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Pesach Sameach!

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Happy Passover to all the Jewish people of USMB! May it be a joyful and peaceful holiday for you and your families!


The story of the Seder meal is most interesting! The plate in this photograph appears to be missing something. Do you know what it is? We'll look at that later. But in the original Passover meal the people were commanded (Biblical meal - See Exodus 12:8) to eat Lamb, bitter herbs and unleavened bread. Later the other elements seen in photograph were added by sages and Rabbis in gratitude and remembrance of how the LORD delivered the Hebrew people out of Egypt. The Seder meal is a wonderful story of freedom and deliverance!

Seder means order of service.

The Passover begins sundown April 3rd and ends sundown, April 11th.

Why should Christians rejoice in the Passover? Because through salvation in Jesus Christ we now have become Abraham's children. We have been adopted into the family of God, Beloved! In 1 Corinthians 5:7 we see that Christ has become our Passover.

It is written:

Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us.
Therefore let us keep the feast not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.
1 Corinthians 5:7,8
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The Seder meal which means order of service is found in the book called, "Haggadah".

Haggadah means the telling. The highlight of the meal is the telling of the story of how the LORD delivered the Hebrew people out of Egypt!


In this photograph we see the Jewish people reading the Haggadah. What they are doing is trying to place themselves in the shoes of their ancestors - the ancient Israelites - 3500 years ago. They are actually reliving the story of Exodus in remembrance of what the LORD did for them and for their people. This is very beautiful and truly pleasing to the LORD to remember the good things the LORD has done for us.

The Christian who has received their salvation in Jesus Christ also has much to thank the LORD for. Because it is through the cross that Jesus Christ fulfilled the Passover! Jesus Christ is our Passover. See 1 Corinthians 5:7.

Now today as Christians we remember what the LORD has delivered us out of. He has delivered some of us from addictions, all of us from bondage of sin. Jesus Christ delivered us from death unto life through our Salvation in Him. We have been given our freedom through Jesus Christ sacrificing his own life, his precious blood at the cross and God raising Him from the dead on the third day! Our sins have been forgiven and we have been made acceptable to God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!

John the Baptist declared who Jesus Christ is when he said,

Behold the Lamb of God!

As Christians we should celebrate our deliverance and freedom in Jesus Christ today! Jesus Christ fulfilled the Passover.

For those Believers who desire to celebrate Pesach Sameach:

Model Passover Seder Preparation List - Christ in the Passover - For Congregations - Jews for Jesus
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Come on nobody is this oblivious.
1) passover the first born, the first born Of the Egyptians must die. =Lucifer the first claimed messiah (learned his forbidden maggi and underworld teachings in Egypt) we are told to pass this imposter by as he is an idol god.
2) The lamb on passover is representing the Egyptian idol god which was a lamb, they slayed it to mock & humiliate the Egyptian idol worship in hooes of getting kicked out of Egypt=the lamb is bad not a good thing. You are saying we are saved by removing the idol god Jesus who was the sin itself not the salvation from sin. Thus removing Lucifer the first born we are saved from his sin and our sibs that worship in Lucifer Jesus brings.

First, we see the woman of the house lights the candles. As my notes are from a Rabbi who taught on the Seder and is a born again Believer in Jesus Christ this is what he says:

The woman of the house lights the candles because she sets the spiritual climate of the home. Then there is a prayer prayed in Hebrew. This is the prayer he prayed in English,

Blessed are thou, O Lord Our God, King of the Universe.... who sanctifies us with thy commandments and has commanded us to kindle the holiday lights.

The lighting of the candles is to separate the day.

I love how each act performed during the Seder has such significance. Truly the Seder meal is a very beautiful story that should be told to all believers in Jesus Christ!

To complete the setting - the leader of the Seder will have a pillow which he reclines on. The significance in the pillow is that he is stating that the Jewish people are free now. That the LORD has delivered them out of Egypt and that the pillow depicts their freedom. They have received their deliverance and they are free! Beautiful pillow, isn't it? A bed pillow can be used as well.

To the Christian I believe the significance is in the words of Jesus Christ, It is finished. Our rest in Him is truly found at the cross. (our redemption - the day we were set free - the day of our salvation in Jesus Christ ) We have been delivered from darkness and into His glorious light.

There are four cups of wine. The first cup of wine the people drink from as the following prayer is said,

Blessed art thou, O Lord Our God, who brings forth the fruit of the vine.

This is separating the holiness of the day.
Jeremiah where in the Bible does it say for a Christian like you to worship the Jews? ...... :cool:

I worship one Jew. His name is Jesus Christ and every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess (one day) that He is LORD. Including yours, Sunni man. Now respect my thread as I am not finished with the describing of the Seder meal and its importance. Thank you.

I do have an announcement -

Our beautiful red heifer had a baby bull late at night April 3rd, first night of Passover. We have given him a Hebrew name and I have to go out there and take his baby pictures so this thread is going to take a while. His father is my prize bull. A most magnificent specimen if ever I did see one. They are enjoying a most lovely day today with perfect weather. Great day for family photos.
He's not worshiping the Jews, nor a Jew.
That comment is racist by the way.
Jesus is not a Jewish character, he's an image created using many pagan deities and some biblical plagiarism as well as some martyrs in order to convert the Jews to Rome's authority and Baal worship.
The main character Rome paints this image is that of Yeshu son of Mary, and he was not Jewish because hus father was Roman soldier Panthera and his teachings was luciferous in nature and Egyptian mysticsm and underworld beliefs, as well.
He's not worshiping the Jews, nor a Jew.
That comment is racist by the way.
Jesus is not a Jewish character, he's an image created using many pagan deities and some biblical plagiarism as well as some martyrs in order to convert the Jews to Rome's authority and Baal worship.
The main character Rome paints this image is that of Yeshu son of Mary, and he was not Jewish because hus father was Roman soldier Panthera and his teachings was luciferous in nature and Egyptian mysticsm and underworld beliefs, as well.

Yes, Jesus Christ is God who came in the flesh and yes, He walked upon the earth - Yes, He is Jewish - Yes, He is from the lineage of King David - Yes, He is the one Isaiah, Malachi, Moses and the rest of the prophets prophesied about. Jesus Christ is the Messiah. Now go find another thread for your Lucifer worship and blasphemous false teachings, HaShev, because it isn't welcome here. This thread is a celebration of Passover. Show some respect.
Jeremiah where in the Bible does it say for a Christian like you to worship the Jews? ...... :cool:

I worship one Jew. His name is Jesus Christ and every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess (one day) that He is LORD. Including yours, Sunni man. Now respect my thread as I am not finished with the describing of the Seder meal and its importance. Thank you.

I do have an announcement -

Our beautiful red heifer had a baby bull late at night April 3rd, first night of Passover. We have given him a Hebrew name and I have to go out there and take his baby pictures so this thread is going to take a while. His father is my prize bull. A most magnificent specimen if ever I did see one. They are enjoying a most lovely day today with perfect weather. Great day for family photos.

Jeremiah where in the Bible does it say for a Christian like you to worship the Jews? ...... :cool:

I worship one Jew. His name is Jesus Christ and every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess (one day) that He is LORD. Including yours, Sunni man. Now respect my thread as I am not finished with the describing of the Seder meal and its importance. Thank you.

I do have an announcement -

Our beautiful red heifer had a baby bull late at night April 3rd, first night of Passover. We have given him a Hebrew name and I have to go out there and take his baby pictures so this thread is going to take a while. His father is my prize bull. A most magnificent specimen if ever I did see one. They are enjoying a most lovely day today with perfect weather. Great day for family photos.

and his own had him put to death and yet you worship them.

We begin with the appetizer - Parsley and a bowl of salt water. The Salt Water represents the tears of the children of Israel cried in Egypt.

In Judaism there are many different meanings and interpretations give to things which is why it is interesting that when Jesus was teaching, they said, this man teaches with authority not as our scribes. See Matthew 7:29

In the days of Jesus as in today's times they will say Rabbi so and so said this and Rabbi so and so taught that. But when Jesus Christ began to teach he didn't quote any other Rabbi's but rather He quoted The Word of God alone. Jesus said, Truly, truly I say unto you.

So in proceeding with the born again Rabbi's teaching on the Seder meal he makes clear that he is teaching the meaning of the Seder from the basic traditional meaning.

The parsley is to be dipped into the salt water twice and then eaten. The first time it is for Israel which was young and green - just like the parsley - it is in dipping the Parsley the first time in remembrance of the Israelites who went through the Red Sea and were delivered and the dipping of the parsley into salt water the second time is to remember the Egyptians who tried to follow them into the Red Sea and were swallowed up. After dipping twice in the salt water it is time to eat it and swallow. In remembrance of this historical event. Amen? Amen!

Note* The taste of the Parsley dipped in salt water is a very pleasant green taste reminder - it is like the pleasant young and green Israel...
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Next is the Matzah bread which is unleavened bread. The reason it is unleavened is because God told the Hebrews when you hear me call you out of Egypt I want you to obey me immediately and if you are baking bread, do not wait for it to rise but go right then - which is the significance of the unleavened bread.

It represents a reminder that the Hebrews (Israelites) left Egypt in haste.

If you examine the Matzah bread you'll notice the stripes and piercings in the bread. Many see this as a foreshadow of Christ - as a reference to Jesus Christ the Messiah in Isaiah 53:5 when he took upon himself the bruises and stripes ( beaten ) for our iniquities.....our transgressions..

The prayer of Blessing is said,

Blessed art thou, O Lord Our God, King of the Universe........who brings forth the bread from the earth.

Remember when Jesus Christ celebrated His last meal on earth with his disciples ( the Passover Meal ) and Jesus was talking about someone was going to betray him and he said, he that dips with me is the one. (See Matthew 26:23) This was most likely how they knew it was Judas- both Jesus and Judas dipped the same thing - bitter herbs or whatever was dipped.

Now the Matzah bread is taken and eaten.


Next is ground horse radish which is used for the bitter herb (separate) and a recipe for Charoset which we see pictured above - it is made with chopped apple, walnuts, honey, brown sugar and mixed all together. This recipe (Charoset) represents the mortar that the Hebrews made when they were slaves to the Egyptians under the rule of Pharoah. Now you can ask why would they make something so sweet to remind them of this hard labor they endured as slaves in Egypt! And the answer would be............according to the born again Rabbi Shneider:

Now that we are free even our hard labor has been turned into joy because we are free now and we are experiencing God's freedom!

So now it is time to take a piece of Matzah bread and dip it in the some of the Charoset which looks like this:

and then put some bitter herbs (ground horse radish)

on the matzah bread as well


and then eat it.

The Rabbi said it is really hot but really good!

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Another food in the Seder meal is the egg. The egg is the symbol of "sacrifice". What sacrifice? The sacrifices that took place in ancient Jerusalem. The Temple was destroyed in 70 A.D. by the Romans but while it was standing there was continual sacrifice for sin. How many times does a man sin? Every day. How many times does a chicken lay an egg? Every day. Therein the symbol of the egg for sacrifices.
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