Petition for Treason Charges against Republicans online

And yet none of you can explain how the letter is treason. And you all ignore the fact that Congress is exempt from the Logan act. All you have done is force the President to defend Republicans and that is truly Hilarious.
Article III section 3 Treason......

1: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Constitution for the United States - We the People

Be specific and point out how this letter equals treason. You all claim it is provide us with context in regards the actual conditions that make something treason.

Ted Kennedy Goes Behind Ronald Reagan s Back to the KGB Capitol Commentary

And then there was Kennedy, im sure that wouldnt be called treason though
i was waiting for this. So this is no different than Kennedy, but when we compare Obama to the countless things he has done that Reagan has done. you people throw a hissy fit and say its nothing like that, and you cry about abuse of power, being a tyrant, dictator, and acts of treason.

This is why your opinions are worthless.

The one throwing a hissy fit is you. Telling people on this board that they dont have a voice, because you dont agree with them? Reagan worked with Congress, Obama goes around Congress. Dont compare them. Obama pretends Congress doesnt exist so they have to act on there own.
Article III section 3 Treason......

1: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Constitution for the United States - We the People

Be specific and point out how this letter equals treason. You all claim it is provide us with context in regards the actual conditions that make something treason.

Ted Kennedy Goes Behind Ronald Reagan s Back to the KGB Capitol Commentary

And then there was Kennedy, im sure that wouldnt be called treason though
i was waiting for this. So this is no different than Kennedy, but when we compare Obama to the countless things he has done that Reagan has done. you people throw a hissy fit and say its nothing like that, and you cry about abuse of power, being a tyrant, dictator, and acts of treason.

This is why your opinions are worthless.

The one throwing a hissy fit is you. Telling people on this board that they dont have a voice, because you dont agree with them? Reagan worked with Congress, Obama goes around Congress. Dont compare them. Obama pretends Congress doesnt exist so they have to act on there own.
Iran Contra was all about Reagan ignoring Congress and conducting negotiations and weapons deals with Iran while he conducted a war in secret that was specifically forbidden by Congress. People in his administration were indicted for their activities. By the time it was over a record number of his highest officials needed pardons. It made his administration the most corrupt administration in history if the criteria for most indictments, convictions and pardons are used to determine the most corrupt administration.
Article III section 3 Treason......

1: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Constitution for the United States - We the People

Be specific and point out how this letter equals treason. You all claim it is provide us with context in regards the actual conditions that make something treason.

Ted Kennedy Goes Behind Ronald Reagan s Back to the KGB Capitol Commentary

And then there was Kennedy, im sure that wouldnt be called treason though
i was waiting for this. So this is no different than Kennedy, but when we compare Obama to the countless things he has done that Reagan has done. you people throw a hissy fit and say its nothing like that, and you cry about abuse of power, being a tyrant, dictator, and acts of treason.

This is why your opinions are worthless.

The one throwing a hissy fit is you. Telling people on this board that they dont have a voice, because you dont agree with them? Reagan worked with Congress, Obama goes around Congress. Dont compare them. Obama pretends Congress doesnt exist so they have to act on there own.
Iran Contra was all about Reagan ignoring Congress and conducting negotiations and weapons deals with Iran while he conducted a war in secret that was specifically forbidden by Congress. People in his administration were indicted for their activities. By the time it was over a record number of his highest officials needed pardons. It made his administration the most corrupt administration in history if the criteria for most indictments, convictions and pardons are used to determine the most corrupt administration.

Oh Puhleeze. Obama does worse things every day, and he does them in broad daylight. The difference he that he gets away with them because the press protects him and the spineless Republican refuse to do anything about it.
ROFLMAO....good luck with your silly petition.

Laws are funny. 'Murica

You mean laws that are never used, if they were Fonda and Kerry would have gone to jail for going to N. Vietnam and Palousey would be in jail for going to Syria. OH! Let's not forget prince harrys treasonous speech "the serge has failed, the war is lost". But hey, keep it up, everyone needs a good laugh once in a while.
obama ignores the Constitution = no petition
reps show respect for our allies = sedition and an internet petition

you fucking leftist really have reached a low I didn't think possible.

bravo, I'm actually shocked by your degenerate behavior. It's the first time in 3 years.
The Letter was absolutely not Treason, unless Obama has a problem with Congress ratifying an Agreement. The letter simply informs how our government is supposed to work. It explains that an executive agreement is not binding. OK so the other question here is what the fuck is the rush,
to give Iran nuclear weapon capabilities? How is this somehow a loss for the interests of the US, that Obama doesnt lift sanctions enabling them to do so? We can wait longer than Iran, we dont need antyhing from them but they do from us.
You can get 500,000, it won't go anywhere. LOL This is a hoot
At 100K they have to respond, which is the point.

The point is they say they got it?
Yep, but when the heat is on your enemy, turn it up.

They are United States Senators and Representatives legally voted into office by United States citizens. They are not your enemy.

By the way they nearly always act outside of the best interest of ordinary Americans, how can you tell?

It has been my experience that the phrase "act outside the best interest of ordinary Americans" can almost always be translated to "did something I didn't agree with" no matter which side of the political spectrum it comes from.
There are times when the word “treason” is thrown around lightly. This is not one of those times. And while it may meet the legal definition of ‘sedition’ more than ‘treason,’ Republicans have consistently been trying to usurp President Obama’s authority by derailing negotiations with Iran. Though their invitation to Netanyahu doesn’t equate to treason, their directly contacting Iran’s leaders to stop the peace process violates federal law. And Americans aren’t taking it any longer.

When Republicans invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to Congress, without even consulting the White House, it became obvious that they were trying to override the President’s authority. Netanyahu and the Republicans’ main goal in doing this was to hinder the negotiations process with Iran, which could prevent an all out war that would engulf the entirety of the Middle East.

The move was undoubtedly shady, but it wasn’t all that surprising. The real kicker happened when, as we reported, 47 Republicans in the Senate wrote a threatening letter to the leaders of Iran informing them that any deal reached with the President would be null and void if a Republican were ever to enter the White House. Also very disturbing is the fact that Tom Cotton, the freshman Republican senator from Arkansas who organized the letter announced he will be attending a major gathering of lobbyists for weapons contractors on Tuesday, where he will speak off the record. Pissed off yet? You and millions of others.

Even the most staunch Republican cannot deny that directly contacting Iran, in an effort to derail the President’s authority, is downright shady and unethical. Unfortunately for those 47 Republicans in Congress, it’s also treasonous.

As it turns out, The Logan Act is a federal law, signed in 1799 and last amended in 1994, which prevents unauthorized citizens from communicating with foreign governments for a variety of reasons. The text of the law is as follows:

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply himself, or his agent, to any foreign government, or the agents thereof, for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.”

This means that Republicans outright violated federal law in an effort to usurp President Obama’s authority. They were in no way authorized to communicate with the leaders of Iran. Punishment under this law is a maximum of three years in prison.

Americans recognize this, and so a petition was created on the White House website to file charges against the 47 Senators who violated the law. As of this writing, hundreds of signatures were being added every few minutes.

The White House petition website works in a way that, when a petition reaches 100,000 signatures, the White House has to issue a response. The Republicans have undoubtedly overstepped their authority and engaged in undeniable treason, and it’s time that they were held accountable. Note: There appears to be a glitch on the White House petition page which has frozen the number of signatures. Rest assured that the tally is much higher than it is showing.

Sign the petition here: File charges against the 47 U.S. Senators in violation of The Logan Act in attempting to undermine a nuclear agreement. We the People Your Voice in Our Government

The petition needed 100,000 sigs by April 8th. Its up to 112,000 already :rock:

So? You got it up to 0.036% of the population. Quite the mandate.
The Letter was absolutely not Treason, unless Obama has a problem with Congress ratifying an Agreement. The letter simply informs how our government is supposed to work. It explains that an executive agreement is not binding. OK so the other question here is what the fuck is the rush,
to give Iran nuclear weapon capabilities? How is this somehow a loss for the interests of the US, that Obama doesnt lift sanctions enabling them to do so? We can wait longer than Iran, we dont need antyhing from them but they do from us.

Actually, a presidential agreement would be binding. The Senate has to give its advice and consent on treaties, not every agreement.
Actually, a presidential agreement would be binding. The Senate has to give its advice and consent on treaties, not every agreement.

That is very true. An Executive Agreement IS legal and binding.

Kinda like the VAST majority of SOFA's (Status Of Forces Agreement) are Executive Agreements and are also legal and binding.

But the Lying Cocksucker in Chief chose not to bother with one in Iraq, and now we have ISIS.

But the thing is, the next President can disregard or revoke any prior Executive Agreement. Not so with a Treaty.

All Congress was doing telling Iran that Constitutional Fact. One which they weren't aware of.

As to breaking the Law? Stupidity.

Only scum of the earth dimocraps are that stupid. And that's why I call them scum of the earth -- They are.

Had they been SECRET negotiations between an American and a Foreing Government, THAT would be illegal.... Like When the scumbag motherfucker Teddy Kennedy tried to get the Soviet Union to interfere in our 1984 Presidential Election on the side of dimocrap filth

Ted Kennedy Secretly Asked The Soviets To Intervene In 1984 Elections


THAT would be TREASON. And he should have been Charged and Tried for it.

But, if we did that, we'd have to Charge and Try almost every dimocrap scumbag in the Country for Treason......

Now that I think about it.......

dimocraps are the scum of the earth

Actually, a presidential agreement would be binding. The Senate has to give its advice and consent on treaties, not every agreement.

That is very true. An Executive Agreement IS legal and binding.

Kinda like the VAST majority of SOFA's (Status Of Forces Agreement) are Executive Agreements and are also legal and binding.

But the Lying Cocksucker in Chief chose not to bother with one in Iraq, and now we have ISIS.

But the thing is, the next President can disregard or revoke any prior Executive Agreement. Not so with a Treaty.

All Congress was doing telling Iran that Constitutional Fact. One which they weren't aware of.

As to breaking the Law? Stupidity.

Only scum of the earth dimocraps are that stupid. And that's why I call them scum of the earth -- They are.

Had they been SECRET negotiations between an American and a Foreing Government, THAT would be illegal.... Like When the scumbag motherfucker Teddy Kennedy tried to get the Soviet Union to interfere in our 1984 Presidential Election on the side of dimocrap filth

Ted Kennedy Secretly Asked The Soviets To Intervene In 1984 Elections


THAT would be TREASON. And he should have been Charged and Tried for it.

But, if we did that, we'd have to Charge and Try almost every dimocrap scumbag in the Country for Treason......

Now that I think about it.......

dimocraps are the scum of the earth


No. that was not treason. Not even vaguely. RetiredGySgt has been pointing this out and rightly so. Underhanded perhaps. Ethically questionable certainly. Treasonable? Not even close. People really do need to read the Constitution.

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