Personal Observations Regarding Liberals

My personal observation is that most Republicans are trying hard to deflect from the train wreck that is the Republican primary. Liberals, as usual, are laughing at the clown show.

Given that the weirdass conspiracy lies about Bill backfired when the right tried them back in the 90s, I wonder what makes some of those righties believe that resurrecting those zombie lies is going to yield a different result today. If they've got to stoop that low, it shows the state of desperation that the right is in.

Tired worn out old Clintons. This is not 1990 anymore.

Trump is even older. It's the bronzer that fools you.

so is Bernie, whats your point? This is about the health of the candidate, and by all indications Hillary is not a healthy woman.

"Indications" from sensationalist RW sites are not a medical diagnosis.

I only mentioned Trump's age because the first two things the sensationalists here bring up about Hillary are "she's old" and "she's ugly."

No one's asking them to date her. Why don't they subject the male candidates to the same kind of scrutiny?

(P.S. I'm not a Hillary supporter.)

Some of us males have enough problems already concerning our looks:

I have made the following personal observations concerning Liberals over the past few days:

(1) Not nearly as many OP's from Liberals claiming Trump is finished and out of the race.

(2) Fewer responses to the few OP's concerning Hillary's run for the Presidency and her use of her office as Secretary of State to get donations to the Clinton Crime Foundation.

(3) A marked decrease in the number of Liberals who defend Bill Clinton's assaults upon women. I do credit this with the fact that many of the Liberals who defended Bill and even donated to Bill during his trying times dealing with his sexual predator sickness now have daughters of their own who are asking them how in the hell could they have ever defended such a six and depraved President.

(4) Not nearly as many Liberals are now claiming that Donald Trump doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of getting the Republican nomination.

(5) Some Liberals are now admitting grudgingly, that some Republican candidates might actually beat Hillary.

(6) Some Liberals are even admitting that Bernie Sanders makes more sense as a viable Democrat candidate.

(7) There's been no great hoopla over Bill Clinton's stumping for Hillary.

(8) There now appears to be a quiet fear among Liberals that a 2016 Presidency win for the Democrats is not nearly as certain a thing as they supposed.
What's really happening is that people are playing their own game, not the one you wish they would. This post reveals how worried YOU really are. All the Hillary/Bill bashing isn't getting much traction and that spells doom for whomever gets the Republican nomination.

Yes, you Liberals cannot defend the indefensible.
When there's so much to attack, defense becomes unnecessary. The downward spiral upon which Republican policies have set this country, pretty much ensure Democratic administrations for the foreseeable future.
Well, after all it is your money. Bill O'Reilly: Hillary Clinton and your money
Bill O'Reilly, another reason Republicans have trouble being taken seriously. :laugh2:

Once again though, you can't argue with the content.
Bill O'Reilly, another reason Republicans have trouble being taken seriously.
Once again though, you can't argue with the content.
That's because idiots drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. I prefer to make you deal with my charges, which you always ignore. Why is that? Seems you're just as big a student of Alinsky as anyone on the left.
Bill O'Reilly, another reason Republicans have trouble being taken seriously.
Once again though, you can't argue with the content.
That's because idiots drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. I prefer to make you deal with my charges, which you always ignore. Why is that? Seems you're just as big a student of Alinsky as anyone on the left.

If I ignore, how then do you claim you are making me deal with your charges? You are a special kind of stupid, aren't you?
Bill O'Reilly, another reason Republicans have trouble being taken seriously.
Once again though, you can't argue with the content.
That's because idiots drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. I prefer to make you deal with my charges, which you always ignore. Why is that? Seems you're just as big a student of Alinsky as anyone on the left.
If I ignore, how then do you claim you are making me deal with your charges? You are a special kind of stupid, aren't you?
Just pointing out your hypocrisy, shortbus. I refuse to play your little games, but you just can't help coming back for more. :laugh2:
I thought I's post this latest invention just for Liberals to help them get out and about. Don't thank me, I'm always ready to assist the mentally challenged in any way I can.

Yes, you Liberals cannot defend the indefensible.
When there's so much to attack, defense becomes unnecessary. The downward spiral upon which Republican policies have set this country, pretty much ensure Democratic administrations for the foreseeable future.

You mean like controlling Congress? Oh wait......maybe you should look up who has the most governors also
Bill O'Reilly, another reason Republicans have trouble being taken seriously.
Once again though, you can't argue with the content.
That's because idiots drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. I prefer to make you deal with my charges, which you always ignore. Why is that? Seems you're just as big a student of Alinsky as anyone on the left.
If I ignore, how then do you claim you are making me deal with your charges? You are a special kind of stupid, aren't you?
Just pointing out your hypocrisy, shortbus. I refuse to play your little games, but you just can't help coming back for more. :laugh2:

More what? Hot air and lame excuses?
I have made the following personal observations concerning Liberals over the past few days:

(1) Not nearly as many OP's from Liberals claiming Trump is finished and out of the race.

(2) Fewer responses to the few OP's concerning Hillary's run for the Presidency and her use of her office as Secretary of State to get donations to the Clinton Crime Foundation.

(3) A marked decrease in the number of Liberals who defend Bill Clinton's assaults upon women. I do credit this with the fact that many of the Liberals who defended Bill and even donated to Bill during his trying times dealing with his sexual predator sickness now have daughters of their own who are asking them how in the hell could they have ever defended such a six and depraved President.

(4) Not nearly as many Liberals are now claiming that Donald Trump doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of getting the Republican nomination.

(5) Some Liberals are now admitting grudgingly, that some Republican candidates might actually beat Hillary.

(6) Some Liberals are even admitting that Bernie Sanders makes more sense as a viable Democrat candidate.

(7) There's been no great hoopla over Bill Clinton's stumping for Hillary.

(8) There now appears to be a quiet fear among Liberals that a 2016 Presidency win for the Democrats is not nearly as certain a thing as they supposed.

When did you climb on the Trump bandwagon?

I'm actually for Cruz, Rand Paul, or Trump. I will support whichever one wins the nomination. I like Rand Paul on a whole lot of issues but I don't see him in the cards. Cruz is a maybe.

Do you love the way Ted speaks as though what he is saying is the most important thing ever said by anybody? I do. His every sentence sounds like the climax of a children's story. He's awesome and creepy.

Go Ted!!
I have made the following personal observations concerning Liberals over the past few days:

(1) Not nearly as many OP's from Liberals claiming Trump is finished and out of the race.

(2) Fewer responses to the few OP's concerning Hillary's run for the Presidency and her use of her office as Secretary of State to get donations to the Clinton Crime Foundation.

(3) A marked decrease in the number of Liberals who defend Bill Clinton's assaults upon women. I do credit this with the fact that many of the Liberals who defended Bill and even donated to Bill during his trying times dealing with his sexual predator sickness now have daughters of their own who are asking them how in the hell could they have ever defended such a six and depraved President.

(4) Not nearly as many Liberals are now claiming that Donald Trump doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of getting the Republican nomination.

(5) Some Liberals are now admitting grudgingly, that some Republican candidates might actually beat Hillary.

(6) Some Liberals are even admitting that Bernie Sanders makes more sense as a viable Democrat candidate.

(7) There's been no great hoopla over Bill Clinton's stumping for Hillary.

(8) There now appears to be a quiet fear among Liberals that a 2016 Presidency win for the Democrats is not nearly as certain a thing as they supposed.

When did you climb on the Trump bandwagon?

I'm actually for Cruz, Rand Paul, or Trump. I will support whichever one wins the nomination. I like Rand Paul on a whole lot of issues but I don't see him in the cards. Cruz is a maybe.

Do you love the way Ted speaks as though what he is saying is the most important thing ever said by anybody? I do. His every sentence sounds like the climax of a children's story. He's awesome and creepy.

Go Ted!!

Yes. I do appreciate that Ted is able to speak without a teleprompter.
So what explains Trump's bizarre behavior? I think everyone can agree how the man is obviously kind of addled.

Is it early onset senility, or is it the result of a lifetime of alcoholism? Not that it can't be both, of course.

And naturally, that makes Republicans like him more, in a kind of "He's one of us, a moron!" sort of way.
So what explains Trump's bizarre behavior? I think everyone can agree how the man is obviously kind of addled.

Is it early onset senility, or is it the result of a lifetime of alcoholism? Not that it can't be both, of course.

And naturally, that makes Republicans like him more, in a kind of "He's one of us, a moron!" sort of way.

Well, actually speaking of old drunks:


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