come back" if America leaves. Nevermind the fact that Trump himself while on the campaign trail in 2016 stated in public speeches and in a tweet (and linking to a declassified intelligence memo) that US support to jihadists in Syria under President Obama is precisely what fueled the rise of ISIS in the first place...

Interventionistas Outraged Over Trump's Syria Withdrawal: 'We Took The Oil. We’ve Got To Keep The Oil'

"Trump has made clear that “once ISIS and its remnants are destroyed that the United States would be looking toward having countries in the region playing a larger role in ensuring security and leaving it at that,” one official said"
Reuters' link

I think the great General Von Trumpinstein should lead the forces into battle for the final victory. He is so much smarter than all the general combined you know!

But in reality, he's just riding Obama's long coattail, again.
Good on Trump. We don't belong in Syria. While it's not quite a full withdrawal, it's a start. Time to get back to a humble Non-Interventionist foreign policy.

Regime change advocates, Neocon beltway hawks, and all the usual armchair warrior zero-skin-in-the-game think tank interventionistas are in continued meltdown mode after Trump confirmed plans to withdraw American forces - some 2000+ troops and personnel - from Syria. On Friday the president told senior White House aides that US forces will be exiting Syria after public comments made earlier.

In statements carried by Reuters, Trump said, “Let the other people take care of it now. Very soon, very soon, we’re coming out. We’re going to get back to our country, where we belong, where we want to be.” As we noted last week, the timing of Trump's dramatic Syria turn corresponded with news of an American soldier killed in Manbij in northern Syria (killed likely by an IED alongside a British coalition soldier overnight last Thursday).

Perhaps to be expected, the weekend editorials and cable news pundit shows reacted in disbelief and horror - with charges of "chaos" at the Trump White House over Syria policy, and claims that "ISIS will come back" if America leaves. Nevermind the fact that Trump himself while on the campaign trail in 2016 stated in public speeches and in a tweet (and linking to a declassified intelligence memo) that US support to jihadists in Syria under President Obama is precisely what fueled the rise of ISIS in the first place...

Interventionistas Outraged Over Trump's Syria Withdrawal: 'We Took The Oil. We’ve Got To Keep The Oil'

Yesterday, a news story on how the military is preparing to send more troops to Syria.

And you Dumbasses post this?

US military discussing more troops in Syria as Trump calls for withdrawal - CNNPolitics

You claimed the OP was false, yet you just provided a link that confirms Trump's withdrawal plan. Would you like to retract your insult?
There was no plan other than shit flowing from that orange pit he calls a mouth. Why would the military be planning on adding troops if El Dumpster was planning a pull out?
Democrat Fake News got in on the act too. So much for the 'Anti-War' Left...

CNN, for example, painted a picture of mass revolt among the ranks of military officers and career State Department officials, asserting that, "Any decision by Trump to pull out of Syria would also go against the current military assessment, a fact that left some national security officials concerned about the impact of a withdrawal, another senior administration official told CNN."
It’s true though. The State Department has been butchered and the military never wants to pull out. Look how much support Dubya had in the military even though he kept sending them to die for absolutely nothing.

You really do need to make up your fricken mind, either pulling troops is a gift to Putin or sending troops to die for absolutely nothing...can't have both.

Communists/Democrats are staunch Interventionists. They side with the Neocons on that.

If the vote to give GWB the power to invade and occupy Iraq is a measure, less than half the Democrats are interventionist.
Good on Trump. We don't belong in Syria. While it's not quite a full withdrawal, it's a start. Time to get back to a humble Non-Interventionist foreign policy.

Regime change advocates, Neocon beltway hawks, and all the usual armchair warrior zero-skin-in-the-game think tank interventionistas are in continued meltdown mode after Trump confirmed plans to withdraw American forces - some 2000+ troops and personnel - from Syria. On Friday the president told senior White House aides that US forces will be exiting Syria after public comments made earlier.

In statements carried by Reuters, Trump said, “Let the other people take care of it now. Very soon, very soon, we’re coming out. We’re going to get back to our country, where we belong, where we want to be.” As we noted last week, the timing of Trump's dramatic Syria turn corresponded with news of an American soldier killed in Manbij in northern Syria (killed likely by an IED alongside a British coalition soldier overnight last Thursday).

Perhaps to be expected, the weekend editorials and cable news pundit shows reacted in disbelief and horror - with charges of "chaos" at the Trump White House over Syria policy, and claims that "ISIS will come back" if America leaves. Nevermind the fact that Trump himself while on the campaign trail in 2016 stated in public speeches and in a tweet (and linking to a declassified intelligence memo) that US support to jihadists in Syria under President Obama is precisely what fueled the rise of ISIS in the first place...

Interventionistas Outraged Over Trump's Syria Withdrawal: 'We Took The Oil. We’ve Got To Keep The Oil'

Yesterday, a news story on how the military is preparing to send more troops to Syria.

And you Dumbasses post this?

US military discussing more troops in Syria as Trump calls for withdrawal - CNNPolitics

The article mentions that the Pentagon made their decision before Trump announced Thursday to pull out of Syria. So at this point it seems like a wait and see.

I am all for pulling out of the Middle East altogether.

True. I'll believe it when i see it. But it's a positive development. We don't belong in Syria. And the only way ISIS can return, is if the US and its Middle East allies decide to fund & arm it again. It's been proven that ISIS was funded,armed, and trained mainly by Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and US/British Intelligence agencies.
Does it matter to anyone on the Left that Syria is the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Obama's 2nd Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized war, one we should never have gotten into in the 1st place?
Good on Trump. We don't belong in Syria. While it's not quite a full withdrawal, it's a start. Time to get back to a humble Non-Interventionist foreign policy.

Regime change advocates, Neocon beltway hawks, and all the usual armchair warrior zero-skin-in-the-game think tank interventionistas are in continued meltdown mode after Trump confirmed plans to withdraw American forces - some 2000+ troops and personnel - from Syria. On Friday the president told senior White House aides that US forces will be exiting Syria after public comments made earlier.

In statements carried by Reuters, Trump said, “Let the other people take care of it now. Very soon, very soon, we’re coming out. We’re going to get back to our country, where we belong, where we want to be.” As we noted last week, the timing of Trump's dramatic Syria turn corresponded with news of an American soldier killed in Manbij in northern Syria (killed likely by an IED alongside a British coalition soldier overnight last Thursday).

Perhaps to be expected, the weekend editorials and cable news pundit shows reacted in disbelief and horror - with charges of "chaos" at the Trump White House over Syria policy, and claims that "ISIS will come back" if America leaves. Nevermind the fact that Trump himself while on the campaign trail in 2016 stated in public speeches and in a tweet (and linking to a declassified intelligence memo) that US support to jihadists in Syria under President Obama is precisely what fueled the rise of ISIS in the first place...

Interventionistas Outraged Over Trump's Syria Withdrawal: 'We Took The Oil. We’ve Got To Keep The Oil'

"Trump has made clear that “once ISIS and its remnants are destroyed that the United States would be looking toward having countries in the region playing a larger role in ensuring security and leaving it at that,” one official said"
Reuters' link

I think the great General Von Trumpinstein should lead the forces into battle for the final victory. He is so much smarter than all the general combined you know!

But in reality, he's just riding Obama's long coattail, again.

Regardless, we don't belong in Syria. ISIS is a Saudi and US/British Intelligence creation. Just like Al Qaeda and the Taliban are. The only way it can return to prominence, is if the US and its allies decide to fund & arm it again. Let's get out of there.
Good on Trump. We don't belong in Syria. While it's not quite a full withdrawal, it's a start. Time to get back to a humble Non-Interventionist foreign policy.

Regime change advocates, Neocon beltway hawks, and all the usual armchair warrior zero-skin-in-the-game think tank interventionistas are in continued meltdown mode after Trump confirmed plans to withdraw American forces - some 2000+ troops and personnel - from Syria. On Friday the president told senior White House aides that US forces will be exiting Syria after public comments made earlier.

In statements carried by Reuters, Trump said, “Let the other people take care of it now. Very soon, very soon, we’re coming out. We’re going to get back to our country, where we belong, where we want to be.” As we noted last week, the timing of Trump's dramatic Syria turn corresponded with news of an American soldier killed in Manbij in northern Syria (killed likely by an IED alongside a British coalition soldier overnight last Thursday).

Perhaps to be expected, the weekend editorials and cable news pundit shows reacted in disbelief and horror - with charges of "chaos" at the Trump White House over Syria policy, and claims that "ISIS will come back" if America leaves. Nevermind the fact that Trump himself while on the campaign trail in 2016 stated in public speeches and in a tweet (and linking to a declassified intelligence memo) that US support to jihadists in Syria under President Obama is precisely what fueled the rise of ISIS in the first place...

Interventionistas Outraged Over Trump's Syria Withdrawal: 'We Took The Oil. We’ve Got To Keep The Oil'

Yesterday, a news story on how the military is preparing to send more troops to Syria.

And you Dumbasses post this?

US military discussing more troops in Syria as Trump calls for withdrawal - CNNPolitics

You claimed the OP was false, yet you just provided a link that confirms Trump's withdrawal plan. Would you like to retract your insult?
There was no plan other than shit flowing from that orange pit he calls a mouth. Why would the military be planning on adding troops if El Dumpster was planning a pull out?

The Military will do what its Commander in Chief orders it to do. Period, end of story.
Democrat Fake News got in on the act too. So much for the 'Anti-War' Left...

CNN, for example, painted a picture of mass revolt among the ranks of military officers and career State Department officials, asserting that, "Any decision by Trump to pull out of Syria would also go against the current military assessment, a fact that left some national security officials concerned about the impact of a withdrawal, another senior administration official told CNN."
It’s true though. The State Department has been butchered and the military never wants to pull out. Look how much support Dubya had in the military even though he kept sending them to die for absolutely nothing.

You really do need to make up your fricken mind, either pulling troops is a gift to Putin or sending troops to die for absolutely nothing...can't have both.

Communists/Democrats are staunch Interventionists. They side with the Neocons on that.

If the vote to give GWB the power to invade and occupy Iraq is a measure, less than half the Democrats are interventionist.

Communists/Democrats pushed for war with Syria just as hard as the Neocons did. They're Interventionists too.

Check this out...

Make America great again.

Syria was never great, nothing to be made great there. None of our business.

Yeah, i'm pleasantly surprised by Trump's decision. It's time to disengage from the Middle East. We've done enough damage over there.
Trump is only withdrawing from Syria as a gift to Putin (and unfortunately Iran and Hezbollah). If you think he’s going to pull out of the middle east, then you probably think Mexico’s going to build us a wall too. Look who he just made Secretary of State. Neo-conservatism is back in fashion.

And Obama pulled out of Iraq so he could establish ISIS

Make America great again.

Syria was never great, nothing to be made great there. None of our business.

Yeah, i'm pleasantly surprised by Trump's decision. It's time to disengage from the Middle East. We've done enough damage over there.

Not going to happen. Israel is on the precipice of all out War, we will be drawn in.

Sadly, you could be right. Looks like we've hitched our wagon to Permanent War over there. More than ever, we need to start listening to Thomas Jefferson...

"Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations -- entangling alliances with none."
Make America great again.

Syria was never great, nothing to be made great there. None of our business.

Yeah, i'm pleasantly surprised by Trump's decision. It's time to disengage from the Middle East. We've done enough damage over there.
Trump is only withdrawing from Syria as a gift to Putin (and unfortunately Iran and Hezbollah). If you think he’s going to pull out of the middle east, then you probably think Mexico’s going to build us a wall too. Look who he just made Secretary of State. Neo-conservatism is back in fashion.

And Obama pulled out of Iraq so he could establish ISIS


President Bush and his Iraqi PM signed the US capitulation papers late in 2008, as the US occupation mandate was coming to an end. It was Bush who agree to the complete withdrawal of US troops by 2012.

You want to blame a US president for the creation of ISIS? President Bush is your man.

I don't. I blame those filthy Islamic Terrorists myself. Thank God President Obama had the foresight to not re-invade but to US force tactically, to systematically deny ISIS the land they stole.
Make America great again.

Syria was never great, nothing to be made great there. None of our business.

Yeah, i'm pleasantly surprised by Trump's decision. It's time to disengage from the Middle East. We've done enough damage over there.
Trump is only withdrawing from Syria as a gift to Putin (and unfortunately Iran and Hezbollah). If you think he’s going to pull out of the middle east, then you probably think Mexico’s going to build us a wall too. Look who he just made Secretary of State. Neo-conservatism is back in fashion.

And Obama pulled out of Iraq so he could establish ISIS


President Bush and his Iraqi PM signed the US capitulation papers late in 2008, as the US occupation mandate was coming to an end. It was Bush who agree to the complete withdrawal of US troops by 2012.

You want to blame a US president for the creation of ISIS? President Bush is your man.

I don't. I blame those filthy Islamic Terrorists myself. Thank God President Obama had the foresight to not re-invade but to US force tactically, to systematically deny ISIS the land they stole.

I agree somewhat. I fully supported Obama living up to the Bush agreement, and getting us out of Iraq. But he didn't really do that. The US isn't leaving Iraq for the foreseeable future. Once the US invades, it's usually there to stay. Lots of plundering still to do in Iraq. There may have been some withdrawal, but troops were still in Iraq.

And Obama also helped fund, arm, and train ISIS fighters. It was all part of the 'Regime Change' policy in regards to Syria. ISIS got its support from somewhere. And that somewhere was mainly the US, UK, and Saudi Arabia. They were Mercenaries used to topple Assad. But either way, it is time to get out of Syria. We never belonged there. 'Regime Change' is an unjust policy. I hope Trump gets us out. But i guess we'll see.
And Obama also helped fund, arm, and train ISIS fighters.

Yeah, bullshit. Might as well say Congress and the entire US government did that, because the only kernel of truth in that is some of the small arms we supplied to the Anti-Assad forces went to ISIS affiliated groups. But it certainly wasn't intentional by Congress or the President.

I am not a fan of regime change as foreign policy.
I see no issues with President Trump withdrawing from Syria when ISIS is fully cleaned up. We have the YPG there and Turkey who is a NATO ally. Also, it is good to let Russia exhaust themselves economically and be embroiled in their own Vietnam trying to prop up Assad.
And Obama also helped fund, arm, and train ISIS fighters.

Yeah, bullshit. Might as well say Congress and the entire US government did that, because the only kernel of truth in that is some of the small arms we supplied to the Anti-Assad forces went to ISIS affiliated groups. But it certainly wasn't intentional by Congress or the President.

I am not a fan of regime change as foreign policy.

No, it's actually been proven the US, UK, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia were the main suppliers of funds, arms, and training of ISIS fighters in Syria. They were willing to support any evil to accomplish 'Regime Change.' It's an awful foreign policy. We need to dramatically scale things back in the Middle East. Time to come home.

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