Perverts, aka Satanists, want to be considered a valid religion. DeSantis says No


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023

Again, I have not finished this, but will soon. I thought others here would be interested.

Yeh, those wacky religions... All of them should be equally respected along with the ones that respect human life!


We have to accept every damn perverse thing one can think to do, including worshipping Satan! Where's that in the US Constitution?

Our nation was founded on CHRISTIAN (Judeo-Christian) principles.

I say to the Satanists: Go somewhere else... although I really want them to just go... uh... where they ultimately belong

from the site:

"Satan has no place in our society [LOL] and should not be recognized as a ‘religion’ by the federal government," DeSantis tweeted. "I'll chip in to contribute to this veteran's legal defense fund."


Good for him! It's about time politicians stood up to this insanity!

well, actually, it is past time... :(
Where's that in the US Constitution?
The Left has subborned the intent of the clear language of our Constitution. The "establishment clause" says:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
The Left has mauled this clear instruction into a war against all things Christian. They are evil and while they may prevail in taking America down, they will also pay a heavy price for their actions when they leave this world.

Again, I have not finished this, but will soon. I thought others here would be interested.

Yeh, those wacky religions... All of them should be equally respected along with the ones that respect human life!


We have to accept every damn perverse thing one can think to do, including worshipping Satan! Where's that in the US Constitution?

Our nation was founded on CHRISTIAN (Judeo-Christian) principles.

I say to the Satanists: Go somewhere else... although I really want them to just go... uh... where they ultimately belong

from the site:

"Satan has no place in our society [LOL] and should not be recognized as a ‘religion’ by the federal government," DeSantis tweeted. "I'll chip in to contribute to this veteran's legal defense fund."


Good for him! It's about time politicians stood up to this insanity!

well, actually, it is past time... :(
congress shall pass no law ....

many well established religions handle snakes or practice male genital mutilation. if the flying spagetti monster brings comfort to a few pathetic humans, it is no business of any government. `
The Left has subborned the intent of the clear language of our Constitution. The "establishment clause" says:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
The Left has mauled this clear instruction into a war against all things Christian. They are evil and while they may prevail in taking America down, they will also pay a heavy price for their actions when they leave this world.
hopefully before then, when people vote... assuming voting can be trusted (again)?
congress shall pass no law ....

many well established religions handle snakes or practice male genital mutilation. if the flying spagetti monster brings comfort to a few pathetic humans, it is no business of any government. `
Satanists believe in murdering people
the op has posted that there is no separation of church and state. this idea, that americans are free to choose any religion, as long as it is christian, would need to be stated explicitly in the document for me to believe it.
whatever religion, one must obey the LAW

you know.. the one against murder
The Founding Fathers created the concept of freedom of religion but it's doubtful if they ever envisioned satanism. The strange thing is that the crazy left gets away with depictions of anti-Christian images while relying on the ACLU to sue local governments into bankruptcy if they dare put up a Manger scene on public property. The hypocrisy is stunning but democrats ignore it.

Again, I have not finished this, but will soon. I thought others here would be interested.

Yeh, those wacky religions... All of them should be equally respected along with the ones that respect human life!


We have to accept every damn perverse thing one can think to do, including worshipping Satan! Where's that in the US Constitution?

Our nation was founded on CHRISTIAN (Judeo-Christian) principles.

I say to the Satanists: Go somewhere else... although I really want them to just go... uh... where they ultimately belong

from the site:

"Satan has no place in our society [LOL] and should not be recognized as a ‘religion’ by the federal government," DeSantis tweeted. "I'll chip in to contribute to this veteran's legal defense fund."


Good for him! It's about time politicians stood up to this insanity!

well, actually, it is past time... :(
Poh DuhSantis, has no idea what the Constitution says about it.
So DeSantis gets to pick which religions are acceptable

Did he ever hear of the Constitution?
The Constitution gives you freedom of religion, or freedom from religion.

It does not give the state freedom to preach anti-religious (irreligous propaganda,) or anti-human propaganda to children.


Just as antisemitism and other forms of bigotry need to be discouraged, given our civil rights, civil liberties, and basic form of government depend on recognizing a creator that endows our rights? This groups deserves no protection, they are a threat to our very form of government.

Our liberty is god given, it flows from natural law. . . NOT THE STATE. The founders could not be more clear on this, and the folks that founded this cult, could not be more clear, that they don't agree with this. . . thus they set themselves up as enemies of the state.

These folks are just a bunch of pinko authoritarians. If they do not stop their subversive activities? I say, throw them in GITMO.

Link to murder being condoned or accepted in the Satanist religion?
". . . They are weak, insecure, and on extremely shaky ground when you throw your curse, and they make ideal human sacrifices.”
Anton LaVey, The Satanic Bible

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