Person Of Interest In Bombing To Be Deported

Good question, Mudwhistle. I read the Saudi National, Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, who is to be deported, has ties to a well connected Saudi family. That to me, would be more of a reason for an unscheduled meeting with the Saudi foreign minister, than getting together to talk about Syria. Of course I have been known to be wrong once or twice. :)

It was reported that the Saudi National was aggressively questioned by JTTF & the FBI. They searched his car, home, associates & roommates. All this & he was an injured victim that was nearly killed. This guy has been terrified. You can bet his parents are pissed off & want to make sure he is being treated the best they can. You can bet they want him back home to heal up.

He was investigated and cleared. This isn't N. Korea or Cuba. He can leave any time. Why are they deporting him?

Don't you have to do something wrong to get deported?


Is there any other source besides Alex Jones that says that fellow is being deported? Because Alex Jones believes that George H.W. Bush is reptilian.
It was reported that he was considered a security risk and was being deported. Seems to me they consider a person like that is guilty of more than possession of a little grass.

WHO "reported" it? Because I think that is just more "made up" shit from the right wing. The internet is full of right wing disinformation campaigns these days.
It was reported that he was considered a security risk and was being deported. Seems to me they consider a person like that is guilty of more than possession of a little grass.

WHO "reported" it? Because I think that is just more "made up" shit from the right wing. The internet is full of right wing disinformation campaigns these days.

It was reported by Steve Emerson on Fox News Sean Hanity show. It was also reported by CBS. HLS Sec Janet Napolitano denied those reports when grilled about those reports by Congressman Jeff Duncan.
It was reported that he was considered a security risk and was being deported. Seems to me they consider a person like that is guilty of more than possession of a little grass.

WHO "reported" it? Because I think that is just more "made up" shit from the right wing. The internet is full of right wing disinformation campaigns these days.

It was reported by Steve Emerson on Fox News Sean Hanity show. It was also reported by CBS. HLS Sec Janet Napolitano denied those reports when grilled about those reports by Congressman Jeff Duncan.

No she didn't. She denied knowing anything about anybody being deported for security reasons related to the Boston bombing.

That's not the same thing.
ABC radio reported earlier today that the young man was going to be deported. They didn't say why.
Alex Jones isn't known for being rooted in reality.

Now I'm in the know, Katzndogz. Will use website's more accepted from now on. :) It's hard tho to get info from both the right and the left sides of the politicial spectrum. I don't really know of any that are without a bias for one side or the other. Is there one?

Dear Starlight: Thanks for your efforts which I wish everyone would do as you! Just hook up with 1-2 friends on each side who have good sensors for BS/red flags. Ask them first if you have questions before you post.

When I need to know what is coming from the real left vs. the politically-orchestrated left, I ask my friends with the Greens/Progressives and Public Radio (who aren't afraid to confront liberal politicians and call them out) and they'll tell you who's fake and exploiting the peace/minority vote.

The same with the real conservatives, find someone you trust to stay moderate and pro-constitution without going off on tangents or political rants, and they'll tell you what's the real scoop, and who is politically hijacked and posturing for points or the media. If you find the people willing to criticize THEIR OWN, those are the people with honest clear judgment.

Same with the Muslims, same with the Christians and the Feminists. The media paints everyone as a caricature in a catfight for ratings, whether prolife or prochoice, tea party or occupy. Talk to people DIRECTLY, and remove the layers of husks piled on because
of "what they think based on what other people/the media" are saying.

If people are too busy quoting other sources and masking their own, find someone else who
takes responsibility for their own views and they'll tell you what's skewed and biased
left or right. People who are forgiving and focused on correcting the problems, are less likely to be emotionally skewed for political convenience to only listen to one side.

If someone only rants one-sided, they are already cutting themselves off from presenting a balanced and inclusive perspective; so you will need to balance that with someone coming from the other side who may be doing the same thing; and put the information together.

Check all sources, don't leave any out, just be AWARE of the biases and take that into account. the right information where all sources agree will be consistent across the board.
Anything that is conflicting is valid from that group's perspective, but missing the big picture.
It would take piecing all the information together, from all angles, to see the whole thing. Nobody has all the answers, so just ask around and take the best ideas from each viewpoint.
It was reported that he was considered a security risk and was being deported. Seems to me they consider a person like that is guilty of more than possession of a little grass.

WHO "reported" it? Because I think that is just more "made up" shit from the right wing. The internet is full of right wing disinformation campaigns these days.

It was reported by Steve Emerson on Fox News Sean Hanity show. It was also reported by CBS. HLS Sec Janet Napolitano denied those reports when grilled about those reports by Congressman Jeff Duncan.

She also didn't know anything about hundreds of illegals being released because of sequester.

I think it's pretty clear she's not exactly honest......course neither is anyone else in the Administration.
Alex Jones isn't known for being rooted in reality.

Now I'm in the know, Katzndogz. Will use website's more accepted from now on. :) It's hard tho to get info from both the right and the left sides of the politicial spectrum. I don't really know of any that are without a bias for one side or the other. Is there one?

Dear Starlight: Thanks for your efforts which I wish everyone would do as you! Just hook up with 1-2 friends on each side who have good sensors for BS/red flags. Ask them first if you have questions before you post.

When I need to know what is coming from the real left vs. the politically-orchestrated left, I ask my friends with the Greens/Progressives and Public Radio (who aren't afraid to confront liberal politicians and call them out) and they'll tell you who's fake and exploiting the peace/minority vote.

The same with the real conservatives, find someone you trust to stay moderate and pro-constitution without going off on tangents or political rants, and they'll tell you what's the real scoop, and who is politically hijacked and posturing for points or the media. If you find the people willing to criticize THEIR OWN, those are the people with honest clear judgment.

Same with the Muslims, same with the Christians and the Feminists. The media paints everyone as a caricature in a catfight for ratings, whether prolife or prochoice, tea party or occupy. Talk to people DIRECTLY, and remove the layers of husks piled on because
of "what they think based on what other people/the media" are saying.

If people are too busy quoting other sources and masking their own, find someone else who
takes responsibility for their own views and they'll tell you what's skewed and biased
left or right. People who are forgiving and focused on correcting the problems, are less likely to be emotionally skewed for political convenience to only listen to one side.

If someone only rants one-sided, they are already cutting themselves off from presenting a balanced and inclusive perspective; so you will need to balance that with someone coming from the other side who may be doing the same thing; and put the information together.

Check all sources, don't leave any out, just be AWARE of the biases and take that into account. the right information where all sources agree will be consistent across the board.
Anything that is conflicting is valid from that group's perspective, but missing the big picture.
It would take piecing all the information together, from all angles, to see the whole thing. Nobody has all the answers, so just ask around and take the best ideas from each viewpoint.

Or, you could just think for yourself. I recommend that.

Well, in addition to trusting Oldfart, of course. [:)
Last edited:
Alex Jones isn't known for being rooted in reality.

Now I'm in the know, Katzndogz. Will use website's more accepted from now on. :) It's hard tho to get info from both the right and the left sides of the politicial spectrum. I don't really know of any that are without a bias for one side or the other. Is there one?

Dear Starlight: Thanks for your efforts which I wish everyone would do as you! Just hook up with 1-2 friends on each side who have good sensors for BS/red flags. Ask them first if you have questions before you post.

When I need to know what is coming from the real left vs. the politically-orchestrated left, I ask my friends with the Greens/Progressives and Public Radio (who aren't afraid to confront liberal politicians and call them out) and they'll tell you who's fake and exploiting the peace/minority vote.

The same with the real conservatives, find someone you trust to stay moderate and pro-constitution without going off on tangents or political rants, and they'll tell you what's the real scoop, and who is politically hijacked and posturing for points or the media. If you find the people willing to criticize THEIR OWN, those are the people with honest clear judgment.

Same with the Muslims, same with the Christians and the Feminists. The media paints everyone as a caricature in a catfight for ratings, whether prolife or prochoice, tea party or occupy. Talk to people DIRECTLY, and remove the layers of husks piled on because
of "what they think based on what other people/the media" are saying.

If people are too busy quoting other sources and masking their own, find someone else who
takes responsibility for their own views and they'll tell you what's skewed and biased
left or right. People who are forgiving and focused on correcting the problems, are less likely to be emotionally skewed for political convenience to only listen to one side.

If someone only rants one-sided, they are already cutting themselves off from presenting a balanced and inclusive perspective; so you will need to balance that with someone coming from the other side who may be doing the same thing; and put the information together.

Check all sources, don't leave any out, just be AWARE of the biases and take that into account. the right information where all sources agree will be consistent across the board.
Anything that is conflicting is valid from that group's perspective, but missing the big picture.
It would take piecing all the information together, from all angles, to see the whole thing. Nobody has all the answers, so just ask around and take the best ideas from each viewpoint.

Hi Emily...I very much appreciate your information. :) Not having been on the forums very long, I haven't had a chance to get to know member's political preferences, but the friends I've made, I trust their opinions. I do read many news websites from both sides of the political spectrum to get different viewpoints, and do have respect for other's opinions. :)
He probably being deported because America has become a vigilante mentality and the kid would be forever viewed suspiciously...and maybe even attacked or killed. Why? Because the focus was on him in the beginning, the media jumped all over it, and now the guy is no longer safe in Land Of The Free.

If he were my son, I would want him home mui pronto, too. advice, although you did not ask, is to be yourself. Speak your mind, give your opinion and don't worry about whether someone agrees with you or disagrees. We ALL do that at some time or another. Go with your gut and if you have to own your words later...then so be it. Own them. Then again, your owning them may be due to someone else's opinion that does not mesh with why buckle? BE YOURSELF. You will be fine. :)
He probably being deported because America has become a vigilante mentality and the kid would be forever viewed suspiciously...and maybe even attacked or killed. Why? Because the focus was on him in the beginning, the media jumped all over it, and now the guy is no longer safe in Land Of The Free.

If he were my son, I would want him home mui pronto, too.

Yes, to be fair, it is the business of ambassadors to get their nationals out of trouble in foreign lands. Okay, the Saudi kid was not implicated, and was in fact injured close to the bomb going off. He's young and he wants to go home and why shouldn't he.
Ya really wouldn't hurt if y'all would quit loading up the boards with crap from Alex Jones. His wild speculations, outright lies and disinformation isn't helping anybody.
I know! Alex even said that the Gulf of Tonkin incident never happened and the US Gov't lied us into that War. How crazy is that?

Oh wait, the US Gov't DID lie us into Vietnam.

Well... I'm sure he's wrong about OTHER stuff.
Congressman Jeff Duncan Questions Sec. Napolitano on Possible Deportation of Saudi National 4/18/2013

Jeff Duncan vs Napolitano Deportation of Saudi National

Saudi boston bombing to be deported
This just shows how stupid and unreliable Jeff Drunken's and Lyin' Sean HanNITWITty's and the FOX Rumor Mill's sources are.

The Saudi student injured in the bombing is not a suspect and is NOT being deported. I'll say it again, he is not being deported. So all the FOX speculation about a meeting with the Saudi prince and an Obama cover up are based on pure bullshit.
Damn the Right is gullible!!

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