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Pesach Sameach!


In the OP you were asked what was missing from that picture? It was the shank of the Lamb. Because Lamb is no longer eaten on Passover - because there is no longer a temple to do sacrifice - the shank of the Lamb - bone photographed in picture above - is a reminder of the Lamb that was sacrificed on the Passover.

The Christian can celebrate Jesus Christ who is our Passover - and our salvation in knowing that the Lamb of God whom we believe died on the Cross for our sins and God raised from the dead on the 3rd day - has redeemed us and we have passed from eternal damnation and death into eternal life - because of what Jesus Christ our Messiah - has done for us.

In a full Seder Meal there would be a place set for Elijah including the meal and the wine. The cup of Wine that is put out for Elijah is done for a significant purpose. It is to signify that before Messiah comes Elijah will come and announce the Lord's Arrival. This is written in the Book of Malachi.

Jesus Christ when asked where was his coming announced by Elijah responded, John the Baptist is Elijah if you can receive it.

The tradition of Seder is to set out the cup of wine for Elijah in hopes that he (Elijah) will come to announce the coming of the Deliverer.

To the Christian this is a celebration of knowing that the Deliverer has already come and His Name is Jesus Christ - our Messiah.

We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and His ascension to the right hand of the Father knowing that Jesus has fulfilled all the prophecies (of the Hebrew prophets) and has redeemed us with His own Blood.

It is written:

The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
John 1:29

To God be the Glory!

Pesach Sameach, everyone!
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I thought you were a Christian all this time, turns out your a Jew, who knew.
..........................^^^^ Not much of a meal.......I bet the guests go home still hungry. .. :lol: :lol:

It's the Ultimate Victory Meal. Less is More.

I rejoice in the Victory the Jews have been given by the Lord God Almighty! Israel is the apple of His eye. God never abandoned His people, Sunni man! See how wrong you've been? Now you should go and apologize to the Jews after you repent to God. Find mercy at the foot of the cross. Today is the day of Salvation. TODAY. Salvation is of the Jews - see John 4 and do not forget to be grateful towards them for the gift of salvation would not be possible without them!

See the thread Bible Verse of the Day - and read what was posted for Today! All things are working together for Good!

Verse of the Day Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
  1. For I would not, Brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits, that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.

    And so all Israel shall be saved, as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:

    For this is my covenant, unto them, when I shall take away their sins. As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes. For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.

    For as ye in times past, have not believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief.

    Even so have these also now not believed, that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy.

    For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all.

    O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!

    For who hath known the mind of the LORD? or who hath been his counseller?

    Or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed to him again? For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever.
    Romans 11:25-36
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I thought you were a Christian all this time, turns out your a Jew, who knew.

I did. So did the Word of God. Those who have received Christ are inwardly Jews. If you had read the Bible you'd know this, Penelope. See Romans 2:29
I perhaps have not realized until now that you were this envious of the Jews, Sunni man. Sounds like an issue you need to deal with before it gets the better of you. I rejoice in God's love for the Jewish people. You should too. After all, if you do not love those whom God loves - what does that say about you?
..........................^^^^ Not much of a meal.......I bet the guests go home still hungry. .. :lol: :lol:
It's the Ultimate Victory Meal. Less is More.
LOL........the Juden have you totally brain washed. ..... :cuckoo:

I am curious ----what was the theme of last Friday's
been really quite an affair-------with both Good Friday and the first nite of Passover coinciding. Try to give up a little summary of the shit
I thought you were a Christian all this time, turns out your a Jew, who knew.

I did. So did the Word of God. Those who have received Christ are inwardly Jews. If you had read the Bible you'd know this, Penelope. See Romans 2:29

Honestly, speak for yourself, God is not a Jew, nor a Christian, nor a Muslim, he has no nationality. To believe that would be like believing in aliens. There is no little Jew in me, and Yahweh was a tribal Hebrew God, and if you think the people of the OT were monotheistic , your need some bible study.
I perhaps have not realized until now that you were this envious of the Jews, Sunni man. Sounds like an issue you need to deal with before it gets the better of you. I rejoice in God's love for the Jewish people. You should too. After all, if you do not love those whom God loves - what does that say about you?
The jews broke their covenant with God and lost their status as the so called Chosen People.

Only brainwashed idiots like you Jeremiah still worship the juden as a special people. ..... :cool:
I thought you were a Christian all this time, turns out your a Jew, who knew.

I did. So did the Word of God. Those who have received Christ are inwardly Jews. If you had read the Bible you'd know this, Penelope. See Romans 2:29

Honestly, speak for yourself, God is not a Jew, nor a Christian, nor a Muslim, he has no nationality. To believe that would be like believing in aliens. There is no little Jew in me, and Yahweh was a tribal Hebrew God, and if you think the people of the OT were monotheistic , your need some bible study.

Jesus Christ is God and He most certainly is Jewish. Something you should seriously take into account when considering how viciously you have treated His brethren, Penelope. I believe it is a residual effect from the cult you came out of. Jesus Christ is the Deliverer so if you desire deliverance you need to come to Him. Not Semiramis or Nimrod or Mohammad. There is no salvation to be found in any of those names. Only the name of Jesus Christ. There is no other name by which you can be saved.
I perhaps have not realized until now that you were this envious of the Jews, Sunni man. Sounds like an issue you need to deal with before it gets the better of you. I rejoice in God's love for the Jewish people. You should too. After all, if you do not love those whom God loves - what does that say about you?
The jews broke their covenant with God and lost their status as the so called Chosen People.

Only brainwashed idiots like you Jeremiah still worship the juden as a special people. ..... :cool:

When God made His covenant with Abraham - Abraham did what was required and the rest was God's part only so it would be totally impossible for that covenant to have ever been broken, Sunni man. Had you ever seriously studied the Bible you'd know this. You'd also know that following a false prophet as you have chosen to do will take you straight to hell in the end.
I thought you were a Christian all this time, turns out your a Jew, who knew.

I did. So did the Word of God. Those who have received Christ are inwardly Jews. If you had read the Bible you'd know this, Penelope. See Romans 2:29

Honestly, speak for yourself, God is not a Jew, nor a Christian, nor a Muslim, he has no nationality. To believe that would be like believing in aliens. There is no little Jew in me, and Yahweh was a tribal Hebrew God, and if you think the people of the OT were monotheistic , your need some bible study.

the people of the "old testament" are represented in the
"old testament" -----as the players who were present in
those times-----lots of different people in the area. If
you have questions about the bible-----read it yourself and ask people who know-------you have never read it.
Your posts consist of parrotings of silly propaganda
Jesus Christ is the Deliverer so if you desire deliverance you need to come to Him. Not Semiramis or Nimrod or Mohammad. There is no salvation to be found in any of those names. Only the name of Jesus Christ. There is no other name by which you can be saved.
Jeremiah it's time to wake up, leave your cult, and acknowledge Muhammad as the last and final Prophet and worship Allah the master and creator of the universe. ..... :cool:
The Jewish people living upon the earth today are the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They are the rightful heirs who have inherited Israel and it shall not be taken from them ever again. They are in Israel to stay and soon there shall be a mass aliyah to Israel from all four corners of the earth in fulfillment of Ezekiel 37 because God always keeps His Word. God always keeps His Word! There is no such replacement theology such as the Romanists teach - Israel means Israel and the Jews mean the Jews! Israel belongs to the Jews!
Jesus Christ is the Deliverer so if you desire deliverance you need to come to Him. Not Semiramis or Nimrod or Mohammad. There is no salvation to be found in any of those names. Only the name of Jesus Christ. There is no other name by which you can be saved.
Jeremiah it's time to wake up, leave your cult, and acknowledge Muhammad as the last and final Prophet and worship Allah the master and creator of the universe. ..... :cool:

How can I acknowledge Muhammad as the last and final prophet when he wasn't even a prophet? How can I acknowledge a moon god named Allah as the master and creator of the universe when it's nothing more than a moon rock? Does giving false testimony mean nothing to you at all, Sunni man? God commands us not to have any other gods before Him. Not to bear false witness! Not to lie! God commands us not to bow down to any graven image! To have no part of pagan idolatry! What else is Islam but that? I could never convert to Islam. Impossible. It is you who should leave it and become a born again Christian. Otherwise you'll burn in hell with Mohammad when you leave this earth.
I remember when growing up and after the Seder we used to make dumb goyim jokes

That is something that Abraham would not do though. Neither would Moses. So who do you want to be like? The heathen who speak foolishly or those who were wise and glorified God by their words, deeds and actions?
How can I acknowledge Muhammad as the last and final prophet when he wasn't even a prophet? How can I acknowledge a moon god named Allah as the master and creator of the universe when it's nothing more than a moon rock? Does giving false testimony mean nothing to you at all, Sunni man? God commands us not to have any other gods before Him. Not to bear false witness! Not to lie! God commands us not to bow down to any graven image! To have no part of pagan idolatry! What else is Islam but that? I could never convert to Islam. Impossible. It is you who should leave it and become a born again Christian. Otherwise you'll burn in hell with Mohammad when you leave this earth.
Repent of your slander and lies Jeremiah or your destiny is Hell. ...... :cool:
It isn't slander when it is the truth, Sunni man. I have nothing to repent for. You are following a false prophet who today is in hell. That is precisely where Islam is going to lead you if you do not abandon it. I can make no apologies for warning you of that fact. You need to turn from this evil and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness and salvation. Today is the day of Salvation. TODAY.

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