Pete Buttigieg: America Isn’t ‘Much Of A Democracy’ Because Of That Electoral College Thing

Typical dumbass Democrat.
The 2020 Dem race is to see who can outstupid each other.



So you agree with him.

And HE's stupid. Which makes you ------------------ ?

Say, aren't you supposed to be ferreting out stories about how a freshman Congresscritter who lives three million districts away from you didn't signal for a lane change or some shit?
Someone should inform BootyJudge that we have never been a democracy. Presidential candidates should know these things.
Someone should inform BootyJudge that we have never been a democracy. Presidential candidates should know these things.

The statement "we're not much of a democracy" does not say we "have ever been" one. People who claim to read English should understand these things.
Pete Butt's 3d grade graduation picture
Someone should inform BootyJudge that we have never been a democracy. Presidential candidates should know these things.
We're a democratic republic. We also are supposed to value democracy as in the right of the people to have a say in how this country is governed. Some on the right have a clear hostility to the ideal of democracy, they are not good Americans.
Where was all this Liberal hatred for the Electoral College BEFORE the Hillary Beat Down of 2016?
I seem to recall the mantra was "We must respect election results!!" :dunno:
if only we had another Dem running for President whos name is something like "Dick Missing"
It's rather funny the left has totally forgotten before election night 2016 Hillary had a 90% chance of winning all the political and media experts were predicting she would win pointing how much of an easier path to 270 electoral votes she had no one was questioning the electoral college system until she lost.
It's rather funny the left has totally forgotten before election night 2016 Hillary had a 90% chance of winning all the political and media experts were predicting she would win pointing how much of an easier path to 270 electoral votes she had no one was questioning the electoral college system until she lost.

Where was all this Liberal hatred for the Electoral College BEFORE the Hillary Beat Down of 2016?
I seem to recall the mantra was "We must respect election results!!" :dunno:

Election results are not Electoral College results, are they Dimmo.

Criticism of the Electoral College goes back two centuries. A considerable push was made in 1969, among other times. The current National Popular Vote Compact dates back to 2005. Among others. The fact that you chose to stick your head in the sand about or during those times is irrelevant.

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