Peter Rabbit is an Allergy Bully now

It is kind of crazy ... Kids remember what they see sometimes.

When a friend of theirs falls out on the playground in shock ... They might actually recognize the symptoms and get help.
If a teacher or aid comes to the scene ... They may get the idea an Epi-Pen would be a good idea.

Critical response time could be reduced simply by familiarity.
Of course you would have to try and find a benefit in children being exposed to life situations ...
Instead of teaching them to be offended by everything they come across.

My sister had epilepsy ... And would pass out.
Recognizing the symptoms of an oncoming seizure ... And throwing my body between her head and the floor in a split second was critical at times.
We need to stop teaching children to be helpless and scared.

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We need to stop teaching children to be helpless and scared.
We're going in exactly the opposite direction, all the way through college.

And as you can see on this thread, some are just fine with that.
Let them be offended. The more outrage they show at any perceived infraction only shows the depths of mental illness these tards display every day.
Its a freaking cartoon bunny and the movie looks like crap regardless.
As rightwinger stated, Bugs Bunny did way worse, including turning Fudds shotgun back against him.
Never heard a cry about irresponsible gun ownership at the time because sane people knew it was a GODDAMN TOON.
Complaining about a cartoon character will not change their situation.
I agree with those complaining. Stabbing yourself with an epi pen is not fun. Plus, you have to call 911 or take yourself to the hospital IMMEDIATELY after doing so. And..some girls in school recently did the same thing to another girl they didn't like. She was allergic to nuts, so they rubbed some all over their hands then touched her on her face, arms, etc pretending to be nice. Girl almost died.
Shit is NOT funny and shame on the producers and directors for not informing themselves BEFORE putting that scene in

I am torn on this. On one hand I disagree with the over-sensitive PC atmosphere they is destroying the west and allowing Islam to continue it’s soft invasion. On the other hand food allergies can be very dangerous. A friend of mine in grammar school in the died because he ate peanuts. It is scary.

However I do believe the calls to boycott are over-reactions.

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Mac has been triggered again. He thinks the world is coming to an end because some people got pissed at a movie scene.
Yet another beautiful example of one of the Regressive Left's favorite tactics: Isolation.

Step One: Ignore and avoid the obvious point that one story is just a small part of a much larger, more important story.

Step Two: Then isolate that point in a transparent effort to minimize and avoid it. Toss in some hyperbole to make it worse.

Step Three: Pivot to an attack on the person who brought up the story.

These are nasty, dishonest, illiberal people. But fortunately they're more than willing self-identify for me.
Mac1958 is identifying the class regressive far right RushLimbaugh adaption of the Alinsky Rules of isolation.

The regressive right and the crazy far left are simply dooshes.
As I said, they're more than willing to self-identify for me.

And then, bing, right on cue, just a few minutes later.

Thanks again.
Indeed, you identify yourself as the regressive far right Peter Rabbit.

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