Perspective: Democratic Party is at nearly its weakest point in a century

^ It is relevant you imbecile. It brings us right up to the most recent election. The whole point is to step back and look at the big picture, dumbfuck.

Yes, Republican voter suppression and gerrymandering has been very effective at keeping Democrats out of office. But the one thing that your article failed to show was the actually numbers of votes cast for Democrats and Republicans. Republicans have won elections with a minority of votes in every election since 2000.

What we are seeing is the results of 40 years of Republican policies and lies. But people are seeking the abject power grabs. The willingness of Republicans to kow tow to the corrupt criminal they allowed to run for President. They promised oversignt and instead, they've enabled Trump's worst impulses, even if they refused to give him money for his wall.
There are sci fi movies and shows about temporal time disturbances. I saw one where Kennedy was saved. The laws of nature killed Khruschev and the winds of war went to catastrophic. What happened to us is that Obama was at most a one termer. But the people who voted for him only saw his skin color and the guilt placed on them. The other side ran a bit scared fearful of even trying to beat him. McCain with his Bozo the clown campaign performance left a sour taste in voters mouths in 2008. Romney was obviously the better man in 2012. Somehow he went from being a smart informed superior candidate, to a special needs person with a chromosome missing the final couple of months of the campaign. Voters saw through it. But the laws of nature and the temporal time disturbance that put the world out of balance as Obama was and is extremist was an effort to put our nation as a whole back on track with the election of Trump in 2016. We have been given a second chance and a warning. But selfishness and perceived injustices with fixes run amok has a ways of ruining republics, strong nation states, and then even empires. It will be a long time before any nation with potential will be given the keys to a republic again. Even if the one we started had a flaw or two.
^ It is relevant you imbecile. It brings us right up to the most recent election. The whole point is to step back and look at the big picture, dumbfuck.

Yes, Republican voter suppression and gerrymandering has been very effective at keeping Democrats out of office. But the one thing that your article failed to show was the actually numbers of votes cast for Democrats and Republicans. Republicans have won elections with a minority of votes in every election since 2000.

What we are seeing is the results of 40 years of Republican policies and lies. But people are seeking the abject power grabs. The willingness of Republicans to kow tow to the corrupt criminal they allowed to run for President. They promised oversignt and instead, they've enabled Trump's worst impulses, even if they refused to give him money for his wall.
There are sci fi movies and shows about temporal time disturbances. I saw one where Kennedy was saved. The laws of nature killed Khruschev and the winds of war went to catastrophic. What happened to us is that Obama was at most a one termer. But the people who voted for him only saw his skin color and the guilt placed on them. The other side ran a bit scared fearful of even trying to beat him. McCain with his Bozo the clown campaign performance left a sour taste in voters mouths in 2008. Romney was obviously the better man in 2012. Somehow he went from being a smart informed superior candidate, to a special needs person with a chromosome missing the final couple of months of the campaign. Voters saw through it. But the laws of nature and the temporal time disturbance that put the world out of balance as Obama was and is extremist was an effort to put our nation as a whole back on track with the election of Trump in 2016. We have been given a second chance and a warning. But selfishness and perceived injustices with fixes run amok has a ways of ruining republics, strong nation states, and then even empires. It will be a long time before any nation with potential will be given the keys to a republic again. Even if the one we started had a flaw or two.
Obama was clearly the best candidate in 2008 and 2012

He won what was known as the majority of the vote
Something foreign to Republicans

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