Pete Buttigieg Bitch Slaps Trumps - Accuses Trump of Dodging Military Service

We don't forget the disrespect shown to wounded veterans Max Cleland and Tammy Duckworth and the Gold Star Parents of the late Captain Humayun Khan. Thank you Pete Buttigieg for your service to our country.

Donald tried to not serve. People like John Kerry and Al Gore did serve.
Buttigieg, a military vet, says Trump pretended to be disabled to dodge the draft

Pete Buttigieg accused President Donald Trump on Thursday of exploiting his privileged upbringing to "fake a disability" during the Vietnam War so that "somebody could go to war in his place."

Buttigieg, who served in Afghanistan as a Navy intelligence officer, sought to use his own military background to draw a sharp contrast with Trump during a "Washington Post Live" interview. Pressed on whether he believed that Trump, who cited bone spurs in his heel to be exempted from the draft, had a disability, Buttigieg suggested he did not — "at least not that one."

"If you're a conscientious objector, I'd admire that," said Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana, mayor and Democratic 2020 contender. "But this is somebody who, I think it's fairly obvious to most of us, took advantage of the fact that he was the child of a multimillionaire in order to pretend to be disabled so that somebody could go to war in his place."


LOFL, Pete just called Trump a pussy!!! The gloves just came off. LOFL ...............
Yes, having been there, you would not believe the excuses by millions. Guys became teachers to get out of the draft, which explains why Johnny can't read. The worst though is Lying DaNang Dick Blumenthal, who first used a student deferment, and when that was abolished in favor of a lottery, he went into the guard to be safe and then told voters he served in VietNam! What a worthless POS! He should be impeached before Trump!

Sorry, thread isn't about Blumenthal but thanks for the derail.

Must be something in the USMB water today ............
You are correct, but the only injustice bigger than ANYTHING Trump ever did is POS Richard Blumenthal Senator state of Connecticut. Yes, I have BDS!
Yeah ,that's why Gore demanded all the absentee ballots be thrown out and a new Fla election be held during his 'hanging-chad' embarrassing loss. Stats show the majority of the military support conservatives and the majority of absentee ballots are military who historically vote Republican....but cool story, brau...

Are you cool w/having a President who skipped out on serving his country during its greatest time of need due to some BOGUS "bone spur" excuse brau?
Uh, THAT war was not needed. That was the reason Nixon sent in the plumbers and got impeached. No good came out of it and NOBODY came out ahead in that one. Thank the guys for their service, and the less said the better. I have bad memories.
Histy is recording trump as the greatest general America has ever had, what great service to America! I’m glad he waited to serve and for FREE!
DOPE !!! Trump does NOTHING for free Even making millions as president
You said serving for free Probably took double as a tax deduction
Is he taking a check?? Yes or no ?
No but thats chump change compared to what he's coining as President
There are 2 rules republicans should understand
Rule #1 Trump does NOTHING unless it enriches himself or friends
Rule #2 Read rule #1
Reminder to everyone: I've seen this Caddo Kid spoiled punk has spewed enough ingrate hatred toward America, this punk has ZERO credibility. He spews contempt for this country just like his Obama little tin god. He's nothing but a Punk with a capital P and nothing this creep says should be taken seriously. Last Thanksgiving, this Punk was assuring me that there was NOTHING about America for which this little Punkass Bitch is thankful.
Lets see the MRI of trumps bone spurs You're calling the wrong person a punk Trump is a punkass bitch and you people got him to where he is
Reminder to everyone: I've seen this Caddo Kid spoiled punk has spewed enough ingrate hatred toward America, this punk has ZERO credibility. He spews contempt for this country just like his Obama little tin god. He's nothing but a Punk with a capital P and nothing this creep says should be taken seriously. Last Thanksgiving, this Punk was assuring me that there was NOTHING about America for which this little Punkass Bitch is thankful.
Wow. Now I'm sorry I said he was wrong. He may never come back.
We don't forget the disrespect shown to wounded veterans Max Cleland and Tammy Duckworth and the Gold Star Parents of the late Captain Humayun Khan. Thank you Pete Buttigieg for your service to our country.

Donald tried to not serve. People like John Kerry and Al Gore did serve.
Kerry and Gore lost. Military service means nothing, unless you're Eisenhower.
Reminder to everyone: I've seen this Caddo Kid spoiled punk has spewed enough ingrate hatred toward America, this punk has ZERO credibility. He spews contempt for this country just like his Obama little tin god. He's nothing but a Punk with a capital P and nothing this creep says should be taken seriously. Last Thanksgiving, this Punk was assuring me that there was NOTHING about America for which this little Punkass Bitch is thankful.
Lets see the MRI of trumps bone spurs You're calling the wrong person a punk Trump is a punkass bitch and you people got him to where he is
Who is you people, Eskimos?
We don't forget the disrespect shown to wounded veterans Max Cleland and Tammy Duckworth and the Gold Star Parents of the late Captain Humayun Khan. Thank you Pete Buttigieg for your service to our country.

Donald tried to not serve. People like John Kerry and Al Gore did serve.
Kerry and Gore lost. Military service means nothing, unless you're Eisenhower.
Or Grant, or Washington, or Harrison, or Jackson, or never mind.
Histy is recording trump as the greatest general America has ever had, what great service to America! I’m glad he waited to serve and for FREE!
DOPE !!! Trump does NOTHING for free Even making millions as president
You said serving for free Probably took double as a tax deduction
Is he taking a check?? Yes or no ?
No but thats chump change compared to what he's coining as President
In his private business? Are you against business men running for president?
Reminder to everyone: I've seen this Caddo Kid spoiled punk has spewed enough ingrate hatred toward America, this punk has ZERO credibility. He spews contempt for this country just like his Obama little tin god. He's nothing but a Punk with a capital P and nothing this creep says should be taken seriously. Last Thanksgiving, this Punk was assuring me that there was NOTHING about America for which this little Punkass Bitch is thankful.
Lets see the MRI of trumps bone spurs You're calling the wrong person a punk Trump is a punkass bitch and you people got him to where he is
Who is you people, Eskimos?
You a deplorable too?? The asses of America put this sick moron in the WH That will change in 2020
Reminder to everyone: I've seen this Caddo Kid spoiled punk has spewed enough ingrate hatred toward America, this punk has ZERO credibility. He spews contempt for this country just like his Obama little tin god. He's nothing but a Punk with a capital P and nothing this creep says should be taken seriously. Last Thanksgiving, this Punk was assuring me that there was NOTHING about America for which this little Punkass Bitch is thankful.
Lets see the MRI of trumps bone spurs You're calling the wrong person a punk Trump is a punkass bitch and you people got him to where he is
Geeeze, Ed, when you guys put up Hillary as your gal to win, the dems had to know that
it was going to be a crap shoot at best.
Clinton, Biden, Cheney, Romney got legitimate deferments and played by the rules

Trump submitted fraudulent documentation to avoid service
DOPE !!! Trump does NOTHING for free Even making millions as president
You said serving for free Probably took double as a tax deduction
Is he taking a check?? Yes or no ?
No but thats chump change compared to what he's coining as President
In his private business? Are you against business men running for president?
NO just against them making millions as a result of their presidency and that's the least of his crimes
You said serving for free Probably took double as a tax deduction
Is he taking a check?? Yes or no ?
No but thats chump change compared to what he's coining as President
In his private business? Are you against business men running for president?
NO just against them making millions as a result of their presidency and that's the least of his crimes
Oh you have TDS gotcha
Mayor Pee Wee should stick to policy, and I have not heard ANY from him, just maybe, we could, someday, etc. I don't agree with Warren, but she and Bernie have the chops to state their whats and hows. If he is going to sit at the adult table, he will have to get involved with Harris and Booker who have strong proposals. Com'on Pete, you can do better than mud slinging.
We don't forget the disrespect shown to wounded veterans Max Cleland and Tammy Duckworth and the Gold Star Parents of the late Captain Humayun Khan. Thank you Pete Buttigieg for your service to our country.

Donald tried to not serve. People like John Kerry and Al Gore did serve.
Kerry and Gore lost. Military service means nothing, unless you're Eisenhower.
Or Grant, or Washington, or Harrison, or Jackson, or never mind.
Well, yeah. They're war heroes. Gore and Kerry weren't war heroes. Kerry was a phoney.

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