Personal Quirks


Jan 29, 2011
What are yours?

I don't like my navel touched.
I don't like my food touching each other.
I talk to myself. Out loud.
I like watching ants.
I hate the feel of velvet. It's like fingernails on a blackboard to me.
I chase cats.
I chase cars.
I bay at the moon.
I chew the occasional slipper.
I shed.
-I can't stand when someone I don't know touches me unlesss she is hot.
- can't stand long fingernails on guys.
I thought guys kept one long pinkyfinger nail for better booger pickers. :lol:
When inanimate objects look like they're going to fall, I tell them to stay as though they might listen.

I read actual non-fiction books, which seems to make me minority in America.
I expect my military members to act honorably even after they allegedly retire. Apparently that makes me an oddity.
I'm sometimes conviced that the material world is out vex me.

Not the people in it, mind you, but the inanimate objects.

I'm sure most of us have had those days, right?

Everything you touch breaks or doesn't work, if you drop something it rolls someplace where its nearly impossible to retrieve, ect?
I don't like anyone's bare feet touching me, bad breath makes me literally back away, hate loud noises and uneven temps in a room, whether too hot or too cold, makes me cranky..

:lol: Always something..
I don't like anyone's bare feet touching me, bad breath makes me literally back away, hate loud noises and uneven temps in a room, whether too hot or too cold, makes me cranky..

:lol: Always something..

Hi..Me :lol:
What are yours?

I don't like my navel touched.
I don't like my food touching each other.
I talk to myself. Out loud.
I like watching ants.
I hate the feel of velvet. It's like fingernails on a blackboard to me.

You are soooooo not alone with this one! :lol:

I hate the feel of rubbery things . . . . like jello or those covers for ipods/phones, etc.

Tooth-brushing scenes in movies/tv make my throat close up, make me gag. It's GROSSSSSSSSS.

I want to smack the shit out of people who spit. One of these days I just might do it too.

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