Perspective of a black voter not inline w/DNC

I like this video because it is a different perspective based on the youtubers view of Malcolm X’s speeches. Which in the clips he shows, tells the black community to learn the skills and gain the means to build their own businesses to lift themselves out of poverty.

He also talks about the black leaders being the go between with the white man and getting rich off the backs of other black people. You will hear this also stated in some of the videos of the black panther leaders from the 60/70’s.

There are many conservative, independent and libertarian African Americans on YouTube. I like listening to their views on politics, entertainment...basically the culture war in general. This guy makes several good points about illegal immigrants,democratic politicians and the plight of blacks is in this country. I especially like his comments along the lines of ...democrats are more interested in putting you into a PC box than dealing with the issues in black communities. I will probably use this thread to post videos of some of my favorite African American youtubers.

Thanks. See, the Democratic Party wants all Americans to believe that blacks collectively are all the same, without individual personalities or unique personal thoughts. Despicable racism on the part of the American left, trying to lump all people of a given immutable characteristic into one faceless group which they then exploit until they're barren and spent culturally, socially, spiritually. Shame on them to the tenth power.

It’s like the man in the video said. If they can lump everyone together in the politically correct box of “ people of color” they can feel good about themselves without addressing the actual issues in the black communities.

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