Peter King R NY is a whiney pussy

Every time a camera is in front of him he's bitching and whining about this Republican or that Republican. The man can't articulate a point without pointing at someone else be they right or left.

He was upset about the shutdown and near default but I don't know that I'd call it bitching and whining. Maybe more trying to make better decisions for himself now that he knows for sure leadership is incapable of making good decisions.
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Every time a camera is in front of him he's bitching and whining about this Republican or that Republican. The man can't articulate a point without pointing at someone else be they right or left.

He was upset about the shutdown and near default but I don't know that I'd call it bitching and whining. Maybe more trying to make better decisions for himself now that he knows for sure leadership is incapable of making good decisions.

Please explain to me how mocking others CONSTANTLY makes him a better person?

Harry Reid has done more damage than any junior Republicans have yet King doesn't seem to possess the balls to confront the problems in his own house but would rather rant like a whiney little bitching about a house he's not a part of.
"Please explain to me how mocking others CONSTANTLY" is going to help the far right fringe get their way.
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Apparently Peter King thinks he's still in grammar school and that his verbal bullying actually makes him look good.

I think it makes him look immature and foolish. He is an embarrassment to the position he holds.
He is a whiney little fuck....
[ame=]Peter King whines about "obscene" phone calls from Ted Cruz supporters - YouTube[/ame]
Every time a camera is in front of him he's bitching and whining about this Republican or that Republican. The man can't articulate a point without pointing at someone else be they right or left.

He was upset about the shutdown and near default but I don't know that I'd call it bitching and whining. Maybe more trying to make better decisions for himself now that he knows for sure leadership is incapable of making good decisions.

Please explain to me how mocking others CONSTANTLY makes him a better person?

Harry Reid has done more damage than any junior Republicans have yet King doesn't seem to possess the balls to confront the problems in his own house but would rather rant like a whiney little bitching about a house he's not a part of.


House republicans are solely responsible for the credit downgrade, sequester, and government shutdown – all of which hinder economic recovery.

King is correct in that the shutdown was a disaster for the GOP.

Otherwise, the only whining is coming from the OP.
Every time a camera is in front of him he's bitching and whining about this Republican or that Republican. The man can't articulate a point without pointing at someone else be they right or left.

He was upset about the shutdown and near default but I don't know that I'd call it bitching and whining. Maybe more trying to make better decisions for himself now that he knows for sure leadership is incapable of making good decisions.

Please explain to me how mocking others CONSTANTLY makes him a better person?

Harry Reid has done more damage than any junior Republicans have yet King doesn't seem to possess the balls to confront the problems in his own house but would rather rant like a whiney little bitching about a house he's not a part of.

What exactly did he say that prompted this thread? Was he on a Sunday show, I didn't get to watch any of them this morning.
He was upset about the shutdown and near default but I don't know that I'd call it bitching and whining. Maybe more trying to make better decisions for himself now that he knows for sure leadership is incapable of making good decisions.

Please explain to me how mocking others CONSTANTLY makes him a better person?

Harry Reid has done more damage than any junior Republicans have yet King doesn't seem to possess the balls to confront the problems in his own house but would rather rant like a whiney little bitching about a house he's not a part of.


House republicans are solely responsible for the credit downgrade, sequester, and government shutdown – all of which hinder economic recovery.

King is correct in that the shutdown was a disaster for the GOP.

Otherwise, the only whining is coming from the OP.

Nonsense eh?

Well that completely debunks my thread. Thanks for the deep insight.
New Yorker, gramps. The state is crawling with sodomizers. If they're so disoriented they don't even know what hole it belongs in, how can you ever expect a one of them to think clearly and rationally about the state and the fate of the nation?
You can even somehow sense or smell the craziness and disorientation in the air as you get closer to NYC. Same with Boston. Almost as if its coming up out of the ground. Mebbe its one of the aggregates they use in the concrete that's poisoning the air.
If you crowd laboratory rats, ie their living conditions, they suddenly begin dying spontaneously for no apparent or discernible reasons.
Funny when King said similar things about Obama he was a Republican troll. Now that he's talking about his own party he's a genius.

Go figure
New Yorker, gramps. The state is crawling with sodomizers. If they're so disoriented they don't even know what hole it belongs in, how can you ever expect a one of them to think clearly and rationally about the state and the fate of the nation?
You can even somehow sense or smell the craziness and disorientation in the air as you get closer to NYC. Same with Boston. Almost as if its coming up out of the ground. Mebbe its one of the aggregates they use in the concrete that's poisoning the air.
If you crowd laboratory rats, ie their living conditions, they suddenly begin dying spontaneously for no apparent or discernible reasons.

"Please explain to me how mocking others CONSTANTLY" is going to help the far right fringe get their way.

Feel free to link me to proof of Rand Paul or Ted Cruz mocking others.

Nope, you don't get "just once more" when we aware Cruz, Paul, you, and the other far right fringe losers do it all the time.

The other 80% of America despises you folks. Rightfully so.
"Please explain to me how mocking others CONSTANTLY" is going to help the far right fringe get their way.

Feel free to link me to proof of Rand Paul or Ted Cruz mocking others.

Nope, you don't get "just once more" when we aware Cruz, Paul, you, and the other far right fringe losers do it all the time.

The other 80% of America despises you folks. Rightfully so.

What a surprise, fake Jake got natta
The GOP needs to be attractive to more than white gomers in the ex-slave states, you buffoon. This means being more moderate, and liberal, than the low born Dixiecrats of the GOP would like them to be. Get past it.
Every time a camera is in front of him he's bitching and whining about this Republican or that Republican. The man can't articulate a point without pointing at someone else be they right or left.

Maybe you should think about the way you are articulating a point. It's worse than whiny.

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