Perry's "Little Beltway" Of Federal Employees Called Texas!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Let Freedom Ring in the cash registers of the shops in the stores of Texas. Betweem 2000 and 2008, California shed 100,000 federal employment jobs. Texas only shed about 30,000 federal jobs. Texas is now a land of federal employee just like Washington, D. C., Virginia, and California.

Two public sector jobs cost what it costs to create three private sector jobs. Famously, in Texas: Everyone else gets Minimum wage, if they are not in the public sector. Caalifornia experienced high amounts of federal job losses, and the economy tanked right there along with that.

No more federal spending, of the Perry, Bachmann, McConnell, Boehner, Cantor, Pawlenty, Huntsman, Cain, and Paul, Paul, et. al.: Has had its impact certain. Texas was not involved, nor Virigina, land of Santa Claus.

The Republican anti-spending craze mainly made the federal government less credit-worthy since they were trying to refuse to pay the bills already incurred!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations now thrive on more than turquoise, in America(?), even! Many federally-funded now arrive at Lands of Many Nations!)
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Let Freedom Ring in the cash registers of the shops in the stores of Texas. Betweem 2000 and 2008, California shed 100,000 federal employment jobs. Texas only shed about 30,000 federal jobs. Texas is now a land of federal employee just like Washington, D. C., Virginia, and California.

Two public sector jobs cost what it costs to create three private sector jobs. Famously, in Texas: Everyone else gets Minimum wage, if they are not in the public sector. California experienced high amounts of federal job losses, and the economy tanked right there along with that.

No more federal spending, of the Perry, Bachmann, McConnell, Boehner, Cantor, Pawlenty, Huntsman, Cain, and Paul, Paul, et. al.: Has had its impact certain. Texas was not involved, nor Virigina, land of Santa Claus.

The Republican anti-spending craze mainly made the federal government less credit-worthy since they were trying to refuse to pay the bills already incurred!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations now thrive on more than turquoise, in America(?), even! Many federally-funded now arrive at Lands of Many Nations!)

California still had 157,000 federal jobs to Texas' 130,000. I suggest that 3 taxpayers supporting 2 gubmint workers at the minimum wage really sux.

I might add that your chart is from 2008, and the Democrats controlled the Congress and the Presidency then, which means you have ZERO credibility trying to blame those mean ol' Republicans.

Are you always this delusional?

I would like to see that chart where everyone in Texas makes the minimum wage except for gubmint workers.

Rick Perry scares the dog squeeze out of you, huh!
California still had 157,000 federal jobs to Texas' 130,000. I suggest that 3 taxpayers supporting 2 gubmint workers at the minimum wage really sux.

Um, you do know there is a difference in population between the two states, right?
The legacy of the California State Budget was created under Bush-Swarzenegger, and the loss of 100,000 federal payrolls was clearly helpful in creating the revenue loss. Like Bachmann, McConnell, Boehner, Cain, Huntsman, Paul, Paul, et. al. all advocate, even now: Fewer paying customers in the stores became the outcome. All GOP is against paying customers in stores, from whatever source derived.

Pelosi-Reid, in fact, do not do Adminstration hiring. Appropriations they do, then the Executive Branch directs the hiriing and end of positions.

Swarzengegger was either a victim of his own party--Standard and Poor's has commented unfavorably on the tiny minority in a Sovereign AAA that even advocates blocking spending increases, wherein that doesn't happen in AAA states. He was easily out of touch with it. The ice cream still gets put in the mouth, not on the forehead.

The big cuts did not happen in Texas, which further benefits from the abunance of the fossil fuel industry: And a low minimum wage and daily lowering of the standard of living intended by the governor, Perry!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!:
(Yellow Rose of Texas not believe in paying doctors!--or having any of them around!)
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California still had 157,000 federal jobs to Texas' 130,000. I suggest that 3 taxpayers supporting 2 gubmint workers at the minimum wage really sux.

Um, you do know there is a difference in population between the two states, right?

Aren't you asking the wrong poster this question?

California had about 37 million people in 2008 while Texas had about 25 million. The ratio between population and federal workers is very close.
Let Freedom Ring in the cash registers of the shops in the stores of Texas. Betweem 2000 and 2008, California shed 100,000 federal employment jobs. Texas only shed about 30,000 federal jobs. Texas is now a land of federal employee just like Washington, D. C., Virginia, and California.

In addition to being un-Constitutional, secession would also be a job-killer. Big time.
The legacy of the California State Budget was created under Bush-Swarzenegger, and the loss of 100,000 federal payrolls was clearly helpful in creating the revenue loss. Like Bachmann, McConnell, Boehner, Cain, Huntsman, Paul, Paul, et. al. all advocate, even now: Fewer paying customers in the stores became the outcome. All GOP is against paying customers in stores, from whatever source derived.

Pelosi-Reid, in fact, do not do Adminstration hiring. Appropriations they do, then the Executive Branch directs the hiriing and end of positions.

Swarzengegger was either a victim of his own party--Standard and Poor's has commented unfavorably on the tiny minority in a Sovereign AAA that even advocates blocking spending increases, wherein that doesn't happen in AAA states. He was easily out of touch with it. The ice cream still gets put in the mouth, not on the forehead.

The big cuts did not happen in Texas, which further benefits from the abunance of the fossil fuel industry: And a low minimum wage and daily lowering of the standard of living intended by the governor, Perry!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!:
(Yellow Rose of Texas not believe in paying doctors!--or having any of them around!)

Since 1970 the California state Senate has been controlled by Democrats and with the exception of 1995 and 1996, so has the state Assembly.

Oil field workers are among the highest paid employees in the country, but you think they get minimum wage.

Check the population to federal worker ratio and get back to me.
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Let Freedom Ring in the cash registers of the shops in the stores of Texas. Betweem 2000 and 2008, California shed 100,000 federal employment jobs. Texas only shed about 30,000 federal jobs. Texas is now a land of federal employee just like Washington, D. C., Virginia, and California.

In addition to being un-Constitutional, secession would also be a job-killer. Big time.

That is a good D talking point, but what are you going to do when Texas secedes and raises the price of oil and gasoline?

And, I would like to see where secession was threatened.
Too Tall Poster has shown the Disparities For America agenda that Bush-Perry Texas is all about. With Bush it was to go against the Old Testament and New Testament admonitions against usury from the poor. ARM's were supported, (and by Christ-Bachmann--who supports the law and kept the money!)

By 2010, Bureau of Labor Statistics knows about this:

". . . . Texas, at 9.5 percent, tied with Mississippi for the highest proportion of hourly-paid workers earning at or below the prevailing Federal minimum wage among the 50 states and the District of Columbia in 2010. Alabama and West Virginia followed, each at 9.3 percent. Washington, Oregon, Alaska, and California had the lowest percentage of workers earning at or below the Federal minimum wage (2 percent or less). Texas accounted for 12.6 percent of all U.S. workers paid at or below the Federal minimum wage in 2010. . . ."

Then when it comes to the important role of doctor pay: Then, "No Insurance Paying Doctors" is the Bush-Perry statewide mantra!

When it comes to military employment, then Texas is Number One, punto!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Yellow-Rose-Of-Texas make all white-eyes: Patients of Vetrinary Doctors--Mainly to die like dogs in vomit!)
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