Personal Observations Regarding Liberals

That's pure wishful thinking.

Polls say the number of "Republicans who won't vote for Trump" is way higher than the number of "Democrats who won't vote for Hillary."

Hence, Hillary would wipe the floor with Trump.

There are a lot of "if's" in there, and again, we are a long way from home.

Trump might not even be our nominee just like Hillary may not be yours. If there are any legal actions against her, then Sanders is your man, and that would make it even better for us since he is an admitted Socialist. Tell me Trump wouldn't have a field day with that one. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
That's pure wishful thinking.

Polls say the number of "Republicans who won't vote for Trump" is way higher than the number of "Democrats who won't vote for Hillary."

Hence, Hillary would wipe the floor with Trump.

There are a lot of "if's" in there, and again, we are a long way from home.

Trump might not even be our nominee just like Hillary may not be yours. If there are any legal actions against her, then Sanders is your man, and that would make it even better for us since he is an admitted Socialist. Tell me Trump wouldn't have a field day with that one. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

That Ray, is why I laugh at the polls that are based exclusively on personality. What is important, is what Americans say are important to them. If you look at those, Democrats are on the wrong side of virtually every issue.

We already know that there is not going to be a massive Democratic turnout for Hillary. The question is------>Can the GOPer have a massive voter turnout for them!

So far, we all would have to say a resounding yes!

And, with Hillary leading the Democrats, the phony war on women disappears, and she refuses to run on Obama's great accomplishments, while it will be easy-peezy to tie her to them.

I continue to insist, that if you look at the internals, (if you have access to them) the Democrats, with all their bluster, at this point in time, are just showing false bravado. Either the lefties on here are good actors, or they are ignorant to how perilous their situation really is.
Do you love the way Ted speaks as though what he is saying is the most important thing ever said by anybody? I do. His every sentence sounds like the climax of a children's story. He's awesome and creepy.

Go Ted!!

He is a scammer


That's pure wishful thinking.

Polls say the number of "Republicans who won't vote for Trump" is way higher than the number of "Democrats who won't vote for Hillary."

Hence, Hillary would wipe the floor with Trump.

There are a lot of "if's" in there, and again, we are a long way from home.

Trump might not even be our nominee just like Hillary may not be yours. If there are any legal actions against her, then Sanders is your man, and that would make it even better for us since he is an admitted Socialist. Tell me Trump wouldn't have a field day with that one. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

That Ray, is why I laugh at the polls that are based exclusively on personality. What is important, is what Americans say are important to them. If you look at those, Democrats are on the wrong side of virtually every issue.

We already know that there is not going to be a massive Democratic turnout for Hillary. The question is------>Can the GOPer have a massive voter turnout for them!

So far, we all would have to say a resounding yes!

And, with Hillary leading the Democrats, the phony war on women disappears, and she refuses to run on Obama's great accomplishments, while it will be easy-peezy to tie her to them.

I continue to insist, that if you look at the internals, (if you have access to them) the Democrats, with all their bluster, at this point in time, are just showing false bravado. Either the lefties on here are good actors, or they are ignorant to how perilous their situation really is.

It is unfortunate, but many of us do vote on personality. How does one dress, how does one read a teleprompter, how does one smile and so on. Many Americans use the same criteria to vote on a President as they do their favorite American Idol contestant.

Hillary doesn't have that going for her but Trump does. It's just like DumBama had it all going. People liked him (and still do) because of his personality, but his policies suck which led to the Republican leadership of Congress and Senate.

In order for Hillary to have a chance, she has to stay healthy and she has to avoid prosecution. Anything can change in several months time.
My personal observation is that most Republicans are trying hard to deflect from the train wreck that is the Republican primary. Liberals, as usual, are laughing at the clown show.

Given that the weirdass conspiracy lies about Bill backfired when the right tried them back in the 90s, I wonder what makes some of those righties believe that resurrecting those zombie lies is going to yield a different result today. If they've got to stoop that low, it shows the state of desperation that the right is in.
Are you fucking serious??

You are a class-A total scumbag, defending Clinton after he abused so many women.

You must really hate women.
I have made the following personal observations concerning Liberals over the past few days:

(1) Not nearly as many OP's from Liberals claiming Trump is finished and out of the race.

(2) Fewer responses to the few OP's concerning Hillary's run for the Presidency and her use of her office as Secretary of State to get donations to the Clinton Crime Foundation.

(3) A marked decrease in the number of Liberals who defend Bill Clinton's assaults upon women. I do credit this with the fact that many of the Liberals who defended Bill and even donated to Bill during his trying times dealing with his sexual predator sickness now have daughters of their own who are asking them how in the hell could they have ever defended such a six and depraved President.

(4) Not nearly as many Liberals are now claiming that Donald Trump doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of getting the Republican nomination.

(5) Some Liberals are now admitting grudgingly, that some Republican candidates might actually beat Hillary.

(6) Some Liberals are even admitting that Bernie Sanders makes more sense as a viable Democrat candidate.

(7) There's been no great hoopla over Bill Clinton's stumping for Hillary.

(8) There now appears to be a quiet fear among Liberals that a 2016 Presidency win for the Democrats is not nearly as certain a thing as they supposed.
I don't think Democrats are really engaged in the primaries. There're paying more attention to the Republican primary than their own. Why? Because the democratic primary is really dull compared to the republican spectacle. They just talk about issues and ideas. Trump is such a good showman the other candidates don't know what to make of him. He doesn't debate issues, he entertains. The debates are a stage for Trump to prove how political incorrect he is. When Trump is talking about the blood coming out of Megan Kelly's whatever, Jeb Bush's wife, or young beautiful pieces ass, or Mexican rapists and murders, nobody has any interest in his position on the real issues.
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I have made the following personal observations concerning Liberals over the past few days:

(1) Not nearly as many OP's from Liberals claiming Trump is finished and out of the race.

(2) Fewer responses to the few OP's concerning Hillary's run for the Presidency and her use of her office as Secretary of State to get donations to the Clinton Crime Foundation.

(3) A marked decrease in the number of Liberals who defend Bill Clinton's assaults upon women. I do credit this with the fact that many of the Liberals who defended Bill and even donated to Bill during his trying times dealing with his sexual predator sickness now have daughters of their own who are asking them how in the hell could they have ever defended such a six and depraved President.

(4) Not nearly as many Liberals are now claiming that Donald Trump doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of getting the Republican nomination.

(5) Some Liberals are now admitting grudgingly, that some Republican candidates might actually beat Hillary.

(6) Some Liberals are even admitting that Bernie Sanders makes more sense as a viable Democrat candidate.

(7) There's been no great hoopla over Bill Clinton's stumping for Hillary.

(8) There now appears to be a quiet fear among Liberals that a 2016 Presidency win for the Democrats is not nearly as certain a thing as they supposed.
I don't think Democrats are really engaged in the primaries. There're paying more attention to the Republican primary than their own. Why? Because the democratic primary is really dull compared to the republican spectacle. They just talk about issues and ideas. Trump is such a good showman the other candidates don't know what to make of him. He doesn't debate issues, he entertains. The debates are a stage for Trump to prove how political incorrect he is. When Trump is talking about the blood coming out of Megan Kelly's whatever, Jeb Bush's wife, or young beautiful pieces ass, or Mexican rapists and murders, nobody has any interest in his position on the real issues.

Yeah, kind of sounds like somebody in the White House that we know of, doesn't it?
I have made the following personal observations concerning Liberals over the past few days:

(1) Not nearly as many OP's from Liberals claiming Trump is finished and out of the race.

(2) Fewer responses to the few OP's concerning Hillary's run for the Presidency and her use of her office as Secretary of State to get donations to the Clinton Crime Foundation.

(3) A marked decrease in the number of Liberals who defend Bill Clinton's assaults upon women. I do credit this with the fact that many of the Liberals who defended Bill and even donated to Bill during his trying times dealing with his sexual predator sickness now have daughters of their own who are asking them how in the hell could they have ever defended such a six and depraved President.

(4) Not nearly as many Liberals are now claiming that Donald Trump doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of getting the Republican nomination.

(5) Some Liberals are now admitting grudgingly, that some Republican candidates might actually beat Hillary.

(6) Some Liberals are even admitting that Bernie Sanders makes more sense as a viable Democrat candidate.

(7) There's been no great hoopla over Bill Clinton's stumping for Hillary.

(8) There now appears to be a quiet fear among Liberals that a 2016 Presidency win for the Democrats is not nearly as certain a thing as they supposed.

It kind of sounds like you think all "liberals" should think alike in order to make your life easier.

No. I've been around long enough to realize most Liberals don't think.

The Moonie Times? Seriously?

So, are you a Moonie, or are you just a willing parrot for their hilarious propaganda?

What is it that intrigues you about Hillary? Her stand on UFO's?

What intrigues me is that she has discussions with dead people and Democrats are still willing to give her the keys to the red button.
Imagine if the GOP actually recognized that working people aren't scum? Thats the only thing standing in the way of victory. Instead they cater to the uber wealthy. Their stance on morals is phony as well. Leaves a lot of people with no credible choice in the next election.
Imagine if the GOP actually recognized that working people aren't scum? Thats the only thing standing in the way of victory. Instead they cater to the uber wealthy. Their stance on morals is phony as well. Leaves a lot of people with no credible choice in the next election.

Yes, we can see the Middle Class and the poor have gotten ahead by leaps and bounds under the seven years of the Obama Administration. He has really taken care of the Black folks.
Imagine if the GOP actually recognized that working people aren't scum? Thats the only thing standing in the way of victory. Instead they cater to the uber wealthy. Their stance on morals is phony as well. Leaves a lot of people with no credible choice in the next election.

They cater to the wealthy? Their last tax issue had to do with them raising taxes on the wealthy: corporate tax, personal income tax for those making over 450K a year, capital gains taxes........

So who thinks working people are scum? Obama. He's the one keeping our border open so illegals and legal immigrants can come here and take your job for less money. Why do you suppose median income has decreased during his entire two terms in this country?
And you think business doesn't want those illegals? They LOVE them. Big business is to blame big time.
And you think business doesn't want those illegals? They LOVE them. Big business is to blame big time.

Big business doesn't give them Visa's to be here--politicians do. Of course business wants cheap labor. That's why they move out of the country or get immigrants here. If you want it stopped or slowed down a bit, vote for Trump. Hillary will just make the Welcome Mat even larger.

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