Person Of Interest In Bombing To Be Deported


Silver Member
Mar 27, 2013
This news makes no sense......

Obama Covering Up Saudi Link to Boston Bombing?

“Person of interest” to be deported after Obama had unscheduled meeting with Saudi Foreign Minister

Paul Joseph Watson
April 18, 2013

The Saudi “person of interest” suspected of being involved in the Boston Marathon bombings is being deported from the United States next week on “national security grounds,” according to a terrorism expert, who notes that the move is “very unusual,” especially given an unscheduled meeting yesterday between President Obama and Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal.

The attempt to cover up a possible Saudi connection to the Boston attack could explain why authorities are scrambling to get their official narrative straight after photos emerged yesterday on the Internet showing numerous suspects carrying large backpacks, some of them middle eastern in appearance and two of the individuals having been almost certainly identified as employees of private military/security firm Craft International.

The FBI had set a press conference for 5pm EST yesterday afternoon but the event was cancelled hours after the photos were seen by millions of people online. The federal agency blamed the media for erroneous reporting, stating, “these stories often have unintended consequences.”

CNN also had to backtrack after they announced that a suspect had been arrested, a report that was subsequently denied by authorities. Reports of a “dark skinned man” being arrested were later mothballed.

According to terrorism expert Steve Emerson, 20-year-old Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, the Saudi national first suspected of being involved in Monday’s twin bomb attack, is being hastily deported. Alharbi was put under armed guard in hospital after the bombing, was visited by Saudi diplomat Azzam bin Abdel Karim, and later had his apartment raided by federal and state law enforcement agents.

“I just learned from my own sources that he is now going to be deported on national security grounds next Tuesday, which is very unusual,” Emerson told Fox News last night.

The news follows an unscheduled meeting between President Obama and Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal at the White House yesterday afternoon. “The meeting was not on Obama’s public schedule,” reports Reuters.

» Obama Covering Up Saudi Link to Boston Bombing? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
The first Saudi person of interest was a victim of the bombing. He has been cleared of causing the bombing. You can see in the compilation of photos below that he was just trying to get away from the blast zone & get medical attention.

Ya really wouldn't hurt if y'all would quit loading up the boards with crap from Alex Jones. His wild speculations, outright lies and disinformation isn't helping anybody.
The first Saudi person of interest was a victim of the bombing. He has been cleared of causing the bombing. You can see in the compilation of photos below that he was just trying to get away from the blast zone & get medical attention.


So much information is not addressed, such as why the President met with the Saudi Arabians at this time, Kiss. Since this information is in the news today, maybe we will get more information for the meeting....
what if hes an informant for us?

Jesus all the right can see is crazy town
Ya really wouldn't hurt if y'all would quit loading up the boards with crap from Alex Jones. His wild speculations, outright lies and disinformation isn't helping anybody.

Well since I'm new to the political board, Oldguy, maybe you can excuse my not knowing that information about Alex Jones. I saw this headline on a different website and was taken to the Alex Jones website. I'll try to do better next time. :)
Alex Jones isn't known for being rooted in reality.

Now I'm in the know, Katzndogz. Will use website's more accepted from now on. :) It's hard tho to get info from both the right and the left sides of the politicial spectrum. I don't really know of any that are without a bias for one side or the other. Is there one?
I don't like the sound of this. IF it's true the Saudi Foreign Minister had an unscheduled meeting with Obama and that they are immediately "deporting" this young Saudi, it reminds one A LOT of the Bush administration letting all the Saudis flee right after the 9/11 bombing.

These Saudis own us body and soul and just keep coming here and preying on us. I hate this.
Ya really wouldn't hurt if y'all would quit loading up the boards with crap from Alex Jones. His wild speculations, outright lies and disinformation isn't helping anybody.

Well since I'm new to the political board, Oldguy, maybe you can excuse my not knowing that information about Alex Jones. I saw this headline on a different website and was taken to the Alex Jones website. I'll try to do better next time. :)

Ok. Check out Jones' website and you'll see all kinds of weird claims. Over the years, I've heard him and his predecessor talk about aliens on the moon being readied to invade us, "remote viewing," black helicopters and on and on and on.

He's never been right about anything, but he has a fairly large audience of crazy people who just suck it up like a drug.

WAS the meeting unscheduled? If so, it wasn't about Syrians.

And DID the Saudi student actually get deported or did he leave the country AFTER the Obama/Saudi meeting in the Oval Office? If so, sure, I bet the Saudi Foreign Minister arranged that at the top.

Now there is a country I would support our occupying and colonizing. They're about the worst people in the world and they own us.
Ya really wouldn't hurt if y'all would quit loading up the boards with crap from Alex Jones. His wild speculations, outright lies and disinformation isn't helping anybody.

Well since I'm new to the political board, Oldguy, maybe you can excuse my not knowing that information about Alex Jones. I saw this headline on a different website and was taken to the Alex Jones website. I'll try to do better next time. :)

Ok. Check out Jones' website and you'll see all kinds of weird claims. Over the years, I've heard him and his predecessor talk about aliens on the moon being readied to invade us, "remote viewing," black helicopters and on and on and on.

He's never been right about anything, but he has a fairly large audience of crazy people who just suck it up like a drug.
The sad thing is, I'm sure by the end of the day there will be a half dozen threads about this. Because a man who thinks the mafia is stalking him, the illuminati are trying to enslave the planet, and the government is murdering high profile politicians using "microwave guns", is a reliable source.
We seem to be getting conflicting reports on this. Hopefully the feds are on track catching the ones who did this.

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