Pete Buttigieg Bitch Slaps Trumps - Accuses Trump of Dodging Military Service

Buttigieg, a military vet, says Trump pretended to be disabled to dodge the draft

Pete Buttigieg accused President Donald Trump on Thursday of exploiting his privileged upbringing to "fake a disability" during the Vietnam War so that "somebody could go to war in his place."

Buttigieg, who served in Afghanistan as a Navy intelligence officer, sought to use his own military background to draw a sharp contrast with Trump during a "Washington Post Live" interview. Pressed on whether he believed that Trump, who cited bone spurs in his heel to be exempted from the draft, had a disability, Buttigieg suggested he did not — "at least not that one."

"If you're a conscientious objector, I'd admire that," said Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana, mayor and Democratic 2020 contender. "But this is somebody who, I think it's fairly obvious to most of us, took advantage of the fact that he was the child of a multimillionaire in order to pretend to be disabled so that somebody could go to war in his place."


LOFL, Pete just called Trump a pussy!!! The gloves just came off. LOFL ...............
Even if so, at least he wasn't protesting his own country abroad like Slick Willy did...

"Mr Clinton 's week-long visit to the Soviet capital, 23 years ago, had been part of a 40-day winter holiday touring Germany and Scandinavia while a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford. But Mr Clinton 's entire student experience, evading the Vietnam draft, taking part in anti-war demonstrations in Britain...."

"Does anyone even remember that Bill Clinton was a draft dodger who went to the Soviet Union and protested against America on foreign soil?

Draft Dodging Clinton |

Sorry; the thread isn't about Clinton but thanks for the derail.
No derail....just adding relevant factual information.

Of course, speaking of Buttcake, I am sure he can provide as much evidence to back his accusation as the Democrats have been able to provide against President Trump after 3 years in their attempted failed coup attempt.


I'm confident that Mayor Pete served his country via volunteering for military service & did not run away like pussy Trump did.
Of course Buttplug volunteered. There was all that luscious mancake just waiting to be slurped.
Would Pete tell his fellow gays to stop having massive amounts of partners and spreading diseases. There are many Viet Nam type of wars. Spreading death comes in many flavors. Like making excuses to not go to Nam, we need to stop people making excuses for sexually caused medical diseases. So lets all rally around the flag and take the pain pill for old glory.
So basically you think Drumpf should get the Purple Heart for fighting against STDs.
Buttigieg, a military vet, says Trump pretended to be disabled to dodge the draft

Pete Buttigieg accused President Donald Trump on Thursday of exploiting his privileged upbringing to "fake a disability" during the Vietnam War so that "somebody could go to war in his place."

Buttigieg, who served in Afghanistan as a Navy intelligence officer, sought to use his own military background to draw a sharp contrast with Trump during a "Washington Post Live" interview. Pressed on whether he believed that Trump, who cited bone spurs in his heel to be exempted from the draft, had a disability, Buttigieg suggested he did not — "at least not that one."

"If you're a conscientious objector, I'd admire that," said Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana, mayor and Democratic 2020 contender. "But this is somebody who, I think it's fairly obvious to most of us, took advantage of the fact that he was the child of a multimillionaire in order to pretend to be disabled so that somebody could go to war in his place."


LOFL, Pete just called Trump a pussy!!! The gloves just came off. LOFL ...............

Watching the Left go after Presidents for draft avoidance or lack of Military Service is laughable. The same criers from the Left supposedly championing Military Service did not hesitate to have Military votes in the 2000 Election disqualified on a bullshit technicality. Further, elect Buttigieg and see how long it takes for him to be selling out and demonizing US Troops like Obama, Kerry, an Durbin have done; to name a few.
It's not about military service. It's about paying and lying to avoid military service during a time of war. Paying and lying does not equate wirh other ways of evading.
Buttigieg, a military vet, says Trump pretended to be disabled to dodge the draft

Pete Buttigieg accused President Donald Trump on Thursday of exploiting his privileged upbringing to "fake a disability" during the Vietnam War so that "somebody could go to war in his place."

Buttigieg, who served in Afghanistan as a Navy intelligence officer, sought to use his own military background to draw a sharp contrast with Trump during a "Washington Post Live" interview. Pressed on whether he believed that Trump, who cited bone spurs in his heel to be exempted from the draft, had a disability, Buttigieg suggested he did not — "at least not that one."

"If you're a conscientious objector, I'd admire that," said Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana, mayor and Democratic 2020 contender. "But this is somebody who, I think it's fairly obvious to most of us, took advantage of the fact that he was the child of a multimillionaire in order to pretend to be disabled so that somebody could go to war in his place."


LOFL, Pete just called Trump a pussy!!! The gloves just came off. LOFL ...............

Big fan of butt pirate peter sucker???

Basically, why are democrats trying to resurrect issues that didn't work last time? Is this a concession that democrats don't have any real issues?
Trump is financially brave for refusing to pay taxes. Needs to get a medal for that.
Buttigieg, a military vet, says Trump pretended to be disabled to dodge the draft

Pete Buttigieg accused President Donald Trump on Thursday of exploiting his privileged upbringing to "fake a disability" during the Vietnam War so that "somebody could go to war in his place."

Buttigieg, who served in Afghanistan as a Navy intelligence officer, sought to use his own military background to draw a sharp contrast with Trump during a "Washington Post Live" interview. Pressed on whether he believed that Trump, who cited bone spurs in his heel to be exempted from the draft, had a disability, Buttigieg suggested he did not — "at least not that one."

"If you're a conscientious objector, I'd admire that," said Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana, mayor and Democratic 2020 contender. "But this is somebody who, I think it's fairly obvious to most of us, took advantage of the fact that he was the child of a multimillionaire in order to pretend to be disabled so that somebody could go to war in his place."


LOFL, Pete just called Trump a pussy!!! The gloves just came off. LOFL ...............

Big fan of butt pirate peter sucker???


Buttigieg took off the gloves and KICKED 'Draft Dodger Donny' in his cowardly 'bone spur' ass. LOFL ........
Trump is financially brave for refusing to pay taxes. Needs to get a medal for that.
Not paying taxes is NOT a big thing....despite claiming he would have the smoothest transition into office ever after being elected President almost every name Barry called to be a member of his administration had NOT paid their include Lil' Timmy Tax Cheat Timmy Geithner, Obama's choice for Secretary of the TREASURY!

Buttigieg, a military vet, says Trump pretended to be disabled to dodge the draft

Pete Buttigieg accused President Donald Trump on Thursday of exploiting his privileged upbringing to "fake a disability" during the Vietnam War so that "somebody could go to war in his place."

Buttigieg, who served in Afghanistan as a Navy intelligence officer, sought to use his own military background to draw a sharp contrast with Trump during a "Washington Post Live" interview. Pressed on whether he believed that Trump, who cited bone spurs in his heel to be exempted from the draft, had a disability, Buttigieg suggested he did not — "at least not that one."

"If you're a conscientious objector, I'd admire that," said Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana, mayor and Democratic 2020 contender. "But this is somebody who, I think it's fairly obvious to most of us, took advantage of the fact that he was the child of a multimillionaire in order to pretend to be disabled so that somebody could go to war in his place."


LOFL, Pete just called Trump a pussy!!! The gloves just came off. LOFL ...............

Big fan of butt pirate peter sucker???


Buttigieg took off the gloves and KICKED 'Draft Dodger Donny' in his cowardly 'bone spur' ass. LOFL ........

Limpwristed pete'r sucker couldnt kick his own ass. You are grasping because you suffer frpm angst, ya little communist fuckwad.
Liberals hate the military, even 'closet liberal' military members....
More liberals actually serve in the military, whereas conservatives are more like President Bone Spurs here, who found every trick in the book to skip out on serving his country, in its time of need.

But keep supporting that draft dodger, shows, "good form", doesn't it?
Last edited:
More liberals actually serve in the military, whereas conservatives are more like President Bone Spurs, who found every trick in the book to skip out on service.
Yeah ,that's why Gore demanded all the absentee ballots be thrown out and a new Fla election be held during his 'hanging-chad' embarrassing loss. Stats show the majority of the military support conservatives and the majority of absentee ballots are military who historically vote Republican....but cool story, brau...

Buttigieg, a military vet, says Trump pretended to be disabled to dodge the draft

Pete Buttigieg accused President Donald Trump on Thursday of exploiting his privileged upbringing to "fake a disability" during the Vietnam War so that "somebody could go to war in his place."

Buttigieg, who served in Afghanistan as a Navy intelligence officer, sought to use his own military background to draw a sharp contrast with Trump during a "Washington Post Live" interview. Pressed on whether he believed that Trump, who cited bone spurs in his heel to be exempted from the draft, had a disability, Buttigieg suggested he did not — "at least not that one."

"If you're a conscientious objector, I'd admire that," said Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana, mayor and Democratic 2020 contender. "But this is somebody who, I think it's fairly obvious to most of us, took advantage of the fact that he was the child of a multimillionaire in order to pretend to be disabled so that somebody could go to war in his place."


LOFL, Pete just called Trump a pussy!!! The gloves just came off. LOFL ...............
Yes, having been there, you would not believe the excuses by millions. Guys became teachers to get out of the draft, which explains why Johnny can't read. The worst though is Lying DaNang Dick Blumenthal, who first used a student deferment, and when that was abolished in favor of a lottery, he went into the guard to be safe and then told voters he served in VietNam! What a worthless POS! He should be impeached before Trump!
I know several democrats who said that they could never vote for any of the 23 crazy socialists running.
So 2020 will be another classic "lesser of the evils" votes.

As far as the DNC Primary goes, it looks like a " Smartest Imbecile" choice.
Buttigieg, a military vet, says Trump pretended to be disabled to dodge the draft

Pete Buttigieg accused President Donald Trump on Thursday of exploiting his privileged upbringing to "fake a disability" during the Vietnam War so that "somebody could go to war in his place."

Buttigieg, who served in Afghanistan as a Navy intelligence officer, sought to use his own military background to draw a sharp contrast with Trump during a "Washington Post Live" interview. Pressed on whether he believed that Trump, who cited bone spurs in his heel to be exempted from the draft, had a disability, Buttigieg suggested he did not — "at least not that one."

"If you're a conscientious objector, I'd admire that," said Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana, mayor and Democratic 2020 contender. "But this is somebody who, I think it's fairly obvious to most of us, took advantage of the fact that he was the child of a multimillionaire in order to pretend to be disabled so that somebody could go to war in his place."


LOFL, Pete just called Trump a pussy!!! The gloves just came off. LOFL ...............

Watching the Left go after Presidents for draft avoidance or lack of Military Service is laughable. The same criers from the Left supposedly championing Military Service did not hesitate to have Military votes in the 2000 Election disqualified on a bullshit technicality. Further, elect Buttigieg and see how long it takes for him to be selling out and demonizing US Troops like Obama, Kerry, an Durbin have done; to name a few.
It's not about military service. It's about paying and lying to avoid military service during a time of war. Paying and lying does not equate wirh other ways of evading.

I’ll bet most of the Military could give two shits about Trump getting out of service during war. He didn’t get out of service and go to another Country and protest against the US like Clinton did. Hell, John Kerry served and came back to the US and used such rhetoric against the US soldier fighting in Vietnam that Kerry is considered a hero and honored by the Vietnamese in their museum.

Most people don’t give a shit about Trump getting out of service during Vietname. Only the Trump haters.
Yeah ,that's why Gore demanded all the absentee ballots be thrown out and a new Fla election be held during his 'hanging-chad' embarrassing loss. Stats show the majority of the military support conservatives and the majority of absentee ballots are military who historically vote Republican....but cool story, brau...

Are you cool w/having a President who skipped out on serving his country during its greatest time of need due to some BOGUS "bone spur" excuse brau?
Buttigieg, a military vet, says Trump pretended to be disabled to dodge the draft

Pete Buttigieg accused President Donald Trump on Thursday of exploiting his privileged upbringing to "fake a disability" during the Vietnam War so that "somebody could go to war in his place."

Buttigieg, who served in Afghanistan as a Navy intelligence officer, sought to use his own military background to draw a sharp contrast with Trump during a "Washington Post Live" interview. Pressed on whether he believed that Trump, who cited bone spurs in his heel to be exempted from the draft, had a disability, Buttigieg suggested he did not — "at least not that one."

"If you're a conscientious objector, I'd admire that," said Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana, mayor and Democratic 2020 contender. "But this is somebody who, I think it's fairly obvious to most of us, took advantage of the fact that he was the child of a multimillionaire in order to pretend to be disabled so that somebody could go to war in his place."


LOFL, Pete just called Trump a pussy!!! The gloves just came off. LOFL ...............
Yes, having been there, you would not believe the excuses by millions. Guys became teachers to get out of the draft, which explains why Johnny can't read. The worst though is Lying DaNang Dick Blumenthal, who first used a student deferment, and when that was abolished in favor of a lottery, he went into the guard to be safe and then told voters he served in VietNam! What a worthless POS! He should be impeached before Trump!

Sorry, thread isn't about Blumenthal but thanks for the derail.

Must be something in the USMB water today ............
As far as the DNC Primary goes, it looks like a " Smartest Imbecile" choice.
The dumbest of those imbeciles are smarter than Trump, and would be better for our country, by leaps and bounds.
Liberals hate the military, even 'closet liberal' military members....
More liberals actually serve in the military, whereas conservatives are more like President Bone Spurs here, who found every trick in the book to skip out on serving his country, in its time of need.

But keep supporting that draft dodger, shows, "good form", doesn't it?

Liberals serve in the military? That may be true if their name isn't Clinton or Obama.

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