Pete Buttigieg Bitch Slaps Trumps - Accuses Trump of Dodging Military Service

Clinton, Biden, Cheney, Romney got legitimate deferments and played by the rules

Trump submitted fraudulent documentation to avoid service
This doesn't matter.....It's totally acceptable for today's CRC that:

1. POWs be denigrated
2. War Criminals be pardoned
3. Lying draft dodgers be elevated
4. Real vets be made fun of

Gold Star families are mocked
We don't forget the disrespect shown to wounded veterans Max Cleland and Tammy Duckworth and the Gold Star Parents of the late Captain Humayun Khan. Thank you Pete Buttigieg for your service to our country.

Donald tried to not serve. People like John Kerry and Al Gore did serve.
Kerry and Gore lost. Military service means nothing, unless you're Eisenhower.
Or Grant, or Washington, or Harrison, or Jackson, or never mind.
Well, yeah. They're war heroes. Gore and Kerry weren't war heroes. Kerry was a phoney.
You served with him and know that by observation?
We don't forget the disrespect shown to wounded veterans Max Cleland and Tammy Duckworth and the Gold Star Parents of the late Captain Humayun Khan. Thank you Pete Buttigieg for your service to our country.

Donald tried to not serve. People like John Kerry and Al Gore did serve.
Kerry and Gore lost. Military service means nothing, unless you're Eisenhower.
Or Grant, or Washington, or Harrison, or Jackson, or never mind.
Well, yeah. They're war heroes. Gore and Kerry weren't war heroes. Kerry was a phoney.
You served with him and know that by observation?
You know, a person with average intelligence would have learned by now that I don't say things off the cuff and back up my claims. Don't you get embarrassed getting your mouth slapped every other day with the truth?
More propaganda

Talk to those who were on Kerry’s boat
Kerry and Gore lost. Military service means nothing, unless you're Eisenhower.
Or Grant, or Washington, or Harrison, or Jackson, or never mind.
Well, yeah. They're war heroes. Gore and Kerry weren't war heroes. Kerry was a phoney.
You served with him and know that by observation?
Kerry and Gore lost. Military service means nothing, unless you're Eisenhower.
Or Grant, or Washington, or Harrison, or Jackson, or never mind.
Well, yeah. They're war heroes. Gore and Kerry weren't war heroes. Kerry was a phoney.
You served with him and know that by observation?
You know, a person with average intelligence would have learned by now that I don't say things off the cuff and back up my claims. Don't you get embarrassed getting your mouth slapped every other day with the truth?
Setting the Record Straight on the Swift Boat Veterans
More propaganda

Talk to those who were on Kerry’s boat
Read the link, numb nuts. There is testimony from men that were on Kerry's boat. Man, you losers are stupid.
Buttigieg, a military vet, says Trump pretended to be disabled to dodge the draft

Pete Buttigieg accused President Donald Trump on Thursday of exploiting his privileged upbringing to "fake a disability" during the Vietnam War so that "somebody could go to war in his place."

Buttigieg, who served in Afghanistan as a Navy intelligence officer, sought to use his own military background to draw a sharp contrast with Trump during a "Washington Post Live" interview. Pressed on whether he believed that Trump, who cited bone spurs in his heel to be exempted from the draft, had a disability, Buttigieg suggested he did not — "at least not that one."

"If you're a conscientious objector, I'd admire that," said Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana, mayor and Democratic 2020 contender. "But this is somebody who, I think it's fairly obvious to most of us, took advantage of the fact that he was the child of a multimillionaire in order to pretend to be disabled so that somebody could go to war in his place."


LOFL, Pete just called Trump a pussy!!! The gloves just came off. LOFL ...............
Did he mention that Muhammed Ali didnt go either?

Sorry; the thread isn't about, "Muhammed Ali" but thanks for the derail.

Thread IS ABOUT Buttigieg calling out Trump as a draft dodger ............
So he never mentioned Ali's cowardice even once?
Buttigieg, a military vet, says Trump pretended to be disabled to dodge the draft

Pete Buttigieg accused President Donald Trump on Thursday of exploiting his privileged upbringing to "fake a disability" during the Vietnam War so that "somebody could go to war in his place."

Buttigieg, who served in Afghanistan as a Navy intelligence officer, sought to use his own military background to draw a sharp contrast with Trump during a "Washington Post Live" interview. Pressed on whether he believed that Trump, who cited bone spurs in his heel to be exempted from the draft, had a disability, Buttigieg suggested he did not — "at least not that one."

"If you're a conscientious objector, I'd admire that," said Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana, mayor and Democratic 2020 contender. "But this is somebody who, I think it's fairly obvious to most of us, took advantage of the fact that he was the child of a multimillionaire in order to pretend to be disabled so that somebody could go to war in his place."


LOFL, Pete just called Trump a pussy!!! The gloves just came off. LOFL ...............

Mr. Butt wasn't even around when President Trump received his deferment, and has not basis for knowing it was "fake".

I guess he is showing himself to be a real piece of shit, it will be interesting to see if our President responds or not.

Butt did it to get a reaction, you know. That's the whole basis, IMHO, for homosexuality. To get the attention of the adults. While kids in my generation might do something innocent like drink beer or sniff glue, taking it in the caboose is the way the later generation did it.
Buttigieg, a military vet, says Trump pretended to be disabled to dodge the draft

Pete Buttigieg accused President Donald Trump on Thursday of exploiting his privileged upbringing to "fake a disability" during the Vietnam War so that "somebody could go to war in his place."

Buttigieg, who served in Afghanistan as a Navy intelligence officer, sought to use his own military background to draw a sharp contrast with Trump during a "Washington Post Live" interview. Pressed on whether he believed that Trump, who cited bone spurs in his heel to be exempted from the draft, had a disability, Buttigieg suggested he did not — "at least not that one."

"If you're a conscientious objector, I'd admire that," said Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana, mayor and Democratic 2020 contender. "But this is somebody who, I think it's fairly obvious to most of us, took advantage of the fact that he was the child of a multimillionaire in order to pretend to be disabled so that somebody could go to war in his place."


LOFL, Pete just called Trump a pussy!!! The gloves just came off. LOFL ...............
Did he mention that Muhammed Ali didnt go either?

Sorry; the thread isn't about, "Muhammed Ali" but thanks for the derail.

Thread IS ABOUT Buttigieg calling out Trump as a draft dodger ............
And in any case, Muhammad Ali was a conscientious objector, while Trump never had a conscience or morals.
I think its cute how you came up with a friendlier word for "coward". :laugh:
Or Grant, or Washington, or Harrison, or Jackson, or never mind.
Well, yeah. They're war heroes. Gore and Kerry weren't war heroes. Kerry was a phoney.
You served with him and know that by observation?
Or Grant, or Washington, or Harrison, or Jackson, or never mind.
Well, yeah. They're war heroes. Gore and Kerry weren't war heroes. Kerry was a phoney.
You served with him and know that by observation?
You know, a person with average intelligence would have learned by now that I don't say things off the cuff and back up my claims. Don't you get embarrassed getting your mouth slapped every other day with the truth?
Setting the Record Straight on the Swift Boat Veterans
More propaganda

Talk to those who were on Kerry’s boat
Read the link, numb nuts. There is testimony from men that were on Kerry's boat. Man, you losers are stupid.
They were not serving WITH might want to look again. If I serve on a boat in '72 but Kerry was there in '70......I'm not really serving WITH him. Savvy?
If Buttplug has a husband, does that mean his title if he wins would be Madam President?
Clinton, Biden, Cheney, Romney got legitimate deferments and played by the rules

Trump submitted fraudulent documentation to avoid service
This doesn't matter.....It's totally acceptable for today's CRC that:

1. POWs be denigrated
2. War Criminals be pardoned
3. Lying draft dodgers be elevated
4. Real vets be made fun of
We have different definitions of what constitutes a war criminal. You sick jackasses would classify Washington and Lincoln as war criminals.
Lincoln is my hero He just didn't go far enough
Reminder to everyone: I've seen this Caddo Kid spoiled punk has spewed enough ingrate hatred toward America, this punk has ZERO credibility. He spews contempt for this country just like his Obama little tin god. He's nothing but a Punk with a capital P and nothing this creep says should be taken seriously. Last Thanksgiving, this Punk was assuring me that there was NOTHING about America for which this little Punkass Bitch is thankful.
Lets see the MRI of trumps bone spurs You're calling the wrong person a punk Trump is a punkass bitch and you people got him to where he is
Who is you people, Eskimos?
You a deplorable too?? The asses of America put this sick moron in the WH That will change in 2020

The asses of America put this sick moron in the WH

YOU voted for him?
Look in the mirror will
Reminder to everyone: I've seen this Caddo Kid spoiled punk has spewed enough ingrate hatred toward America, this punk has ZERO credibility. He spews contempt for this country just like his Obama little tin god. He's nothing but a Punk with a capital P and nothing this creep says should be taken seriously. Last Thanksgiving, this Punk was assuring me that there was NOTHING about America for which this little Punkass Bitch is thankful.
Lets see the MRI of trumps bone spurs You're calling the wrong person a punk Trump is a punkass bitch and you people got him to where he is
Who is you people, Eskimos?
You a deplorable too?? The asses of America put this sick moron in the WH That will change in 2020

The asses of America put this sick moron in the WH

YOU voted for him?
Look in the mirror will

Bud, I didn't put him in office.

The idiots that backed Hillary put him in office.

They should have nominated someone else.

ANYONE else.

At least they would have had a chance.
Lets see the MRI of trumps bone spurs You're calling the wrong person a punk Trump is a punkass bitch and you people got him to where he is
Who is you people, Eskimos?
You a deplorable too?? The asses of America put this sick moron in the WH That will change in 2020
No an Eskimo-I just told you that! And your tone is offensive!
Sorry Mr 3rd Don't mean to rattle your cage But when speaking of this moron in our WH it's hard to avoid being offensive There's so much to be offensive about
I wonder, will some poster do the same to the Democrat in the WH after the 2020 election.
If it calls for it Go for it As long as they don't make up shit like they did with Hillary There is none made up about Trump His filth is there for all to see
Buttigieg, a military vet, says Trump pretended to be disabled to dodge the draft

Pete Buttigieg accused President Donald Trump on Thursday of exploiting his privileged upbringing to "fake a disability" during the Vietnam War so that "somebody could go to war in his place."

Buttigieg, who served in Afghanistan as a Navy intelligence officer, sought to use his own military background to draw a sharp contrast with Trump during a "Washington Post Live" interview. Pressed on whether he believed that Trump, who cited bone spurs in his heel to be exempted from the draft, had a disability, Buttigieg suggested he did not — "at least not that one."

"If you're a conscientious objector, I'd admire that," said Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana, mayor and Democratic 2020 contender. "But this is somebody who, I think it's fairly obvious to most of us, took advantage of the fact that he was the child of a multimillionaire in order to pretend to be disabled so that somebody could go to war in his place."


LOFL, Pete just called Trump a pussy!!! The gloves just came off. LOFL ...............
Even if so, at least he wasn't protesting his own country abroad like Slick Willy did...

"Mr Clinton 's week-long visit to the Soviet capital, 23 years ago, had been part of a 40-day winter holiday touring Germany and Scandinavia while a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford. But Mr Clinton 's entire student experience, evading the Vietnam draft, taking part in anti-war demonstrations in Britain...."

"Does anyone even remember that Bill Clinton was a draft dodger who went to the Soviet Union and protested against America on foreign soil?

Draft Dodging Clinton |

Sorry; the thread isn't about Clinton but thanks for the derail.
No derail....just adding relevant factual information.

Of course, speaking of Buttcake, I am sure he can provide as much evidence to back his accusation as the Democrats have been able to provide against President Trump after 3 years in their attempted failed coup attempt.


I'm confident that Mayor Pete served his country via volunteering for military service & did not run away like pussy Trump did.
I'm confident that Benedict Arnold served his country via volunteering for military service and did not run away.

Buttigieg has the gratitude of the American citizen for the blank check he wrote to his country. That does not give him the authority to use that position as a means of browbeating those who did not serve.

Is that the kind of President you want?

Knock yourself out. He is to radical to get My vote.
Lets see the MRI of trumps bone spurs You're calling the wrong person a punk Trump is a punkass bitch and you people got him to where he is
Who is you people, Eskimos?
You a deplorable too?? The asses of America put this sick moron in the WH That will change in 2020

The asses of America put this sick moron in the WH

YOU voted for him?
Look in the mirror will

Bud, I didn't put him in office.

The idiots that backed Hillary put him in office.

They should have nominated someone else.

ANYONE else.

At least they would have had a chance.
Will I just don't believe hill was as awful as repubs made her out to be Far less
Buttigieg, a military vet, says Trump pretended to be disabled to dodge the draft

Pete Buttigieg accused President Donald Trump on Thursday of exploiting his privileged upbringing to "fake a disability" during the Vietnam War so that "somebody could go to war in his place."

Buttigieg, who served in Afghanistan as a Navy intelligence officer, sought to use his own military background to draw a sharp contrast with Trump during a "Washington Post Live" interview. Pressed on whether he believed that Trump, who cited bone spurs in his heel to be exempted from the draft, had a disability, Buttigieg suggested he did not — "at least not that one."

"If you're a conscientious objector, I'd admire that," said Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana, mayor and Democratic 2020 contender. "But this is somebody who, I think it's fairly obvious to most of us, took advantage of the fact that he was the child of a multimillionaire in order to pretend to be disabled so that somebody could go to war in his place."


LOFL, Pete just called Trump a pussy!!! The gloves just came off. LOFL ...............
Even if so, at least he wasn't protesting his own country abroad like Slick Willy did...

"Mr Clinton 's week-long visit to the Soviet capital, 23 years ago, had been part of a 40-day winter holiday touring Germany and Scandinavia while a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford. But Mr Clinton 's entire student experience, evading the Vietnam draft, taking part in anti-war demonstrations in Britain...."

"Does anyone even remember that Bill Clinton was a draft dodger who went to the Soviet Union and protested against America on foreign soil?

Draft Dodging Clinton |

Sorry; the thread isn't about Clinton but thanks for the derail.
No derail....just adding relevant factual information.

Of course, speaking of Buttcake, I am sure he can provide as much evidence to back his accusation as the Democrats have been able to provide against President Trump after 3 years in their attempted failed coup attempt.


I'm confident that Mayor Pete served his country via volunteering for military service & did not run away like pussy Trump did.
I'm confident that Benedict Arnold served his country via volunteering for military service and did not run away.

Buttigieg has the gratitude of the American citizen for the blank check he wrote to his country. That does not give him the authority to use that position as a means of browbeating those who did not serve.

Is that the kind of President you want?

Knock yourself out. He is to radical to get My vote.
He won't get mine He has no chance BUT I'm sick and tired of what's in our WH now I hate him representing the country I love
Even if so, at least he wasn't protesting his own country abroad like Slick Willy did...

"Mr Clinton 's week-long visit to the Soviet capital, 23 years ago, had been part of a 40-day winter holiday touring Germany and Scandinavia while a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford. But Mr Clinton 's entire student experience, evading the Vietnam draft, taking part in anti-war demonstrations in Britain...."

"Does anyone even remember that Bill Clinton was a draft dodger who went to the Soviet Union and protested against America on foreign soil?

Draft Dodging Clinton |

Sorry; the thread isn't about Clinton but thanks for the derail.
No derail....just adding relevant factual information.

Of course, speaking of Buttcake, I am sure he can provide as much evidence to back his accusation as the Democrats have been able to provide against President Trump after 3 years in their attempted failed coup attempt.


I'm confident that Mayor Pete served his country via volunteering for military service & did not run away like pussy Trump did.
I'm confident that Benedict Arnold served his country via volunteering for military service and did not run away.

Buttigieg has the gratitude of the American citizen for the blank check he wrote to his country. That does not give him the authority to use that position as a means of browbeating those who did not serve.

Is that the kind of President you want?

Knock yourself out. He is to radical to get My vote.
He won't get mine He has no chance BUT I'm sick and tired of what's in our WH now I hate him representing the country I love
Two things.

I too, dislike the person in the office when Obama was there, but I didn't act like morons and undisciplined children who hit/or kill people when they don't get their way.

The other thing is you don't love this country.
Or Grant, or Washington, or Harrison, or Jackson, or never mind.
Well, yeah. They're war heroes. Gore and Kerry weren't war heroes. Kerry was a phoney.
You served with him and know that by observation?
Or Grant, or Washington, or Harrison, or Jackson, or never mind.
Well, yeah. They're war heroes. Gore and Kerry weren't war heroes. Kerry was a phoney.
You served with him and know that by observation?
You know, a person with average intelligence would have learned by now that I don't say things off the cuff and back up my claims. Don't you get embarrassed getting your mouth slapped every other day with the truth?
Setting the Record Straight on the Swift Boat Veterans
More propaganda

Talk to those who were on Kerry’s boat
Read the link, numb nuts. There is testimony from men that were on Kerry's boat. Man, you losers are stupid.
No, there isn't. Your reading comprehension sucks.

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